We are very lucky with our dogs and the people that want to meet them (one day it’ll happen to me 😂) Only today as walked with Bowyer in the playground with 500 children as they left school for home with their Adults, we (Bowyer) received nothing but waves and calls of “see you tomorrow” made me appreciate that’s 500 children that are no longer fearful of German Shepherds, they may not want to touch them but they know they can walk by them in the school corridors without fear.
When we started visiting the school over ten years ago that’s a hell of a lot of children’s lives affected by the presence of our dogs in school and that’s the schools words not mine.
We’ll never forget where it all started, on here all those years ago with a visit in 2012/13 to Sparrows Lane and The Upbeats, sadly those days are now over through no fault of the dogs but my run in with current and previous SMT/owners, but that’s life.
Not forgetting the support and kind words we get from members of this forum including our friendly Spanner’s.
We’ll carry on until we can carry on no more, the German Shepherd and its detractors will always have a negative comment or two and I’ve learnt to smile and let my dogs do the talking with their work.
If my maths is up to scratch over 5000 children have been associated in one way shape or form in the school alone. That is some legacy Bailey left for Bow and Valli to work with.. RIP Tramella Charles aka Bailey 💔
My wife is currently training to be a dog groomer, plans just been submitted to convert our garage to house the business. Hopefully could be all set up before the year end.
Coming soon to a garage in Bexleyheath for anyone in the area who can't get a groomer!
Excellent work! Did make me chuckle at Bow qualifying as a reading dog. Mental images of him with a gown and mortar board.
Thank you… Our dogs have never qualified as “Reading dogs” I don’t believe there is such a qualification but they are qualified Therapy dogs and have to be to get the liability insurance to work with the public and schools etc. When I was first asked I as puzzled as most and had to read up on it, most of what you’ll find on the internet is crap and people trying to make a pound note out of some sort of qualifications, they mean nothing.
Your dog’s ability to remain calm around children and ignore all that’s going on around them is the first thing, if a child runs by our dogs in school they will ignore them if the same child was to run by in the school field it’s playtime as far as my dogs are concerned. Teaching your dog boundaries is what it’s about, our dogs know if the lead is clipped on they are working if I was to unclip the lead in school they would probably get up and wander off if I said nothing.
Training for the dogs are basic behavioural training, ie: no jumping up, certainly not offering a paw etc.
Circus trick training while amusing to a child has no part in Therapy work in my opinion and can be dangerous with large breeds.
Children first come out to read, we ask them to read to the dog I don’t comment at all unless asked.
They may read quietly so if the dogs moves it’s head we may say “he can’t hear you reading” to encourage them to speak up.
I let them make mistakes on everything from pronunciation to making up the words, we build their confidence only when they are speaking confidently do we comment then it’s a gentle “hey, you’ve read that word before. Let’s sound it out together”
We have had children read their first book and wanting books for Christmas through to non verbal - non eye contact children saying the dogs name and giving me a hug.
And if it wasn’t working the school would have dumped us years ago.
And from my perspective, I retired at 57 to do exactly this. Ive achieved more from my voluntary work than I ever did in my working life, yes we bought a house and had wonderful holidays but through our dogs we made a difference to others, money can’t buy those special moments.
I can’t correct mistakes I’ve made in the past, but I’m trying to be a better person going forward. 💪
My wife is currently training to be a dog groomer, plans just been submitted to convert our garage to house the business. Hopefully could be all set up before the year end.
Coming soon to a garage in Bexleyheath for anyone in the area who can't get a groomer!
She's loving it
Good luck to your Mrs. My ex-colleague Elke was a disgruntled Management Accountant in the Universities with me and she was flirting with the idea of packing it all in to do dog/cat grooming etc and then she happened to win £50k tax free cash in one of those random ITV competitions you might see on This Morning, Loose Women, you know the ones. Well she actually won. She handed her notice in, done the training and converted her garage. She's been doing it 7-8 years now and she absolutely loves it.
At the time, it seemed quite a niche thing to do but I see so many mobile dog groomers driving around in their vans now, there are 3 based in Petts Wood alone that I've seen, its obviously very popular. Really hope it works out for her!
Excellent work! Did make me chuckle at Bow qualifying as a reading dog. Mental images of him with a gown and mortar board.
Thank you… Our dogs have never qualified as “Reading dogs” I don’t believe there is such a qualification but they are qualified Therapy dogs and have to be to get the liability insurance to work with the public and schools etc. When I was first asked I as puzzled as most and had to read up on it, most of what you’ll find on the internet is crap and people trying to make a pound note out of some sort of qualifications, they mean nothing.
Your dog’s ability to remain calm around children and ignore all that’s going on around them is the first thing, if a child runs by our dogs in school they will ignore them if the same child was to run by in the school field it’s playtime as far as my dogs are concerned. Teaching your dog boundaries is what it’s about, our dogs know if the lead is clipped on they are working if I was to unclip the lead in school they would probably get up and wander off if I said nothing.
Training for the dogs are basic behavioural training, ie: no jumping up, certainly not offering a paw etc.
Circus trick training while amusing to a child has no part in Therapy work in my opinion and can be dangerous with large breeds.
Children first come out to read, we ask them to read to the dog I don’t comment at all unless asked.
They may read quietly so if the dogs moves it’s head we may say “he can’t hear you reading” to encourage them to speak up.
I let them make mistakes on everything from pronunciation to making up the words, we build their confidence only when they are speaking confidently do we comment then it’s a gentle “hey, you’ve read that word before. Let’s sound it out together”
We have had children read their first book and wanting books for Christmas through to non verbal - non eye contact children saying the dogs name and giving me a hug.
And if it wasn’t working the school would have dumped us years ago.
And from my perspective, I retired at 57 to do exactly this. Ive achieved more from my voluntary work than I ever did in my working life, yes we bought a house and had wonderful holidays but through our dogs we made a difference to others, money can’t buy those special moments.
I can’t correct mistakes I’ve made in the past, but I’m trying to be a better person going forward. 💪
I love the detail in your post about how the three of you can interact to help the confidence and reading of children. The approach seems exactly right. I feel certain the children will remember the whole experience probably forever. The work you're doing and the difference you're making can't be quantified by numbers or money, but by the sheer humanity (and dogmanity ) you engender.
My wife is currently training to be a dog groomer, plans just been submitted to convert our garage to house the business. Hopefully could be all set up before the year end.
Coming soon to a garage in Bexleyheath for anyone in the area who can't get a groomer!
She's loving it
Just collected the family's 14 year old "Timeshare" cavachon from a much needed grooming appt.
He was looking more like a dirty, ready to be shorn sheep beforehand and it was taking 3 changes of water to wash off the mud after his daily walk.
Now looking less like an oldie & more like a spring lamb , bless him, with a new lease of life.
Well worth the £50 spent on the 90 minutes he was there.
Grooming is more important than many dog owners realise, especially dogs that blow their coats regularly, or dogs with longer coats that can get all sorts of gubbins caught up in their paws and pits
Not forgetting double coated dogs, Bowyer is double coated and Valli is single coated.
Ours are groomed twice a day when coating and stripped out once a week/fortnight depending on how severe they are blowing it, using a dog blaster is also a preferance for the dog to heavy use of rakes and stripping tools. Double coated dogs will dump their undercoat as soon as the sun shines, but if the temperature drops a degree or two they will regrow it and so it goes on.
Why is there a difference in the two coats may I ask?
Just a mystery of nature I guess, and are often produced by two short coated parents as are my dogs.
If it tips it down with rain Valli ( single coat) looks half her size and physically shiver when cold, but moults less despite having a longer coat. Bow (double coat) remains dry in appearance despite being wet to touch, the outer coat keeps him dry the undercoat keeps him warm, he’s currently blowing his coat and we get an average of a carrier bag full out of him daily.
Any groomer worth their salt wouldn’t cut the coat of a Shep,(barring knots etc) it keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
One of our cats is an absolute fluffball and she does have issues with her erm...toilet process. Having a fluffy bum is far from ideal if you are trying to poo and we've had to give her a wipe on several occasions, which doesn't go down well with us or her, bless her little furry socks.
So, stubborn git that he is, I have to drive him to Hesketh Park twice a day for toilet action
He is obviously feeling much, much better - pulling very strongly on the lead, and today has begun barging the door on his crate, trying to get out - yesterday, whilst I was out out at Orient away, he and his brother subjected my wife and daughter to howling all day (I left the house at 9am, got home at 7.30pm 🤣)
Today, 4 massive wee’s and a great big poo - he is pulling so strong now on the lead, I had to leave the poo, take him back to car, put cone back on, then go back and pick up the poo, otherwise I reckon he would have pulled me over - a bloke in the park said to me about not cleaning up after my dog had done a poo - he got both barrels from me, as I explained the problem I had - I think the combination of my CAFC coat, bald head (which makes me look a bit of a hoolie) and my rather ‘direct’ approach to his comment, scared the life out of him
He shat himself even more when, after I picked up the poo (needed 2 bags !!!), I asked him to take a photo to prove I picked it up - he scuttled off
I’m looking forward to meeting him again 😃
Some people are just arseholes - you would have to be an idiot not to realise Bodie has had major surgery - both front legs have a huge row of stitches on them !!!
So, stubborn git that he is, I have to drive him to Hesketh Park twice a day for toilet action
He is obviously feeling much, much better - pulling very strongly on the lead, and today has begun barging the door on his crate, trying to get out - yesterday, whilst I was out out at Orient away, he and his brother subjected my wife and daughter to howling all day (I left the house at 9am, got home at 7.30pm 🤣)
Today, 4 massive wee’s and a great big poo - he is pulling so strong now on the lead, I had to leave the poo, take him back to car, put cone back on, then go back and pick up the poo, otherwise I reckon he would have pulled me over - a bloke in the park said to me about not cleaning up after my dog had done a poo - he got both barrels from me, as I explained the problem I had - I think the combination of my CAFC coat, bald head (which makes me look a bit of a hoolie) and my rather ‘direct’ approach to his comment, scared the life out of him
He shat himself even more when, after I picked up the poo (needed 2 bags !!!), I asked him to take a photo to prove I picked it up - he scuttled off
I’m looking forward to meeting him again 😃
Some people are just arseholes - you would have to be an idiot not to realise Bodie has had major surgery - both front legs have a huge row of stitches on them !!!
Another inconsiderate pig who almost certainly does not have a dog. F*** him.
So, stubborn git that he is, I have to drive him to Hesketh Park twice a day for toilet action
He is obviously feeling much, much better - pulling very strongly on the lead, and today has begun barging the door on his crate, trying to get out - yesterday, whilst I was out out at Orient away, he and his brother subjected my wife and daughter to howling all day (I left the house at 9am, got home at 7.30pm 🤣)
Today, 4 massive wee’s and a great big poo - he is pulling so strong now on the lead, I had to leave the poo, take him back to car, put cone back on, then go back and pick up the poo, otherwise I reckon he would have pulled me over - a bloke in the park said to me about not cleaning up after my dog had done a poo - he got both barrels from me, as I explained the problem I had - I think the combination of my CAFC coat, bald head (which makes me look a bit of a hoolie) and my rather ‘direct’ approach to his comment, scared the life out of him
He shat himself even more when, after I picked up the poo (needed 2 bags !!!), I asked him to take a photo to prove I picked it up - he scuttled off
I’m looking forward to meeting him again 😃
Some people are just arseholes - you would have to be an idiot not to realise Bodie has had major surgery - both front legs have a huge row of stitches on them !!!
Another inconsiderate pig who almost certainly does not have a dog. F*** him.
after he shat himself did he bag it up, or will you grass him up?
Bodie is home - he can walk, but only with harness on and lead, otherwise he will try and run - he is however not impressed with his new (temporary) sleeping arrangements
Stitches out in 2 weeks, then cone off - in 6 weeks, vet check up, incl X-rays - if all good, life is back to normal - gonna be tough, but anything for my boys
Sorry Bodie - I know you don’t understand
I haven’t posted on here in a long time but in the excitement of the win at Orient yesterday I popped my head in and have just seen this.
I was the nurse on duty in Dartford when Bodie first came in! I am so pleased he is well and surgery looks to have been a success. Given how much pain he must have been in when it first happened he made no fuss at all that first night(strong pain relief may have played a part I know).
Feel free to drop a message if you have any concerns, even if something comes to your mind and you think you might be overreacting.
Bodie is home - he can walk, but only with harness on and lead, otherwise he will try and run - he is however not impressed with his new (temporary) sleeping arrangements
Stitches out in 2 weeks, then cone off - in 6 weeks, vet check up, incl X-rays - if all good, life is back to normal - gonna be tough, but anything for my boys
Sorry Bodie - I know you don’t understand
I haven’t posted on here in a long time but in the excitement of the win at Orient yesterday I popped my head in and have just seen this.
I was the nurse on duty in Dartford when Bodie first came in! I am so pleased he is well and surgery looks to have been a success. Given how much pain he must have been in when it first happened he made no fuss at all that first night(strong pain relief may have played a part I know).
Feel free to drop a message if you have any concerns, even if something comes to your mind and you think you might be overreacting.
OMG - amazing - the care your surgery gave him that awful night was superb - unlike Vets Now in Footscray, who were utterly crap - thank you so much - I will private message you
(one day it’ll happen to me 😂)
Only today as walked with Bowyer in the playground with 500 children as they left school for home with their Adults, we (Bowyer) received nothing but waves and calls of “see you tomorrow” made me appreciate that’s 500 children that are no longer fearful of German Shepherds, they may not want to touch them but they know they can walk by them in the school corridors without fear.
That is some legacy Bailey left for Bow and Valli to work with..
Tramella Charles aka Bailey 💔
Coming soon to a garage in Bexleyheath for anyone in the area who can't get a groomer!
She's loving it
Our dogs have never qualified as “Reading dogs” I don’t believe there is such a qualification but they are qualified Therapy dogs and have to be to get the liability insurance to work with the public and schools etc.
When I was first asked I as puzzled as most and had to read up on it, most of what you’ll find on the internet is crap and people trying to make a pound note out of some sort of qualifications, they mean nothing.
Teaching your dog boundaries is what it’s about, our dogs know if the lead is clipped on they are working if I was to unclip the lead in school they would probably get up and wander off if I said nothing.
Ive achieved more from my voluntary work than I ever did in my working life, yes we bought a house and had wonderful holidays but through our dogs we made a difference to others, money can’t buy those special moments.
At the time, it seemed quite a niche thing to do but I see so many mobile dog groomers driving around in their vans now, there are 3 based in Petts Wood alone that I've seen, its obviously very popular. Really hope it works out for her!
I feel certain the children will remember the whole experience probably forever. The work you're doing and the difference you're making can't be quantified by numbers or money, but by the sheer humanity (and dogmanity
He was looking more like a dirty, ready to be shorn sheep beforehand and it was taking 3 changes of water to wash off the mud after his daily walk.
Now looking less like an oldie & more like a spring lamb , bless him, with a new lease of life.
Well worth the £50 spent on the 90 minutes he was there.
Good luck to Mrs Elthamaddick in her new venture.
Double coated dogs will dump their undercoat as soon as the sun shines, but if the temperature drops a degree or two they will regrow it and so it goes on.
Bow (double coat) remains dry in appearance despite being wet to touch, the outer coat keeps him dry the undercoat keeps him warm, he’s currently blowing his coat and we get an average of a carrier bag full out of him daily.
So, stubborn git that he is, I have to drive him to Hesketh Park twice a day for toilet action
He is obviously feeling much, much better - pulling very strongly on the lead, and today has begun barging the door on his crate, trying to get out - yesterday, whilst I was out out at Orient away, he and his brother subjected my wife and daughter to howling all day (I left the house at 9am, got home at 7.30pm 🤣)
Today, 4 massive wee’s and a great big poo - he is pulling so strong now on the lead, I had to leave the poo, take him back to car, put cone back on, then go back and pick up the poo, otherwise I reckon he would have pulled me over - a bloke in the park said to me about not cleaning up after my dog had done a poo - he got both barrels from me, as I explained the problem I had - I think the combination of my CAFC coat, bald head (which makes me look a bit of a hoolie) and my rather ‘direct’ approach to his comment, scared the life out of him
He shat himself even more when, after I picked up the poo (needed 2 bags !!!), I asked him to take a photo to prove I picked it up - he scuttled off
I’m looking forward to meeting him again 😃
Some people are just arseholes - you would have to be an idiot not to realise Bodie has had major surgery - both front legs have a huge row of stitches on them !!!
Another inconsiderate pig who almost certainly does not have a dog. F*** him.
Go Bodie! Next time, let him poo on that geezers shoes, tw@t!
And I had a sauna after.
Lush 🤗