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زعبيل‎ +++ Charlton - Dubai take-over (from 2008) +++ زعبيل‎



  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley McMoist[/cite]

    I wonder if all of this is being rushed through because, if not, there's a danger we could go into administration?

    Hold on, where did that come from?

    You talk as if CAFC were somehow able to "rush" this thru and make Zebeel buy us. It takes two to tango, you know.

    We all know that if we don't go up next year then we lose another £11m from the budget so costs will have to be cut again but that is not the same as going into administration.

    God, this speculation and rumourmongering is going way overboard.

    Just chill everyone

    It's just something that entered my mind. The 'deal' is announced on Friday and according to the sub-Standard, could be completed this week. In comparison to the City deal, that's rushed, IMHO.

    I spent last week watching the value of my investments decrease in value and by 5pm on Friday I couldn't have cared less because I was like a pig in shit. Now, I can't concentrate on my work because of this business so my mind is working overtime on conspiracy theories.

    Can't chill...
  • edited October 2008
    drink less coffee perhaps?


    If there is a rush I would imagine its from the investors wanting to get in to get the Promotion 'plan' going asap.
  • The Standard are the last paper I would trust with a story about us
  • It's the sub-standard. Their reporters would have to look up where The Valley is so how would they know how long the due diligence will take.
  • There is a rush to a certain extent. As has been mentioned above they will be keen to get the promotion plan going, we're 14, only 3 points of a play off place, but a relatively massive 8 from automatic promotion and a worrying 5 from relegation. The new owners will be keen to get in and start working as every week is time wasted and potentially points lost if results don't go our way. Also they'll want to get their own guys in and settled, get pardew up to speed with expectations, budgets, etc. all before the january window opens. So time is of the essence here, nobody will want to drag things out.
  • Am not suggesting that a "problem"with the wage bill is not real but it strikes me that if the deal does go through then we surely will be buying players of "better" quality which by definition means that Zabeel will have a wage bill increase anyway. To be honest if they are serious about getting to the the Prem and competing then the wage bill will rocket back to where it was anyway. If it doesn`t then we won`t be competing or even playing in the premiership.
  • edited October 2008
    [cite]Posted By: nth london addick[/cite]what a crock of shite

    apart from shelvey and waggs none of the above mentioned are any where near the 1st team, Man citeeh have not to my knowledge discarded young home grown talent yet!

    Poor journo trying to get on the foriegn owner band wagon and trying to scare monger IMO

    No different to any other club, all clubs have young pro's from the youth system.

    Uchechi is certainly nowhere near the first team, hasn't even got a work permit and is meant to be leaving.

    Strange to leave out Josh Wright.

    Was Liam Bellamy picked out at random? Not heard anything about him being a starlet in the u18s. Don't mean to sound like I'm having a go, just wondering if he was picked at random or is one of the more promising players coming through.
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]Am not suggesting that a "problem"with the wage bill is not real but it strikes me that if the deal does go through then we surely will be buying players of "better" quality which by definition means that Zabeel will have a wage bill increase anyway. To be honest if they are serious about getting to the the Prem and competing then the wage bill will rocket back to where it was anyway. If it doesn`t then we won`t be competing or even playing in the premiership.

    True up to a point but in football like in life, there is no guarantee to success. I suspect they will only invest to allow us better to compete in the Championship, rather than build a Premier League team at Prem wages and hope we go up.
  • I love this from The Times:

    "The last English club to beat Chelsea at their own ground may be about to beat them in a more unexpected field."
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]Sounds like they may be very highly leveraged?
    "Dubai may depend on support from neighboring Abu Dhabi and the federal government of the United Arab Emirates to help pay for a surge in borrowing, Moody's Investors Service Inc. said.

    Government-controlled companies owe at least $47 billion in total, more than Dubai's gross domestic product, according to Moody's data based on economic statistics from 2006"[/quote]

    I would say that is true. Have you been to Dubai? they have more empty office and apartment buildings than you can shake a stick at. However Zabeel are backed by the royal family, and real cash nor leveraged.
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  • [cite]Posted By: ChicagoAddick[/cite]I would say that is true. Have you been to Dubai? they have more empty office and apartment buildings than you can shake a stick at. However Zabeel are backed by the royal family, and real cash nor leveraged.

  • [cite]Posted By: ChicagoAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Salad[/cite]Sounds like they may be very highly leveraged?
    "Dubai may depend on support from neighboring Abu Dhabi and the federal government of the United Arab Emirates to help pay for a surge in borrowing, Moody's Investors Service Inc. said.

    Government-controlled companies owe at least $47 billion in total, more than Dubai's gross domestic product, according to Moody's data based on economic statistics from 2006"

    I would say that is true. Have you been to Dubai? they have more empty office and apartment buildings than you can shake a stick at. However Zabeel are backed by the royal family, and real cash nor leveraged.

    I wouldn´t worry to much about it, they have borrowed to invest not only in the global market who goes up and down but also to to pay for water, electricity plants, roads and all other stuff you need to sustain a property boom like the one seen in Dubai..You can´t just put up skyscrapers all over the place without getting fantastic bills from stuff like sewage works etc.

    This is long tern investments that will in due time generate a very nice revenue stream for Dubai and its rulers unless the whole property market in the gulf goes tits up...Which would mean that they would have to swallow the bitter pill of asking their cousins in Abu Dhabi who is awash with oil cash to take on their debts (how the Al-Nahyans would crow about that..) in return for something so money will be provided one way or another, the bills will be paid..Abu Dhabi itself have invested serious money in Dubai (it´s only two hours away fer chrissakes) and it´s in their interest to keep everything hunky dory.

  • Cheers for that - very enlightening.
  • Did you see the bit half way down about playing 4-5-1 for most of the game against Palace?
  • Bang......

    I like the fact they have come and cleared it up for us...

    very conciderate..
  • looks like the sub-standard may have actually done a bit of investighation instead of just rehashing the usual stuff. Maybe now we are gonna be minted they are going to show more interest.
  • So eveythings hunky dory again...;)
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  • edited October 2008
    Re arrange this well know phrase or sentence

    toys pram put back in to all........
  • [cite]Posted By: MCFC[/cite]So eveythings hunky dory again...;)


    (McMoist starts whistling while he works again)
  • Do I look bovvered ?
  • "although one or two high-earners will probably still need to leave The Valley in an attempt to balance the books." Looks like Pards is out the door then....;o)

    Seriously where does this speculation come from?
  • I thought that bing. If our current squad are too expensive then I think we can forget signing Kaka and Messi !
  • [cite]Posted By: ShootersHillGuru[/cite]I thought that bing. If our current squad are too expensive then I think we can forget signing Kaka and Messi !

    Ronaldo looks less likely as well.....ah shucks!!
  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]looks like the sub-standard may have actually done a bit of investighation instead of just rehashing the usual stuff. Maybe now we are gonna be minted they are going to show more interest.

    LOL imagine the scene in the Standard press room

    Editor : "OK, Looks like this team Charlton are about to be bought for big money, could be real players. What do we know about them? Anyone ever been to a game there? How near to London are they? What division are they in.

    Sports reporters: "err don't know boss, definitely not a London side. We go to Arsenal and Chelsea every week and never seen a sign for place called Charlton"
    [cite]Posted By: MCFC[/cite]So eveythings hunky dory again...;)

    No all still a bit Aladdin Insane :- )
  • those blokes sound like a couple of kooks
  • edited October 2008
    will we be Heroes or will we end up feeling Low? at least we are not Lodger(s) anymore...
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