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Adkins Out? - Match Thread



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    JohnnyH2 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Both were terrible performances given the context of being played in League One.
    We should have learned by now that the level in L1 isn’t as bad as it once was. We can’t just waltz into the Championship because we’re Charlton. How many massively easy wins have we had in L1 in recent years? I can barely remember any if I’m honest. 
    Plymouth Away in terms of games played was not that long ago
    Plymouth had nothing to play for in that game so I'm not sure they're not the greatest yardstick. 
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    JamesSeed said:
    JohnnyH2 said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Both were terrible performances given the context of being played in League One.
    We should have learned by now that the level in L1 isn’t as bad as it once was. We can’t just waltz into the Championship because we’re Charlton. How many massively easy wins have we had in L1 in recent years? I can barely remember any if I’m honest. 
    Plymouth Away in terms of games played was not that long ago
    True. There’s one then. 👍
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    Point is we’ve rarely dominated anyone in L1 in recent years. 
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    edited September 2021
    se9addick said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Controversial view I know, but if the Wycombe game had followed a couple of draws and a couple of wins I don’t think it would have been viewed as one of the ‘worst performances in years’, which many have been calling it. Yes I know it followed other poor defeats, but it still deserves to be analysed as a separate game. 
    We were poor yes, but for a struggling side up against a side who have recently recruited well after narrowly being relegated from the Championship it wasn’t a disastrous performance by any means. Particularly bearing in mind our issues in the transfer window. 
    Even now we’re still having to rotate players because of fitness issues, so we’re still some way off being a settled side. 
    Didn’t really see a lack of effort on Saturday either. Souare was flying in at every opportunity, Dobson and others too. I’m sure the players are desperate to be part of a winning side, does anyone really think they don’t?! It’s not like Adkins is making their lives a living hell so they want him out.
    I don't think he should be sacked while we’re still (shamefully) in a position where we’re finding our feet. 
    Wycombe wasn’t the worst performance in years, Cheltenham was worse. That being said from seven matches this season alone we probably have two or three contenders for the all time top ten already!

    Didn't see the Wycombe game only the goals But I must've seen more games at the Valley because of longevity and insanity than 90% of CL members.

    My opinion is the Cheltenham 1st half was as poor as anything I have seen taking into account the opposition. Being outplayed in the Premier or Championship is one thing, but the basics just disappeared. We started poorly then got worse in the first half.

    The polar opposite of that was the first half against Forest two seasons ago when the passing was slick and we played sublimely; only being 1 up after Forest didn't get a kick was the only negative and they came back to draw in the 2nd half.

    For reasons known only to Lee Bowyer we never reproduced that attractive style. 
    TBF injuries did play a major part for his picks after that.

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    JamesSeed said:
    se9addick said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Controversial view I know, but if the Wycombe game had followed a couple of draws and a couple of wins I don’t think it would have been viewed as one of the ‘worst performances in years’, which many have been calling it. Yes I know it followed other poor defeats, but it still deserves to be analysed as a separate game. 
    We were poor yes, but for a struggling side up against a side who have recently recruited well after narrowly being relegated from the Championship it wasn’t a disastrous performance by any means. Particularly bearing in mind our issues in the transfer window. 
    Even now we’re still having to rotate players because of fitness issues, so we’re still some way off being a settled side. 
    Didn’t really see a lack of effort on Saturday either. Souare was flying in at every opportunity, Dobson and others too. I’m sure the players are desperate to be part of a winning side, does anyone really think they don’t?! It’s not like Adkins is making their lives a living hell so they want him out.
    I don't think he should be sacked while we’re still (shamefully) in a position where we’re finding our feet. 
    Wycombe wasn’t the worst performance in years, Cheltenham was worse. That being said from seven matches this season alone we probably have two or three contenders for the all time top ten already!
    The first half v Cheltenham was the real shocker. I was expecting worse at Wycombe, a trouncing, which is perhaps why I didn’t see it as as bad a performance as some. 
    Time to step up today. 
    I agree about the hope that we can step up today, however could we have picked worse opposition to play against to achieve that.
    If there’s one team in this league who will go all out to nullify the opposition “by any means whatsoever” it’s Gillingham.
    They are encouraged to use any trick in the book and as sure as eggs are eggs will do so tonight.
    Their performance and attitude at The Valley last time out was as cynical as anything you are likely to see…..whatever happens by way of a result, I would suggest it ain’t gonna be pretty.
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    JamesSeed said:
    se9addick said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Controversial view I know, but if the Wycombe game had followed a couple of draws and a couple of wins I don’t think it would have been viewed as one of the ‘worst performances in years’, which many have been calling it. Yes I know it followed other poor defeats, but it still deserves to be analysed as a separate game. 
    We were poor yes, but for a struggling side up against a side who have recently recruited well after narrowly being relegated from the Championship it wasn’t a disastrous performance by any means. Particularly bearing in mind our issues in the transfer window. 
    Even now we’re still having to rotate players because of fitness issues, so we’re still some way off being a settled side. 
    Didn’t really see a lack of effort on Saturday either. Souare was flying in at every opportunity, Dobson and others too. I’m sure the players are desperate to be part of a winning side, does anyone really think they don’t?! It’s not like Adkins is making their lives a living hell so they want him out.
    I don't think he should be sacked while we’re still (shamefully) in a position where we’re finding our feet. 
    Wycombe wasn’t the worst performance in years, Cheltenham was worse. That being said from seven matches this season alone we probably have two or three contenders for the all time top ten already!
    The first half v Cheltenham was the real shocker. I was expecting worse at Wycombe, a trouncing, which is perhaps why I didn’t see it as as bad a performance as some. 
    Time to step up today. 
    I agree about the hope that we can step up today, however could we have picked worse opposition to play against to achieve that.
    If there’s one team in this league who will go all out to nullify the opposition “by any means whatsoever” it’s Gillingham.
    They are encouraged to use any trick in the book and as sure as eggs are eggs will do so tonight.
    Their performance and attitude at The Valley last time out was as cynical as anything you are likely to see…..whatever happens by way of a result, I would suggest it ain’t gonna be pretty.
    Yeh, I am expecting a sending off tonight.
    Pearce most likely.
    I can even see another getting themselves sent off to take them out of the firing line for a couple of games!
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    JamesSeed said:
    Point is we’ve rarely dominated anyone in L1 in recent years. 
    Not being dominated would be progress 
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    The players in every starting 11 are at least league one level, so recruitment is not an excuse for Adkins. 

    Problem is with tactics /team set up IMO. It's so obviously wrong 
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    edited September 2021
    Belv said:
    I think it’s testament to how truly awful we’ve been this season that people are thinking we did quite well in the first 20 on Saturday just because we wasn’t played off the park.

    We may not have been played off the park to begin with but we certainly carried no threat of our own.

    From memory, I can’t think of a single decent chance or shot on goal in the entire first half.

    Maybe the first 20 minutes weren’t quite as bad as previous weeks but that’s about it, it’s some push to say we did quite well.

    I see the first 10 to 20 minutes as the period where teams work out we carry very little offensive threat. Once they do, it emboldens them to take us on as they feel the risk and reward is in their favour.
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    If there is no sign of improvement in the next 3 games I'd find it hard to argue a case for Atkins. I'm shocked at how badly we are playing regardless of results and we can't afford to write this season off.

    Something is seriously wrong at present for us to be in such a perilous position.
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    The players in every starting 11 are at least league one level, so recruitment is not an excuse for Adkins. 

    Problem is with tactics /team set up IMO. It's so obviously wrong 
    Agree.  And the “we did our business too late” point doesn’t stand up to scrutiny either, every team did last minute deals, most of the league didn’t pay transfer fees either.
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    What's there not to smile about if your NAD's? 
    Most people if they screw up in their job would be out during  their probation period with a months salary or if you run your own business / self employed your in serious trouble by now.NAD's if sacked gets a nice juicy payout from only working 6months of a 3yr contract. 

    I'm grateful to Tommy for saving the club, but he's underestimated the challenge and clearly bought in people i.e Ged Roddy & Wayne Mumford who have made a mess of recruitment and the marketing of Charlton.

    Time to take stock, get in a proper football CEO, and why not appoint Curbs on board along with proper football people who can help Tommy.It's all well and good, NADS & Tommy spouting "Positivity" but it wears thin when football is a results business and football is dire. Addick fans have had more than their fair share of a rough deal with crap owners, multiple relegations (8 for me) and dodgy managers to be bluffed i'm afraid this time around. 

    Yes of course Lennie, Curbs, SCP times and Bows Wembley were the highlights but there have been more lowlights along the way and that's why NADS will be slaughtered in Kent tonight if we lose to Gillingham and hopefully out of the door quickly. Tommy I hope delays his flight back to USA and rolls up his sleeves up and gets on top of the mess we yet again find Charlton in. 
    Something has to change & an experienced CEO needs to come in. The worry for me is Sandgaard appointed all the senior management ( forget the burger flipper) who's to say the next move will be the right one ? Should he sack people ? Should he appoint an experienced CEO & give him time to assess the situation which could see us further into the sticky stuff. Sandgaard is clearly a knowledgeable & successful businessman, becoming a successful football club owner is a completely different challenge. Personally I can't see Roddy getting the heave ho as he was instrumental in bringing Sandgaard to the club (& thank goodness he did) but there's some very very difficult decisions to be made. Fingers crossed they're the right ones.
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    edited September 2021
    If there is no sign of improvement in the next 3 games I'd find it hard to argue a case for Atkins. I'm shocked at how badly we are playing regardless of results and we can't afford to write this season off.

    Something is seriously wrong at present for us to be in such a perilous position.
    I wouldn't give him three games. If he has identified that we are playing too direct, then the answer is to get the players to not lump the ball up, not remove the target for the long balls. Its not  Stockley's fault they cant pass the ball around or run with it, and have to revert to long balls. 

    Either they are ignoring him, or they are incapable of anything else, both of which are his responsibility.
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    Hal1x said:
    If there is no sign of improvement in the next 3 games I'd find it hard to argue a case for Atkins. I'm shocked at how badly we are playing regardless of results and we can't afford to write this season off.

    Something is seriously wrong at present for us to be in such a perilous position.
    I wouldn't give him three games. If he has identified that we are playing too direct, then the answer is to get the players to not lump the ball up, not remove the target for the long balls. Its not  Stockley's fault they cant pass the ball around or run with it, and have to revert to long balls. 

    Either they are ignoring him, or they are incapable of anything else, both of which are his responsibility.
    I find it incredible given his experience how badly we are playing - I do wonder if it is simply down to him? Seems to be the low point of his managerial career.
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    clb74 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    Croydon said:
    clb74 said:
    Its almost like some of us want to go a goal down so we can get on his back.
    Genuinely can't believe how quickly people have turned in him, and the extent of the dislike.
    He has lost 5/7 after being given a hefty transfer budget in comparison to bowyer. 

    I don’t dislike him, I think he is underperforming massively which as a football manager, increases the risk of losing the fans support
    Also how much did Adkins get to spend in the transfer window?
    I think I saw £1m all in including transfers and agents’ fees.  
    That's not in dispute.  Who spent it is. 
    Cobbles was answering the question I asked.
    You asked how much Adkins spent........

    The "club" spent about a million. 
    More than that. Stockley and Kirk were 900k
    i shall say this just once more - it was £2million including transfer fees, loan fees and agents fees 
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    clb74 said:
    Croydon said:
    clb74 said:
    Its almost like some of us want to go a goal down so we can get on his back.
    Genuinely can't believe how quickly people have turned in him, and the extent of the dislike.
    He has lost 5/7 after being given a hefty transfer budget in comparison to bowyer. 

    I don’t dislike him, I think he is underperforming massively which as a football manager, increases the risk of losing the fans support
    The support from a few was waining after the first 3 games this season.
    Maybe these people didn't like his style of football last season but put up with it because we were winning.

    If you play ugly football and try to win with one shot on target and succeed, fans will reluctantly accept it.

    Such disgruntled acceptance turns sour very easily.
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    DOUCHER said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    clb74 said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    cabbles said:
    clb74 said:
    Croydon said:
    clb74 said:
    Its almost like some of us want to go a goal down so we can get on his back.
    Genuinely can't believe how quickly people have turned in him, and the extent of the dislike.
    He has lost 5/7 after being given a hefty transfer budget in comparison to bowyer. 

    I don’t dislike him, I think he is underperforming massively which as a football manager, increases the risk of losing the fans support
    Also how much did Adkins get to spend in the transfer window?
    I think I saw £1m all in including transfers and agents’ fees.  
    That's not in dispute.  Who spent it is. 
    Cobbles was answering the question I asked.
    You asked how much Adkins spent........

    The "club" spent about a million. 
    More than that. Stockley and Kirk were 900k
    i shall say this just once more - it was £2million including transfer fees, loan fees and agents fees 
    Hope we kept the receipt
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    Hal1x said:
    If there is no sign of improvement in the next 3 games I'd find it hard to argue a case for Atkins. I'm shocked at how badly we are playing regardless of results and we can't afford to write this season off.

    Something is seriously wrong at present for us to be in such a perilous position.
    I wouldn't give him three games. If he has identified that we are playing too direct, then the answer is to get the players to not lump the ball up, not remove the target for the long balls. Its not  Stockley's fault they cant pass the ball around or run with it, and have to revert to long balls. 

    Either they are ignoring him, or they are incapable of anything else, both of which are his responsibility.
    I find it incredible given his experience how badly we are playing - I do wonder if it is simply down to him? Seems to be the low point of his managerial career.
    I can't believe it's COMPLETELY down to him and him alone, things like the transfer committee and not having his own choice of assistant etc probably do contribute.

    On the other hand, both of those were things he was surely aware of when accepting the job so he has to take responsibility for it.
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    Tonight is a pivotal moment for our season imo.
    It isnt even about the result really, if we play shite and win is that actually enough ? If the team sheet that has been announced I actually feel sorry for NA, imagine being in a situation where you are thinking you need a performance such as hasnt been seen yet this season and then thinking your best option in looking to get one is Watson & Morgan !!!
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    The players in every starting 11 are at least league one level, so recruitment is not an excuse for Adkins. 

    Problem is with tactics /team set up IMO. It's so obviously wrong 
    Maybe the tactics are right but the players just aren’t capable of sticking to it?
    We normally start off quite brightly. 🤔
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    edited September 2021
    I know a lot of people were underwhelmed with his appointment and I think that's why people have turned on him so quickly, but several people on this thread & the pre match thread have said they hope we lose tonight so that he gets sacked. 

    HAVE A BLOODY WORD WITH YOURSELVES!!!!  I felt Bowyer should have gone a few weeks before he did, but I never once wanted Charlton to lose to make it happen.  Absolutely ridiculous!!
    I wasn't really aware of him before he arrived, but I admit I was taken in with the positive bullshit and felt really positive. The reason I have turned was purely on the farscical way we have played and the lack of any sort of plan to improve things. I just don't think he will turn it around.
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    HandG said:
    seth plum said:
    This season we have stunk the place out.
    Gillingham this evening could be very grim, heavy handed police, tanked up lumpen Charlton fans, dreadful accommodation, cover of darkness, the real prospect of another thrashing….all the ingredients are there.
    All set up to be a cracker then! 
    Seths really sold tonight's game to me.
    Might as well stay in the pub in Rochester later.
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    edited September 2021
    What has shocked me is the absence of effective communication between the players.
    The defence simply isn't organised, so too often 2 go after 1, oppo's are left unmarked as a result, and we try and recover like the keystone cops. I've seen more organised games in the local park. Shambolic.
    Is this the players, the Captain or the training? Whichever of these is responsible, the result is formless amateur play for extended periods.
    So disheartening and agony to watch.
     There's people at our club who are stealing a living.
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    JamesSeed said:
    se9addick said:
    JamesSeed said:
    Controversial view I know, but if the Wycombe game had followed a couple of draws and a couple of wins I don’t think it would have been viewed as one of the ‘worst performances in years’, which many have been calling it. Yes I know it followed other poor defeats, but it still deserves to be analysed as a separate game. 
    We were poor yes, but for a struggling side up against a side who have recently recruited well after narrowly being relegated from the Championship it wasn’t a disastrous performance by any means. Particularly bearing in mind our issues in the transfer window. 
    Even now we’re still having to rotate players because of fitness issues, so we’re still some way off being a settled side. 
    Didn’t really see a lack of effort on Saturday either. Souare was flying in at every opportunity, Dobson and others too. I’m sure the players are desperate to be part of a winning side, does anyone really think they don’t?! It’s not like Adkins is making their lives a living hell so they want him out.
    I don't think he should be sacked while we’re still (shamefully) in a position where we’re finding our feet. 
    Wycombe wasn’t the worst performance in years, Cheltenham was worse. That being said from seven matches this season alone we probably have two or three contenders for the all time top ten already!
    The first half v Cheltenham was the real shocker. I was expecting worse at Wycombe, a trouncing, which is perhaps why I didn’t see it as as bad a performance as some. 
    Time to step up today. 
    I agree about the hope that we can step up today, however could we have picked worse opposition to play against to achieve that.
    If there’s one team in this league who will go all out to nullify the opposition “by any means whatsoever” it’s Gillingham.
    They are encouraged to use any trick in the book and as sure as eggs are eggs will do so tonight.
    Their performance and attitude at The Valley last time out was as cynical as anything you are likely to see…..whatever happens by way of a result, I would suggest it ain’t gonna be pretty.
    We're quite capable of nullifying ourselves, and don't need Gillingham's help...
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    Against Wycombe we had quite a few arguments/discussions with the referee. There was one bit where Stockley was arguing in a break and demonstrating types of falling over, also I remember a lengthy ‘exchange’ when senior pro (!) Gunter spent a long time in the refs face. There were other scattered incidences of blame shifting.
    Every player should take the field with the attitude ‘it’s me! I am going to be the one to make a difference, I am going to give a seven out of ten performance minimum, and it is down to me that we win!’
    Not harassing officials rather pathetically, and getting nowhere.
    On Saturday the referee had a better game than most of our players.
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    Hal1x said:
    I know a lot of people were underwhelmed with his appointment and I think that's why people have turned on him so quickly, but several people on this thread & the pre match thread have said they hope we lose tonight so that he gets sacked. 

    HAVE A BLOODY WORD WITH YOURSELVES!!!!  I felt Bowyer should have gone a few weeks before he did, but I never once wanted Charlton to lose to make it happen.  Absolutely ridiculous!!
    I wasn't really aware of him before he arrived, but I admit I was taken in with the positive bullshit and felt really positive. The reason I have turned was purely on the farscical way we have played and the lack of any sort of plan to improve things. I just don't think he will turn it around.
    The trouble is everybody seems to be underperforming at Charlton at present - I'd like to think a new manager could turn things around but optimism is in short supply.
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    a Sword of Damocles might well be hanging over Adkins' bonce as he sits in the dugout this evening .. be better off prowling along the touchline Nigel
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!