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General things that Annoy you



  • When you've got many cliches in the gym playing out as possible. 2 girls with a Personal trainer, they're more dicking about chatting, taking photos etc than actually doing anything, and the personal trainer is walking round talking on his mobile phone to his 'blood' rather than actually train them
  • edited September 2017
    Talal said:

    people who at the supermarket checkout have 2 separate sets of shopping, one large one for them and then a second, very small one, for their mum /aunt / sick next door neighbour for which they have to pay separately - meaning they take up more time presenting their card (twice), typing in the pin (twice) take the receipt (twice) and pack the second set of items into a separate bag.

    WHY CANT YOU JUST ADD EVERYTHING ONTO ONE BILL & SETTLE UP LATER. You have an itemised bill - just look at it when you get home, add up the 3 or 4 items & get the person to pay you what is owed. Its not hard....,..AND IT SAVES TIME.

    I used to do this when buying shopping for my gran before she died. When you have to deliver the shopping to your relative, unpack and put away in my case, then get your own stuff back before it's defrosts, wasting time by adding up a bill doesn't make much sense . And as long as you're not dawdling I don't think it's much of an issue anyway.
    Nail on head. If you have everything ready to go and pack and pay efficiently then it takes no time. I swear I could pay for three people's shopping in the time it takes some people just to load the belt with a similar amount in one go...
  • People who leave rubbish in shopping trollies
  • Jo Whiley is superb and has been for a few decades, but as above, Sara Cox and err Zoe err Ball err, not up my strata at all them two

    Jo Whiley is shit.
  • edited October 2017
    When the computer resets something by it's own "free will".

    We run the laptop into the tele via HDMI cable; this morning, out of the blue, the sound was coming out of the laptop rather than the TV. I went online and found out what to do, which involved going into a window to reset the output in a place that neither of us had ever seen before, so it cannot possibly be anything either of us had done.

  • Jo Whiley is superb and has been for a few decades, but as above, Sara Cox and err Zoe err Ball err, not up my strata at all them two

    Jo Whiley is shit.
  • When you're walking through a shop or a street and some tart is staring at a display but is slowly walking backwards so you try to go around them but as soon as you go past they decide to take a giant step backwards and clatter into you.
  • When are you in court for that bbob?
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  • Fiiish said:

    When you're walking through a shop or a street and some tart is staring at a display but is slowly walking backwards so you try to go around them but as soon as you go past they decide to take a giant step backwards and clatter into you.

    Perhaps she watched your reflection in the window and fancied you, so bumped into you to get to know you :wink:
  • When on any TV programme or film, a protagonist wrecks a room. It just stresses me out
  • ross1 said:

    Fiiish said:

    When you're walking through a shop or a street and some tart is staring at a display but is slowly walking backwards so you try to go around them but as soon as you go past they decide to take a giant step backwards and clatter into you.

    Perhaps she watched your reflection in the window and fancied you, so bumped into you to get to know you :wink:
    Impossible. I have no reflection.
  • Some will give you tips etc for free to draw you in.

    If you say "nah sorry, not interested in PT" they will generally back off...

    It's these ones that piss me off:

  • cabbles said:

    When you've got many cliches in the gym playing out as possible. 2 girls with a Personal trainer, they're more dicking about chatting, taking photos etc than actually doing anything, and the personal trainer is walking round talking on his mobile phone to his 'blood' rather than actually train them

    Personal Trainers!

    Using the training slot to smarmily chat up their attractive girl clients sporting 'yoga pants' and a face full of make-up (yeah, ok that's probably just jealousy).

    Actually, the worst thing is the semi-aggressive sales pitch you get if you accidentally meet eyes with one... "Hey man, what are you working on today?" - "sod off"
    Park him up and when he comes round simple say "Boxersize!"
  • Cafe's that don't do crusty bread.
  • people who at the supermarket checkout have 2 separate sets of shopping, one large one for them and then a second, very small one, for their mum /aunt / sick next door neighbour for which they have to pay separately - meaning they take up more time presenting their card (twice), typing in the pin (twice) take the receipt (twice) and pack the second set of items into a separate bag.

    WHY CANT YOU JUST ADD EVERYTHING ONTO ONE BILL & SETTLE UP LATER. You have an itemised bill - just look at it when you get home, add up the 3 or 4 items & get the person to pay you what is owed. Its not hard....,..AND IT SAVES TIME.

    Yeah, the bastards !
  • People who cram onto the bottom deck of a double decker bus yet forget there are seats galore upstairs on the bus. Those same people then also resort to standing on the stairs and generally getting in the way when you want to get off.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Buses

    So rare in Biggleswade I am surprised you ever see one mate...
  • Buses

    So rare in Biggleswade I am surprised you ever see one mate...
    I think they were put to pasture years ago. Plenty in London where i work and i won't get on them unless it's the last resort.
  • When the computer resets something by it's own "free will".

    We run the laptop into the tele via HDMI cable; this morning, out of the blue, the sound was coming out of the laptop rather than the TV. I went online and found out what to do, which involved going into a window to reset the output in a place that neither of us had ever seen before, so it cannot possibly be anything either of us had done.

    Yeah.....Pornhub does that I think.
  • edited October 2017
    Wanting to go to a new website when in the car on my phone yet cant because the Google Maps navigation notification covers the address bar for an age as we're coming to the next instruction!!

    Piss off out the way, I know the way to go

    (Before I get sarcastic remarks, Im the passenger so not trying to drive at the same time, no Im not trying to watch PornHub and I have the navigation on (despite knowing the route anyway) because it allows me to keep an eye the route in case of bad traffic or accidents)
  • Wanting to go to a new website when in the car on my phone yet cant because the Google Maps navigation notification covers the address bar for an age as we're coming to the next instruction!!

    Piss off out the way, I know the way to go

    (Before I get sarcastic remarks, Im the passenger so not trying to drive at the same time, no Im not trying to watch PornHub and I have the navigation on (despite knowing the route anyway) because it allows me to keep an eye the route in case of bad traffic or accidents)

    All those disclaimers....
    You know this place well.
  • iainment said:

    Talal said:

    people who at the supermarket checkout have 2 separate sets of shopping, one large one for them and then a second, very small one, for their mum /aunt / sick next door neighbour for which they have to pay separately - meaning they take up more time presenting their card (twice), typing in the pin (twice) take the receipt (twice) and pack the second set of items into a separate bag.

    WHY CANT YOU JUST ADD EVERYTHING ONTO ONE BILL & SETTLE UP LATER. You have an itemised bill - just look at it when you get home, add up the 3 or 4 items & get the person to pay you what is owed. Its not hard....,..AND IT SAVES TIME.

    I used to do this when buying shopping for my gran before she died. When you have to deliver the shopping to your relative, unpack and put away in my case, then get your own stuff back before it's defrosts, wasting time by adding up a bill doesn't make much sense . And as long as you're not dawdling I don't think it's much of an issue anyway.
    Nail on head. If you have everything ready to go and pack and pay efficiently then it takes no time. I swear I could pay for three people's shopping in the time it takes some people just to load the belt with a similar amount in one go...
    I load the trolley and then the belt in the order I want to pack. It saves time and makes it easier for me. And then the dimwit behind the till decides to reach over the bag of spuds and the tins to scan some fragile stuff that I put last. Drives me mad and I just don't understand why they do it.
    Not just me then! Could not agree more.
  • HGVs in rush hour traffic.

    There's a narrow main road that many motorists use in the morning and evening during rush hour. It is just about two cars wide so traffic can go normally but it is double yellow lines all the way up for this express reason: if anyone parks up, traffic comes to a grinding halt.

    Not sure why HGVs think they are exempt from this rule. I understand the newsagent needs deliveries but surely this could be done any time other than rush hour? Maybe a penalty of £10,000 each time a commercial vehicle parks illegally would stop this nonsense.
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