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Is Holden under pressure?



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    Jac_52 said:
    Easy scapegoat to ignore what is happening upstairs. 

    Yes he's doing poorly, but the main issues is our squad building and recruitment this summer. 

    Friends with the gang of four though so will be interesting to see how quickly they turn on him to save their own skin. 
    Bullshit. You saying you'd be happy if Charlie walked through the door got rid of every single one of our players and replaced them with the port vale team? They beat us with a far worse team on an individual basis because they are properly coached to a system that works for them. Holden is out of excuses as far as I'm concerned.
    As they won today yes.
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    There’s being positive towards the future but Holden seems deluded in this post match interview. 
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    Croydon said:
    He's gotten more leeway than anyone else would have because of the stunt down at the oak and all the chat about how he 'gets it'.

    The bloke compared Salford to South London ffs, nothing but empty soundbites. 

    I don’t think he gets one ounce of leeway in regard of that. I think he gets some leeway because he has not been backed properly and had to deal with some key impacting injuries.

    How long that leeway lasts though is eroding game by game as performances and decisions show no signs of improving. The pool of fit players he’s had to choose from though has not improved in recent games though. 
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    Listening to Holden (who I like) but his standards are too low - shouldn't be hearing words like excellent, unfortunate, good, great, giving everything after a poor performance like that & five straight defeats. I don't buy that we had a great second half - it was just better than the horrible display in the first - how many saves did Beadle have to make?
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    People think Holden isn’t up to the job but are asking a board who have left us with half a team of teenagers to sign somebody who does have management credentials?
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    Derek1952 said:
    If you going to change the manager its got to be done before the window shuts
    In this day and age where a manager isn't in charge of transfer, any manager brought in should expect to be judged on how they do with the current squad. Part of our problem is that we've had five managers in three years, and we've let all of them bring in some of "their guys," and we're now left with an imbalanced squad. The next manager should present a plan for how to be successful with this group of players. 
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    edited August 2023
    Oh yeah in all the nonsense I forgot they put Alfie May on not-very-long throws as well.

    As I said, not good enough. Giving the impression of a man fumbling around in the dark looking for a solution and coming up with all the wrong answers.

    Brown & Curbs in the studio saying they must’ve had a throw in competition in the week and Alfie May won it…
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    He’s a good guy, no doubt but he hasn’t got this side going and hasn’t got a clear plan. 
    There are managers like Nathan Jones, Darren Moore and dare I say a certain Chris Powell who would all come in and have an instant impact. 

    We also have a complete void of experience in the back room team, something which needs to be addressed immediately if Holden is to stay.

    The other thing he has failed to add is that leadership & experience every team needs. Where is your Pratley/Andy Hughes/Johnnie Jackson/Jason Pearce type characters to set the tone and add that game management know how. 

    One thing is for sure, this cannot be allowed to continue 

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    Croydon said:
    Don't forget Holden thought Thomas deserved a new deal, and that AMB is a better keeper than Wollacott.

    And he didn't want May if we're to believe people on here 
    Or is it that AMB is cheaper so was told one would be there next season and the other wouldn't? 

    I don't feel like managers get as much say in squads that you'd imagine. 
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    Three weeks ago the club and fans were high with expectation. New owners have I’m afraid to say been sold a pup by Charlie. Whatever he told then was enough budget to get them on board was bollox. Make no mistake the actual club is in real danger if we don’t find a miracle from somewhere. Holden has either also been lied to or he’s just on the bandwagon. I expect he always thought he would be the fall guy. 
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    Croydon said:
    Don't forget Holden thought Thomas deserved a new deal, and that AMB is a better keeper than Wollacott.

    And he didn't want May if we're to believe people on here 
    Or is it that AMB is cheaper so was told one would be there next season and the other wouldn't? 

    I don't feel like managers get as much say in squads that you'd imagine. 
    He kept AMB as first choice even after Wollacott was back from injury last season. 
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    You can’t keep losing games. Where do you draw the line? 
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    We can't blame our defensive howlers on lack of players because of injuries . How many of those injured are defenders - none as far as i can think of .  
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    edited August 2023
    Who do we go for should we end up looking elsewhere?

    Bowyer and Powell both available…
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    Until we get ourselves a manager that has true pedigree that won't take any shit from poor ownership and not someone that is just happy to have the job because it's probably out of their capability level , we will continue to fail.

    If this ownership were serious about this project they would go out and find him.
    Not holding my breath
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    Oh yeah in all the nonsense I forgot they put Alfie May on not-very-long throws as well.

    As I said, not good enough. Giving the impression of a man fumbling around in the dark looking for a solution and coming up with all the wrong answers.

    Brown & Curbs in the studio saying they must’ve had a throw in competition in the week and Alfie May won it…
    Or lost it
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    Holden isn’t going to get the sack regardless of what happens against Fleetwood. He’s their man and is there because he was onside with what’s going on all along. He doesn’t have the stature within the game to call it out despite his supposedly straight talking. He might have been led down the path a bit but he’s going nowhere.
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    Holden drops Ness to bring Hector back in for Port Vale match. Holden then drops Hector to bring back Ness and switches to a back 5. At half time we take off Ness to bring on Hector and change formation again. 

    This is exactly what I was thinking, also dropping AMB for no real apparent reason. There seems to be a real element of lucky dip to a lot of Holden's processes. I think he got lucky that JRS and Leaburn were in such good form at the back end of last season it somewhat covered up some of tactical naiveties  
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    I’ve sometimes laughed at this suggestion but (not that I think he’d take it) I would bring back Powell.

    But only if he were backed. Let’s not forget if the money men hadn’t fucked off when we got promoted to the championship there is every chance he would have followed up the league one title with a play off place. He almost did it anyway.
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    Absolute top bloke, I was desperate for him to do well and I really believed due to his straight talking way that he would spend all summer fixing our biggest problem the last two seasons, soft error filled defending.

    We need a complete culture change in the first team coaching as he is the fourth manager to fail to deal with the problem. 
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    Thought he could be good for us but now just looks as though he's just desperately trying anything hoping to stumble on a solution. Well, anything as long as it involves playing CBT as a wingback despite it clearly causing us issues defensively.

    The main problems with the club start at the top and have done for many years now, no question. But that first half team selection and performance today are on Holden.
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    Holden drops Ness to bring Hector back in for Port Vale match. Holden then drops Hector to bring back Ness and switches to a back 5. At half time we take off Ness to bring on Hector and change formation again. 

    Yes you need to give all players minutes, but throughout pre-season we had no settled defence, and we STILL don't. The constant changing of system and players is killing us at the back.
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    Is Powell definitely not in a job ? I know he was coaching at Spurs and was with England not too long back. 
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    Is Powell definitely not in a job ? I know he was coaching at Spurs and was with England not too long back. 
    Left his Tottenham job relatively recently. 
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