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Aberdeen Match Thread



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    Does that mean we're not going to piss the league?
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    I spot Methven, Rodwell, Storrie, Capaldi (and some mates?), Chuks, Leaburn Sr, Leaburn Jr and Edun… Any others?
    Harry Potter in the orange, Booker T far right and Richard Attenborough at the bottom. 
    Not forgetting Russell Brand on the far left

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    edited July 2023
    I spot Methven, Rodwell, Storrie, Capaldi (and some mates?), Chuks, Leaburn Sr, Leaburn Jr and Edun… Any others?
    Harry Potter in the orange, Booker T far right and Richard Attenborough at the bottom. 
    Not forgetting Russell Brand on the far left

    Nah can't be him. He's West Ham. Although maybe him and Peter Ebdon below him were out on it last night.
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    Rude awakening, an alarm every 5 minutes when you're drifting off again rude awakening.

    We don't have the personnel for 5 at the back or wing backs. We don't have a single wing back at the club (can't assess Edun yet) closest player is Asiimwe (I'll get to him). I keep hammering on about centre backs, we don't need one anymore, two at least! Especially if we insist on 5 at the back. Hector looked knackered and lazy, Jones no different from Innis for me, a bit sharper but probably a worse passer of the ball and less physical. Ness can't be a Charlton Athletic starter, we have to do better, he's a pizza cup centre back all day. 

    AMB how is he nailed on number 1? They should have been 5 or 6 up at the break. Second half a bit better, a few good saves, but he isn't assured enough, he doesn't distribute that well (in his defense we have 0 target men) and he just doesn't fill me with confidence to be honest. I'd rather see Isted given a go, seems the more confident goalkeeper to me. 

    Midfielders Christ, Fraser non existent first half, way better second, Dobbo, credit where credit is due looked like the only midfielder who was up for a fast paced game, looked relax and up to playing a good footballing team, faded later. Camara looks like he isn't ready to start yet, fitness issues, I would start Karoy ahead of him who so far, looks like our most dangerous midfielder. When Karoy came on, Asiimwe remembered how to play football again, he gave the whole team a new wave of energy it seemed.

    Alfie May NEEDS a strike partner, that lad can run for days and is very clever but he needs someone to reward his hard work, can't have him feeding off scraps, some of the runs he made were brilliant (Payne found one of them) I reckon if Terry Taylor is the player Burton fans are claiming Alfie could thrive with his passing. 

    Charlie Kirk, just get rid, I would actually pay a club to get him off the books, woeful. Slow, predictable, uninterested. He's taking the piss, cost a lot of money for the club to bring him in and I imagine his wages aren't cheap, plays like he's doing us a favour. Needs to be shown the door, Campbell is 5x the player he is. 

    CBT is CBT, can't defend to save his life but the most gifted footballer we have in terms of dribbling, cause them a lot of bother when he put the burners on.

    All in all I thought Aberdeen were decent, I'd have them down as championship bottom half side, some very decent players in their team. They looked like they were ahead of us fitness wise and showed that once you put the high press on us, too many of our players lose their composure.

    Holden has a real problem at the moment, it's very clear 5 at the back isn't for us but he's played it all pre-season. CBT and Campbell are our best attacking outlets but he doesn't play a formation to suit them, we don't have a centre back that is promotion quality imo, compare Hector to Santos from Bolton as an example, night and day. 

    I don't know what he's gonna do for opening day but he needs to go with a midfield heavy formation imo, that's where our depth and best players are, need to exploit that. 

    I wasn't even at the game & I agree with this.

    We dont have the players to play with wingbacks so why are we trying ?  At least last season we had some success with 4-3-3.....but as I also said a month or two ago we need to replace JRS. CBT best attribute is running at defenders & he is NOT a defender. Drill defending into him & you'll lose the attack mindedness. And as I've said many times Kirk is not a striker.

    But what do I know. Let's persist with round pegs in square holes & be happy to finish 10th again. 

    This is wind up surely?
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    wmcf123 said:
    Brownie12 said:
    I think people need to take bit of a step back.  Yes we were dreadful in the first half, but it was a friendly…..much better for the problems to show now rather than next week. It’s been clear for a while now that we have we need to strengthen in certain areas - Holden knows that and will address it.

    2-0 up at Millwall and we were winning the league, 0-3 down today and the whole team need shooting…. How about waiting to see how we fair over the first few games of the proper season?
    Who thought we were winning the league with that squad ?
    The people on here that were backing us to be Champions @ 16/1.
    (I'm not saying we won't but we'll need some excellent recruits).
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    Dizzle said:
    I took my daughter for her first game (she’s 4 next week) and she didn’t like it. She asked to go home 2 minutes in. At half time I thought maybe we should have! I’ll try again in the future when she’s a bit older. 

    I sat right behind the away dugout and they were really impressed with AMB. They had a look of astonishment after the double save he did and made a few comments about worldie after worldie save. Was happy for Kanu to get a goal. 
    I think age 5 is the earliest & even then they'll likely spend more time not watching than watching.
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    I spot Methven, Rodwell, Storrie, Capaldi (and some mates?), Chuks, Leaburn Sr, Leaburn Jr and Edun… Any others?
     Those bucket hats are huge!

    Reckon one would just about fit Methven!
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    edited July 2023
    Taylor not fit to take part yet, Edun likewise, 1 fit striker. Still think we are a way off even a top six spot at the moment. 
    So I have been quite positive about the signings and I still am, but one view you could understand someone to have is that most of the signings we have made are injured/returning to fitness.

    one week out and Edun & Taylor aren't fit, Jones hasn't played a full 90 since the 10th of April and Camara is also fresh off an injury. Only one who seems match fit and ready to go is Alfie May
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    Game of two halves and showed as many good things as bad. Against bottom half sides I reckon that sort of performance would deliver 3 points, 12th and above, one or nought. Work to do, but some of the good stuff was very good.

    Refuse to dig out the likes of Ness and CBT. Trying to adapt, but we know both are good players at this level, so patience will be required. Those hoping for such players to be dropped will be waiting a fair while, DH has been prepping them all pre-season. 

    I think Manny and DJ’s absence sent loud signals today. I am not convinced DH rates either and so could well be on their way to free up wages/funds. Asiimwe is going to be a very good player, but needs to play deputy/understudy at this stage imho, so expect a stronger first choice incoming at RWB. Possibly they are chasing Sess??
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    jbaker said:
    Aberdeen are miles behind Celtic and Rangers - most of their players would probably be lucky to sign for Championship clubs.

    Firat half display is worrying.

    Had 2 Aberdeen fans sitting next to me. Yes they are behind those too but that’s irrelevant. Almost every player they told me they had paid a fee for. Also wages are on average 20k a week and also used to playing European football. Personally think you’re being too harsh. 
    Absolute tosh. They rarely pay fees and their wage bill is lower than ours.

    I don't know how reliable that is, but the highest salaried player according to this is 11k per week and that's Shinnie.

    either way I don't see Aberdeen players wages being of an average of 20k a week, that wouldn't be sustainable.
  • Options
    I spot Methven, Rodwell, Storrie, Capaldi (and some mates?), Chuks, Leaburn Sr, Leaburn Jr and Edun… Any others?
     Those bucket hats are huge!

    Reckon one would just about fit Methven!
    Is that cabbage truss trying to squeeze her face in on the mid top right?
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    Better today than next week. No resting on laurels, no god given right. Hard work on the training ground, get more recruits in.

    We need to have a decent August, but we don’t need to be top by the end of it. I am sure we’ll improve as the season develops.
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    RC_CAFC said:
    Better today than next week. No resting on laurels, no god given right. Hard work on the training ground, get more recruits in.

    We need to have a decent August, but we don’t need to be top by the end of it. I am sure we’ll improve as the season develops.
    Nothing will settle down until the window shuts..our team next Saturday might look totally diff come the first week of Sept.… nothing decided in Aug 
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    1905 said:
    Rude awakening, an alarm every 5 minutes when you're drifting off again rude awakening.

    We don't have the personnel for 5 at the back or wing backs. We don't have a single wing back at the club (can't assess Edun yet) closest player is Asiimwe (I'll get to him). I keep hammering on about centre backs, we don't need one anymore, two at least! Especially if we insist on 5 at the back. Hector looked knackered and lazy, Jones no different from Innis for me, a bit sharper but probably a worse passer of the ball and less physical. Ness can't be a Charlton Athletic starter, we have to do better, he's a pizza cup centre back all day. 

    AMB how is he nailed on number 1? They should have been 5 or 6 up at the break. Second half a bit better, a few good saves, but he isn't assured enough, he doesn't distribute that well (in his defense we have 0 target men) and he just doesn't fill me with confidence to be honest. I'd rather see Isted given a go, seems the more confident goalkeeper to me. 

    Midfielders Christ, Fraser non existent first half, way better second, Dobbo, credit where credit is due looked like the only midfielder who was up for a fast paced game, looked relax and up to playing a good footballing team, faded later. Camara looks like he isn't ready to start yet, fitness issues, I would start Karoy ahead of him who so far, looks like our most dangerous midfielder. When Karoy came on, Asiimwe remembered how to play football again, he gave the whole team a new wave of energy it seemed.

    Alfie May NEEDS a strike partner, that lad can run for days and is very clever but he needs someone to reward his hard work, can't have him feeding off scraps, some of the runs he made were brilliant (Payne found one of them) I reckon if Terry Taylor is the player Burton fans are claiming Alfie could thrive with his passing. 

    Charlie Kirk, just get rid, I would actually pay a club to get him off the books, woeful. Slow, predictable, uninterested. He's taking the piss, cost a lot of money for the club to bring him in and I imagine his wages aren't cheap, plays like he's doing us a favour. Needs to be shown the door, Campbell is 5x the player he is. 

    CBT is CBT, can't defend to save his life but the most gifted footballer we have in terms of dribbling, cause them a lot of bother when he put the burners on.

    All in all I thought Aberdeen were decent, I'd have them down as championship bottom half side, some very decent players in their team. They looked like they were ahead of us fitness wise and showed that once you put the high press on us, too many of our players lose their composure.

    Holden has a real problem at the moment, it's very clear 5 at the back isn't for us but he's played it all pre-season. CBT and Campbell are our best attacking outlets but he doesn't play a formation to suit them, we don't have a centre back that is promotion quality imo, compare Hector to Santos from Bolton as an example, night and day. 

    I don't know what he's gonna do for opening day but he needs to go with a midfield heavy formation imo, that's where our depth and best players are, need to exploit that. 

    I wasn't even at the game & I agree with this.

    We dont have the players to play with wingbacks so why are we trying ?  At least last season we had some success with 4-3-3.....but as I also said a month or two ago we need to replace JRS. CBT best attribute is running at defenders & he is NOT a defender. Drill defending into him & you'll lose the attack mindedness. And as I've said many times Kirk is not a striker.

    But what do I know. Let's persist with round pegs in square holes & be happy to finish 10th again. 

    But you weren’t there

    Why did he need to be? He said CBT is not a defender & Kirk is not a striker. Are you questioning that ?
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    The overreacting on here is really depressing and just plain bizarre. We made a few good signings and people were going on about how good our season would be. One match - without our new first choice LWB - and people are already turning on the formation and crying about how we're going to fail. It's weird to be honest. It will take time for the system to bed in and we'll have bad games. We also still have signings to make. Chill.
    No. Burn it all down.
  • Options
    The overreacting on here is really depressing and just plain bizarre. We made a few good signings and people were going on about how good our season would be. One match - without our new first choice LWB - and people are already turning on the formation and crying about how we're going to fail. It's weird to be honest. It will take time for the system to bed in and we'll have bad games. We also still have signings to make. Chill.
    Absolutely spot on 
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    1905 said:
    Rude awakening, an alarm every 5 minutes when you're drifting off again rude awakening.

    We don't have the personnel for 5 at the back or wing backs. We don't have a single wing back at the club (can't assess Edun yet) closest player is Asiimwe (I'll get to him). I keep hammering on about centre backs, we don't need one anymore, two at least! Especially if we insist on 5 at the back. Hector looked knackered and lazy, Jones no different from Innis for me, a bit sharper but probably a worse passer of the ball and less physical. Ness can't be a Charlton Athletic starter, we have to do better, he's a pizza cup centre back all day. 

    AMB how is he nailed on number 1? They should have been 5 or 6 up at the break. Second half a bit better, a few good saves, but he isn't assured enough, he doesn't distribute that well (in his defense we have 0 target men) and he just doesn't fill me with confidence to be honest. I'd rather see Isted given a go, seems the more confident goalkeeper to me. 

    Midfielders Christ, Fraser non existent first half, way better second, Dobbo, credit where credit is due looked like the only midfielder who was up for a fast paced game, looked relax and up to playing a good footballing team, faded later. Camara looks like he isn't ready to start yet, fitness issues, I would start Karoy ahead of him who so far, looks like our most dangerous midfielder. When Karoy came on, Asiimwe remembered how to play football again, he gave the whole team a new wave of energy it seemed.

    Alfie May NEEDS a strike partner, that lad can run for days and is very clever but he needs someone to reward his hard work, can't have him feeding off scraps, some of the runs he made were brilliant (Payne found one of them) I reckon if Terry Taylor is the player Burton fans are claiming Alfie could thrive with his passing. 

    Charlie Kirk, just get rid, I would actually pay a club to get him off the books, woeful. Slow, predictable, uninterested. He's taking the piss, cost a lot of money for the club to bring him in and I imagine his wages aren't cheap, plays like he's doing us a favour. Needs to be shown the door, Campbell is 5x the player he is. 

    CBT is CBT, can't defend to save his life but the most gifted footballer we have in terms of dribbling, cause them a lot of bother when he put the burners on.

    All in all I thought Aberdeen were decent, I'd have them down as championship bottom half side, some very decent players in their team. They looked like they were ahead of us fitness wise and showed that once you put the high press on us, too many of our players lose their composure.

    Holden has a real problem at the moment, it's very clear 5 at the back isn't for us but he's played it all pre-season. CBT and Campbell are our best attacking outlets but he doesn't play a formation to suit them, we don't have a centre back that is promotion quality imo, compare Hector to Santos from Bolton as an example, night and day. 

    I don't know what he's gonna do for opening day but he needs to go with a midfield heavy formation imo, that's where our depth and best players are, need to exploit that. 

    I wasn't even at the game & I agree with this.

    We dont have the players to play with wingbacks so why are we trying ?  At least last season we had some success with 4-3-3.....but as I also said a month or two ago we need to replace JRS. CBT best attribute is running at defenders & he is NOT a defender. Drill defending into him & you'll lose the attack mindedness. And as I've said many times Kirk is not a striker.

    But what do I know. Let's persist with round pegs in square holes & be happy to finish 10th again. 

    But you weren’t there
    But I saw a lot of games last season & nothing much has changed. Out of today's starting line up who is new ??  Camara, Jones & May. Then we had Kirk playing as an "attacker" and CBT as a part-defender. Both NO !!.

    But as I said.....what do I know. I've only been watching the game for 50 years. 

    And yes, we have a few more new players......but they are not match fit. Pretty pointless really. 

    I'll judge the team in mid September when everyone is fit & integrated into the team. Until then it's more make do & mend. 
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    Last time we won a home friendly was July 2018, 1-0 v Norwich
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    RC_CAFC said:
    Better today than next week. No resting on laurels, no god given right. Hard work on the training ground, get more recruits in.

    We need to have a decent August, but we don’t need to be top by the end of it. I am sure we’ll improve as the season develops.
    Nothing will settle down until the window shuts..our team next Saturday might look totally diff come the first week of Sept.… nothing decided in Aug 
    But 10 points behind the leaders. 

    Ho hum. 
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    Taylor not fit to take part yet, Edun likewise, 1 fit striker. Still think we are a way off even a top six spot at the moment. 
    So I have been quite positive about the signings and I still am, but one view you could understand someone to have is that most of the signings we have made are injured/returning to fitness.

    one week out and Edun & Taylor aren't fit, Jones hasn't played a full 90 since the 10th of April and Camara is also fresh off an injury. Only one who seems match fit and ready to go is Alfie May
    But we were told this season is different. We have billionaire owners who wont interfere & have left the footballing decisions to football people who know what they are doing. 

    As of 30th July its same old same old. Still no proper (fit) left back and only 1 fit striker (who has played league football). 

    But yet again I'm wrong. I was wrong last season & the season before that. 
    Told by who Golfie?
  • Options
    The overreacting on here is really depressing and just plain bizarre. We made a few good signings and people were going on about how good our season would be. One match - without our new first choice LWB - and people are already turning on the formation and crying about how we're going to fail. It's weird to be honest. It will take time for the system to bed in and we'll have bad games. We also still have signings to make. Chill.
    Exactly. The 'where will we finish in the league' thread should be posted to support this post.
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