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POST-MATCH THREAD: Oxford United vs Charlton Athletic: Saturday 26th August 2023: KO 3:00pm



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    3 league defeats on the spin, in div 3, 4 on the spin if you include Newport. I can’t remember us being so utterly lost. I struggle to except that our club is now where it is, it’s never been this bad in my lifetime, as far as I’m aware. 
    If you want to challenge for a top 6 finish you need players capable of playing at that level and higher. I beginning to think that our new regime is not quite up to speed on what is needed. 

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    3 league defeats on the spin, in div 3, 4 on the spin if you include Newport. I can’t remember us being so utterly lost. I struggle to except that our club is now where it is, it’s never been this bad in my lifetime, as far as I’m aware. 
    If you want to challenge for a top 6 finish you need players capable of playing at that level and higher. I beginning to think that our new regime is not quite up to speed on what is needed. 

    4 league defeats in a row, 5 defeats in a row including Newport.
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    Poor performance both on the pitch and off it. Oxford are a decent team but the way they passed and moved the ball around us so easily in the first half, you could have been excused for thinking we were playing Man City. 

    What can you say about the second goal? Having lost the last 3 games and got back to 1-1, it was important we at least left with a point. Holden calls it a sucker punch but after Asiimwe was left 1 vs 1 at the back last week why did we leave ourselves so exposed again by sending virtually everyone up to chase a winning goal? The manager and coaching staff have to take a share of the blame.

    I can imagine targets we may be hoping to get through the door before the window closes may not be overly enthusiastic seeing our league position.

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    edited August 2023
    I certainly think Holden has been let down by his bosses and by some poor performances by his players. He’s also had to deal with lack of fit and ready signings and injuries to key players. I would have liked to have seen after the first few defeats and poor performances a Curbs like reset with a back to basics, no frills, grind out a result approach and today was crying out for that but what we got was a very strange team selection and seemingly a lack of plan A let alone plan B. 
    Yep, remember in the 11/12 season we had a terrible week where we got turned over by Colchester and notts county, Powell got us an away draw at Scunthorpe, it was gritty and back to basics but it helped us push on.....that's what we needed today.

     I am still so incensed by the 2nd goal, surely one of those defenders instinctively need to realise that there's too little cover at the throw in and drop back, has it been coached out of them??? Stupid and punished
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    Balance of our squad looks totally wrong (AGAIN)! Really did not enjoy today one bit. It was obvious after 20-25 mins that Oxford’s formation was outdoing ours yet it took until just before half time to change it. Whoever is training set pieces, release them from their contract, I don’t care how brutal that sounds, both in defence and attack from set pieces, we are absolute dog shit this season. Lose or draw to Fleetwood, Dean is gone, we need the win and then build. Hope he gets the win, he will be hurting as much as us.

    Agree with others, lovely swirly long throw in from May, but he is a bloody fox in the box striker, do not waste him throwing the ball. Shocking decision to waste him doing that - oh and let’s keep one player back when throwing it in…FFS!

    Put today down to management and coaches way more than the players. I think they got it wrong on most levels, pre and during game.
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    3 league defeats on the spin, in div 3, 4 on the spin if you include Newport. I can’t remember us being so utterly lost. I struggle to except that our club is now where it is, it’s never been this bad in my lifetime, as far as I’m aware. 
    If you want to challenge for a top 6 finish you need players capable of playing at that level and higher. I beginning to think that our new regime is not quite up to speed on what is needed. 

    4 league defeats in a row, 5 defeats in a row including Newport.
    It’s a little worse than I thought 😁
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    I don’t believe DH is gone. With a bit of luck and some decent additions this week the season is technically still salvageable. I think it unlikely but there are a lot of games to go. If after another couple of months we’re still not looking like top six material then maybe things will be different but at this point I think he has time. Fwiw. I don’t think he has what it takes but it’s too early to push the button.
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    I don’t believe DH is gone. With a bit of luck and some decent additions this week the season is technically still salvageable. I think it unlikely but there are a lot of games to go. If after another couple of months we’re still not looking like top six material then maybe things will be different but at this point I think he has time. Fwiw. I don’t think he has what it takes but it’s too early to push the button.
    I honestly think if we lose to Fleetwood it will be over for him. Five defeats in a row in the third tier would be unacceptable for pretty much any manager. Additionally, and this shouldn’t be a consideration but it probably is, but he probably isn’t on a fortune so sacking him won’t be an expensive option which will make it more attractive. 
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    se9addick said:
    I don’t believe DH is gone. With a bit of luck and some decent additions this week the season is technically still salvageable. I think it unlikely but there are a lot of games to go. If after another couple of months we’re still not looking like top six material then maybe things will be different but at this point I think he has time. Fwiw. I don’t think he has what it takes but it’s too early to push the button.
    I honestly think if we lose to Fleetwood it will be over for him. Five defeats in a row in the third tier would be unacceptable for pretty much any manager. Additionally, and this shouldn’t be a consideration but it probably is, but he probably isn’t on a fortune so sacking him won’t be an expensive option which will make it more attractive. 
    But replacing him with anything decent will cost money.
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    I think we’ll beat Fleetwood or at least won’t lose.
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    se9addick said:
    I don’t believe DH is gone. With a bit of luck and some decent additions this week the season is technically still salvageable. I think it unlikely but there are a lot of games to go. If after another couple of months we’re still not looking like top six material then maybe things will be different but at this point I think he has time. Fwiw. I don’t think he has what it takes but it’s too early to push the button.
    I honestly think if we lose to Fleetwood it will be over for him. Five defeats in a row in the third tier would be unacceptable for pretty much any manager. Additionally, and this shouldn’t be a consideration but it probably is, but he probably isn’t on a fortune so sacking him won’t be an expensive option which will make it more attractive. 
    But replacing him with anything decent will cost money.
    I think it’s very unlikely that we’ll replace him with anything decent. 
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    Bailey said:
    I wasn't there and I didn't listen to any thread or watch the stream but when I saw that back three, I was shocked. If Hector is so off the pace or disinterested, why did we sign him, the same for Thomas. If we are to replace those two players with whoever, what will their role be in the club, bench warmers ?. We know we are missing players but those players are all offensive, we actually need two or more to come in at the back and an experienced midfielder. As for Holden, was that line up a cry for help or like Garner a 'hands up I give up' ?
    WADR, he’s in the last saloon. No way is he disinterested. 
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    That fucking holing hands celebration after the first game looks even more ridiculous now

    what a shower of shit 
    totally forgot about that end celebration…cringe 
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    There's literally not a single leader out there on the pitch. Unless that's rectified ASAP it's going to be a long hard season, we won't see games out that we're winning and we will leak goals at the end, especially away from home when the pressure piles on.
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     sorry it’s really early, but Dean needs to go. We have already fucked top table, chasing 6th at best. Fuck him off now,,,,,,, Oh…. A fucking no way is it the Curbs & Brown shit the dickheads are looking for….
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    Absolutely awful..lack of ideas, toothless defensively school boy errors. A lot of work needs to be done, get out the dead wood and get some winners who want to fight and not give up 
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    I don’t believe DH is gone. With a bit of luck and some decent additions this week the season is technically still salvageable. I think it unlikely but there are a lot of games to go. If after another couple of months we’re still not looking like top six material then maybe things will be different but at this point I think he has time. Fwiw. I don’t think he has what it takes but it’s too early to push the button.
    I will be very surprised if there are any significant incomings this week. On paper the squad is virtually full with two players for every position except right back (Dabo may fill that). Remember we have had 9 signings already. Only 5 senior players have left so the squad, again on paper and when the injured recover, is at least as strong as last season in terms of numbers even if Kirk, DJ and McGrandles leave.
    Brownie made the poimt today that shortage of numbers is not the problem.
    Sadly the finger has to be pointed at Holden, which was what Curbs was doing today as well.
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    Lots of defending the manager and excuses for the results but hand on heart is anyone confident that he’s going to turn this around and by turn it around I mean get us in the promotion mix ? It’s sadly already looking like another 9th - 12th finish. I think Holdens never had any success as a manager and doesn’t have the nous to change that. Seems like a smashing bloke and all that but we’re looking worse than dreadful. He’s not the only one to blame that’s for sure but I don’t see anything about his football that gives me hope. 
    Personality means feck all. There's not too many that think Fat Bloke is a nice fella but his success is clear to see. 
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    cabbles said:
    Bloody hell.  I really tried to turn a positive page this season given how anti I’ve been with this team over the last few years.  And I genuinely thought coming out of the Orient game, maybe, just maybe with the likes of Camara and May coming in, we’re getting in some of the quality we need, we just need a bit more.

    Injuries are a factor, no doubt.  However, if ever there was a season when we needed a decent start, this was it.  As fans, we are worn down.  I appreciate you can say that about a lot of clubs, and I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy a lot of good years, but aside from Powell in 2011-13, and Bowyer in 18-20, we’ve had a miserable time since 2007.  That’s a whole generation that have had a hard ride, and that’s all they know.  

    I understand that this will be no quick fix, but again, the start we’ve had this year is beginning to look Adkinesque.  

    I think that generally speaking, the majority of fans were in agreement that we need 3/4 more first team players that could come in and make a difference before today.  We’ve now got just under a week to do that.  It’s unlikely that’s going to happen if you’re being brutally honest.  

    It’s a long season and I will do my best to try not to fall into habits of recent years where I’ve had little patience for this team and anyone who tries to argue for them, but it’s been the worst possible start, I’m scratching my head as to how it gets better, and I think Holden has made himself look silly with the charm offensive by going to the Oak after games last season.  You earn that sort of respect and interaction after years or success on the pitch.  He’s had neither and although I appreciate he’s got a hard job on his hands, I think he’s been found massively exposed this season 
    Methven was going into pubs in Sunderland.  I suggest Holden was told to do this.
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