Don't let the appearance fool you. He's soft as shite. Unless you're another cat. In which case... He's still soft as shite cos he's been de-knackered, but like a prize fighter who's past it but still thinks they're a contender, he still thinks he's the el jefe. Which might be true, in his kingdom of neutered serfs, but when a tomcat pulls through... well, the chunk out of his ear, a missing canine and numerous holes in his head attest to both his lack of minerals, stupidity, and general propensity for cashing cheques his lack of testosterone can't pay.
Our Bowyer waiting for school to start and he's looking good in the early spring sunshine despite blowing his huge winter coat, thanks to a dog blaster and the children brushing him constantly the schools SEN children have a carrier bag full of his coat to hang from trees and bushes for the birds to use as nesting material.
Our Bowyer waiting for school to start and he's looking good in the early spring sunshine despite blowing his huge winter coat, thanks to a dog blaster and the children brushing him constantly the schools SEN children have a carrier bag full of his coat to hang from trees and bushes for the birds to use as nesting material.
Just returned home after a visit to a new (to us) Woodstock care home for residents living with Dementia, emotionally I'm F***** Bowyer took it all in his stride as usual, but so very sad to see what this dreadful disease does to people. As always Bow's appearance fills the lounge or bedroom with the biggest of smiles and the comment that never fails to almost tip me over the edge "You've made my day" The laughter that follows a kiss from Bow is as genuine as the smiles and the gratitude from the staff for his appearance. For those bed ridden Bow gently offers his head forward but not encroaching into their space if they reach out he'll move forward until contact is made, gently nuzzling the hand that's offered, the residents eyes may not be open but the lips break into an obvious smile, weak, but a smile just the same.
Like the children at school my reward is seeing those faces, the care home gifted Bow £20 for some chicken wings by way as a thank you, he's kipping now he's as knackered as I am.
Stitches came out half an hour ago - our vet is stunned at his progress - showed him the X-ray picture, and he is impressed with the work done on him
Cone of Shame has gone in the skip
Bodie is extremely active now, pulling very strongly on lead, and weeing and pooing daily
Are we relieved - hell yeah
Bowyer took it all in his stride as usual, but so very sad to see what this dreadful disease does to people.
As always Bow's appearance fills the lounge or bedroom with the biggest of smiles and the comment that never fails to almost tip me over the edge "You've made my day"
The laughter that follows a kiss from Bow is as genuine as the smiles and the gratitude from the staff for his appearance.
For those bed ridden Bow gently offers his head forward but not encroaching into their space if they reach out he'll move forward until contact is made, gently nuzzling the hand that's offered, the residents eyes may not be open but the lips break into an obvious smile, weak, but a smile just the same.
I’m so happy for you all Flash ♥️