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POST MATCH THREAD : Charlton Athletic Vs Bristol Rovers : Tuesday 15th August 2023

edited August 2023 in General Charlton
First half:
  • some nice passing moves, especially between Edun, Camara and CBT
  • some great tackling from Dobbo
  • several dangerous moments in their box without any reward
  • probably best not to mention the corners
  • a few good moments from Rovers on the break that caused us concern, but we definitely had the best of the first half despite being somewhat toothless up front.
Second half
  • A silly free kick conceded by Jack Payne, AMB made the initial save but Rovers were able to pull the ball back and slot home
  • A few other defensive scrambles including last ditch clearances from Ness and Hector
  • Bringing on Kanu definitely helped, not just in terms of the goal he scored but also harrying defenders into making mistakes
  • Poor Alfie May was so unlucky. Hit the post when he looked odds on to score, and getting fouled when racing away from the defenders (should it have been a red card?)
  • 98th minute sucker punch goal conceded means 0 points rather than 1
Your thoughts?


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    Should be titled POST match thread.
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    We looked absolutely knackered in the final 10. Five or six running on empty.

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    Edun, dobbo, Asimwee & flashes from Camara our only highlights.

    defence is beyond shakey - midfield doesn’t look to comfortable either at times!! 

    CBT played well getting past his last man, but just hoses to shoot over and over- fair play, but look for may! 

    2 goals in 3 league games is woeful - need leaburn back asap as well as additions. Bench is terrible, and persisting with midget Payne cannot continue - Kanu much better 

    not sure I see Holden surviving the season currently 
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    Gutted with that result.. from where we were stood looked like a red all day long when may was through… should have scored his chance but hit the post, needs to get his first goal to get his confidence up… Edun looked decent.. too pissed off to rate the rest of them. 
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    For those watching Charlton TV , should that have been a red? What does Curbs think?
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    Keep this average 1 point a game up, and we are not going down.  A that’s exactly what we are bang fecking average…….  With a complete Vanilla Manager…. 
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    Valley11 said:
    We looked absolutely knackered in the final 10. Five or six running on empty.

    Taylor looked one of them and he'd barely been on. And isn't he meant to be a set piece specialist? Why wasn't he on that free kick? 
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    That was a mixed performance from a team that is nowhere near promotion level.
    Best things about it were Edun's debut and Kanu's goal.
    He deserves to start upfront in a 2 with May on Saturday.
    Other than that it felt just like last season
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    I will take one positive from this game, I go on holiday on Friday for a week, so I don’t have to suffer the home game against Port Vale 😀
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    CAFC_boi said:
    Never want to see Payne in a Charlton shirt again. Absolute disaster class and worst individual performance I have ever seen! 
    Offers nothing to out goal threat. 
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    edited August 2023
    For those watching Charlton TV , should that have been a red? What does Curbs think?
    Curbs says red. Brown says red but can make an argument for yellow because May’s touch on the ball didn’t put himself clean through.
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    There is more bite on the homeless fella i see everyday at London Bridge. 
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    edited August 2023
    We can't just keep harping in about top 6/promotion as a club because that's what we fancy. Make some actual inroads towards it or stop the big statements.

    Losing in the 98th minute at home, when you can hold on to a point....seeing fans get home at 12/1/2am....that's how you lose them Charlton from making an effort.
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