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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Maybe its not banker

    Maybe its a W but they had to put a B instead to get past sensors

    Any former Wankers(sorry admin) that have prem experience
    That dont make sense; how could Roland buy a club he already owns
    Any thing is possible with this idiot
  • Or the old Stiff records byline - Money talks, people mumble.
  • Has anyone thought this may be fake.

    Roland has released this fake info then if there are any protests in Saturday he can release a statement on Monday saying he recieved a call and the new buyer is pulling out because of the protests.

    So there is no new buyer anyway but he can then say thd fans messed it up again and it gives him an excuse
    A depressing but also plausible theory. Could be true.
    Let's just hope it isn't.

    "A banker"

    We kind of need more relevant information then simply just that.
  • Rudders22 said:
    What's that smell... oh yeah BS. So on Tuesday they said "No bit was made for £30 million... then guess what 24HRS BEFORE WE HAVE A LIVE GAME PLUS POTENTIAL PROTESTS this has come up. It is planted news to avoid protests. I am not buying ir.
    4 or 5 years ago I would’ve agreed with you.
  • Roll up, roll up, ladieees and gennelmen!
    This is the sound of the division bell.
    Somebody's been lying through his/her teeth this week.
    Is it 1) Roland Duchatelet, through the appointed spokesnumpty?
    OR 2) some self agrandising chancer masquerading as a journalist at London freesheet (not even worth arsewiping) sub-Standard

    Put your names to 1) or 2) they can't both be honest, can they?

    If, and you can mark me a sceptic, if there's anything much behind this substandard article we will at least learn a little more about precisely how farking cracked the old bungler really is.  If he declines the opportunity to offload this massive pain in the arse money pit of a football club in which he has no interest, to recoup a sizeable chunk of change, we'll be at least 2% more confident he is clinically insane.  The rancorous old liar has no responsibility for who or what follows him at CAFC and he banks millions, win, win? Huh? 
  • Why am I getting excited again FFS. It'll all end in heartache....
  • My sources tell me it's Nick Leeson.
    With Richard Rufus in his consortium 
  • If it's a strategic leak, I don't think it's from Roland as it doesn't seem like his M.O. to give a definite price like that, especially one short of what we'd previously been lead to believe he wanted.... Unless he's finally getting desperate.

    Not impossible but my gut says it's not him behind this one.
  • Interesting in that this bidder, albeit under the anonymity of a Standard article, has gone public with a valuation of £30M, whereas NDAs etc have clouded exactly what bids have been made. As the article says, the ball is in RD's court and given the events of the past week and the rejection of his demand by the EFL, if he turns this down his real appetite to offload the club at a realistic price will become apparent to all.
    Does that mean if they buy the club we will have heard the end of the undisclosed fees :)
  • Sollied said:
    Nicola Cortese? Banker and used to work with Southampton. Seemed to be highly regarded there too
    Roland won’t sell to a foreigner. The EFL won’t let it happen.
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  • The 30 mill banker has previous football experience.

    He must be a name then. Surely.
  • If it's true, just accept the offer and do one!

    We promise we won't come over and annoy you in Belgium, for at least a week.
  • CafcSCP said:
    Interesting in that this bidder, albeit under the anonymity of a Standard article, has gone public with a valuation of £30M, whereas NDAs etc have clouded exactly what bids have been made. As the article says, the ball is in RD's court and given the events of the past week and the rejection of his demand by the EFL, if he turns this down his real appetite to offload the club at a realistic price will become apparent to all.
    Does that mean if they buy the club we will have heard the end of the undisclosed fees :)
    Doubt it, at least with regard to football transfers. Think they are here to stay.  :)
  • Maybe this new offer includes paying off the previous shareholders?  Was that always a sticking point in RD's eyes?
  • More bollocks in my view. The takeover has been a myth since Murray lied  expressed a view as to when it would happen this time last year.

    There is a televised game at the weekend and rumblings of protests in the air so chuck another sop at the mug customers to burst the bubble and they will meekly accept it.
  • edited March 2019
    Maybe this new offer includes paying off the previous shareholders?  Was that always a sticking point in RD's eyes?
    It might do in which case price for the club would only be £23m otherwise the cost to the purchaser rises to £37m. Alternatively the former Directors' charges can be left in place and rolled over. @Davidsmith any snippets?
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  • So a new bid is announced just two days before a big game live on sky.
    I also expect a new bid to be announced as soon as next season's season tickets go on sale.
    This smacks of bullshit to me.
    I would love it to be true but I refuse to get carried away until it happens .
    In the meantime 
    Just sell the club and FUCK OFF. 
  • Maybe its not banker

    Maybe its a W but they had to put a B instead to get past sensors

    Any former Wankers(sorry admin) that have prem experience
    That dont make sense; how could Roland buy a club he already owns
    After the EFL "proposal" I won't be surprised if buying his own club is his next brilliant idea.  
    That made me laugh out loud  :) till I realised that was exactly the sort of crackpot idea he MIGHT have.  :s
  • LenGlover said:
    More bollocks in my view. The takeover has been a myth since Murray lied  expressed a view as to when it would happen this time last year.

    There is a televised game at the weekend and rumblings of protests in the air so chuck another sop at the mug customers to burst the bubble and they will meekly accept it.
    Do you think Muir sitting in the stands was a myth and all done to stop protests?

    If anything, this news will lead to MORE anti-Roland songs on Saturday.  They were already being sung loudly and repeatedly at Donny and Wimbledon and I expect to hear them again v Pompey.
    No I think Muir and co were genuinely interested but Roland's telephone number asking price put them off.

    That didn't prevent the hierarchy stringing the prols along with disinformation though in my view.

    I have no inside track so my comments regarding the 'takeover' are opinion and speculation but I've seen a lot of life and know just how cunning, mendacious and duplicitous people can be particularly in a business situation. Football is not an industry known for the personal integrity of its members either.

    Alan Curbishley was the exception not the rule.
  • If it's a banker that rules out Mike Ashley. Unless it's rhyming slang. 
  • It has probably been made public by the bidder to put some pressure on Duchatelet to sell. If this is correct, there must be an expectation, or at least a suspicion that he won't sell at that price. Even though it seems more than generous considering it is significantly more than Duchatelet originally paid, and he has hardly improved anything!
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!