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Post-match Thread: Charlton Athletic v Accrington Stanley | Tues 19 October 2021



  • edited October 2021
    Gribbo said:
    Did Nige give a interview? Just skimmed the last 7 pages and can't see one
    Yes but none of it really went in I'm afraid. Usual dissection of the play and after about 30 seconds it was just white noise. I could see his lips moving but couldn't here a thing, certainly no apology for the crap that keeps being served up. Oh for an honest straight talking manager who tells it how it is. Still we had one of those and his style didn't find favour in the end. Sorry mate that I can't help more 😞.
  • edited October 2021
    I think I’ve done about three drafts of this post trying to get my thoughts out cohesively and I can’t do it. No point in baying for Adkins head as any right minded owner would have sacked him long ago. This club is a mess and just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse it gives you another swift kick in the balls. 
  • How the heck Gunter got 100 plus international caps, I do not know, must have a real dearth of right footed players in Wales.
    It’s the webbed feet that are the problem. 
  • Coleman is right, yes Adkins out etc. But these players need to grow a pair of bollocks too 
    Completely agree.  I can understand NA’s set up and way he wants to play is completely incompetent, but you can’t tell me that even the younger players on our team aren’t capable of having more about them when they take to the pitch and it’s not all the manager’s fault.  

    A good example is Albie Morgan.  Given how bad we are and that we struggle to keep possession and start any sort of coherent moves, I would assume he would have the intelligence to stop trying to play these long, Hollywood balls around the pitch.  You aren’t Pirlo mate.  Find a man in red, keep the ball.  

    Movement.  I think from a young age players realise that to create attacks they have to try and create space.  None of ours do any of that on the pitch.  NA is responsible for a lot of the nonsense, but if this lot haven’t got the individual or collective intelligence to move, then there isn’t much NA can do about that.

    The defending.  We’ve conceded the second highest goals in the league so far, and the performances the likes of Famewo, Gunter, Matthews, Lavelle, Souare, Pearce, Purrington and Inniss have been turning in are criminal.  I recall Matthews being a good example a few weeks back.  Made the mistake of letting the Pompey bloke cut in after the first few minutes to score, and repeats his party trick a few days later in exactly the same position to let Bolton score.  

    Another good example.  How slow is MacGivillary at getting the ball out when he’s come and collected.  It’s a massive part of modern football.  People get through constipation quicker than he gets the ball out 
  • se9addick said:
    HandG said:
    1StevieG said:
    Duchatelet must be laughing his gaffer taped shoes off.
    I doubt it - his assets are going to worth a lot less in the National League….
    Not sure that’s true:
    a) his assets are property. I doubt the value of the property is massively impacted by the division the team who rents the property is playing in over the other factors which determine property value. 
    b) my understanding is one of the big factors which drags down the property value is the challenge anyone would face in getting planning permission to develop the site into something else, that might be an easier sell to the council if we were in non-League! 

    It feels like Roland has done Sandgaard, I wonder if that’s starting to sink in for TS yet?
    The value is irrelevant given our understanding that no planning permission would be granted for the stadium. 
    If he wants to dispose of those assets he will need to agree a price with a buyer - and it will be a buyer who is trying to get those assets back as part of the football club. 
    No buyer will be paying old soppy bollocks £50m for a stadium in the conference (or whatever it’s called these days). 

  • I need to know more about the adventures of Petrol Boy and Drummer Boy. 
  • Gilbey won man of the match in the lounge and I just caught the end of Bob Bolder saying he didn’t want to come and get his award cos we lost blah blah blah 
    Bumped in to Peter “scoop’ Burrows  who is as furious as us all with it all 
    I’m on the bog fantasising about being that rhino 
    Yes, it was quite a long speech from Bob. In a nutshell, the players were all gutted (some of them probably should be) and Gilbey was too embarrassed to come and accept his award for MOTM because he didn't feel he deserved it.
  • Everything else aside, those two Pell free kicks were bloody marvellous, hard, accurate and both should have been goals. Shows what can happen when an underperforming player rebuilds themselves over years. 

    Has Adkins gone yet?
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  • A really poxy night,got a call about 4 ish ,can I pick my nephew up from Bexleyheath as dad is ill(coward),so journey from medway even worse.Shocking first half,we did not string a pass together for the first ten minutes,while they played it about at will.Second half,well to be fair,plenty of good attacking play that should have resulted in a couple more goals,but then,two diabolical goals conceded,schoolboy errors,unforgivable.Then told that we cant exit east stand by Landsdowne mews exit,so all the way down to Hervey gardens to get back to car in Charlton Village.Almost half hour to get to Sun In Sands ,then get  a call(wifes phone)A2 shut.Now to Bexleyheath,back to A2 off at Crayford to get to M20,got home 11.30,over 6 hours of my life I wont get back.
  • se9addick said:
    HandG said:
    1StevieG said:
    Duchatelet must be laughing his gaffer taped shoes off.
    I doubt it - his assets are going to worth a lot less in the National League….
    Not sure that’s true:
    a) his assets are property. I doubt the value of the property is massively impacted by the division the team who rents the property is playing in over the other factors which determine property value. 
    b) my understanding is one of the big factors which drags down the property value is the challenge anyone would face in getting planning permission to develop the site into something else, that might be an easier sell to the council if we were in non-League! 

    It feels like Roland has done Sandgaard, I wonder if that’s starting to sink in for TS yet?
    The value is irrelevant given our understanding that no planning permission would be granted for the stadium. 
    If he wants to dispose of those assets he will need to agree a price with a buyer - and it will be a buyer who is trying to get those assets back as part of the football club. 
    No buyer will be paying old soppy bollocks £50m for a stadium in the conference (or whatever it’s called these days). 

    No buyer will be paying old soppy bollocks £50m for a stadium in the conference (or whatever it’s called these days). 

    Carry on playing as we are and we will find out what is called after next season.
  • Under 7,000 actually in the stadium last night , Nigel ' that will be us next year ', has to go.
  • Thought the game started fairly evenly and then the ref awarded a fifty fifty free kick to Accrington. 
    Pell hit a worldly and all of a sudden it was Adkins’ fault. Covered End turn on him. 
    Now I agree he’s made a massive mess and has to go soon, but there is a time and a place. Awful support. 
  • Do you think the support away at Wycombe and Lincoln was awful support?
  • seth plum said:
    Do you think the support away at Wycombe and Lincoln was awful support?
    No of course not. Last night!!
  • Barring a couple of very brief spells another night of total garbage, very poor. 
  • We're so clueless. Like the first 5 minutes at Lincoln, we started the second half well then reverted to our aimless, inept selves. Washington helped provided a few minutes of sparks then it was back to the listless bulls--t we've all become accustomed to. So it's like we did have something of a plan then forgot or chose to forget.

    Our first goal was a simple one and showed how weak Accrington are (like most teams in this league) if you use width and low crosses rather than lumping it long. I'm past caring whose fault it is, any team in any division should be reconsidering their manager after 2 wins in 13. We are embarrassing.
  • JamesSeed said:
    Davison very lucky not to have equalised. He smashed on the volley it from 6 yards and it hit the keeper. Still prefer him over Stockley who could probably have done better with the header that was cleared off the line. 
    Could he? - Got it on target, yet felt like there were about four Accrington players on the line at the time
    He went for the far post giving the defender more time to get his foot to it. 
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  • Are the players and manager as desperate as the fans not to fall into L2? It's not showing at the moment.
  • We were amazingly lucky to go in 1-1. We had no shots on target first half, and one shot off. They scored two goals and we were very lucky the 2nd didn't count. The first free kick Mac left far too big a target to aim for. The own goal was a nightmare for their Morgan, he has no need to do that. And my point is... how can we be so bad in that first half? The 3 up front were so far apart from each other, none of the midfield were pushing up, Morgan was spraying aimless punts all over the shop. Only Gilbey tried to get on the ball and move it. If you have to play that system, you have to work harder at getting up to support Stockley. He won a lot first half, but I can't think of a single second ball we picked up. This is basic. 
  • What a night. Charlton stunk the house out again. Millwall last min winner, Lyle Taylor the hero. 

    Just need to hear now that Matt Southall won the EuroMillions and find Alan Pardew on my side of the bed when I go up. 
    Jonny Williams put one in the top corner from 25 yards for Swindon. 
  • Well that was a fucking car crash of an evening .
    Took all 4 kids , including petrol head prick who doesn’t like football and Mrs to game .
    Good journey down there and get in the vista lounge with 3 hungry kids and me only to be offered cold foot long hot dog and cold chips for £8.90 , utter shit  , I got 3 of them , pinched a few cold chips at which point petrol boy makes a scene and the mrs gets the hump with me cos I shouldn’t be nicking his chips , fuck off he should share the fucking car jockey… so we didn’t talk for the next hour .
    Game wanky as ever .
    There was a small protest outside the main reception area at the end , drummer boy and some other die hard nutbags .
    left just after ten pm and Mick Everett and a few old bill there .
    Do the honourable thing Thomas and put Nigel and us out of our misery and sack the clown .
    I’m shattered having read all this thread cos I’m too scared to go to bed and suffer the wrath of the mrs .
    Fuck them all I’m gonna drag em all to the next couple of midweekers so they can suffer this shit again the ungrateful cnuts .

    I always though Oohaah's name was a tribute to our former player. Now I wonder if it's a reference to his wife's nocturnal activities ;)
  • Absolutely shocking performance again. We had a spell for the first 10 mins of the 2nd half where we had a go - but that was it. 
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Roland Out Forever!