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POST-MATCH THREAD: Oxford United vs Charlton Athletic: Saturday 26th August 2023: KO 3:00pm



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    edited August 2023
    cabbles said:
    Bloody hell.  I really tried to turn a positive page this season given how anti I’ve been with this team over the last few years.  And I genuinely thought coming out of the Orient game, maybe, just maybe with the likes of Camara and May coming in, we’re getting in some of the quality we need, we just need a bit more.

    Injuries are a factor, no doubt.  However, if ever there was a season when we needed a decent start, this was it.  As fans, we are worn down.  I appreciate you can say that about a lot of clubs, and I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy a lot of good years, but aside from Powell in 2011-13, and Bowyer in 18-20, we’ve had a miserable time since 2007.  That’s a whole generation that have had a hard ride, and that’s all they know.  

    I understand that this will be no quick fix, but again, the start we’ve had this year is beginning to look Adkinesque.  

    I think that generally speaking, the majority of fans were in agreement that we need 3/4 more first team players that could come in and make a difference before today.  We’ve now got just under a week to do that.  It’s unlikely that’s going to happen if you’re being brutally honest.  

    It’s a long season and I will do my best to try not to fall into habits of recent years where I’ve had little patience for this team and anyone who tries to argue for them, but it’s been the worst possible start, I’m scratching my head as to how it gets better, and I think Holden has made himself look silly with the charm offensive by going to the Oak after games last season.  You earn that sort of respect and interaction after years or success on the pitch.  He’s had neither and although I appreciate he’s got a hard job on his hands, I think he’s been found massively exposed this season 
    Methven was going into pubs in Sunderland.  I suggest Holden was told to do this.
    Who knows.  I like Holden, and I don’t underestimate the size of the job he has.  Interestingly, when you join mid season as he did, you kind of get a free hit (within reason), but I found it an odd thing to do (just my personal opinion).  At the moment, he’s got Adkins mark 2 written all over him.  A big week needed.  

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    Rob7Lee said:
    There's literally not a single leader out there on the pitch. Unless that's rectified ASAP it's going to be a long hard season, we won't see games out that we're winning and we will leak goals at the end, especially away from home when the pressure piles on.
    You don’t think Dobbo is a leader? 

    I agree there doesnt seem to be anyone else, especially as Hector seems to be smoking something.
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    Just watched back the highlights. To be caught on the break after a long throw……. I have no words
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    Staying up is the only target 
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    edited August 2023
    Shopping in Poundland; playing our kids; absentee ownership. Rudderless in division 3!
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    Good to hear there were boos at half time , we got 1-1out of the second half
    and full time boos could help us v Fleetwood 
    id prefer us to boooo constantly until we’re out of this shithole cos fucking cheering these cnuts doesn’t work 
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    edited August 2023
    Still early days but a terrible start sapping confidence and optimism all round. Need to stop the rot against Fleetwood. Can't see our transfer targets being tempted to join a Club that looks more set to be lower half of L1 given our start, and reputation wise we've done nothing in recent years to suggest a promotion challenge is even a remote possibility. Can't even establish ourselves at this level without replacing the  manager every year.
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    edited August 2023
    Are our CB's still the best and most envied in the league or...?
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    Rob7Lee said:
    There's literally not a single leader out there on the pitch. Unless that's rectified ASAP it's going to be a long hard season, we won't see games out that we're winning and we will leak goals at the end, especially away from home when the pressure piles on.
    You don’t think Dobbo is a leader? 

    I agree there doesnt seem to be anyone else, especially as Hector seems to be smoking something.
    Hector is an almighty let down. I was hoping not just for equality and experience on the pitch, but also for a leader and mentor for players like Ness, Deji etc. We are getting anything but. 
    100%. Hector is no where near 100% match fit. From the outside perspective it seems like he got the sulk because never got a championship deal and never worked hard enough to stay fit over the summer.
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    Rob7Lee said:
    There's literally not a single leader out there on the pitch. Unless that's rectified ASAP it's going to be a long hard season, we won't see games out that we're winning and we will leak goals at the end, especially away from home when the pressure piles on.
    You don’t think Dobbo is a leader? 

    I agree there doesnt seem to be anyone else, especially as Hector seems to be smoking something.
    Hector is an almighty let down. I was hoping not just for equality and experience on the pitch, but also for a leader and mentor for players like Ness, Deji etc. We are getting anything but. 
    100%. Hector is no where near 100% match fit. From the outside perspective it seems like he got the sulk because never got a championship deal and never worked hard enough to stay fit over the summer.
    Do you know this or are you making it up?
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    Oxford’s goal scorer yesterday and he scored last week is 20 years old. How many other young players in their team?
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    Blimey that first half was a new low.
    The drop in belief and confidence after that first goal palpable and the lack of leadership on the pitch is stark.
    I'd go so far as to say the need for an experienced leader and dominant personality actually trumps our desperate need for a support striker who can hold the ball up, lay the ball of and generally throw their weight around.
    If we could get both in the same package that would be nice, haha.
    Thank god he removed young Ness from the firing line and should probably do the same with Anderson and maybe Asiimwe.
    These are talented kids but we are in a scrap now and they could do without the weight of expectation and summary judgement on their shoulders.
    Holden clearly gave them a rocket at half time and the performance improved second half, it could hardly have been worse.
    New Campbell looks like he has something about him, maybe something to get excited about there and "old" Campbell put in a great cameo.
    But that sucker punch winner. Christ almighty.
    The last thing we need is another manager change but I suspect that is what we are close to getting.
    Our set piece coach needs replacing.
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    Brownie12 said:
    Ultimately we are rotten to the core. We’ve got a group of chancers who saved us from Sandgaard, who saved us from Southall and co, who saved us from Roly…. It’s a never ending tale of shit owners. 

    I really want it to work with Holden, but I just can’t see how it can - the bloke can only work with the tools provided. We beat the mighty Leyton Orient and we start lauding it to the crowd….Fucking hell, a 1-0 win against a team promoted from league 2!!! The fans were even singing “the reds are going up song…you  just can’t take this club seriously.

    the only way we are ever going to get out of this mess is with serious owners that are willing to invest. Until that happens we are going in one direction and it’s not upwards. 

     Re the previous owners have to agree with you. The problem now has to lay at the feet of the SMT who have sold the idea of owning a football club to the new owners.
    This ownership now has until this window closes to sort out this mess. Dean Holden appears to be getting the blame along with youth players and unforced errors by the team.
    Nothing will change this coming week and anyone who didn’t see this coming I feel sorry for.
    Thank for explaining what went on after the Orient game, would appear some fans are deluded as the SMT .

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    Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down

    From an Oxford Blog.

    Fair assessment?
    Christ, that’s a depressing thought. 
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    Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down

    From an Oxford Blog.

    Fair assessment?

    Perfectly fair. Let's hope no one starts talking about us going down either. 
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    We need 2 decent cb in because what we have got are not good enough. Plus a rb and cf will then see an improvement with out this will end up where we are.
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    Same shit different day It’s time Old Phyco Eyes went,
    he is not good enough to stay in this league 👎👎👎
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    Bit familiar all this isn't it. The 21/22 season started very similarly; big talk about going up, haphazard recruiting, an early 2-1 loss away at Oxford and looking at an early season game against - on paper - easier opposition to ease the pressure a bit. We did that beating Crewe 2-0 but it was a false dawn and before long we'd suffered an embarrassing 3-2 reverse at home against a tiny team and then were desperately looking to the upcoming Fleetwood match to give us some hope our season was salvageable. It wasn't. We (barely) beat Fleetwood but it didn't change anything and we waited 13 games to get rid of Adkins, which was at least 3 games too long. I wonder how many Holden will get if we carry on like this
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