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POST MATCH THREAD: Charlton Athletic Vs Leyton Orient: Saturday 5th August 2023: KO 3.00pm



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    edited August 2023
    Only Ipswich and Sheffield Wed lost fewer games than Orient across leagues 1 & 2 last season. They finished as champions winning two more games than anyone else and only let in 34 goals.

    Whilst that form is irrelevant now, the gulf in standard between the divisions isn't as pronounced higher up in the leagues imo, so to beat them by any margin seems a good result to me. 

    Better teams may come and go, but it's not easy to know how newly promoted Clubs rate as opponents in establishing a benchmark. No team is going to rock up at the Valley and make it easy for us.

    Happy for the three points. Onto the next.
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    clive said:
    Didn’t realise how good that save was from their keeper to deny May early on 
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    Mildly encouraging. Watching on stream so may have missed some of the subtleties.  Most of the new guys looked a step up on what they have replaced. May needs a partner and will get one when Miles is fit. Youngsters didn’t disgrace themselves in the slightest. Still need a few in and at least a couple out. Nice to be concentrating on the footy rather than the sideshow for a change. Orient will be bottom half on the basis of that performance so I’m reserving judgement on us until we get a bit further in and get our best 11 on the pitch for a few games. But, as I say, mildly encouraging. 
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    Clean sheet is always encouraging, every team that won (9 in total) in L1 kept a clean sheet, cant of happened that often.
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    Happy with the result and performance, especially knowing we have Leaburn and Aneke to come back and there’s a distinct possibility of at least one more player joining the club.
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    edited August 2023
    Clean sheet is always encouraging, every team that won (9 in total) in L1 kept a clean sheet, cant of happened that often.
    Wigan beat Derby 2-1

    Edit: I suspect you missed this by looking at the table - Wigan are bottom due to their points deduction, so you probably missed them!
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    Clean sheet is always encouraging, every team that won (9 in total) in L1 kept a clean sheet, cant of happened that often.
    Sorry mate Wigan conceded against Derby, so it was only 8 that won and clean sheets.
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    edited August 2023
    I think Derby will be up there or thereabouts but I don't see them as the out and out favourites others do. I thought that before the Wigan game but the first game of the season doesn't mean much anyway in terms of a guide. It is very true that you can't really see the patterns until after five or six games.
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    I thought Jones looked a little shakey, and defo seemed to be puffing at around the 70min mark. Hopefully he has more to show as the games start coming. Overall really happy though! More signings to come, and I’m sure we will get some good bodies through the door. 
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    Decent way to start the season, 3 points, clean sheet and no real pressure coming from the opposition.

    The team probably needs 2 or 3 more and the squad probably the same number, but with a a few who will be shipped out we appear to have a decent base to work form, and that is a vast improvement of where we were at the same stage of the season in the last 2. 
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    Clean sheet is always encouraging, every team that won (9 in total) in L1 kept a clean sheet, cant of happened that often.
    Wigan beat Derby 2-1

    Edit: I suspect you missed this by looking at the table - Wigan are bottom due to their points deduction, so you probably missed them!

    Spot on only looked at those with 3 points.
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    Can anyone clarify why we are showing 8th in the league tables, when Stevenage and Peterborough both also won 1-0.

    Does nobody know their alphabetic order in the media? 

     Charlton Athletic. The real 6th place.
    Was thinking that myself, both won away, maybe that counts for something.
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    edited August 2023
    Can anyone clarify why we are showing 8th in the league tables, when Stevenage and Peterborough both also won 1-0.

    Does nobody know their alphabetic order in the media? 

     Charlton Athletic. The real 6th place.
    Stupid I know, but Stevenage and Peterborough were away from home, so it might be done on Away Goals - Its the only reason I can think of, as Charlton / Stevenage ended up with three bookings, and Posh got four.
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    Job done. That was definitely a ‘the next game can’t come quick enough’ performance. 
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    seth plum said:

    For those whose whelmometer is close to neutral, may I suggest we would have won more convincingly and more swashbucklingly if we had been kicking the right blimmin way!

    That was down to Darren Pratley. He's no mug and knows we'd want to kick towards the Covered End 2nd half. He won the toss & turned us around.

    Smart bloke.
    Gamesmanship in the most negative form is all he has in his locker.Good riddance. 
    PS it didn't work
    Can’t agree with that. It’s not gamesmanship. Gamesmanship is Jason Pearce going down in our box with 5 minutes to go when we are 1-0 up at Fleetwood or somewhere and under the cosh, and getting a miracle fix ffrom the physio. And we all love Jase, right? 

    Pratley won the toss. There was no issue with sun, or AFAIK wind. So how else do you use it? He knows the Valley because he’s played here - and won- when it was rocking. It was literally his job to take a decision to piss us all off.

    i would not want him in our team now, but he’s what, 39. He played a big role in getting us out of this division, and he captained Orient to a title. Look at him yesterday. Fit as a fiddle. That’s what I call a true pro. And we need some of our players to be a bit more Darren Pratley this season, starting with Fraser.
    He hardly had much of an impact on the game beyond his man-marking job though, and he wasn't particularly mobile. Orient's number 15 was absolutely everywhere, winning tackles AND creating play. He was their standout imo. Fraser's standard is that, not Pratley's.

    Meanwhile, Pratley's opposite number ran everything for us and scored our winner.
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    seth plum said:

    For those whose whelmometer is close to neutral, may I suggest we would have won more convincingly and more swashbucklingly if we had been kicking the right blimmin way!

    That was down to Darren Pratley. He's no mug and knows we'd want to kick towards the Covered End 2nd half. He won the toss & turned us around.

    Smart bloke.
    Gamesmanship in the most negative form is all he has in his locker.Good riddance. 
    PS it didn't work
    Can’t agree with that. It’s not gamesmanship. Gamesmanship is Jason Pearce going down in our box with 5 minutes to go when we are 1-0 up at Fleetwood or somewhere and under the cosh, and getting a miracle fix ffrom the physio. And we all love Jase, right? 

    Pratley won the toss. There was no issue with sun, or AFAIK wind. So how else do you use it? He knows the Valley because he’s played here - and won- when it was rocking. It was literally his job to take a decision to piss us all off.

    i would not want him in our team now, but he’s what, 39. He played a big role in getting us out of this division, and he captained Orient to a title. Look at him yesterday. Fit as a fiddle. That’s what I call a true pro. And we need some of our players to be a bit more Darren Pratley this season, starting with Fraser.
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    Very pleased with that. May, Camara, Edun all look like real quality signings on first glance.

    Once we have Leaburn (or someone else) to play up front with May we will be really dangerous. 

    CBT really excellent today, hopefully he can keep those kinds of performances up more consistently this year. Delivery has definitely improved.

    Fantastic performance from Dobbo, can’t ask for much more than that really.

    Some real quality on display from the youngsters, particularly from Anderson in the first half who i thought was impressive and looks strong and confident for his age. Some moments of hesitation/indecision from him, Asiimwe, Campbell and Ness though, which is to be expected, but also why we don’t want to be relying on playing so many kids throughout the season. New bodies coming in, and the new signings getting match fit will help with that but they’ve definitely shown they will be good competition/cover.

    Defence still looks a bit shakey at times. Impressed by Thomas performance but Jones and Ness looked unsure at times. Against teams that actually come to attack we might be in a bit more trouble than we were today.

    Thought ref was crap, a real reminder of how rubbish they are at this level.

    Overall so much to be positive about, good atmosphere, and looking forward to the next one!
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    StAlf198 said:
    What was going on with the match announcer trying to start the crowd singing "Valley Floyd road just before kickoff? That was embarrassing.
    Probably picked up on Holden's comments during the CAST meeting to get the tanoy playing VFR with the fans joining in.

    If its not over the tanoy yet, the announcer probably tried to improvise
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