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Who will be the new Charlton coach? - p103. Nathan Jones confirmed



  • so, Nathan Jones gets appointed tomorrow & then we scrabbling around for half a dozen of "his" players before 11pm on Thursday. Great planning guys. 
    Come on now let's not be silly, deals take weeks from start to finish so the idea that anyone coming in after the sacking of Appleton who would have much a say in any transfers is ridiculous thinking. Surely this manager is being appointed based on can you get us out of the shit with this bunch of players and then we'll back you in the summer.
  • colthe3rd said:
    so, Nathan Jones gets appointed tomorrow & then we scrabbling around for half a dozen of "his" players before 11pm on Thursday. Great planning guys. 
    Come on now let's not be silly, deals take weeks from start to finish so the idea that anyone coming in after the sacking of Appleton who would have much a say in any transfers is ridiculous thinking. Surely this manager is being appointed based on can you get us out of the shit with this bunch of players and then we'll back you in the summer.
    Loads of deals get done last minute, if all parties agree deals get done quickly. 
  • I am not sure who feeds REAMS and Dubai (assume same person giving info to them both) but find it very odd just how much leaks from this club constantly since this mob took over.   It seems incredibly amateur and just causes upset most of the time. 

    It's a week since Apple's was sacked, we were massively unlikely to have appointed someone by now and no one would be too disappointed, but because of the leaks there is a risk people end up that way.

    It's weird and it's unprofessional imo.

    Not a dig at people passing info here and elsewhere but a dig at the source of such info.
    You would hope in today’s progressive society that they could at least both cook for themselves. 
    Don’t highlight those 5 letters in that order  ever again - do not respond, just move on - nothing further needs saying 
  • I am not sure who feeds REAMS and Dubai (assume same person giving info to them both) but find it very odd just how much leaks from this club constantly since this mob took over.   It seems incredibly amateur and just causes upset most of the time. 

    It's a week since Apple's was sacked, we were massively unlikely to have appointed someone by now and no one would be too disappointed, but because of the leaks there is a risk people end up that way.

    It's weird and it's unprofessional imo.

    Not a dig at people passing info here and elsewhere but a dig at the source of such info.
    Thats the problem with having about 7 different owners
  • Plaaayer said:
    DubaiCAFC said:
    The board don’t all agree on Jones, so maybe not as close as some think 
    When you say 'board' what individuals are you referring to ? (I realise you may not be intending to be literal with that label).

    I find the description on the various announcements less than claer as to who our board comprises.

    It could be a combination of all/any of the below (I think):

    Managing Director: James Rodwell (Chairman)

    Group Finance Director: Ed Warrick

    Technical Director: Andy Scott

    Non-Executive Director: Paul Elliott CBE MBE

    Non-Executive Director: Gavin Carter 

    Sporting Director Simon Lenagan

    Steve Sutherland (as member of SMT)

    PLUS the 'co-owners':


    Gabriel Brener and family

    Joshua Friedman and family

    Warren Rosenfeld and family

    ACA Football Partners

    Munir Javeri

    Charlie Methven

    Marc Boyan

    What about the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit 
    Thought Marc Bolan died in a car accident in the 1970s. 

  • colthe3rd said:
    so, Nathan Jones gets appointed tomorrow & then we scrabbling around for half a dozen of "his" players before 11pm on Thursday. Great planning guys. 
    Come on now let's not be silly, deals take weeks from start to finish so the idea that anyone coming in after the sacking of Appleton who would have much a say in any transfers is ridiculous thinking. Surely this manager is being appointed based on can you get us out of the shit with this bunch of players and then we'll back you in the summer.
    sounds like a dose of realism to me .. to give  a new man a long contract right now is probably not advisable .. so, a bit of a trial period until season's end .. I still insist that whoever (within reason of course) is appointed, we have the players to keep us up
  • Seems like a mess, as per usual. 

    Leaks obviously making things a lot worse because certain board members clearly want their opinion heard loudly. 
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  • There is a lot of nonsense floating about! Way, way, way too much nonsense!
  • Knew it was too good to be true that we would sign a half decent manager straight away and give ourselves half a chance of getting out of this shit. Jones will get pissed off with waiting for an answer and we will end up with someone like Appleton. Same old Charlton.

    To be fair i recall Appleton got off to a reasonable start.

    Maybe we'll be a  vanguard of modern football and pioneer the "5 game manager" whereby we hire a manager for 5 games, get the new manager bounce then replace them with the next bloke for next 5 games and the bounce and keep repeating the cycle.

    Worth a try. Why have one or two football brains a season when we could have ten. 

    I thought that’s what we were doing!
  • I wonder if the delaying is deliberate so that they don’t have to spend more tomorrow 
    Don’t forget these owners are not like you and I. They are incredibly wealthy - so wealthy in fact they are happy to put money into a business which loses £8m per year. They really won’t be fussed about spending a few 100,000 on players if that’s what’s needed.
  • What do you think the intent of the leak was @DubaiCAFC ? Was it to kibosh any chance of Jones taking the job by leaking that he’s not the choice of the board? Or just needless gossiping? 
  • It is not the fault of having 7 different owners. It is a matter of corporate discipline.

    I have no reason to doubt the information being « leaked ». If it happens once (Appletons departure) then you could argue it was specifically a matter of poor corporate discipline.

    If it happens twice someone is playing games. No disrespect to those passing it on but you might wish to reflect on why someone is putting this information into the public domain.

    Just who exactly does it serve? I spent 40yrs in the corporate world I recognise corporate politics when I see it. Much of it is fair game within the business but putting it in the public domain is quite another matter. Reading across the supposed candidates I can well imagine one or two may not sit well with the current operating disciplines.

    Equally there will be different levels of financial package and commitments to each candidate. If one or two executives want to kick a few more tyres before sanctioning the preferred choice of others that is their perfect right. 

    If it is ultimately a matter of performing due diligence then we are all better served. The failure to complete proper due diligence with so many of the business decisions going back to the appointment of Dowie speaks to why we are where we are.

    As for Mr Jones the analysis of Mr Harford seems just a little awry.

    There is no doubting the latter’s major contribution to Luton but as THE Manager he has featured just twice in the full time managerial role across nearly a 20yr coaching, scouting, recruitment career.

    His success at other roles speaks to the rationale & consequence of his longevity in situ.

    Did Jones prosper from his support? Did Powell prosper from the work of Chapple? Does recruitment play into any and every managers career? Shall we ask Bowyer, Adkins, Jackson, Garner, Holden & Appleton as appointment 7 in 4 yrs hoves into view?

    Mr Harford’s Managerial Statistics
    - Rotherham 2005 for 30 games
    - Luton 2008 for 89 games

    Mr Harford’s caretaker manager statistics? Across 4 clubs it registers as 41 games - yes including that one 21 game promotion run - all against the 350 games of Mr Jones.

    I suggest as a long time No 2 myself (which I found eminently more fun) Mr Harford knows only too well where his talents lay. The guy has, both on and off the field, served the game very well. 

    The debate over Jones performance is valid but adds little context. Southampton 14 games across Nov 22 to Feb 23, with the mirage of another January transfer window, in the most competitive division in world, hardly resonates as applicable to our circumstances.

    Mr Jones has a coaching and structural blue print which has proved successful in League 1, and effective in the Championship. They are the fundamental challenges this club needs to overcome if it is to a) survive b) prosper c) restore itself to former glories.

    Right now I will settle for a) & b).
    Thing is. Football clubs are interesting and lots of people want to know the ins and outs of a ducks arse. I’m told there are even forums for it. That’s why people who might be privy or are privy can’t help themselves but to let their mate or mates in on a bit of inside info. It’s exciting. With the corporate world nobody gives a toss what’s going on in the boardroom or who’s getting sacked or appointed. Long may it continue I say. 
  • Cawley says “no” when asked if there’s any manager search updates. Jones “yet to have this week’s meet with them though”.
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  • There is a lot of nonsense floating about! Way, way, way too much nonsense!
    Is it done?
  • Can probably add Hodgson to that list any moment. 😂
  • I wonder if the delaying is deliberate so that they don’t have to spend more tomorrow 
    Don’t forget these owners are not like you and I. They are incredibly wealthy - so wealthy in fact they are happy to put money into a business which loses £8m per year. They really won’t be fussed about spending a few 100,000 on players if that’s what’s needed.
    Speak for yourself. 
  • Seems like a mess, as per usual. 

    Leaks obviously making things a lot worse because certain board members clearly want their opinion heard loudly. 
    It not a mess in fact the recruitment of a manager could be done tomorrow which is very quick .. leaks of people just making stuff up .. don’t honestly think information. Comes out the club so easily.. no .. its all crap 
  • Rothko said:
    What do you think the intent of the leak was @DubaiCAFC ? Was it to kibosh any chance of Jones taking the job by leaking that he’s not the choice of the board? Or just needless gossiping? 
    Do you need to ask .. 
  • Rothko said:
    What do you think the intent of the leak was @DubaiCAFC ? Was it to kibosh any chance of Jones taking the job by leaking that he’s not the choice of the board? Or just needless gossiping? 
    Do you need to ask .. 
    yes, frankly. Which is it
  • edited January 30
    colthe3rd said:
    so, Nathan Jones gets appointed tomorrow & then we scrabbling around for half a dozen of "his" players before 11pm on Thursday. Great planning guys. 
    Come on now let's not be silly, deals take weeks from start to finish so the idea that anyone coming in after the sacking of Appleton who would have much a say in any transfers is ridiculous thinking. Surely this manager is being appointed based on can you get us out of the shit with this bunch of players and then we'll back you in the summer.
    Maybe the reason why Jones hasn't been announced as he's taken one look at our squad & laughed. Currently we have a team full of duff defenders & too many non attacking midfielders. Combine that with   no wingers I have no clue where the goals are going to come from.

    Oh yes I do......Own Goals. 2 out of the last 3. As the kids of today say.....Epic. 
  • Rothko said:
    What do you think the intent of the leak was @DubaiCAFC ? Was it to kibosh any chance of Jones taking the job by leaking that he’s not the choice of the board? Or just needless gossiping? 
    To lower the favourite's salary demand with an inference that we have plenty of other options?
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