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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



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    Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    Mate not being funny but just stop talking about his wife and sons, i know you don't mean anything by it but it's not a good look
    Get real, the Wags and kids of many players are regulars around most clubs. The fact he has them is hardly a secret SWISDOM is hardly supplying information we are not all aware of. They have by some sources been quoted as the reason he is available for transfer. Although not exactly like the Royal family, people wish to know why, the best striker in league one is getting Huddersfield promoted and not us. 
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    iamdan said:
    Biggest question really is Alfie playing cricket today?

    Alfie is the highest scorer in his cricket team but unfortunately the head coach wants more all rounders in the team who are over six foot and can score a quick 25 and nick a wicket with medium pace.
    Alfie May feel under appreciated and didn't want to be a water carrying Twelfth man.
    He has had an offer from the South Yorkshire Cricket League who want an opener with an average of 50 and it's a no brainer for Alfie as they supply a lovely spread and his family will enjoy the yorkshire dales.

    🗣️HOWZAT ?

    Fuck knows 🤷🏻‍♂️
    May should check the script!...might be a catch in it.
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    Honestly hope the May replacement isn't Godden.

    Would prefer to go for younger players we can develop.
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    Honestly hope the May replacement isn't Godden.

    Would prefer to go for younger players we can develop.
    We've already got them.
    I'm not talking 19 like Kanu etc, but say 24, 25, potential to be with us a few years.

    Rather than nearly 33.
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    Tough to pick any transfer rumours out on this “he hit me first, she pulled my hair my dads bigger than yours” thread 😞
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    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    Interesting take… and to swear and say you’re not a stalker shows here that you have a complete lack of awareness and completely missed the point.

    You were in a fortunate position of living next to him, which happened because you pointed out to the club there was a home nearby that suited his needs, fine you were doing a favour but then you breached that level of respect and trust, and you seem unable to see the issue.

    Whether there is different things out there saying something, you still posted a picture of where he lives/lived, you still spoke freely about his wife and children, you still named her, mentioned about his wider family, their whereabouts and comings and goings and whatever else. That was you, no one asked for it, you done that all by yourself. I then found it astoundingly hypocritical to then say about it not being anyone’s business when it was you who was making it everyone’s business.

    May leaving to get a better move, with more money, under a manager who values him highly, and staying with family makes perfect sense. That was the case also last summer too. That is normal for a footballer and was all that ever needed to be said, done, finished. But what isn’t normal is the neighbours of such footballer sharing their business in a way that is only possible if you’re in a specific position, on a public forum “to paint a clearer picture” and then say it’s not anyone’s business when the whole time you’ve wanted to come across as this person who is close enough to them with some weird complex of being in the know and bragging who your neighbour is and whatever else.

    This should be about football and people are always going to have opinions, but the moment people in a position like yours speaks of it in a personal capacity is when it gets messy and your failure to see that is ultimately a reflection on you.
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    PopIcon said:
    I posted this on the Alfie May thread yesterday, but i thought i'd share it again here.

    Charlton don't do promotions without a goal scorer, it's a fact. To move May on without a proven goal scorer coming in lacks ambition and we are right to question Jones and the owners.

    28/29 - Fred Whitlow 26
    34/35 - Ralph Alan 33
    35/36 - Harrold Hobbis 23
    74/75 - Derek Hales 21
    80/81 - Derek Hales 23
    85/85 - Jimmy Melrose* (pro-rata) 20
    97/98 - Clive Mendonca 28
    99/00 - Andy Hunt 25
    11/12 - Bradley Wright-Phillips 22
    18/19 - Lyle Taylor 25

    *Melrose's debut was on the 29th of March against Millwall in a 2-2 draw at the Draw  

    If you are using pro-rata to win your argument then Ahadma who we are rumoured to be after scored 11 in 19 games last season, so hes a perfect replacement for Alfie, he would of scored 26,  
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    edited June 29
    Is there any bloody remote chance we can get this thread back on rumours?? All the stuff about May has been done to death! Grown men/women arguing the toss about something none of us have any idea about!.
    Every bloody morning there's 100's of posts when I log in...I'm, stupidly thinking it's gotta be a rumour, but NO, it's all about May again!!
    Can the mods just keep this thread on rumours and ask everyone who wants to carry on talking about May to post on the sodding May thread?
    How fucking difficult is that for gods sake!!
    Well said Sir...👍
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    edited June 29
    The Udders ITK's forum are expecting Alfie to sign Monday...believe that if and when...
    And that is a rumour on the rumours thread about Alfie sodding May...🙄
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    I would imagine that whatever the status of the May deal that it will be held off announcement as long as possible so that we have someone else to bring in almost straight away.

    Probably very unfair on that player (whoever they are) as they will be associated with an unpopular decision and expected to match May's numbers, fairly or not, but May going and nothing about a replacement at all would be a PR nightmare for our "new" CEO...
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    Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    Mate not being funny but just stop talking about his wife and sons, i know you don't mean anything by it but it's not a good look
    Get real, the Wags and kids of many players are regulars around most clubs. The fact he has them is hardly a secret SWISDOM is hardly supplying information we are not all aware of. They have by some sources been quoted as the reason he is available for transfer. Although not exactly like the Royal family, people wish to know why, the best striker in league one is getting Huddersfield promoted and not us. 
    Think Huddersfield would get promoted without May … that’s why going to Huddersfield not going to affect the league that much not like if he joined a team like Barnsley who we are up against for top 6 
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    Just heard going Brum as well
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    Rumour that May is going to be sooo 2 months ago soon. 
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    Here we go.  Blue touch paper lit!!
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    Going to Birmingham doesn't really tally with the moving to be closer to her family line.

    OK, Brum is closer to Doncaster than Snodland but it's not exactly the easy commute that Huddersfield is.

    could still live in Yorks. I guess, lots of footballers do crazy commutes 
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    Suspect Huddersfield will now match the bid.
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