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POST-MATCH THREAD: Oxford United vs Charlton Athletic: Saturday 26th August 2023: KO 3:00pm



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    Nug said:
    Thoroughly depressed after that performance but then it’s become the norm these past few years. I really don’t understand why we bring in players no better than what we had. Is Jones better than Inniss? I don’t think so or he’s just got miles worse since he joined. I know I’m alone in this thought but I really don’t see how we’ve improved our RB situation since letting Clare go. The kids are getting destroyed now, just too many playing at once and they need some time to take stock in their development. Will be shocked if we sign anyone of note this week, maybe a couple of loans in the Todd Kane mould….god help us. Id say we’re midtable team again but probably closer to a relegation battle than a promotion one. New owners really need to show something about what the next couple of years plan is.
    This. And the previous post too.
    We need a few players with personality/grit/combativity, call it what you like. Kane (I know we didn’t see that much of him) seemed light in all those qualities, and light on physicality too. 
    We need to become a team that other teams know they can’t roll over without a scrap, because this is League One. 
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    having just watched the highlights I think people have been clutching at straws if they think that was a handball in the build up to the first goal. As or the defending for the second, criminal.
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    edited August 2023
    having just watched the highlights I think people have been clutching at straws if they think that was a handball in the build up to the first goal. As or the defending for the second, criminal.
    Clutching at straws is debatable, but the facts are there was a clear handball in the build up to their first goal, something that should have been spotted, but the defending afterwards was terrible, as for the second...
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    3 league defeats on the spin, in div 3, 4 on the spin if you include Newport. I can’t remember us being so utterly lost. I struggle to except that our club is now where it is, it’s never been this bad in my lifetime, as far as I’m aware. 
    If you want to challenge for a top 6 finish you need players capable of playing at that level and higher. I beginning to think that our new regime is not quite up to speed on what is needed. 

    4, 5 if you include Newport.....but agreed, this feels like a new low, in a decade and a half littered with them, that's some going
    It can accept paying rent like we did at Selhurst Park... but renting out our home (that gets added to RDs debt?). It is the lowest low ever.... our natural competitors in top division.... just think - what do we own? 
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    Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down

    From an Oxford Blog.

    Fair assessment?
    Slowly turning into an Oldham... Stuck at this level forever, until we slowly die, and we'll be that team that people remember as being in the Premier League once.
    That is so sad a thought, but could prove true if something is not sorted at an ever increasing level of, CAFC can't be allowed to just disappear...
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    Said it before the season even started. The players aren't the issue, it's the lack of quality in the backroom staff. Slowly the coaching staff were whittled down to a skeleton crew of jack of no trades, rather than specialist coaches. When Saangard decided to replace outgoing staff by promoting youth coaches, I highlighted that this was simply done as a cheap fix rather than the answer, yet many posters on here shot me down for not embracing Senda's rise to the top. Yes we need more players, but I would put a couple of specialist coaches top of my list.
    Yep, fair point...
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    edited August 2023
    supaclive said:
    It looks like nobody, from top to bottom, knows what they are doing or how to fix it

    We were warned about Methven...a talentless person in a team who take their cut in advance...I won’t pay a penny to attend a game or buy merchandise until its it friendly ownership
    Exactkly what I have decided.

    Needs a mass exodus to flush out how serious these new owners are.

    Otherwise, they will extract every last penny of value out of the club before they either take it into administration, or find another mug to buy it. Don't forget that Roland looms large over this because he owns the Valley and Sparrows.

    The football club is worth zero without the supporters and we already know that Gobby Methven is only in this for what he is able to screw out of the club. 

    The owners need to invest as we are now worse than under Roly or TS.
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    Leuth said:
    supaclive said:
    It looks like nobody, from top to bottom, knows what they are doing or how to fix it

    We were warned about Methven...a talentless person in a team who take their cut in advance...I won’t pay a penny to attend a game or buy merchandise until its it friendly ownership
    You'll be waiting a rather long time in that case. Football is fucked.
    Gobby Methven is absent and silent - keeping his head down and working out how to scapegoat Holden.

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    Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down

    From an Oxford Blog.

    Fair assessment?
    I would say that's a very fair assesment, no one takes us seriously and we roll over to most sides. 

    I haven't done my usual vlog yet I'll work on it soon but it's gonna be the worst one yet in terms of fan engagement.. as there is 0. Every Charlton fan I asked to speak with said no, I don't blame them either, they all said they're f'd off. 

    I think what was more depressing though, was how soulless the aftermath was. I am not joking, I approached around 8 different Oxford fans and not one of them supported Oxford, all said it's just their non premier league team and go for the sake of it. Really nice people but there was just something really depressing about losing to a team where the people who were outside the ground were not too bothered about the result, without trying to sound bitter. Once all the fans dispersed I walked around the ground getting shots of the ground etc and it was just absolutely soulless, no character in the area, just a tin pot ground in a retail park. I can't believe those are the kind of grounds we can't get a result at. 

    No disrespect to the actual Oxford United fans, they follow their team well and make some noise. I wish we had most of their squad, in particular their 18 who was outstanding. They'll be up there

    It does feel a little knee jerk but I can't help but think this can't be turned around with the current personnel, we need about 7 players maybe on reflection and maybe even a new manager. 

    Interesting to see you mentioned their 18 Marcus McGuane , ex Arsenal youth team player that got a big move to Barcelona that didn't really work out and then has had a fairly solid EFL career with Oxford. 
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    Blucher said:
    From the Oxbogger:

    ”….Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down. Knowing quite what you’re going to get is hard.”

    Unfortunately, the team’s current form means we know exactly what to expect. If we keep shipping goals, we will soon become a topic of conversation.

    I have little confidence that the squad will be significantly improved in the next week. The owners are probably looking at matching incomings with outgoings, which is probably not going to happen. They are understandably keen to move some players on (as we all are) but I suspect that McGrandles - who might be capable of contributing - is the only one who is likely to attract other clubs. Even if we manage to shift Kirk and DJ out on loan, we’ll have to pay the vast bulk of their wages (especially Kirk’s) and it won’t make much of a dent in the monthly outgoings.

    We’re also a very unattractive prospect at present, both for individual players and for clubs looking to loan out peripheral members of their squads. The question mark over Holden’s future after five consecutive defeats is hardly going to help either.

    No doubt Scott, Rodwell and Holden will be busy this week rehearsing their excuses for Charlton TV and the local press.


    We have seen already with the departure of Egbo that the SMT are not adverse in letting players go when we don't have a suitable replacement. 

    I'm not expecting any big movements in or out this week & most likely Friday evening we'll get shot of 1 or 2 players (probably on loan) and then replaced by similar. This deck chair arranging wont achieve much & thus we will be left floundering once again to put a decent run together. 

    Top 2 already gone & play offs are slowly disappearing over the horizon. Only thing we'll have to look forward to is the FA cup 1st round draw and avoiding relegation. 
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    edited August 2023
    Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down

    From an Oxford Blog.

    Fair assessment?
    Slowly turning into an Oldham... Stuck at this level forever, until we slowly die, and we'll be that team that people remember as being in the Premier League once.
    Depressingly true.

    Do the fans that are left have it in them to protest and fight again and would it make any difference ?

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    BigDiddy said:
    Leuth said:
    supaclive said:
    It looks like nobody, from top to bottom, knows what they are doing or how to fix it

    We were warned about Methven...a talentless person in a team who take their cut in advance...I won’t pay a penny to attend a game or buy merchandise until its it friendly ownership
    You'll be waiting a rather long time in that case. Football is fucked.
    Gobby Methven is absent and silent - keeping his head down and working out how to scapegoat Holden.

    No, he's been out celebrating his team's victory yesterday 
    All the more reason for Addicks fans to boycott this scumbag and all he stands for.
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    Don't quite think we're at the Speakers' Corner stage of proceedings quite yet
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    Said it before the season even started. The players aren't the issue, it's the lack of quality in the backroom staff. Slowly the coaching staff were whittled down to a skeleton crew of jack of no trades, rather than specialist coaches. When Saangard decided to replace outgoing staff by promoting youth coaches, I highlighted that this was simply done as a cheap fix rather than the answer, yet many posters on here shot me down for not embracing Senda's rise to the top. Yes we need more players, but I would put a couple of specialist coaches top of my list.
    The appointment of Senda slightly concerned me at the time, as his background is too similar to that of Hayes. I'd much rather someone older and more experienced, someone not after the top job, and able to tell Holden a few home truths in private.
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    TEL said:
    DRAddick said:
    One thing about Albie Morgan is he could deliver a ball, we’re noticeably useless at corners & crossing the ball in the box this season.
    We got rid of our best set piece players in Forster Caskey and Morgan and haven't replaced them with anyone who can do that job . Typical Charlton. 
    Our set prices have been so bad for so long, people remember these two as being good. They weren't. They were just very slightly not as bad as all the other crap we've had.
    Anthony Hayes said in an interview last season he is in charge of set plays. 
    Needs sacking then. One of, if not, the most pathetic part of our play.

    Should be back with the academy. 
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    edited August 2023
    Blucher said:
    From the Oxbogger:

    ”….Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down. Knowing quite what you’re going to get is hard.”

    Unfortunately, the team’s current form means we know exactly what to expect. If we keep shipping goals, we will soon become a topic of conversation.

    I have little confidence that the squad will be significantly improved in the next week. The owners are probably looking at matching incomings with outgoings, which is probably not going to happen. They are understandably keen to move some players on (as we all are) but I suspect that McGrandles - who might be capable of contributing - is the only one who is likely to attract other clubs. Even if we manage to shift Kirk and DJ out on loan, we’ll have to pay the vast bulk of their wages (especially Kirk’s) and it won’t make much of a dent in the monthly outgoings.

    We’re also a very unattractive prospect at present, both for individual players and for clubs looking to loan out peripheral members of their squads. The question mark over Holden’s future after five consecutive defeats is hardly going to help either.

    No doubt Scott, Rodwell and Holden will be busy this week rehearsing their excuses for Charlton TV and the local press.


    We have seen already with the departure of Egbo that the SMT are not adverse in letting players go when we don't have a suitable replacement. 

    I'm not expecting any big movements in or out this week & most likely Friday evening we'll get shot of 1 or 2 players (probably on loan) and then replaced by similar. This deck chair arranging wont achieve much & thus we will be left floundering once again to put a decent run together. 

    Top 2 already gone & play offs are slowly disappearing over the horizon. Only thing we'll have to look forward to is the FA cup 1st round draw and avoiding relegation. 
    The owners are chancers - a gamble that they will not worry about losing a few million on.

    Gobby Methven and his merry band of leeches will suck out all they can until we are bust again.

    You are right that they will cut costs/sell players to reduce losses.   If fans stay away, that will accelerate the next crunch time that is coming, probably around Xmas.

    Even if we start winning a few, the underlying fundamentals are shit. Even if we loan a few, it will make little real difference. The last 5 games show how far we have fallen - the players cant do what is required and the manager is out of ideas. OK, a few will come back after injury, but these are all average L1 players.

    In my eyes, the owners behaviours since their purchase underline how fucking useless they are and the lack of communication means that they are letting Holden dig the hole they will throw him into.

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    Leuth said:
    Don't quite think we're at the Speakers' Corner stage of proceedings quite yet
    Other than Addicks fans, who cares ?

    The only options are to support or boycott.
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    edited August 2023
    BigDiddy said:
    Blucher said:
    From the Oxbogger:

    ”….Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down. Knowing quite what you’re going to get is hard.”

    Unfortunately, the team’s current form means we know exactly what to expect. If we keep shipping goals, we will soon become a topic of conversation.

    I have little confidence that the squad will be significantly improved in the next week. The owners are probably looking at matching incomings with outgoings, which is probably not going to happen. They are understandably keen to move some players on (as we all are) but I suspect that McGrandles - who might be capable of contributing - is the only one who is likely to attract other clubs. Even if we manage to shift Kirk and DJ out on loan, we’ll have to pay the vast bulk of their wages (especially Kirk’s) and it won’t make much of a dent in the monthly outgoings.

    We’re also a very unattractive prospect at present, both for individual players and for clubs looking to loan out peripheral members of their squads. The question mark over Holden’s future after five consecutive defeats is hardly going to help either.

    No doubt Scott, Rodwell and Holden will be busy this week rehearsing their excuses for Charlton TV and the local press.


    We have seen already with the departure of Egbo that the SMT are not adverse in letting players go when we don't have a suitable replacement. 

    I'm not expecting any big movements in or out this week & most likely Friday evening we'll get shot of 1 or 2 players (probably on loan) and then replaced by similar. This deck chair arranging wont achieve much & thus we will be left floundering once again to put a decent run together. 

    Top 2 already gone & play offs are slowly disappearing over the horizon. Only thing we'll have to look forward to is the FA cup 1st round draw and avoiding relegation. 
    The owners are chancers - a gamble that they will not worry about losing a few million on.

    Gobby Methven and his merry band of leeches will suck out all they can until we are bust again.

    You are right that they will cut costs/sell players to reduce losses.   If fans stay away, that will accelerate the next crunch time that is coming, probably around Xmas.

    Even if we start winning a few, the underlying fundamentals are shit. Even if we loan a few, it will make little real difference. The last 5 games show how far we have fallen - the players cant do what is required and the manager is out of ideas. OK, a few will come back after injury, but these are all average L1 players.

    In my eyes, the owners behaviours since their purchase underline how fucking useless they are and the lack of communication means that they are letting Holden dig the hole they will throw him into.

    This..............(is a good post that sums things up well imo).

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    edited August 2023
    We turned up to a side with a good start, confidence, players playing in their position with a clear directive and a front four getting the job done!
    We set up against that with a RCB of 3 who hasn’t played a single game, less than those who have played and have fitness concerns!
    We move one of those fitness concerns, who’s played on the right side of a 3 or 2 in every start, to the left of a back 3. “Protect him” with a winger at LWB, who doesn’t want to defend and is also not very good at defending. While putting the more natural LWB/LB in CM. 
    Too many ‘WTF’ decisions before a whistle had even been blown. 

    I could understand if we weren’t quite at it given the fitness and injury issues but we’ve not made the most of what we had available again and this time we also made a real mess of it.
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    vff said:
    BigDiddy said:
    Blucher said:
    From the Oxbogger:

    ”….Charlton are a forgotten team in the division, for all their historical status, nobody talks about them either challenging for promotion or going down. Knowing quite what you’re going to get is hard.”

    Unfortunately, the team’s current form means we know exactly what to expect. If we keep shipping goals, we will soon become a topic of conversation.

    I have little confidence that the squad will be significantly improved in the next week. The owners are probably looking at matching incomings with outgoings, which is probably not going to happen. They are understandably keen to move some players on (as we all are) but I suspect that McGrandles - who might be capable of contributing - is the only one who is likely to attract other clubs. Even if we manage to shift Kirk and DJ out on loan, we’ll have to pay the vast bulk of their wages (especially Kirk’s) and it won’t make much of a dent in the monthly outgoings.

    We’re also a very unattractive prospect at present, both for individual players and for clubs looking to loan out peripheral members of their squads. The question mark over Holden’s future after five consecutive defeats is hardly going to help either.

    No doubt Scott, Rodwell and Holden will be busy this week rehearsing their excuses for Charlton TV and the local press.


    We have seen already with the departure of Egbo that the SMT are not adverse in letting players go when we don't have a suitable replacement. 

    I'm not expecting any big movements in or out this week & most likely Friday evening we'll get shot of 1 or 2 players (probably on loan) and then replaced by similar. This deck chair arranging wont achieve much & thus we will be left floundering once again to put a decent run together. 

    Top 2 already gone & play offs are slowly disappearing over the horizon. Only thing we'll have to look forward to is the FA cup 1st round draw and avoiding relegation. 
    The owners are chancers - a gamble that they will not worry about losing a few million on.

    Gobby Methven and his merry band of leeches will suck out all they can until we are bust again.

    You are right that they will cut costs/sell players to reduce losses.   If fans stay away, that will accelerate the next crunch time that is coming, probably around Xmas.

    Even if we start winning a few, the underlying fundamentals are shit. Even if we loan a few, it will make little real difference. The last 5 games show how far we have fallen - the players cant do what is required and the manager is out of ideas. OK, a few will come back after injury, but these are all average L1 players.

    In my eyes, the owners behaviours since their purchase underline how fucking useless they are and the lack of communication means that they are letting Holden dig the hole they will throw him into.

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