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General things that Annoy you



  • PopIcon said:

    Cyclists who jump red lights, absolute dickheads.

    Car/van/lorry drivers that jump red lights and do a lot more damage than a push bike
    Most cyclists who jump red rights are self-righteous pricks who think that its an acceptable thing to do.
  • PopIcon said:

    PopIcon said:

    Cyclists who jump red lights, absolute dickheads.

    Car/van/lorry drivers that jump red lights and do a lot more damage than a push bike
    Most cyclists who jump red rights are self-righteous pricks who think that its an acceptable thing to do.
    That's also true of the drivers who jump red lights.
  • CL posters who 'edit' and change other posters opinions and state inane comments such as 'changed it for you' or 'corrected it for you' .. if you disagree with a poster's opinions, by all means quote it and then criticise it ..
    changing a quoted post to suit ones own opinion is just plain arrogant and silly as well as misleading purple monkey dishwasher

    Fixed it for you.
  • People who wear sunglasses on cloudy/overcast days or at night.

    If you happen to see me wearing mine then please spare a though. I've recently had my left eye operated on (a cornea graft - sowing a new cornea onto my old one) which followed having my right eye done 2 years ago). My eye is very sensitive to light, either bright indoor light & sunlight, even opening the curtains in the morning causes almost blindness. I therefore wear special ophthalmic dark glasses, which even have the sides covered to stop any light getting in.

  • People who wear sunglasses on cloudy/overcast days or at night.

    If you happen to see me wearing mine then please spare a though. I've recently had my left eye operated on (a cornea graft - sowing a new cornea onto my old one) which followed having my right eye done 2 years ago). My eye is very sensitive to light, either bright indoor light & sunlight, even opening the curtains in the morning causes almost blindness. I therefore wear special ophthalmic dark glasses, which even have the sides covered to stop any light getting in.

    And I've had lens replacement surgery and likewise have sensitive eyes and even at night I can be seen wearing sunnies. Especially knowing on here people are losing sleep over it! ;)
  • People who wear sunglasses on cloudy/overcast days or at night.

    I wear standard Glasses and they change with the conditions so find I can be walking around with sunglasses on those cloudy days
    Me too. And the looks you get as well from some on those cloudy October days thinking you're wearing sunglasses does make me laugh. It's almost as if they've never seen reactive lenses before.
  • People who wear sunglasses on cloudy/overcast days or at night.

    If you happen to see me wearing mine then please spare a though. I've recently had my left eye operated on (a cornea graft - sowing a new cornea onto my old one) which followed having my right eye done 2 years ago). My eye is very sensitive to light, either bright indoor light & sunlight, even opening the curtains in the morning causes almost blindness. I therefore wear special ophthalmic dark glasses, which even have the sides covered to stop any light getting in.

    Sorry Golfie, no exceptions.
    Really made me laugh that Martin.
  • The clocks going back has cost me a couple hundred quid!!

    Every week I put a little bet on the NFL (only £1 or £2). The bet is for points to be scored in every quarter of every game on the Sunday. Depending on which teams are playing etc the odds vary from 80/1 to 150/1.

    Logged in today to put the bet on like usual and realised the games had all kicked off at 5 instead of 6 so I missed the start...of course every quarter of every game has now had points scored.
    And that just about sums my luck up!!!
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  • CL posters who 'edit' and change other posters opinions and state insane comments such as 'changed it for you' or 'corrected it for you' .. if you disagree with a poster boys opinions, by all means misquote it and then criticise shit ..
    changing a quoted post to suit ones own opinion is just plain asparagus and silly as well as misleading

    There, changed it for you.
  • Mums calling themselves in the third person to their kids. “Mummy’s just gong to the toilet” “Mummy’s cooking the dinner” etc.

    My Mrs does it and it drives me mad. Maybe not so bad when the kids are toddlers but above that it’s proper annoying.
  • edited October 2017

    2 weeks back the phoneline goes, so I call SFR, they do the usual checks and say they cant sort it over the mobile so organise a rendezvous for Friday just gone (I send off a complaint about the amount of time this will take). Mrs waits in all day and we get a no show. I spend all day yesterday calling them, only to finally talk to someone in person at 15:00 yesterday and he explains that the rendezvous was actually a phone call and the number they were calling was the dead landline ffs! Anyway after explaining this to me the mobile line then also goes dead. We shoot out shopping and an hour later I get an engineer call up, so I plead with him to call back in 20 minutes, we get home and while I'm getting out the car, true to his word he calls back, I struggle to find the front door key, get in and run up to the box only to find the fuckin power is cut off.

    Power reinstated an hour later after emergency works

    Still no phonline

    Just got a text off SFR to say they're calling tomorrow at 16:00

    A little update - no one called, I'm half a day behind on a job, still no phoneline or internet, calling Orange to switch shortly.
  • edited October 2017
    People that eat bags of nuts on trains. Come on. The most common allergen which 17% of people under 30 are allergic to. Why eat this in an enclosed environment where the air is recycled and continuously recirculated around. Ffs. I've had to move carriages 3 times already and the train hasn't even left. Only happens when I leave work early.
  • People that eat bags of nuts on trains. Come on. The most common allergen which 17% of people under 30 are allergic to. Why eat this in an enclosed environment where the air is recycled and continuously recirculated around. Ffs. I've had to move carriages 3 times already and the train hasn't even left. Only happens when I leave work early.

  • You really want to ban a whole snack on the basis of your allergy ?
  • The number of people who make this mistake at traffic light junctions. They proceed through the green light letting them go, then confuse the red light that's holding up the traffic coming from the left for a different traffic light. Cue them stopping in the middle of the junction waiting for it to turn green and the chaos it causes. And these people actually passed a test?
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  • edited October 2017
    MrOneLung said:

    You really want to ban a whole snack on the basis of your allergy ?

    They do it on planes. It's far less hassle to find a different snack to eat that doesn't pose a serious life risk to a significant proportion of the population than it is to have to stop the train call ambulances and administer emergency first aid on the train, delaying the whole line and tuning hundreds of people's evenings. Don't you think? The air con on these things simply 're circulate the same air. So the allergen becomes airborne and anyone in the carriage is at risk.

    As a matter of fact I wouldn't actually ban them. No of course I wouldn't. But I'd urge basic restraint and common courtesy. I.e.if the carriage is busy avoid it. Be particularly careful of cross contamination keep the nuts to yourself. Don't spill them over you/people near you/ the floor.

    For me it's about basic awareness. So many people just don't realise/think. You eating nuts then touching a handle or something on the train, then someone else with an allergy touches it. You could put them in hospital.

    Children's day nurseries/play groups/baby sitters are not allowed nuts on the premises due to how common the allergy is. Even primary schools now are banning them. People of other generations before allergies were common are simply unaware of this.
  • Carter said:

    That escalated quickly!

    I think he's questioning why, out of all the snacks available and places to eat said snacks would someone choose to do so on a train.

    I've got to be honest, I don't think I've ever eaten peanuts or nuts of any sort on a train but knowing what canters has just told us I will make sure I don't in future too. I had no idea that doing so could affect someone like that

    Reminds me of the time my dad and me were sitting next to one another on a plane and an announcement came over the PA system saying "we have someone aboard with a severe nut allergy, so woukd all passengers kindly refrain from eating or opening the complimentary peabuts" having immediately located the complimentary bag of peanuts my dad is shovelling them down like nobody's business so I nudged him on the ribs and said 'Dad, you can't eat them they've just said there is someone on board with a severe allergy to them'

    "Unless it's the pilot I'm getting my money's worth"

    I had the same thing on a flight so I made sure I kept my nuts well covered.
  • People that eat bags of nuts on trains. Come on. The most common allergen which 17% of people under 30 are allergic to. Why eat this in an enclosed environment where the air is recycled and continuously recirculated around. Ffs. I've had to move carriages 3 times already and the train hasn't even left. Only happens when I leave work early.

    People with "nut" allergies.
  • Carter said:

    I think he's questioning why, out of all the snacks available and places to eat said snacks would someone choose to do so on a train.

    This. It's the enclosed spaces and recycled air that's the problem. Eat them somewhere else that's fine. I can be in a room with someone eating nuts or our in the open right next to them and be completely fine (won't shake their hand though).
  • buckshee said:

    People that eat bags of nuts on trains. Come on. The most common allergen which 17% of people under 30 are allergic to. Why eat this in an enclosed environment where the air is recycled and continuously recirculated around. Ffs. I've had to move carriages 3 times already and the train hasn't even left. Only happens when I leave work early.

    People with "nut" allergies.
    Why the quotation marks? The two most common allergens: peanuts and other or tree nuts. Yes they are separate allergens. Despite there being no scientific link between the 2 it's incredibly common to be allergic to both. Hence the common term "nut allergy" which encompasses both.

    Or whoosh?
  • so, I can't eat peanuts because somebody may have an allergy, I can't eat a sausage roll in case in might offend any Jewish people that might be on the train also and I can't have a beer in case a recovering alcoholic may "fall off the wagon" and join me.

    do me a favour - get yourself a car & then you can control your own environment. Never heard so much twaddle in my life. What the f**k is the world coming to. ? can't eat a bag of peanuts on a train just in case you might be on it - let me know in future when & where you're going & I'll clear the train in advance for you .
  • edited October 2017

    so, I can't eat peanuts because somebody may have an allergy, I can't eat a sausage roll in case in might offend any Jewish people that might be on the train also and I can't have a beer in case a recovering alcoholic may "fall off the wagon" and join me.

    do me a favour - get yourself a car & then you can control your own environment. Never heard so much twaddle in my life. What the f**k is the world coming to. ? can't eat a bag of peanuts on a train just in case you might be on it - let me know in future when & where you're going & I'll clear the train in advance for you .

    That's clearly not What I said is it.

    I said there should be more awareness. I also said that I wouldn't ban then from trains. I said probably safest to avoid them on busy carriages or if you do be careful and considerate and avoid cross contamination.

    As much as a new may not like a sausage roll or a recovering alcoholic may not want to be beer a beer they are not life threatening.

    How much hassle is it to eat a different snack when you're on the train and eat your nuts at another time. As opposed to eating the nuts, sending someone into severe anaphylactic shock. Causing the train to stop at the next station to wait for an ambulance and then wait for emergency treatment to be administered delaying not just you and your train but the entire line. That's before we get onto the issues it causes the person who ends up in hospital. This has happened I know of cases personally.

    I'm simply asking for greater consideration and a bit of thinking first.
  • Carter said:

    Why, out of all the snacks available and places to eat said snacks would someone choose to do so on a train.

    Once again. For those small of mind. The above is my point.
  • iainment said:

    PopIcon said:

    PopIcon said:

    Cyclists who jump red lights, absolute dickheads.

    Car/van/lorry drivers that jump red lights and do a lot more damage than a push bike
    Most cyclists who jump red rights are self-righteous pricks who think that its an acceptable thing to do.
    That's also true of the drivers who jump red lights.
    I see at least 10 brazen cyclists jump red lights in the city every day, it is like they are above the law. The occasions I see cars jumping red lights its when they are trying to push through after an amber. I ride both a bicycle and drive a car, I see everything.
This discussion has been closed.

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