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General things that Annoy you



  • I've just come off a scheduled 90 minute conference call that ended going to extra time and penalties. Over 2 hours on a fucking conference call.

    No additional material to distract, I mean engage us with, not even a poxy spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide just listening to some real menial shit that hasn't left me any the wiser.

    I get that travelling to meetings for meetings sake is a waste of time but how on earth is spending 2 hours on a group phonecall progress?
  • Carter said:

    I've just come off a scheduled 90 minute conference call that ended going to extra time and penalties. Over 2 hours on a fucking conference call.

    No additional material to distract, I mean engage us with, not even a poxy spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide just listening to some real menial shit that hasn't left me any the wiser.

    I get that travelling to meetings for meetings sake is a waste of time but how on earth is spending 2 hours on a group phonecall progress?

    You should write "leave me alone" on the wall in shit
  • Another supermarket one. This time, checkout staff who put the freesh meat into plastic bags & keep them seperate until after you've packed everything else. To make things easier for me (and the people behind me) I like to have an order in which I pack things - meat in one bag, large items (milk, bottles, juice cartons, cereal boxes etc) in another & bread, eggs & any other squashable items on top. So what the f*****g point in keeping back some of these items until I've packed everything and then saying "here love, I've kept your fresh meat separate so as not to contaminate your other goods" - they're already in sealed packaging & so is all the other stuff I've bought. Your job, mrs checkout operator, is to scan the items & let me do the packing.

    and if one more checkout operator asks me "are you ok packing it yourself" I'll throttle them - I'm 50 years old ffs & been shopping for myself for 30 years - I think I can place an item of shopping in a bag thank you very much - and yes, by the way, I also have plenty of bags if you would just take the time to look !!!!!

    When you look at the dexterity and speed of how some people pack, I sometimes feel like offering to pack for them. Oh and GET YOUR FUCKING PURSE OUT AND PAY THE LADY BEFORE YOU FINISH PACKING!!! (Not you Golfie).
  • "Airplane"

    And also when it takes you out of ‘driving’ mode which it puts you in automatically if travelling faster than a quick walk. Effing annoying.
  • Carter said:

    I've just come off a scheduled 90 minute conference call that ended going to extra time and penalties. Over 2 hours on a fucking conference call.

    No additional material to distract, I mean engage us with, not even a poxy spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide just listening to some real menial shit that hasn't left me any the wiser.

    I get that travelling to meetings for meetings sake is a waste of time but how on earth is spending 2 hours on a group phonecall progress?

    You on the "Cafe Run" again?
    Make it simple for them............
    Question 1) What do you want?
    Question 2) Red or Brown?
    Then hang up. ;)
  • MrLargo said:

    This is a more a “General thing that worries me”, rather than a “General thing that annoys me”. Recently got promoted and managed to escape from the worst boss in the world after 10 long years, so generally been feeling pretty pleased with life recently. However, now into the 4th week of my new job and to be honest I’m starting to feel a bit worried.

    Obviously when you start a new job you expect to spend a day or 2 at the beginning pretending that you genuinely are a “highly motivated self-starter”. I’ve got no problem with that at all, and was more than happy to keep up the pretence for the full duration of week 1.

    Once you get into week 2 though, it’s surely taken as read that you can start turning up late, leaving early, adding an extra 15 minutes onto your lunch break and reeking of booze and stripper’s perfume when you return to the office. When you’re sat at your desk, it’s basically a case of sending 2 tactical emails a day to various people around the office so that everyone knows you’re still alive and occasionally having a loud argument on the phone with the IT Department so that you can blame them for needing 6 months and 2 buxom new staff members to complete a job that should have taken half an hour on a Monday morning.

    Not seeing any sign of this at all so far. I’ve been turning up at 9 in the morning and staying in the office as late as 5.10, sometimes with only a 45 minute lunch break. My new boss seems genuinely keen to get things done and I’ve been achieving during the course of one morning what I would have previously classed as two years’ worth of work, which obviously sets an extremely worrying precedent for the future.

    I’m hardly getting any time to spend on the internet, so I’m completely out of touch with the takeover thread and not really contributing anything except the occasional angry tirade on the South Eastern Trains thread.

    Genuinely worried about what the future holds.

    What takeover bid?
  • Another supermarket one. This time, checkout staff who put the freesh meat into plastic bags & keep them seperate until after you've packed everything else. To make things easier for me (and the people behind me) I like to have an order in which I pack things - meat in one bag, large items (milk, bottles, juice cartons, cereal boxes etc) in another & bread, eggs & any other squashable items on top. So what the f*****g point in keeping back some of these items until I've packed everything and then saying "here love, I've kept your fresh meat separate so as not to contaminate your other goods" - they're already in sealed packaging & so is all the other stuff I've bought. Your job, mrs checkout operator, is to scan the items & let me do the packing.

    and if one more checkout operator asks me "are you ok packing it yourself" I'll throttle them - I'm 50 years old ffs & been shopping for myself for 30 years - I think I can place an item of shopping in a bag thank you very much - and yes, by the way, I also have plenty of bags if you would just take the time to look !!!!!

    When you look at the dexterity and speed of how some people pack, I sometimes feel like offering to pack for them. Oh and GET YOUR FUCKING PURSE OUT AND PAY THE LADY BEFORE YOU FINISH PACKING!!! (Not you Golfie).
    Yup, that one always pisses me off too.
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  • Finding out that one of my favourite beers, Pelforth Brune, is actually owned by Heineken. It's akin to waking up and finding out that your favourite football club is owned by Duchatelet. Oh fuck!
  • Biscuit manufacturers.

    Everytime I open a packet of biscuits the end one is broken.

    Why don't they just put one less biscuit in the packet. It's not fucking rocket science.

  • Someone offering me a cup of tea, me saying I'm fine and I'll get myself a drink when I've finished what I'm doing, them getting me one anyway and it tasting fucking horrible.

    Sure they didnt piss in it to show how ungrateful you were? ;)
    I'm honestly not sure, it wasn't a case of not being how I take my tea, it tasted awful
    Definitely piss then
    Piss doesn't taste that bad. Depends on whose it is, of course.
  • Cereal packets - especially wheatabix. We have entered the 21st century. We are close to having driverless cars, but wheatabix still come in infuriating packets that you need a degree to open - and its not just Wheatabix (the brand) but all supermarkets own brands too. WTF !! Why cant the come in easy to open packets like Cornflakes or any other cereal that isn't a bisk. What makes then so special they have to come in a silly, fold over like an envelope, packet. Grrrrr
  • edited November 2017
    buckshee said:


    I’m staying in a premier inn , promising myself I’m only going to have cereal for breakfast and maybe some fruit. Deep down I know this is very unlikely and I’ll be smashing into a full English.

    You'll be fine...according to their recent exceedingly homo- erotic tv adverts with the overly chipper scaffolders, tucking into a premier Inn fry up every day gives you a rock solid six pack.
  • Cereal packets - especially wheatabix. We have entered the 21st century. We are close to having driverless cars, but wheatabix still come in infuriating packets that you need a degree to open - and its not just Wheatabix (the brand) but all supermarkets own brands too. WTF !! Why cant the come in easy to open packets like Cornflakes or any other cereal that isn't a bisk. What makes then so special they have to come in a silly, fold over like an envelope, packet. Grrrrr

    Weetabix was especially annoying because if you didnt open it with the care of disarming a live bomb then the moment that package opens; broken pieces are going to fly everywhere!!
  • Cereal packets - especially wheatabix. We have entered the 21st century. We are close to having driverless cars, but wheatabix still come in infuriating packets that you need a degree to open - and its not just Wheatabix (the brand) but all supermarkets own brands too. WTF !! Why cant the come in easy to open packets like Cornflakes or any other cereal that isn't a bisk. What makes then so special they have to come in a silly, fold over like an envelope, packet. Grrrrr

    Serves you right for buying a snide brand of "Weetabix"
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  • cabbles said:

    Brand new white work shirt and the bottom corner of the left at the front has been dyed pink in the wash somehow. FFS - it’s little things like this that I think capture my life so well. I try to look and act smart, but there’s always some sort of blot, reminding me I’ll forever be a lemon

    Every time I go to the bog today I’m getting worked up seeing it
  • Pointy elbow syndrome.

    Used to buy cheap shirts for work, Primark and the like, but kept ending up with a ripped sleeve around the elbow, which I presumed was as a consequence of my miserly shopping habits.

    Decided to upgrade a few months ago - Charles Tyrwhitt, TM Lewin, etc - and presumed that supposedly better quality shirts would bring an end to the problem.

    No change whatsoever - got 5 shirts being repaired at the Dry Cleaners this week. One of them had only been worn 3 times, two of them about 5 times and the other two a bit longer because they were made from thicker material. I've sought advice from around the office, but the general consensus seems to be that my elbows are perfectly normal. An elderly female staff member even suggested that they're "nice" elbows. There's nothing sharp protruding from them, and I don't wander round rubbing them against the nearest abrasive surface. Why is this happening to me?
  • MrLargo said:

    Pointy elbow syndrome.

    Used to buy cheap shirts for work, Primark and the like, but kept ending up with a ripped sleeve around the elbow, which I presumed was as a consequence of my miserly shopping habits.

    Decided to upgrade a few months ago - Charles Tyrwhitt, TM Lewin, etc - and presumed that supposedly better quality shirts would bring an end to the problem.

    No change whatsoever - got 5 shirts being repaired at the Dry Cleaners this week. One of them had only been worn 3 times, two of them about 5 times and the other two a bit longer because they were made from thicker material. I've sought advice from around the office, but the general consensus seems to be that my elbows are perfectly normal. An elderly female staff member even suggested that they're "nice" elbows. There's nothing sharp protruding from them, and I don't wander round rubbing them against the nearest abrasive surface. Why is this happening to me?

    wtf ???? I've worn "work shirts" for over 30 years & none, I repeat none, have ever worn at the elbows. wtf do you do all day to wear them out ??????
    Genuinely don't know mate. There's a bloke who sits near me who has an identical shirt to me- he's had his for 6 months, wears it once a week, it's fine. Mines at the menders after 5 wears.
  • MrLargo said:

    Pointy elbow syndrome.

    Used to buy cheap shirts for work, Primark and the like, but kept ending up with a ripped sleeve around the elbow, which I presumed was as a consequence of my miserly shopping habits.

    Decided to upgrade a few months ago - Charles Tyrwhitt, TM Lewin, etc - and presumed that supposedly better quality shirts would bring an end to the problem.

    No change whatsoever - got 5 shirts being repaired at the Dry Cleaners this week. One of them had only been worn 3 times, two of them about 5 times and the other two a bit longer because they were made from thicker material. I've sought advice from around the office, but the general consensus seems to be that my elbows are perfectly normal. An elderly female staff member even suggested that they're "nice" elbows. There's nothing sharp protruding from them, and I don't wander round rubbing them against the nearest abrasive surface. Why is this happening to me?

    Sounds like they don't fit properly, do you wear fitted shirts?

    Might be worth going into a shirt shop and getting measured up and even mention it and see if they recommend a different size/fit (remember you don't have to buy anything just because they spend two minutes measuring you for a shirt)

    Failing that do you spend a lot of time with your elbows on the desk whilst on the phone etc? Doesn't have to be that they are catching on something sharp but may be getting worn by the desk/armrests
  • MrLargo said:

    Pointy elbow syndrome.

    Used to buy cheap shirts for work, Primark and the like, but kept ending up with a ripped sleeve around the elbow, which I presumed was as a consequence of my miserly shopping habits.

    Decided to upgrade a few months ago - Charles Tyrwhitt, TM Lewin, etc - and presumed that supposedly better quality shirts would bring an end to the problem.

    No change whatsoever - got 5 shirts being repaired at the Dry Cleaners this week. One of them had only been worn 3 times, two of them about 5 times and the other two a bit longer because they were made from thicker material. I've sought advice from around the office, but the general consensus seems to be that my elbows are perfectly normal. An elderly female staff member even suggested that they're "nice" elbows. There's nothing sharp protruding from them, and I don't wander round rubbing them against the nearest abrasive surface. Why is this happening to me?

    wtf ???? I've worn "work shirts" for over 30 years & none, I repeat none, have ever worn at the elbows. wtf do you do all day to wear them out ??????
    I bet you wear short sleeved shirts.

    Also, over 30 years!! They must have been some high quality shirts.
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