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Rumours Rumours



  • Expecting Beavon to be revealed via a tandem parachute jump on Saturday then.
    With Pixie Lott?

  • Swisdom perhaps we have a mutual friend/contact, expect 2 of those 5 to be Sheff Utd players,
    Entirely possible hence I won't name him/her or betray their trust.

    I'm playing golf with Phil Chapple next week so hope to probe him a bit - he asked me last year who I liked and we signed two of them so maybe I'll run a few names by him again.

    Just as a point - Greg Halford started off as a right winger for Colchester but also covers at right back. a proper utility man if you will...
    Swisdom, i make you right i wouldnt name him/her either...i hope to see the person on Saturday during the celebrations and see if things have progressed. Im off to Spain to play golf on Tuesday...dont suppose you and Chaps will be out there ;-)
  • I wouldn't mind being strapped to the front of pixie Lott
  • I'd have Sam back.
  • I wouldn't mind being strapped to the front of pixie Lott
    Wrong thread, that is not a rumour, that is a request
  • brian howard is on a free from reading, always thought he was a good attacking cm player.
  • To be honest Howard hasn't been any good since he scored against Liverpool for Barnsley in the FA Cup.
  • Seen a few posts re League 1 players that we might like to look at signing.
    Mmmmmm....not too sure about this idea.....good players as some of them are with undoubted 'potential' to perform at a higher standard, I think that CP will bring in a few with good Championship or even Prem experience.
    Too may Div 1 players would, IMHO, be a leap of faith too far.
  • I'd have Sam back.
    please god no, I don't think I want us to sign anyone who has previously played for us

  • edited May 2012
    I'd have Sam back.
    please god no, I don't think I want us to sign anyone who has previously played for us

    I can think of quite a few right off the top of my head....Parker/Bent/Defoe (as much as I hate the little s***)........ Jenkinson/Shelvey.....sure there's a few more if I cared to think about it.

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  • Lloyd Sam? Oh god please no. Obviously can't hack it in the Championship. Will join a League 1 club.
  • I'd have Sam back.
    Ball boy ?
  • This year we generally bought players from League One, but who on the whole could step up to the Championship. So for next season the approach should be proven in Championship with potential to step up to Prem, don't you think?

    Plus the odd punt or two like Pritchard...
  • This year we generally bought players from League One, but who on the whole could step up to the Championship. So for next season the approach should be proven in Championship with potential to step up to Prem, don't you think?

    Plus the odd punt or two like Pritchard...
    League One players wanted to come to us because we were one of the top clubs and expected to get promotion. Can't really expect the better championship players to come to a newly promoted team.
  • I think he would be a good squad player and Clayton could be a good addition also from Leeds.
  • Clayton is a very good Championship midfielder, leaving due to a contract breakdown as opposed to being let go. Warnock may still try and keep him though.
  • Think he wants big money, can't see us giving it to him.
  • I'd have Sam back.
    please god no, I don't think I want us to sign anyone who has previously played for us

    I can think of quite a few right off the top of my head....Parker/Bent/Defoe (as much as I hate the little s***)........ Jenkinson/Shelvey.....sure there's a few more if I cared to think about it.

    I think you know what I meant...I'm talking about some of the names being banded about on here that are potentially up for grabs
  • Guys / girls, i'm going to kill this thread soon as its got too big and not really serving its purpose as its only really being followed by a small number of people, and anything worthwhile is just being lost.

    If you see us rumoured with players, check the RUMOURS category and if there isn't an ongoing thread for that player, start a new thread with that players name in the title. eg. 'Stephen Gleeson rumoured' (and then quote source in the post).

    If its just generic rubbish off the silly Football Rumours website, someone start a new thread in the Rumours category for 'Generic Football Rumours rubbish' or something like that.

    Cheers Rumettes
  • So long Rumours Rumours
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  • RIP Rumours Rumours
  • This thread is still going.

    I think it being closed was just a rumour,
  • can't believe the comment that Football Rumours is silly.

  • Guys / girls, i'm going to kill this thread soon as its got too big and not really serving its purpose as its only really being followed by a small number of people, and anything worthwhile is just being lost.

    If you see us rumoured with players, check the RUMOURS category and if there isn't an ongoing thread for that player, start a new thread with that players name in the title. eg. 'Stephen Gleeson rumoured' (and then quote source in the post).

    If its just generic rubbish off the silly Football Rumours website, someone start a new thread in the Rumours category for 'Generic Football Rumours rubbish' or something like that.

    Cheers Rumettes
    Oh to wield such power ;0)

  • we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun...
  • Will you be doing the same to The Kent Cricket thread Bart?
    Maybe you need to ask Mog to start a new one?
  • Don't think I've ever posted on this thread but it's my favourite to lurk in! I'll miss you rumours rumours
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!