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General things that Annoy you



  • One for the men here - Toilet seats that don't stay up on their own.

    The sheer number of toilets in hotels and other people's houses that have this problem never ceases to amaze me.
    If they're being fitted by women I would sort of understand as it's not something that would affect her, but I reckon most toilets are fitted by men, so why the hell don't they check the bog seat will stay up? How hard is it to do that?

    Good man. My old girl still puts those furry covers on the lid. Forever having to lift my knee to stop the lid smashing into my wmd.
  • the second my wife and daughter set foot in another country they lose all ability to cross the road and it drives me up the wall. I get to the other side and turn round to see them still standing there waiting for the green man despite the road being completely empty
  • One for the men here - Toilet seats that don't stay up on their own.

    The sheer number of toilets in hotels and other people's houses that have this problem never ceases to amaze me.
    If they're being fitted by women I would sort of understand as it's not something that would affect her, but I reckon most toilets are fitted by men, so why the hell don't they check the bog seat will stay up? How hard is it to do that?

    I see no issue here
  • One for the men here - Toilet seats that don't stay up on their own.

    The sheer number of toilets in hotels and other people's houses that have this problem never ceases to amaze me.
    If they're being fitted by women I would sort of understand as it's not something that would affect her, but I reckon most toilets are fitted by men, so why the hell don't they check the bog seat will stay up? How hard is it to do that?

    I see no issue here
    That'll be because you've highlighted only a part of a sentence causing it to lose its context.
    You should work as a tabloid headline writer.
  • This 'model' woman in the paper who was 'abducted'.

    Something really not sitting right with me and it's annoying.
  • This 'model' woman in the paper who was 'abducted'.

    Something really not sitting right with me and it's annoying.

    Agreed . It looks like a jumped up publicity stunt just to promote her career.
  • This 'model' woman in the paper who was 'abducted'.

    Something really not sitting right with me and it's annoying.

    Agreed . It looks like a jumped up publicity stunt just to promote her career.
    Its come out this morning that she was seen shopping with her 'abducter' several times.
  • This 'model' woman in the paper who was 'abducted'.

    Something really not sitting right with me and it's annoying.

    did you have a bid in?
  • Sponsored links:

  • This 'model' woman in the paper who was 'abducted'.

    Something really not sitting right with me and it's annoying.

    She's from Coulsdon = Palace.
  • Macronate said:

    A work email from someone you've never met which begins 'Hope you are well'.

    You then feel obliged to respond with something like 'I'm well, hope you are too' etc.

    Enough with the niceties, just get to the point.

    You don't care how I am and I really don't care about whether you might have the sniffles.

    AFKA - it's now adaptations of misappropriations and they think I won't notice

    I demand penance
  • Seeds.

    Seeds on bread.
    Seeds in salads.

  • That bloody stupid hedgehog mascot at the world athletics.
  • Selfish neighbours shutting their dogs outdoors and leaving them to spend the entire day barking and setting off every other dog within 200 metres.

    Poor dogs are soaked, stressed out and driving me up the wall.

    Wuff, yap, Wuff, yap, Wuff, yap, Wuff, yap

    All day
  • Being addicted to this site.
  • The amount of weirdos/freaks on ITVs This morning , this week so far

    Someone that wanted their 3rd sex change
    Some 'bloke' who had given birth
    Some bird whose nose job had her fearing for her life - Pete burns lookalike

    Where are all the normal people
  • Shag said:

    The amount of weirdos/freaks on ITVs This morning , this week so far

    Someone that wanted their 3rd sex change
    Some 'bloke' who had given birth
    Some bird whose nose job had her fearing for her life - Pete burns lookalike

    Where are all the normal people

    They are 'normal'.
  • Sponsored links:

  • When people say 'slaw' instead of 'coleslaw'.

    Probably sits on the well trodden path of 'Americanisms' on this thread.

    It joins OJ and Mayo on the list
  • Mayo is fine so long as you ask for mayonnaise WHEN you ask for it. But Mayo for short between friends is fine.
  • Proofreaders.
    I mean it's not the hardest book to check, surely?

    I'm hoping for five, no, six LOL's for this one.
  • Shag said:

    The amount of weirdos/freaks on ITVs This morning , this week so far

    Someone that wanted their 3rd sex change
    Some 'bloke' who had given birth
    Some bird whose nose job had her fearing for her life - Pete burns lookalike

    Where are all the normal people

    I don't think you've grasped the concept of programmes like "This morning" or "Jeremy Kyle"..........they're not there to talk about "normal" stuff otherwise no-one will watch it. Same as any programme which has the public involved, like Dine with me, Hotel Inspector, etc etc. Wouldn't be watchable if everyone was normal - have to have someone a bit bit like CL !!
  • "Hi, I'm Micheal Owen and I know all about being injured.

    If you, you lazy fucker on the ponce, fancy having a claim up call this number..."

    Stick to the GGs Micheal.
  • Carter said:

    Scum, and I mean real Chatham scum.

    I've been working in the centre of my home town today and it is fucking abominable the sub-class that dominates the town centre.

    I watched some arsehole with a staffy not on a lead, stop walking and shrieking into his mobile phone long enough to let the dog defecate right where I was working. Long story short I couldn't give a shit if I was in a uniform or that it was obvious who I worked for at that point I wasn't having a massive steaming dog turd laid and left next to my work site so I shouted at the dirty bastard to pick his dogs shit up. This led to an exchange where he said he wasn't going to. So I politely told him if he didn't I would rub his face in it. A very nice, yet weary, lady came out of the bakers nearby and gave him a paper bag to deal with this foul deposit which eventually he did. His closing comment to me was 'get yourself a proper job ya prick'

    The irony of this wasn't lost on me and having recently watched a jimmy Carr show, told him pretty loudly that I didn't come into his place of work and knock the sailors cock's out of his mouth so could he please refrain from talking to me about my job. Saucy bastard!

    I would love to claim that retort as my own but I'm not that creative

    That was about 10am. Since then I've just witnessed a procession of the worst humanity has to offer. Chatham now has a massive immigrant population for whatever reason and whilst their scummier elements might feel at home I feel impossibly sorry for some poor family from the Czech Republic who have found themselves in Chatham or Gillingham thinking that the streets of the UK were paved with gold and opportunities. When in acual fact Chatham high street in particular is paved with dog shit and phlegm

    Chatham really is awful, my parents moved to Medway when I started Uni, where they live js alright but I flatly refuse to go to the town centre and only venture as far as the station when I have to.
  • edited August 2017

    Carter said:

    Scum, and I mean real Chatham scum.

    I've been working in the centre of my home town today and it is fucking abominable the sub-class that dominates the town centre.

    I watched some arsehole with a staffy not on a lead, stop walking and shrieking into his mobile phone long enough to let the dog defecate right where I was working. Long story short I couldn't give a shit if I was in a uniform or that it was obvious who I worked for at that point I wasn't having a massive steaming dog turd laid and left next to my work site so I shouted at the dirty bastard to pick his dogs shit up. This led to an exchange where he said he wasn't going to. So I politely told him if he didn't I would rub his face in it. A very nice, yet weary, lady came out of the bakers nearby and gave him a paper bag to deal with this foul deposit which eventually he did. His closing comment to me was 'get yourself a proper job ya prick'

    The irony of this wasn't lost on me and having recently watched a jimmy Carr show, told him pretty loudly that I didn't come into his place of work and knock the sailors cock's out of his mouth so could he please refrain from talking to me about my job. Saucy bastard!

    I would love to claim that retort as my own but I'm not that creative

    That was about 10am. Since then I've just witnessed a procession of the worst humanity has to offer. Chatham now has a massive immigrant population for whatever reason and whilst their scummier elements might feel at home I feel impossibly sorry for some poor family from the Czech Republic who have found themselves in Chatham or Gillingham thinking that the streets of the UK were paved with gold and opportunities. When in acual fact Chatham high street in particular is paved with dog shit and phlegm

    Chatham really is awful, my parents moved to Medway when I started Uni, where they live js alright but I flatly refuse to go to the town centre and only venture as far as the station when I have to.
    I work in Chatham and it has got worse over the last 3 years
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