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Last day with  my boy today as  being put to sleep tomorrow, he has mass tumour  on liver.. gutted is an understatement.


  • So sorry to hear your sad news. Run free big boy 
  • So sorry to hear your sad news, losing a much loved member of the family is so hard. 
  • That’s awful. 
  • Sorry to hear your news Billy. Very sad …
  •  Very sad news, it’s never great losing a pet, remember the time you had together. 
  • Best wishes to you and your dog. I hope his end is peaceful and you take comfort from the time you've been together. It's an awful thing knowing that in 24 hours he'll be gone, but I'm sure you are doing what's best for him. My deepest sympathy.
  • so sorry mate in tears for you mate 💙💙
  • Gutted for you mate.
    It never gets any easier no matter how many pets you lose. 
    Just try and remember all the good times you had together. 
    Best wishes Steve 
  • edited April 8
    Awful to hear - we had to say goodbye to our English Springer Spaniel Scooby in 2019 - the most heart wrenching telephone call I have every had to make

    Thoughts with you, I know how terrible you are feeling right now
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  • Billyboy that is sad news. Your affection for him shines through and I feel sure you have given him a great life.
    All I can say is take a little bit of strength from all of us on Charlton life to try to cope, and harvest the memories that make you smile.
    I wish you the very best.
  • My heart breaks for you 💔
  • edited April 8
    Really sorry to hear that... One of our Cats is about 12-years old now, me and my missus got him from a Rescue about two months after buying our house together.

    He's definitely regarded as mine, because of the connection I have with him, and was giving him some fuss the other day, and realised that he was slowly to look a bit of an old boy... He's hopefully got about another six years left in him, but I'm gonna be a mess when its his time.

    Really dont envy you in this position
  • Really sorry to hear that... One of our Cats is about 12-years old now, me and my missus got him from a Rescue about two months after buying our house together.

    He's definitely regarded as mine, because of the connection I have with him, and was giving him some fuss the other day, and realised that he was slowly to look a bit of an old boy... He's hopefully got about another six years left in him, but I'm gonna be a mess when its his time.

    Really dont envy you in this position
    I hope you have many more years with your cat, the 2 cats we had when I was growing up lived to be 21 & 22. We lost our last cat over 2 years ago at the age of 18, it was a hard decision to make to have her put to sleep, but the right one for her. 

    Knowing that we gave all our cats the best life possible is a comfort, but still hard when it comes to saying goodbye.
  • Omg so sad.  Remember all the good times.
  • We have a 17 year old male cat and 12 year old male Miniature Schauzer, all of us are dreading saying goodbye to either.  I feel your pain. 
  • So sorry to read your terrible news.

    I'll be thinking of you.

    Run free big boy.
  • Big hug sent to you both @Billyboy
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  • Lost our 14 year old Miniature Schnauzer just over a month ago, also to a tumour.

    Following her diagnosis, we had just two days with her before she was put to sleep.

    Echo the words of @T_C_E above, especially to stay with him as he passes.

    All the best @Billyboy.
  • So very very sorry to read this news @Billyboy. It's the hardest decision in the world to make, we've been there 6 times, the last one only a few weeks ago. Please try and remember all the good times you had together, the life you gave each other, and the unconditional friendship. You are now doing the best for your best friend and he will be at peace and pain free. You will meet again at Rainbow Bridge, where he will wait patiently to meet you again. My heart goes out to you, it'll get slowly easier, but you'll never forget your good times together.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I'm sure you'll make his last few hours with you the best you possibly can. Xxxx
  • Hope you are OK Billyboy...we've been through it multiple times, what you must remember is that the little chap is no longer in pain, you are but your little mate isn't. Thoughts are with you. 
  • Sorry to he your sad news, never easy to say goodbye to beloved pet. 
  • So sorry to hear your news @billyboy. Heartbreaking. Absolutely gutted for you. 
  • So sorry to hear your news Billy. Been in the same position with a number of cats in the past. It is heartbreaking and the hurt never goes away. Be strong for your best buddy and know that you gave him the best life. Thoughts are with you.
  • Bless his heart.

    Thoughts with you , dear Lifer. x 
  • edited April 8
    So very very sorry to read this news @Billyboy. It's the hardest decision in the world to make, we've been there 6 times, the last one only a few weeks ago. Please try and remember all the good times you had together, the life you gave each other, and the unconditional friendship. You are now doing the best for your best friend and he will be at peace and pain free. You will meet again at Rainbow Bridge, where he will wait patiently to meet you again. My heart goes out to you, it'll get slowly easier, but you'll never forget your good times together.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, I'm sure you'll make his last few hours with you the best you possibly can. Xxxx
    I posted earlier without reading the entire thread but your mention of the Rainbow Bridge just set me off, again.

    Not in the same position as @billyboy thankfully but our little Border is going in tomorrow to have her gall bladder removed, can’t help but be very worried about her but she’s a tough little cookie so I’m sure all with be fine.
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