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Charlton Summer Transfer Rumours 2024



  • Outside of May it will be interesting to see who does end up going as I would imagine the players that have real interest will mostly be the ones we want to keep - and the ones we need to shift will not be beating away a long list of suitors.

    A small fee for Ness would be better than nothing but there's still AMB, Istead and Fraser (at least) to be sold and I can't imagine they are at the top of many shopping lists right now.
  • Could we not switch this repetitive too and fro about the new pitch and it's relative funding to the thread about the new pitch...and maybe get back to the rumours that there may or not be...just an idea,🙄
    If there were rumours we could
  • Could we not switch this repetitive too and fro about the new pitch and it's relative funding to the thread about the new pitch...and maybe get back to the rumours that there may or not be...just an idea,🙄
    Could you stop repeatedly posting memes, particularly the monkey and the drum, which has lost any humour it once may have had;)
  • Re Alfie May.

    My view is we wont get a bid in for more than £1m (I believe Huddersfield offered £800k) and I expect him to stay.

    I also believe that he doesnt want to move (esp not for more money) & is happy here. But Jones telling him he wont necessarily be a starter week in week out, and telling him if he wasnt happy with that then he could leave, made Alfie look at his options. Probably put feelers out & his old boss is the only one interested. 

    My gut feeling is Alfie will still be here all season, but wont be happy & so we wont get the best out of him. 

    But obviously in Jones we trust 🤷‍♂️.
  • There's been a lot of ranting about a bid that the club rejected. Very odd. 

    The level that you would expect if the club accepted a low bid, allowed Alfie to speak to the prospective club and saw him turn them down.
  • mendonca said:
    There's been a lot of ranting about a bid that the club rejected. Very odd. 

    The level that you would expect if the club accepted a low bid, allowed Alfie to speak to the prospective club and saw him turn them down.
    My own suspicion (not ITK, purely guesswork and supposition) is its been a case of Chinese whispers. There HAS been interest from Huddersfield and the club have not outright said "May is not for sale" because he is... for a suitable fee, which sounds like has not been met yet.

    So they are open to the possibility of a sale in the right circumstances, BUT through the joys of social media and gossip it's turned into either the owners or Jones or both actively trying to sell May, which I don't believe is the case.
  • DubaiCAFC said:
    It will only be a small fee with a sell on.
    We got a small fee for Davison too, a similar situation where if you are confident the player will have suitors, it's worthwhile keeping such lower paid players under contract.
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  • Keeper should be wrapped up soon.
    I’m guessing Ruddy
  • Keeper should be wrapped up soon.
    I’m guessing Ruddy
    Who are ya Ruddy well talking about Ruddy Davies, or someone else...🙄🙄
  • Keeper should be wrapped up soon.
    In cotton wool  ??
  • Didn't Ruddy say he wasn't staying at Birmingham because his family was still based in Norwich? Think it's possibly more likely to be Davies. 
  • One thing I want to see an end to is indifferent signings or loans that block the progress of our home grown.
    Risky comment, but last season for example I would mu
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  • Southbank said:
    Swisdom said:
    I think the panic on here is a little misplaced at the moment.  Let's look at the facts

    Yes we had a shocking season last year.  Inescapable fact it wasn't good enough.

    But let's look at how we performed once Nathan was in place.  Look at the difference in the team at the end of the season.  We went on a crazy unbeaten run in a really short space of time.  We looked physically stronger and harder to bully and to beat and we got some excellent results.  That was with new faces and a new style.  Square pegs in round holes you could say

    We had multiple new faces come in and do a good job.  So we ended the season MUCH stronger than the preceding months.  Now we have improved the goalkeeping department (one more to come I believe), we've signed one of the better central defenders in the division last season (to the annoyance of a lot of Millwall fans), we've signed a midfielder who was last seen scoring in the Premier League last season  We have an even stronger Miles Leaburn on his way back into the team and added strength to the left hand side.  We are not done yet but the spine of the team arguable already is stronger and will get stronger still.  We've got Campbell committed to us for a couple more years and it was clear Nathan has played a part in his mini resurgence at the end of the season so hopefully he can build on that this year and show us what he is capable of more consistently - he needed an arm around the shoulder and I think Nathan is perfect for that.

    We've released many of the players who were not good enough or who did not fit in with Nathan's way of playing and I dare say there will be a few more leaving us.

    Nathan wanted his squad in place in place for pre season "barring one or two" so let's see what they can pull out of the hat this week but we are already continuing in the right direction.

    The obvious elephants in the room are Dobbo and May.  Dobbo made the decision to move on so we need to learn to live with that.  Rightly or wrongly it turned out that way.  As for May - we still don't know what the latest update is but it's all gone quiet on that front.  My guess is he won't be seen in a Charlton shirt again and it's a big shame but if the gaffer wants to go in a different direction AND we can double or treble our money on him then I'm afraid we probably have to get used to that fact. We need to comply with financial fair play so we can't realistically just get the owner to plough money into the club - it doesn't work that way any more.  So if a good offer comes in for ANY player then it's only right that we listen.

    For what it's worth I still think Alfie has a lot to offer us and I would love him to stay but from my last conversation with him he told me he needs to be playing and earning as much as possible given the short length of a football career.  Who is to say he didn't get tapped up a while ago and get unsettled?  We just don't know and likely never will.

    I just want the new season to start so we can start actually supporting the team rather than sitting on here sniping and picking apart every word uttered.  

    As I've said many many times now - it's never easy being an Addick....but I wouldn't change it for the world.  It always has been and always will be my team.  OUR TEAM.  We as fans have a part to play in supporting the club, the players and recognising the MASSIVE progress going on behind the scenes.  We are getting our ducks lined up in a nice row - now it's just the hard part to do....winning games.

    All very well and good.
    But selling our highest scoring forward since the year 2000 seems a very peculiar way of going about things. These type of players do not come along very often, once in 24 years apparently.

    But he won’t be able to score goals if he not in the team or on the sub bench 
  • Steven81 said:
    seth plum said:
    One thing I want to see an end to is indifferent signings or loans that block the progress of our home grown.
    Risky comment, but last season for example I would mu
    Did you get mad cows disease Seth ? 
    Every time I open this thread that unfinished quote lingers in my posting box, I have tried deleting, overwriting, restarting, but it doesn’t go away.
  • Good. It has finally gone away.
  • We can deal with that when our top class forwards and creative players turn up then....still would be a nice option if the players replacing him need a rest or more than likely dont score as much or ever materialise.
  • If we have made a signing why don’t they just announce it rather than take ages doing silly videos etc. 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!