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General things that Annoy you



  • @cantersaddick all the best people are born on March 20th....
  • cafcbrown said:

    The amount of people that sit on the outside seat of a train carriage and think their bag or coat deserve the other seat

    Can’t stand selfish twats like that.
  • cafcbrown said:

    The amount of people that sit on the outside seat of a train carriage and think their bag or coat deserve the other seat

    It's the huffing and puffing like you've singled out their bag for special treatment that annoys me
    Should be on the the things that please you thread. It brightens up my morning asking people to move themselves or their possessions so I can sit down.
    A couple of weeks back on my train a woman asked another woman to move and she went into a great big flouncy strop, as she was obviously doing something really important on her laptop. It brought a smile to my face and the askees face.

    One thing that does annoy me is people spread out with their work stuff. They should get a proper job where they can work at a workplace or do their job in the hours of work or do a job they a capable of doing.
    I did just that this morning, bloke had a right huff. Brightened my day
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  • edited March 2018
    I always use the same tried and tested method....... Flies wide open, legs at two to ten, smiling and then whisper "You smell Sooooo good" ;)
  • T_C_E said:

    I always use the same tried and tested method....... Flies wide open, legs at two to ten, smiling and then whisper "You smell Sooooo good" ;)

    You had me at "Flies wide open...".
  • The death of the last male Northern White Rhino.

    At 45, Sudan was an elderly rhino, and his death was not unexpected. Just two northern white rhinos now remain: Najin, Sudan’s daughter, and Fatu, his granddaughter.

    How sad that man's greed has caused the extinction of an entire species.

    No doubt sad but I’d say it’s more desperation than greed.
  • McBobbin said:

    If you really don't want someone to sit next to you, smile at them and pat the seat

    Or gently rock in your seat gazing intently up the carriage at nothing in particular, while wringing your hands constantly, quiet grunts or incoherent muttering always help too. Nobody wants to get lumbered with the train loony all the way home.
  • Rubberneckers!
    I'd spare Roland the Duche in favour of the selfish, oxygen-thieving, skin-wasting, ghoulish 'tards bunging up our motorways. And for what exactly? You're dawdling along not looking where you're going, on a motorway, in the hope of seeing casualties, claret, wreckage? How is that going to improve your day, perverts? And the rest of us, delayed behind you, costing us all millions every year in time and fuel.
    If you find yourself morbidly fascinated by the bloody misfortune of others, stick to youtube and your left-handed mouse, give up your car and licence, stay indoors out of the way of useful human beings and we'll all get to live longer. Have a care for any poor sod in need of an ambulance whose arrival you are callously delaying.
    ANPR would be put to far better use getting all you miserable sickos off our roads for good.
  • McBobbin said:

    If you really don't want someone to sit next to you, smile at them and pat the seat

    I find it helps if you have your willy out as well.
  • Rubberneckers!
    I'd spare Roland the Duche in favour of the selfish, oxygen-thieving, skin-wasting, ghoulish 'tards bunging up our motorways. And for what exactly? You're dawdling along not looking where you're going, on a motorway, in the hope of seeing casualties, claret, wreckage? How is that going to improve your day, perverts? And the rest of us, delayed behind you, costing us all millions every year in time and fuel.
    If you find yourself morbidly fascinated by the bloody misfortune of others, stick to youtube and your left-handed mouse, give up your car and licence, stay indoors out of the way of useful human beings and we'll all get to live longer. Have a care for any poor sod in need of an ambulance whose arrival you are callously delaying.
    ANPR would be put to far better use getting all you miserable sickos off our roads for good.

    Had rubber neckers in front of me coming to Charlton a few months ago (they might even post on here) who slowed down to look at an accident @ the Danson turn off at the A2... Being behind them I could see the road had cleared so beeped at them to stop holding everyone up.

    Ended up having to undertake them and as I did so, about five of them in the car started giving me lovely waving gestures - How the hell can you pass the blame to someone else for holding up traffic in that respect!!!
  • Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!
  • edited April 2018

    Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!

    There will presumably be some sort of CCTV proving he was in the locality in the surveillance society in which we live. If you know the registration number why not report him anyway?

    Don't hold your breath for any action but at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried to do the right thing.

    EDIT: Some of his shenanigans may even have been caught on camera.
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  • LenGlover said:

    Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!

    There will presumably be some sort of CCTV proving he was in the locality in the surveillance society in which we live. If you know the registration number why not report him anyway?

    Don't hold your breath for any action but at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing that you tried to do the right thing.

    EDIT: Some of his shenanigans may even have been caught on camera.
    Cheers... the main fun and games was heading up Court Road just as you get to Chelsfield Lakes Golf Course so not 100% sure if there is any CCTV up that way... Will certainly have a look tonight and have a chat with the Police at least
  • Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!

    Life was so much easier when you just pulled them over, took a baseball bat from behind your seat and beat the shit out of them....or so my old grandad used say.
  • The fact that thousand of starlings can fly in a myriad of beautiful circles without coming into contact with each other but I can't get from platform 19 at Victoria to the underground without being assaulted by cases, shoulder bags and various limbs and digits.

    If I have time I go to Witherspoon up the escalator have a pint of Kronenbourg and watch the ants below me and ponder about the takeover and the difference 3 wins in a row makes to my general state of mind.

  • Greenie said:

    Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!

    Life was so much easier when you just pulled them over, took a baseball bat from behind your seat and beat the shit out of them....or so my old grandad used say.
    I used to work with this old guy when I'd just started work. He used to be a construction site supervisor and would drive around in his van most of the time. I went out to visit a few sites with him a few times, and noticed he had a fucking mean metal bar in the storage bit of the drivers door. I asked him what it was for, and he said, hefting it casually, "Oh this? It's my road rage weapon." Completely straight face. Luckily we never got into any road rage incidents.
  • The "Home" button has disappeared from the end of CL discussions, so the only way I can get back to the main page menu is to click on "Forum" at the top.
    Anybody else got this problem?

    Yep. Thought it was just my phone so glad to see others suffering too :wink:
  • bellz2002 said:

    The "Home" button has disappeared from the end of CL discussions, so the only way I can get back to the main page menu is to click on "Forum" at the top.
    Anybody else got this problem?

    Yep. Thought it was just my phone so glad to see others suffering too :wink:
    Same problem with my computer.
  • People videoing incidents and accidents on their mobile phones. There was another one on the news tonight.
  • Not having a dash cam!!

    Driving home from work yesterday, was in a 40-mph zone and a car pulled out on me at the last minute meaning I had to slam my anchors on and naturally beeped at him (Yes for those reading my previous post I will do that to you if you want to try and cause an accident) - the bloke decided to take offence at me doing that and did an emergency brake, thankfully had enough time to swerve round him, thankfully the road was wide enough for me to do this so I didn't risk an oncoming car.

    Act Two: Bit further up the road, he chases after me and over takes me this time, again slamming on his anchors and almost putting his car sideways in the road to ensure no one could get past whilst he made his point to me.

    Act Three: of this incident is when I go on to the M25 (two lanes as you come on from Jct four) and over take him, as I go past I get him glaring at me and as I get past him, he aggressively swerved his car behind mine again (How he didn't hit the back corner of my car, and not spin me I don't know).

    Act Four: Chases me up the M25, sticking alongside me all the way to the M20 junction (I was happy doing 60-mph in the slow lane so he did the same with me in the middle), thankfully he had to come off at that junction so that's where it ended, yet not before he gave another lovely gesture.

    Ultimately am pissed off with myself as having a dash cam it would have meant I'd have reported him to the police the moment I got home, yet as I didn't there is sweet FA that I can do about him (Unless anyone has suggestions as can remember his Registration Number) - Just relieved my wife and baby weren't in the car with me at the time so didn't have to worry about their safety and had the reflexes to stop writing my car off for a good few miles down the road!!!

    Should have just kicked the wing mirror off as he went passed.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!