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POST MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic Vs Leyton Orient: Saturday 5th August 2023: KO 3.00pm



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    StAlf198 said:
    What was going on with the match announcer trying to start the crowd singing "Valley Floyd road just before kickoff? That was embarrassing.
    Versions of Valley Floyd Rd / Mull of Kintyre have been mixed & set up to be played just before kick-off as requested by Dean Holden, but there was a technical problem with the sound system so if was left to Brian Cole to go it alone. 

    I can't say anymore otherwise I'll get into trouble, but I did feel sorry for BC then. 
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    edited August 2023
    Made hard work of it. 

    May unlucky not to score when keeper pulled off a blunder & then Dobbo took the ball of his toe. Runs all day long & just needs someone up with him who can score. 

    Played well but need better off the bench. Kirk wasted 2 chances

    Adun looks mustard.

    Thomas had a good game.

    More later when I'm home.

    A tale woven with arduous endeavor unfolded upon the field. Fortune's fickle hand seemed to elude them, as a moment of misfortune denied them the chorus of celebration, the keeper's lapse a bittersweet serenade to missed opportunity. And then, as if the symphony of fate wished to test their hearts further, Dobbo gracefully intervened, yet the ball remained elusive, slipping from his grasp like a fleeting wisp of a dream. The spirit that resides within him propels him tirelessly, tracing a path across the expanse of the pitch until the horizon itself becomes his destination. Alas, his fervor yearns for a companion of prowess, one whose touch can turn his toil into triumph.
    Amidst the artistry of their play, a desire emerged for a savior to emerge from the sidelines, a harbinger of change and hope. Kirk, though skilled, found himself ensnared in a moment's hesitation, squandering not one, but two opportunities like petals caught in a breeze.
    And there, amidst the ranks, a figure named Edun illuminated the scene like a burst of radiant light. His presence, vibrant and essential, resonated like the tang of mustard, infusing the air with a zest that could not be ignored.
    Thomas, too, played his part in this grand tale, his performance a testament to his mettle and skill, weaving a chapter of his own through the tapestry of the match.
    As the sun dips below the horizon and shadows lengthen, we shall converse once more, when I, too, am nestled within the confines of home.
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    Camara reminds me of Inspector Gadget. I’m going to enjoy watching him conjure up stuff this year.
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    Edun stood out for me based on his cameo - not sure what position we'll play him in. A fair turn of pace.
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    edited August 2023
    People must have very warped memories if they think that was on par with last seasons performances. When did we look so comfortable last season for a start?! 

    Plenty of improvement to come, but Orient won’t get rolled over every week, they’re a well drilled side. 

    Pick up early season points whilst players get used to the system and back to full fitness and I’m well happy.
    Against Plymouth 51 weeks ago?

    OK it was a massive false dawn but it still happened. 
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    Great day I had despite the unbelievable rain on the drive down from Norwich. Always good to get the win. Encouraged by the performance although a bit one dimensional at times. Highlighted the need for a striking partner for Alfie. I thought the two kids did well. Both will improve this season. Jones is better than previous centre backs we have signed,(O'Connell, Lavelle, Innis) not fully fit but showed enough I thought. Camara looks very good and up for it. Edun also displayed an impressive few minutes. Great day with grand son and looking forward the train trip to Posh next week. Feels good at the moment. UTA. 😍
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    very pleasing day - as has been said, we're a few players short of where we need to be - anderson faded and campbell was really struggling second half - was crying out for him to come off but kirk proved why holden delayed it so long once he came on - starting to think that after a centre forward to partner may, the next top priority may be a ball playing centre back 
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    Asimwe looks very talented.

    Not concerned with May’s offsides. You can already see he’s a genuine threat and nuisance. 

    Camara looks very tidy.

    Be good if CBT can play to a similar level in coming few games. Time will tell. 

    a lot of positives but the defence need to work on things. Thomas played very well. 
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    edited August 2023
    Was great to see The Valley with a good crowd, and resect to the O's fans with a superb turnout..
    Started on the front foot, and was a real shame that Alfie May didn't get the reward for the good control in the box with a good left foot shot in the first 5 minutes, but keeper made a good save to deny him a home debut goal. The winner was a well worked build up down the left with CBT creating space to feed both Dobbo and May, with Dobbo just getting the touch to give us the lead, but could have been a choice of two.
    Thought Asiimwe, Anderson, and Campbell all had good games, Dobbo and Fraser were immense.
    Defensively at times we looked a bit thin and open to the counter, Jones and Thomas looked set, but Ness did look uncomfortable at times, and missed several chances to set May free with an early ball, but early days, and May will certainly benefit from the addition of Leaburn/or a new strike partner, and will fill his boots before long, he was everywhere today, chasing down lost causes.
    The addition of Camara and Edun did lift proceedings, and we could have doubled the lead, but unfortunately  Camara  just put a great chance  wide of the RH upright late on.
    Bit of a backs to the wall last 10 with some great blocks going in, but we held on well into the 8 minutes of added time to set off the season with a well deserved 3 points...on to Peterborough...
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    May will score bundles once he has the right strike partner and the rest of the additions are in place - a real 'pest' of a striker and a 100% er - no going through the motions with him - looks a great addition as do all the other new players 
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    Good to hear a rendition of ‘the Orient family’ it’s a bit like that that side of the river , that’s why I moved over there 
    Haha. It was a bit odd calling a team from a couple of miles away inbreds! 
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    How good a save from their keeper was it after May’s Mendonca-esque foot switch? Looked a worldy save from the side.

    Thought it was going to be the perfect start for Alfie. 
    About as good as Maynard-Brewer's clearance after parrying Pegrum's shot right at the end. Great stuff from both keepers today.
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    Stig said:
    How good a save from their keeper was it after May’s Mendonca-esque foot switch? Looked a worldy save from the side.

    Thought it was going to be the perfect start for Alfie. 
    About as good as Maynard-Brewer's clearance after parrying Pegrum's shot right at the end. Great stuff from both keepers today.
    AMB reacted well but it was definitely substandard handling to begin with!
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    edited August 2023
    It's not that Dean Holden doesn't rate Daniel Kanu but at 18 and the pressure of scoring goals probably doesn't feel he's quite ready.
    I'm a flag waver for Kanu but he still needs to break through so play him against Newport.

    There's an echo chamber that sounds about May needing a partner; the clue is in 3-5-2.
    3-5-2 will be just one version of how we will play this season. 
    Leaburn will surely be the man but that won't be before mid September unless he can get sharp quickly when he joins the 1st team at Sparrows lane around the 17th August ( quote from Dean) training away from 1st team at moment.

    We need another forward who can play in a two as partner with Alfie May or play in a 3 with ability to play wider. Sorry for my language but a version of Lyle Taylor 🤷🏻‍♂️

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    I watched Alfie May bring so much to the team, like what Taylor used to do for us, good to see and been lacking since the other fella left. 
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    StAlf198 said:
    What was going on with the match announcer trying to start the crowd singing "Valley Floyd road just before kickoff? That was embarrassing.
    Versions of Valley Floyd Rd / Mull of Kintyre have been mixed & set up to be played just before kick-off as requested by Dean Holden, but there was a technical problem with the sound system so if was left to Brian Cole to go it alone. 

    I can't say anymore otherwise I'll get into trouble, but I did feel sorry for BC then. 
    Was the ‘technical problem’ Golfie Junior? 😂
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    And despite what Golfie has said all summer about not needing another striker I think we do, possibly two, 
    You said this the other day & didnt pick you up on it but I will now. 

    Nowhere have i said we dont need another striker - quite the opposite. Holden clearly doesn't rate Kanu (nor do I) and I thought it stupidity in the extreme to start yesterday with just 1 striker in the whole 18 man squad. 

    What I have said is that I dont think we'll get another "name"  like Nombe or JCH. Probably more like a Premier League / Championship youngster or an older head coming to the end of their career who doesn't mind not playing every week.  

    Currently we have 1 fit striker (excluding Kanu). Leaburn will hopefully be fit within a month but I wouldn't factor Aneke into playing any meaningful role this season. 

    So, for any avoidance of doubt, I definitely think we need at least 1 more striker, preferably 2.
    Whoosh ....
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    Not concerned with May’s offsides. You can already see he’s a genuine threat and nuisance. 

    Yes, totally agree & not concerned at all. There is a big difference between May's offsides to Bonne's. One is trying to time his runs & the other just not looking along the line.

    Chalk & cheese.
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    Holden said last week on Zoom that Alfie May will continue to do runs and we have to try to find him.
    I'm a great believer in the harder you work on the training ground you will get sharper in matches.
    The amount of off-sides and Fraser not at his sharpest ( marked) meant the flag was shown more than on CL back in the day.
  • Options
    StAlf198 said:
    What was going on with the match announcer trying to start the crowd singing "Valley Floyd road just before kickoff? That was embarrassing.
    Versions of Valley Floyd Rd / Mull of Kintyre have been mixed & set up to be played just before kick-off as requested by Dean Holden, but there was a technical problem with the sound system so if was left to Brian Cole to go it alone. 

    I can't say anymore otherwise I'll get into trouble, but I did feel sorry for BC then. 
    Press this button here, and press this button there and…..

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    Great to be back at The Valley. Even the weather held.

    That was mostly a comfortable home win and really should have been by two or three goals.

    I think the lack of closing down by Orient confused our defenders. Poor Lucas Ness had just too much time on the ball! It didn't help that the Os compressed the middle third so much, which didn't give him great options. It probably would have been better for Jones or Thomas too have more of the ball and for them to play diagonal passess.

    I thought Asiimwe and Anderson both looked full of promise. Neither looked out of their depth. The cameo roles for Camara and Edun also both looked very promising.

    Campbell did ok up front, but he is a winger, not a striker. We clearly need another striker to help Alfie May, who looked like an excellent purchase. I can see why he scores lots of goals. Once we work out how to supply him, I can see lots of goals coming.

    All in all I feel very positive after that performance. I am sure we will play better, but play like that and we will be in with a chance most games.
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    edited August 2023

    Not concerned with May’s offsides. You can already see he’s a genuine threat and nuisance. 

    Yes, totally agree & not concerned at all. There is a big difference between May's offsides to Bonne's. One is trying to time his runs & the other just not looking along the line.

    Chalk & cheese.
    Worth adding the linesman left side (facing covered end) was shockingly poor
    I’d been giving that Lino deserved grief all first half. At the end of half-time he was checking the nets in front of us so one of my mates said - there you go, tell him what you think and he’ll be able to hear you. But I wanted him to be equally bad in the second half to frustrate Orient’s attacks. 

    Mind you he still made himself look v stupid when CBT burst forward and the ball clearly ran just out of play. He was crouching looking along the line and didn’t see it / didn’t flag. Unfortunately Corey, being an honest guy, did stop expecting the throw and played the ball back! 
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    Good to get a winning start but that was far from impressive and exposed pretty much the same weaknesses we had last season - only slightly worse.

    Second season running starting without a specialised left back.

    Even more lightweight up front.

    Our key playmaker absent for long periods having disappeared into Pratley’s pocket.

    Much of the game our ten outfield players were spread all over the pitch offering time and space even to a limited side like Orient.

    Our most dangerous player put at left-back and our tricky winger playing as a striker to accommodate a 3-5 2 system for which we still don’t have the personnel to play.

    Good to see our three raw youngsters play so well but ideally, we need one or two of them on the pitch at one time, not all three.

    And Dobson was superb again. Without him we would be in real trouble.

    That's the spirit, Grumpy, your username ain't changing any time soon. 😊
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