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  • if Baldock signs it will be permanent

    really, a loan seems much more likely surely?

  • If Baldock signs, we'll not be getting Craig Mackail-Smith. FACT.
  • if Baldock signs it will be permanent

    really, a loan seems much more likely surely?

    I understand the fee is sorted it's just agreeing terms

  • edited July 2012
    I would say a loan makes more sense as they have only had him for a season.

  • Swisdom said:

    if Baldock signs it will be permanent

    really, a loan seems much more likely surely?

    I understand the fee is sorted it's just agreeing terms

    interesting, source? not the moose I hope ;)
  • I would say a loan makes more sense as they have only had him for a season.

    I agree, I'm sure WH don't want to be negative, but loaning him out for the season makes sense. They could see how he does and then sell him next summer if they stay up, and keep him if they come down.

  • Reckon we'd sell quite a few extra ST's if Baldock signed. It would be seen as a real sign of intent by the club
  • edited July 2012

    We paid money for Lawrie Wilson - as bubble said, we wouldnt have paid anything for a reserve RB if money was that tight.

    How do you know this?

    It's a fact we paid money for him I believe
  • i saw £400k for Wilson mentioned somewhere.
  • It says potential £1.5M deal. So not necessarily the transfer fee.
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  • And we may put a number of clauses into the deal depending on how he does. Highly doubt we'd pay 1.5m up front for any player.
  • Melrose said:

    Reckon we'd sell quite a few extra ST's if Baldock signed. It would be seen as a real sign of intent by the club

    Really? Doubt many people that aren't sure whether they'll get a ST know who Baldock is, or if they do, see him as a big name.
  • Scoham said:

    Melrose said:

    Reckon we'd sell quite a few extra ST's if Baldock signed. It would be seen as a real sign of intent by the club

    Really? Doubt many people that aren't sure whether they'll get a ST know who Baldock is, or if they do, see him as a big name.
    Most Charlton fans will know who he is. He's a big enough name for us in our current position. It's not really about him as such, but our willingness to spend considerable dosh and being positive in moving the club forwards. Especially after rumours in the last month or so.

  • i wouldn't have heard of him apart from on here although West Ham fan i'm talking to at work now rates him
  • To be fair baldock might be a hammer, that's why he doesn't want to leave. Would you want to leave Charlton if your manager was being a prick and not giving you the opportunity you feel you deserve?
  • To be fair baldock might be a hammer, that's why he doesn't want to leave. Would you want to leave Charlton if your manager was being a prick and not giving you the opportunity you feel you deserve?

    If you're not in the manager's plans, then you can kick your heels and hope the bugger gets sacked OR you can get decent move somewhere else who really wants you and prove the bugger wrong. Know what i'd rather do. One small missing ingredient.......MONEY!!!

  • edited July 2012
    sone aluko is about to sign for besiktas apparently
  • A transfer fee for Baldock isn't going to be less than a million that's for sure. It would be a statement of intent. The fact that he is young and has potenial resale value is an important factor also.
  • I can't see any money deals being done.

    Really? As others have said Wilson was a 6 figure sum. We're clearly interested in Baldock, and the club obviously know that means a seven figure sum.

  • sone aluko is about to sign for besiktas apparently

    That was always a very ambitious rumour!
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  • We didn't spend that much money last year, but could that be due to

    a) not knowing where we could be in 12 months time, with an inexperienced manager, in a tough league, in that we could spend money and still be in League One


    b) we didn't need to spend that much money to get the players we needed. Spend money in league One, prices go up etc.

    Now we are in the Championship, more financial security, manager has proven himself, the team has proven themselves. Maybe CP is being trusted with more money, and/or the board can see that to compete in this league we need to spend more money to get a better quality of player?
  • We paid money for Lawrie Wilson - as bubble said, we wouldnt have paid anything for a reserve RB if money was that tight.

    As was pointed out to the so called 'doom mongers' over the last few weeks, no one knows what is going on behind the scenes.

    So with that in mind, it would probably be wrong to simply assume that Stevenage have seen a penny of that money yet. No one knows what arrangements there are.

  • Some people may perhaps be surprised to learn that a largish proportion of transfer fees are instalment plan jobbies - quite often over a period of 2 or 3 seasons.
  • Oggy Red said:

    Some people may perhaps be surprised to learn that a largish proportion of transfer fees are instalment plan jobbies - quite often over a period of 2 or 3 seasons.

    so for all we know we could still be paying for Izale McLeod
  • If fees are 'undisclosed' (as in Wilson) there is always a chance they are on the never never, or signed on a we don't have an inkling how much (if anything) we paid Stevenage...unless someone has chapter and verse, so anything re baldock is pure and utter guesswork, but (un)common sense suggests to me we can't possibly afford a 'big money' signing unless we sell, there is no 'free money' out there guys.
  • seth plum said:

    If fees are 'undisclosed' (as in Wilson) there is always a chance they are on the never never, or signed on a we don't have an inkling how much (if anything) we paid Stevenage...unless someone has chapter and verse, so anything re baldock is pure and utter guesswork, but (un)common sense suggests to me we can't possibly afford a 'big money' signing unless we sell, there is no 'free money' out there guys.

    thats true but as Stevenage rejected a bid of around 400k from Peterborough, then we know roughly how much it was. The figure of 400-500 seems pretty accurate. Baldock more like 1.5mil is why I think a loan move would make more sense
  • fees used to be paid 50% on signing and 50% a year later. Now it's more likely than not to be spread over the life of the contract signed. As said Peterborough agreed a fee of 400k for Wilson so the fee we 'paid' is likely to be around that figure although how much the initial payment was is anyone's guess. The same would go for Baldock although I'm led to believe the fee is nearer 1m than 1.5m.
  • fees used to be paid 50% on signing and 50% a year later. Now it's more likely than not to be spread over the life of the contract signed. As said Peterborough agreed a fee of 400k for Wilson so the fee we 'paid' is likely to be around that figure although how much the initial payment was is anyone's guess. The same would go for Baldock although I'm led to believe the fee is nearer 1m than 1.5m.

    But is he going to sign???
  • fees used to be paid 50% on signing and 50% a year later. Now it's more likely than not to be spread over the life of the contract signed. As said Peterborough agreed a fee of 400k for Wilson so the fee we 'paid' is likely to be around that figure although how much the initial payment was is anyone's guess. The same would go for Baldock although I'm led to believe the fee is nearer 1m than 1.5m.

    Peterborough seem to have had £1.2m accepted -
    and Bristol City seem to be after him. So that could be the price, but depends on his terms and who he fancies playing for.
  • fees used to be paid 50% on signing and 50% a year later. Now it's more likely than not to be spread over the life of the contract signed. As said Peterborough agreed a fee of 400k for Wilson so the fee we 'paid' is likely to be around that figure although how much the initial payment was is anyone's guess. The same would go for Baldock although I'm led to believe the fee is nearer 1m than 1.5m.

    Peterborough seem to have had £1.2m accepted -
    and Bristol City seem to be after him. So that could be the price, but depends on his terms and who he fancies playing for.
    The Peterborough offer was before he joined West Ham.
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