Story behind mine: gf's in Ireland and my parents are both sick with RSV, so family Xmas was cancelled and I've had to perform a solo effort. Grey mullet with a West African style stuffing and a bacon wrap, with sprouts fried in butter and spiced cassava roasties. Given I've not had to do this much before, I hope it passes muster! Now to tuck in...
Story behind mine: gf's in Ireland and my parents are both sick with RSV, so family Xmas was cancelled and I've had to perform a solo effort. Grey mullet with a West African style stuffing and a bacon wrap, with sprouts fried in butter and spiced cassava roasties. Given I've not had to do this much before, I hope it passes muster! Now to tuck in...
Clearly will be the winner in its class. A vegetarian plate
Hope the spare placemat was solely a place to put the wine glasses and not someone looking to nick off to a plate of meat elsewhere, or any other reason.
Hope the spare place at was just there to put the glasses on before filling them and not someone looking to nick off for a plate of meat somewhere or for any other reason not available.
Only a shame the cat seems to have pissed on the veggie roast.
Story behind mine: gf's in Ireland and my parents are both sick with RSV, so family Xmas was cancelled and I've had to perform a solo effort. Grey mullet with a West African style stuffing and a bacon wrap, with sprouts fried in butter and spiced cassava roasties. Given I've not had to do this much before, I hope it passes muster! Now to tuck in...
Plenty of Turkey and Gammon hidden underneath and even managed to scrounge some of my mother's stuffing.
Points for finding a plate strong enough to handle the sheer weight of this. 15p for a bag of Veg these days and it looks like you've got £25 quids worth on there!! Finding room for a chunk of the earth's core is also highly impressive.
Some of the above look creditable compared to this effort which I was forced to buy at the pub local to girlfriends daughter in Lancaster. Given how much it cost me for 6 people I wish I'd insisted on cooking although admittedly then a choice of turkey (mine), beef, or celeriac steaks may have been pushing it.
Story behind mine: gf's in Ireland and my parents are both sick with RSV, so family Xmas was cancelled and I've had to perform a solo effort. Grey mullet with a West African style stuffing and a bacon wrap, with sprouts fried in butter and spiced cassava roasties. Given I've not had to do this much before, I hope it passes muster! Now to tuck in...
You sure you've done enough Potatoes?
A whole cassava! Not a very big one. Probably still too much. Eh who cares, it's banging
It was huge, and looked really good so wanted to try a bit - Was really nice too actually.
honking looking dinner
15p for a bag of Veg these days and it looks like you've got £25 quids worth on there!!
Finding room for a chunk of the earth's core is also highly impressive.
Come on.
No wonder you never needed a Covid jab with half the food industry fighting for you…