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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



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    Swisdom said:
    Sage said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    Okay, I’m not being funny but am I honestly the only one seeing how contradictory and ridiculous this is? Maybe I am I don’t know and maybe it’s because we live in a world where everyone wants to know more and more about things even if there isn’t anything more to know if it’s not to do with them. We’ve become a desperate society.

    Saying it’s not anyone’s business whilst also telling everyone the name of his wife, where they live, where roughly his brother and parents live, previously uploading a photo of their home, saying they haven’t been back home for a week and whatever else over however long it’s been, whilst also saying you didn’t want to say as it’s not your place is simply an astounding level of hypocrisy and ignorance. Even if he wasn’t moving to Huddersfield, which it looks as though he is, I wouldn’t blame him he was instead looking to move away, even if you helped him find this place, as all of his business is aired on a fans forum. But it’s not anyone’s business 😅

    Fully anticipate backlash from this and it’s important to keep to the topic I know, but deary me.
    Im not some sort of fucking stalker - The things I’ve said are out there in various places already but only bits and bobs of it here and there.  I’m trying to paint a clearer picture so people can stop spouting shit like “he moved because his wife made him”.  

    He lived next door to me for almost a year and I only admitted that when the rumours surfaced about him leaving.  He was left alone to do his own thing so there were no breaches of trust.  Even on the few times we met up socially we didn’t discuss all.  

    He’s a family man who missed the first few years of his first two sons because he was living away so maybe, just maybe, he wants to be with his family, help them grow up but also he wants to go to work and enjoy it - which we could all see he was not at the end of the season by being subbed.

    he gets a move, keeps his family close by, works for an old boss he admires, gets a pay rise and his wife gets more support for their kids.  Maybe a player is doing what’s right for his family and himself!

    And likewise the club ha e to do what's best for them.
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    Redhenry said:
    I hadn’t read the post before mine btw 😀
    Well that’s not good enough.
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    Uboat said:
    I seem to be getting this advert on almost every page and it feels quite apt. 

    Simple Habit That Causes Feet Neuropathy...

    I keep getting the same one.....
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    Yann897 said:
    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
    Because May got us promoted last season didn’t he? the over reaction from some fans is ridiculous. Until we see what our squad looks like by the first game of the season or even by the end of the window how do we know promotion is off the agenda.
    Of equal importance he kept us up! As he had Cheltenham before that.
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    Any chance we could take the May may/May not debate onto the May thread rather than choking the Rumours thread up with it?
    Surely “May may/May may not”

    Reminds me of “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”*

    *If you aren’t aware, this is a famous example of an English language oddity.
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    Well this thread devolved real quickly to a bunch of middle aged men taking cheap shots at each over whether they view the club in a positive light or a negative light. Real housewives of southeast London type stuff.  Great entertainment.  Keep it up.
    Oi!  Less of the middle aged and how dare you assume my sexuality!
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    Any chance we could take the May may/May not debate onto the May thread rather than choking the Rumours thread up with it?
    None at all
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    Ferryman said:
    Yann897 said:
    It's very clear. We don't have to sell May. Even if Jones doesn't rate him.  He could be massive for us as a sub.

    The reality is, the new owners are like all the others. They speak well but are not prepared to invest to get out of this God forsaken league.

     Jones has to sell May to improve the team, but promotion next season is now off the agenda - again!!
    Because May got us promoted last season didn’t he? the over reaction from some fans is ridiculous. Until we see what our squad looks like by the first game of the season or even by the end of the window how do we know promotion is off the agenda.
    Of equal importance he kept us up! As he had Cheltenham before that.
    That wasn’t the point I was making though was it , the previous poster said we won’t get promoted without May and I said well we didn’t get promoted with him . But I know one thing I can’t wait for us to sell him now so we can move on.
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    I posted this on the Alfie May thread yesterday, but i thought i'd share it again here.

    Charlton don't do promotions without a goal scorer, it's a fact. To move May on without a proven goal scorer coming in lacks ambition and we are right to question Jones and the owners.

    28/29 - Fred Whitlow 26
    34/35 - Ralph Alan 33
    35/36 - Harrold Hobbis 23
    74/75 - Derek Hales 21
    80/81 - Derek Hales 23
    85/85 - Jimmy Melrose* (pro-rata) 20
    97/98 - Clive Mendonca 28
    99/00 - Andy Hunt 25
    11/12 - Bradley Wright-Phillips 22
    18/19 - Lyle Taylor 25

    *Melrose's debut was on the 29th of March against Millwall in a 2-2 draw at the Den.
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    Well this thread devolved real quickly to a bunch of middle aged men taking cheap shots at each over whether they view the club in a positive light or a negative light. Real housewives of southeast London type stuff.  Great entertainment.  Keep it up.
    Why give a considered opinion when a cheap gag will do? Sign if the times. 
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    edited June 29
    PopIcon said:
    I posted this on the Alfie May thread yesterday, but i thought i'd share it again here.

    Charlton don't do promotions without a goal scorer, it's a fact. To move May on without a proven goal scorer coming in lacks ambition and we are right to question Jones and the owners.

    28/29 - Fred Whitlow 26
    34/35 - Ralph Alan 33
    35/36 - Harrold Hobbis 23
    74/75 - Derek Hales 21
    80/81 - Derek Hales 23
    85/85 - Jimmy Melrose* (pro-rata) 20
    97/98 - Clive Mendonca 28
    99/00 - Andy Hunt 25
    11/12 - Bradley Wright-Phillips 22
    18/19 - Lyle Taylor 25

    *Melrose's debut was on the 29th of March against Millwall in a 2-2 draw at the Den.
    Bet Daniel Kanu feels loved by us lot, if he's reading these threads at the moment.

    I'm equally half joking by the way, I don't think Daniel could replicate May's scoring figures from last season, not this early in his career.

    I'd be very surprised if he did, but there is equally a fascination on here to sign players who have already proven themselves, they come here and don't necessarily replicate what they've achieved elsewhere (May is one of the few in regard).

    However there are clubs at this level who do take that risk on someone who hasn't proven themselves elsewhere, and are rewarded because they've done their research. I'm not expecting Kanu to magically fire us to promotion this coming season, not on his own. But he got seven for us in a disruptive campaign last time out, he's got a season of experience now, so imagine he'll be disappointed if he cant get into double figures at the very least.

    A player has to start off somewhere in terms of finding the goals on a regular basis, and dont see any reason why that cant be Daniel at some point.
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    I'm gutted to see Alfie go, for the fee that's been put out there it seems ludicrous, if it was 1.2m+ I think that's decent business for a 30+ year old striker. I questioned the fanfare when we signed him, not because I didn't rate him, but because I do any new signing and I'm delighted he proved me wrong. My concern is last season we kept less than 10 clean sheets. The core of our team was incredibly week, that's with Dobo and May. Take those 2 away, where are the goals coming from?

    Who are the leaders this year? Personally feel we are still a minimum of 6 short of what we need to be looking at promotion. I hope we got those but It's not exactly feeling like the summer I had hoped we'd see. We need a Midfield general, we need a captain and leader, we need a creative midfielder, we need a poacher and we need another rock in the back 3. Godden could actually be a masterstroke. Given his age and experience, could be ideal for the younger strikers to learn from and given his age, is not going to expect to play week in week out. Could be the ideal foil for Aneke, if Aneke stays fit. Effectively shared playing time. 
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    I recall Wilder for Sheff Utd in League One had a team of athletes and one player of top ability, the no7 who I forget his name. Not only did he take that team up but he took them up again building on where it needed buiding on. Also, I think Anderson, Kanu and Leaburn are no longer unknowns and this could be great seasons for them. I think I am good at sniffing out a player and Asiimwe has future Premier League written all over him for me too. It is a bit embarrassing though were I spotted the Georgia no 7 and was told by my son he is known as the Georgia Maradonna and valued at £90m.
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    Last season there was only 4 players that I thought were good enough for what we need. 

    Blackett Taylor 

    Three have left and one won't sign a contract extension. 

    Not bedwetting but fuck me I hope 5 or 6 quality players come in soon. 

    Spot on. 
    Skipped a few pages, but this is a great reality check
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    Ferryman said:
    Swisdom said:
    Laurens family are all from Yorkshire

    Alfies brother, and parents are in West Malling/Kings Hill area

    Alfie was home for about an hour last week (Tuesday or Wednesday) and I heard him putting some stuff in the car. Then the kids and Lauren got in and they left and haven’t been home since so I was surprised to see him playing cricket in the area last weekend as I assumed they were up north.

    their house is back on the market too so I figured last week this would be the outcome but didn’t want to say as it’s not my place.    

    they both loved it here and wanted to stay here but it wasn’t to be.  I think there may be personal reasons playing a part in this too but that’s none of anyone’s business.  
    If he needs to move for those reasons why hasn't he put in a transfer request?
    maybe Alfie knew of Huddersfileds interest, the club knew of Alfies family situation and they sat down and had a proper adult conversation?
    Just like we all do on here 😉
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    If there is any truth in this farce of selling our top scorer, and indeed golden boot winner last year, to a league one rival for a pittance of just £750K...
    The announcement has to be made by Charlton first on the OS to it's own fans, and not left to bloody 'uddersfield to broker the news, that has to be the way, we are owed that much at least...
    I feel a Kevin Keegan moment coming where he met fans in the st James park  car park after just selling their top scorer Andy Cole to Man utd!

    TBF I think they bought Ginola and Asprilla with the cash. Reckon we'd be lucky to get Bogle back!
    I reckon Ginola and Asprilla could still do a job for us!
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    _MrDick said:
    So, my landscape Gardner is good friends with Alfie May and his dad. What he told me earlier this week is that he’s off to Huddersfield but a fee hadn’t been agreed. The reason he’s off … and I don’t know how true this is but he doesn’t get on with Nathan Jones. Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just passing on what I was told 

    Did your butler and fund manager have any insight? 😉
    No, they don’t know Alfie May. But if they did know him, I’m sure they’d have an opinion 🤣
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