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  • Gorgeous 🤩
  • I thought Bailey reminded me of Magnus.
    Both gorgeous 🥰
  • When you give your Therapy dog to 11 year old with confidence issues and she does this. 

  • ...Meet Bailey, 4 months old and absolutely gorgeous Cockerpoo, I believe more cocker than poo, after his first shampoo and trim...

    We believe Magnus is a springerpoo. 
    If you’re lucky, the poo bit will stop him rolling in 🦊 💩. I had a cocker (Bob) who was always rolling in it. 🤬🤢
    No chance
    Our poodle cross rolls in anything that smells even vaguely rank
    The ranker it is the quicker she dives in
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  • Danepak said:


    Easter Friday 2023 wifey was on her home after a few drinks and heard a meow from inside some bushes. Tiny kitten left in there. Decided to take it home. Obviously just temporarily, but Binky is still here 18 months later. She’s not 100% between the ears we think. But we love her (when she doesn’t piss on the couch…).

    A beautiful cat.
  • Danepak said:


    Easter Friday 2023 wifey was on her home after a few drinks and heard a meow from inside some bushes. Tiny kitten left in there. Decided to take it home. Obviously just temporarily, but Binky is still here 18 months later. She’s not 100% between the ears we think. But we love her (when she doesn’t piss on the couch…).

    A beautiful cat.
    Thanks. She’s a good cat (most of the time).
  • I love Binky & Roger 😻😻
    Thank you both so much ❤️❤️

  • ...Meet Bailey, 4 months old and absolutely gorgeous Cockerpoo, I believe more cocker than poo, after his first shampoo and trim...

    We believe Magnus is a springerpoo. 
    If you’re lucky, the poo bit will stop him rolling in 🦊 💩. I had a cocker (Bob) who was always rolling in it. 🤬🤢
    Shep (collie/springer) used to go walkabout (never managed to build a fence that would keep him in come April, even though his bits had been removed) and return a couple of hours later reeking of fox and/or badger.  Utterly disgusting.  No matter what we washed him with he would still have a faintly fishy/cheesy aroma days later.
  • edited October 2024
    Took our Cockerpoo Bertie up to the rugby field today, very well behaved until he found some nice Fox poo to dive into and roll on. So back home for an unscheduled shower, shampoo and dryer session. I swear he only did it to pay us back for leaving him behind, when we went out for lunch earlier. You could almost see the malevolent gleam in his eye as he did it.

  • ...Meet Bailey, 4 months old and absolutely gorgeous Cockerpoo, I believe more cocker than poo, after his first shampoo and trim...

    We believe Magnus is a springerpoo. 
    If you’re lucky, the poo bit will stop him rolling in 🦊 💩. I had a cocker (Bob) who was always rolling in it. 🤬🤢
    Shep (collie/springer) used to go walkabout (never managed to build a fence that would keep him in come April, even though his bits had been removed) and return a couple of hours later reeking of fox and/or badger.  Utterly disgusting.  No matter what we washed him with he would still have a faintly fishy/cheesy aroma days later.
    Ketchup is your friend. Leave it on the affected area for 5-10 mins then wash off with doggy shampoo. The acids etc in it counteract the shite and get rid of the smell. However your dog may end up with a slightly pink/red tint in the affected area. 
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  • Bless 'em! Ours aren't allowed outside yet. They've had their vaccinations but the op for their microchips and to have their lady bits attended to is not for another couple of weeks (Friday 13th in fact, good thing I'm not superstitious!). I fully expect Jet to immediately become a serial killer as she gets that crazed look in her eyes. 
  • Dogs and cats are what make a home a home rather than a house. And I hear you @ShootersHillGuru the thought of replacing part of the family is too raw however having love for something that isn't the same species as us and that husbandry is what separates us from the animals and I'm really glad you have got a new companion. Beautiful animal 
  • Rizzo said:
    Having lasted through a long, cat-less summer, at the start of October we caved in and got these two little terrors!

    Jet, on the left, is the brave and inquisitive one. Pepper, on the right, is the quieter, more sensitive little soul. 

    We've had them nearly two months now and they've more than doubled in size and taken over the house. Love them both to bits! Unfortunately, this is the best photo I've managed to get of them as one of the drawbacks of being all black is that it's really hard to get good photos!
    I love black cats, we had one as a kid growing up (my parents are Scottish and black cats are considered lucky there, not sure that had anything to do with it though!). Yours look perfect!
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