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General things that Annoy you



  • Cheap screws. Invariably they are too soft, the head gets messy, then there's never a way of going back. It's worst of all when you have to drill them out.

    Why do businesses include them in their products? Surely the cost saving isn't big enough to justify the reputational damage.
  • The Bite Size:Rumours thread. I know it's just because it's a closed thread but when you reach the end you lose the buttons to navigate away and end up scrolling all the way back to the top. Arse
  • Second hand / used newspapers.

    I normally take my newspaper from deep within the pile as I like it to be in pristine condition. Yesterday I took the the top copy and later realised to my horror that it had been read. Slightly crumpled, with pages that didn’t quite line up, I was relieved to find the crossword free from the vendor’s attention - hope he wasn’t taking a dump while he read it.

    Sadly I couldn’t even get the butler to iron it for me as I’d given him the orf.

    I just hope @DaveMehmet wasn't the previous reader (looker at pictures) it would have been worse than a dump.
  • Shag said:

    Womens eyebrows these days

    Someone at my work tattooed them on. Massive ones. Can't say I care either way about the style, but that seemed rather extreme
  • Second hand / used newspapers.

    I normally take my newspaper from deep within the pile as I like it to be in pristine condition. Yesterday I took the the top copy and later realised to my horror that it had been read. Slightly crumpled, with pages that didn’t quite line up, I was relieved to find the crossword free from the vendor’s attention - hope he wasn’t taking a dump while he read it.

    Sadly I couldn’t even get the butler to iron it for me as I’d given him the orf.

    Hope the said person wasnt forced to use it after having a dump
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  • edited August 2017
    the genius who designed and built car parks at Gatwick. I tip my hat to you. you have really gone to great lengths to make sure that anyone who drives anything that can hold large suitcases, i.e anything bigger than a bike, struggle through your alarmingly narrow car park. not only that you also have a devious electronic sign that says there are spaces on the next floor only to find out when you nearly lose a wing mirrow getting up there that that floor has now gone from 125 spaces to full up. but don't worry the next floor has plenty of spaces. repeat this till you get to the fourth floor. where to your amazement there is a free "space". when I say space you can just fit a car into it but to then try to get out of the car you either have to climb back through the boot or if you have a sunroof squeeze yourself through there.

    this whole experience takes up to half an hour meaning you are now on the extortionate £7.50 parking charge and closing in rapidly to the outrageous £12 charge. its a way to make a living.
  • Hotel bathrooms that have no actual shelf space for the most basic toiletries
  • My inability to judge the amount of spaghetti /pasta needed when cooking a meal. Every time!

    Thanks god for that....its not just me then.......
  • My inability to judge the amount of spaghetti /pasta needed when cooking a meal. Every time!

    By posting this, I was hoping someone would tell me I was being silly & there's an easy knack to it :disappointed:

  • What's the hole in the middle of a spaghetti spoon for?
    It's to measure out 1 portion.

    Pasta is another issue.
  • Chislehurst.

    Yet another set of temporary traffic lights surrounding a coned off postage stamp sized piece of road causing traffic chaos for miles around....
  • My inability to judge the amount of spaghetti /pasta needed when cooking a meal. Every time!

    By posting this, I was hoping someone would tell me I was being silly & there's an easy knack to it :disappointed:

    There is - get the wife to do it.
  • My inability to judge the amount of spaghetti /pasta needed when cooking a meal. Every time!

    By posting this, I was hoping someone would tell me I was being silly & there's an easy knack to it :disappointed:

    You're being silly, there's an easy knack to it.

    500g = pasta for 2 or 3 large main meal portions.Then do maths and weigh accordingly.
  • What's the hole in the middle of a spaghetti spoon for?
    It's to measure out 1 portion.

    Pasta is another issue.

    What's the hole in the middle of a spaghetti spoon for?
    It's to measure out 1 portion.

    Pasta is another issue.

    Exactly this. Most people think it's for draining but it is a built in measure
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  • I find a handful of fusilli is enough per person
  • McBobbin said:

    I find a handful of fusilli is enough per person

    You're not as greedy as me then.
  • "Yeah I'll have the same but with pasta. The ones that look like little action man bow ties"


    "Put with action man bow ties"
  • iainment said:

    McBobbin said:

    I find a handful of fusilli is enough per person

    You're not as greedy as me then.
    I also include the load that inevitably flies out the bag onto the floor as I try to withdraw a fist piled with pasta
  • Rolled up / pushed up shirt sleeves

    Wear a short sleeve shirt or just get on with your long sleeves.
  • The article 50 thread getting closed. Not becaise I ever read it but because it suggests something juicy went down and I wanna see who offered who out in Makros car park!
  • The article 50 thread getting closed. Not becaise I ever read it but because it suggests something juicy went down and I wanna see who offered who out in Makros car park!

    I just took a look, blimey there's threats of death and buggery on there, no wonder they closed it!
  • The article 50 thread getting closed. Not becaise I ever read it but because it suggests something juicy went down and I wanna see who offered who out in Makros car park!

    Annoying as that was the current cnut filter for the rest of the site
  • the genius who designed and built car parks at Gatwick. I tip my hat to you. you have really gone to great lengths to make sure that anyone who drives anything that can hold large suitcases, i.e anything bigger than a bike, struggle through your alarmingly narrow car park. not only that you also have a devious electronic sign that says there are spaces on the next floor only to find out when you nearly lose a wing mirrow getting up there that that floor has now gone from 125 spaces to full up. but don't worry the next floor has plenty of spaces. repeat this till you get to the fourth floor. where to your amazement there is a free "space". when I say space you can just fit a car into it but to then try to get out of the car you either have to climb back through the boot or if you have a sunroof squeeze yourself through there.

    this whole experience takes up to half an hour meaning you are now on the extortionate £7.50 parking charge and closing in rapidly to the outrageous £12 charge. its a way to make a living.

    It's like you've broken into my brain, had this exact experience on Saturday in an estate car. We got to the roof before we got a space and even then were just lucky someone was leaving. Right pain in the arse.
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