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  • Halford not for me, seemed to go missing defensively on quite a few occasions. He's had a few clubs since he was with us so been found out everywhere.
  • can only state my opinion of Halford from what ive seen of him. Shit.
    Only picked on your post VG because it's the most dissenting shall we say.

    Sheff Wednesday fans called Morrison "shit" but he isn't. It's very often circumstances that have a significant impact on what happens to a player at any given club at any given time. Taken in complete isolation then a player can look very poor but that often doesn't represent the bigger picture. When we had Halford the whole club was in a tailspin and the team was in dire straights perhaps not the best time for him to come to us much the same as Lee Cook and dare I say McOxo having good success at Swindon after many on here claimed he was the worst player ever to wear a Charlton shirt.
  • David James as backup to Ben?
    Past it and would still want decent wages, a big no.
  • David James as backup to Ben?
    Past it and would still want decent wages, a big no.
    Way past it.............we are looking at younger palyers that have some life in them and maybe even a sell on fee
  • 27 games aint that bad for him. Suprised it was that many to be honest.
  • Halford would do ok but there are other players out there. Who I don't know, that's for Powell and his staff to handle.
  • edited May 2012
    David James as backup to Ben?
    Past it and would still want decent wages, a big no.
    Way past it.............we are looking at younger palyers that have some life in them and maybe even a sell on fee
    He's well past his best but still wouldn't be expected to or prepaired to play second fiddle to anyone for a while yet.

  • Greg Halford is good IMO and would suit our style of play, if not a little slow.

    Taylor from peterbrough is not being sold because he's not good enough for them, that's ignorant. He's top drawer and I doubt we could afford him. George Boyd is also good but they want a fee.
  • Greg Halford is good IMO and would suit our style of play, if not a little slow.
    Halford seemed to be the exception when on loan to us in that despite his weaknesses, mainly a woeful lack of pace, he appeared to really want to win. Seem to recall he had some nice things to say about us too.

    I would imagine he's not the cheapest wage wise though, and I doubt he'd want to come to back up Solly. He'd never get a game.

  • can only state my opinion of Halford from what ive seen of him. Shit.
    Only picked on your post VG because it's the most dissenting shall we say.

    Sheff Wednesday fans called Morrison "shit" but he isn't. It's very often circumstances that have a significant impact on what happens to a player at any given club at any given time. Taken in complete isolation then a player can look very poor but that often doesn't represent the bigger picture. When we had Halford the whole club was in a tailspin and the team was in dire straights perhaps not the best time for him to come to us much the same as Lee Cook and dare I say McOxo having good success at Swindon after many on here claimed he was the worst player ever to wear a Charlton shirt.
    ok but whatever state the club was in doesnt excuse halford for having absolutely no turn of pace and poor positional sense. there are a lot better players out there so i think we should leave greg where he is.
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  • The only nice thing I can say about Greg Halford is he isn't Martin Cranie. Very much hope not to see him back
  • The only nice thing I can say about Greg Halford is he isn't Martin Cranie. Very much hope not to see him back
    i agree that cranie was awful when with us, BUT for coventry he has been one of their best players in the last few years
  • and Coventry have just been relegated so that is not saying much to be fair!
  • Halford had a couple of good games and then one horror show. I think one of the great things about the current squad is that it is consistent. Personally I'd not go near him, not good enough.
  • John Pantsil has been released by Leicester City... What do you think?
    Wasn't he the one who used to do a lap of honour after every match at Fulham? Not because he was a fan favourite or a Fulham fan himself, but because he couldn't believe he was getting away with pretending to be a professional footballer week in week out
  • Pantsil was okay at Fulham to be fair, was part of a solid defence at one time.
  • edited May 2012
    The close season released lists are now dripping out ,today Reading have let go Brian Howard, Andy Griffin,Nicholas Bignall,Cedric Baseya and Ethan Gage.

    Always liked Howard in his Barnsley days and we tried to sign him on loan when SCP first came to the club ,although I was not impressed with him when we beat them in the Carling Cup and he divided opinion with Spanners when he went on loan there last season .

    Would Griffin be good cover for Solly ? Baseya couldn't make the grade at Barnet whilst on loan last season so I think we will pass on that one .

  • Seem to recall outrage on here as fans goaded him once and he responded by rubbing his fingers together indicating he had loads of money or something similar. That won't help his cause
    I hadn't heard this. Are you getting confused with Bouazza when we lost 2-0 at Blackpool, or did I miss Halford doing similar?

  • The thing to remember when remembering some of our former flops, is that they were playing in a higher division, and were being directly compared to the PL players we had under Curbs, which was always going to be tough.
    For example, in retrospect one of Pardew's better signings was Iwelemu on a free, a solid Championship target man, who's done the business for several clubs in that division, but at the time we were expecting better. Halford has been a regular Ch and PL player, attracting 7 figure fees, whereas our current excellent defence has done the business in the 3rd division, and is unproven at a higher level yet. I expect Solly to step up successfully, but it doesn't always happen like that.
  • Seem to recall outrage on here as fans goaded him once and he responded by rubbing his fingers together indicating he had loads of money or something similar. That won't help his cause
    I hadn't heard this. Are you getting confused with Bouazza when we lost 2-0 at Blackpool, or did I miss Halford doing similar?

    Pretty sure it was Halford.

    I may be mistaken.
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  • Greg Halford
    I always said he was NOT a right back but would make a decent central midfielder. What do I know though.
    I think the man is an arse though after his finger rubbing at Brammal lane.
    Before anyone gives me grief I give out stick and I can take it I just found what he did completely tasteless and foul.
    Carter May 2009 Other Football and Sports
    Greg Halford
    nice to see his reaction to us giving him a bit of abuse about being a one trick (throw in) pony was to hold his hand by his side and rub his fingers together in a I've got more money than you gesture. Says it all about the modern footballer doesn't it
    buckshee January 2009 General Charlton
  • So he did it whilst playing for Shef utd?

    Probably done it as a comeback for the abuse he got that day?
  • The thing to remember when remembering some of our former flops, is that they were playing in a higher division, and were being directly compared to the PL players we had under Curbs, which was always going to be tough.
    For example, in retrospect one of Pardew's better signings was Iwelemu on a free, a solid Championship target man, who's done the business for several clubs in that division, but at the time we were expecting better. Halford has been a regular Ch and PL player, attracting 7 figure fees, whereas our current excellent defence has done the business in the 3rd division, and is unproven at a higher level yet. I expect Solly to step up successfully, but it doesn't always happen like that.
    excellent post
  • I wasn't at Brammal Lane to see or hear what took place with Greg Halford and our fans but my take is that some fans were giving him a lot of stick which I imagine he thought was unjustified. Given this scenario being accurate I think what Greg did was perfectly acceptable. If you give it out then don't bleat when you get it back. Fans who abuse footballers and expect them not to answer back or moan about it when they do are idiots.
  • Halford is one of those, too good for the champs but doesn't quite cut it in the prem. I would definitely have him in the squad - IF we were able to sign him. I expect a lot of teams to be fighting for his signature.
  • Whisper Whisper!! If Sheff Utd dont go up expect us to be in for at least 1 or 2 of their players. Now which two would you want?
  • The ginger one and the centre half
  • was om 14k a week at pompey not too long ago.....
  • The thing to remember when remembering some of our former flops, is that they were playing in a higher division, and were being directly compared to the PL players we had under Curbs, which was always going to be tough.
    For example, in retrospect one of Pardew's better signings was Iwelemu on a free, a solid Championship target man, who's done the business for several clubs in that division, but at the time we were expecting better. Halford has been a regular Ch and PL player, attracting 7 figure fees, whereas our current excellent defence has done the business in the 3rd division, and is unproven at a higher level yet. I expect Solly to step up successfully, but it doesn't always happen like that.
    I certainly wasn't comparing him to PL players that we had under curbs, By that time we had had some awful players so had got past expecting decent players, I was just comparing him to a footballer of average ability, he was well below that level. If he has done well elsewhere since then fair enough, personally I would only want him playing at the Valley if it was for our opponents.
  • From a very good source; It's nothing controversial so no harm in putting it out there. Sorry if not juicy enough for all

    We've been in talks with a number of players for 4 weeks
    5 players are sought - a GK, 2 midfielders and 2 strikers
    Plan is to consolidate this year then push on BUT if it's going well we are ready to invest. Similarly we will have funds to invest if we get to the prem. There are levels in place depending on the level we are playing at.
    Some investors wish to remain absolutely anonymous. Anyone at the club discussing names of certain people will be sacked - this comes from someone fairly senior at the club.

    I probed about the sponsor and was told I have to wait and see - my man knows but couldn't say.

    As far as investment is concerned - it seems the Mysterons will remain just that - but I get the impression their intentions are good so I'm a content bunny. I just want to see this bloody shirt now
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