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Energy Bills



  • Has anyone with solar panels seen a 80% increase on the energy they sell back to the energy companies or are they still getting the same as before ?
  • Help for businesses is also crucial - assistance with paying household energy bills is of limited use if you lose your job because your employer can't afford to operate. Lots of food & drink places talking about reduced opening hours to save on the heating bill by not opening when there are few customers.
  • Has anyone with solar panels seen a 80% increase on the energy they sell back to the energy companies or are they still getting the same as before ?
    Still getting the same as before. Bloody ridiculous I think it is 8p per kWh. 
  • Rob7Lee said:
    They'll act and there will be a raft of measures I suspect once a new PM is in situ.

    I can see a mixture of price freezes, cash handouts against bills like they have currently proposed and Income tax cuts and personal allowance increases (although the latter less likely in my view as more difficult to back track on/undo in the future).

    I'm fairly sure tax cuts will be part of Truss's solution, not so sure about Sunak though.

    Then you get onto business's who aren't party to the price capping, they will need some assistance as well.

    It should also be a wake up call for more sustainable power generation, they really need to start subsidising solar much much more for homeowners so that becomes much more of the norm. I did get a verbal quote for my house, was in the region of £18k, they estimated it'd save about £700 a year so maybe double that currently, but even still that's a long pay back time.
    It isn't my job so maybe I can be excused but I was shocked to learn so much electricity was generated using gas. I would have been shocked 7 or 8 years ago so I think it is right to ask the question why something like electricity which can be generated by wind, water, solar and nuclear is still so reliant on gas today. There have been some poor decisions somewhere which we seem to be paying for now.
  • Whatever help is announced it’s going to have to have an outcome of prices for energy not going above the current level of cap at £1971. With food and inflation people won’t stand for some half arsed compromise solution where people are expected to meet the energy cost increases half way. That’s my likely outcome scenario. 
  • Rob7Lee said:
    They'll act and there will be a raft of measures I suspect once a new PM is in situ.

    I can see a mixture of price freezes, cash handouts against bills like they have currently proposed and Income tax cuts and personal allowance increases (although the latter less likely in my view as more difficult to back track on/undo in the future).

    I'm fairly sure tax cuts will be part of Truss's solution, not so sure about Sunak though.

    Then you get onto business's who aren't party to the price capping, they will need some assistance as well.

    It should also be a wake up call for more sustainable power generation, they really need to start subsidising solar much much more for homeowners so that becomes much more of the norm. I did get a verbal quote for my house, was in the region of £18k, they estimated it'd save about £700 a year so maybe double that currently, but even still that's a long pay back time.
    It isn't my job so maybe I can be excused but I was shocked to learn so much electricity was generated using gas. I would have been shocked 7 or 8 years ago so I think it is right to ask the question why something like electricity which can be generated by wind, water, solar and nuclear is still so reliant on gas today. There have been some poor decisions somewhere which we seem to be paying for now.
    Until Thatcher closed the mines we were pretty much solely reliant on coal to generate electricity - gas just replaced that because of the North Sea. Agree about the short-sightedness of not focusing on renewables a long time ago.   
  • Whatever help is announced it’s going to have to have an outcome of prices for energy not going above the current level of cap at £1971. With food and inflation people won’t stand for some half arsed compromise solution where people are expected to meet the energy cost increases half way. That’s my likely outcome scenario. 
    When you say they won’t stand for it, what do you think will happen when the necessary solutions are not forthcoming? 
  • If the west are sanctioning Russia economically, then it is no surprise to me that Russia will sanction right back any way they can.
    Truss has described helping people, many of whom have contributed enormously, as giving ‘handouts’.
    Bit like the handouts of dodgy contracts given to people like the pub landlord friend of Matthew Hancock.
    I believe this government are content to see people burning their furniture to keep warm, as long as somehow they and their coterie can move towards living off the interest of the interest. That is the philosophy of these people and those who vote for them isn’t it?
  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

    What are they supposed to do with it…… they can’t sell it…. 
  • Whatever help is announced it’s going to have to have an outcome of prices for energy not going above the current level of cap at £1971. With food and inflation people won’t stand for some half arsed compromise solution where people are expected to meet the energy cost increases half way. That’s my likely outcome scenario. 
    When you say they won’t stand for it, what do you think will happen when the necessary solutions are not forthcoming? 
    If half of the population (30+ million people) as predicted are in fuel poverty then civil unrest will be inevitable.
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  • No government minister available for media interviews today. People worried sick and looking for help and reassurance and they're awol. They knew this was being announced today weeks ago so it's inexcusable.

    Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to defend this lot?
    They serve two interests, they’re own, and the small number of people that back them financially.  Everything and everyone else is irrelevant. 

    I thought we’d reached a nadir with Johnson, but listening to Truss, she’s Karel Frayere on steroids 
  • edited August 2022
    seth plum said:
    If the west are sanctioning Russia economically, then it is no surprise to me that Russia will sanction right back any way they can.
    Truss has described helping people, many of whom have contributed enormously, as giving ‘handouts’.
    Bit like the handouts of dodgy contracts given to people like the pub landlord friend of Matthew Hancock.
    I believe this government are content to see people burning their furniture to keep warm, as long as somehow they and their coterie can move towards living off the interest of the interest. That is the philosophy of these people and those who vote for them isn’t it?
    No it isn't, Seth.

    You describe an infinitesimally small percentage of people who have that sort of wealth. The vast majority of tory voters will be struggling with these fuel price hikes and that is why the government will act - not out of any empathy but for self-preservation reasons. 
  • bobmunro said:
    seth plum said:
    If the west are sanctioning Russia economically, then it is no surprise to me that Russia will sanction right back any way they can.
    Truss has described helping people, many of whom have contributed enormously, as giving ‘handouts’.
    Bit like the handouts of dodgy contracts given to people like the pub landlord friend of Matthew Hancock.
    I believe this government are content to see people burning their furniture to keep warm, as long as somehow they and their coterie can move towards living off the interest of the interest. That is the philosophy of these people and those who vote for them isn’t it?
    No it isn't, Seth.

    You describe an infinitesimally small percentage of people who have that sort of wealth. The vast majority of tory voters will be struggling with these fuel price hikes and that is why the government will act - not out of any empathy but for self-preservation reasons. 
    Yes indeed, many who voted for this government will get a kicking, but continue to vote for them anyway if they are convinced their suffering is because of foreigners, the French, woke culture, remainers or Seth Plum on Charlton Life.
    It is a kind of Stockholm Syndrome.
    I will wait and see, but personally I don’t trust this government to act. At the moment in many sectors it takes strikes to get action…or civil unrest as you have suggested.
  • seth plum said:
    bobmunro said:
    seth plum said:
    If the west are sanctioning Russia economically, then it is no surprise to me that Russia will sanction right back any way they can.
    Truss has described helping people, many of whom have contributed enormously, as giving ‘handouts’.
    Bit like the handouts of dodgy contracts given to people like the pub landlord friend of Matthew Hancock.
    I believe this government are content to see people burning their furniture to keep warm, as long as somehow they and their coterie can move towards living off the interest of the interest. That is the philosophy of these people and those who vote for them isn’t it?
    No it isn't, Seth.

    You describe an infinitesimally small percentage of people who have that sort of wealth. The vast majority of tory voters will be struggling with these fuel price hikes and that is why the government will act - not out of any empathy but for self-preservation reasons. 
    Yes indeed, many who voted for this government will get a kicking, but continue to vote for them anyway if they are convinced their suffering is because of foreigners, the French, woke culture, remainers or Seth Plum on Charlton Life.
    It is a kind of Stockholm Syndrome.
    I will wait and see, but personally I don’t trust this government to act. At the moment in many sectors it takes strikes to get action…or civil unrest as you have suggested.
    Ah - so you are in fact part of the problem ;-)

    Only joking, Seth - we are not too dissimilar on 'most' things.
  • Civil unrest bob what you going to do chuck betting slip’s about 😀. 
    Don’t really like the French but what I do admire is how they let the government know when they aren’t happy and riot. That’s why there government sorted the 4% cap there shit scared of upsetting there people where our mps do t give a shit about the people. 
    I predict a riot it’s the only way 
  • Has anyone with solar panels seen a 80% increase on the energy they sell back to the energy companies or are they still getting the same as before ?
    Still getting the same as before. Bloody ridiculous I think it is 8p per kWh. 
    Fuck me rip if Britain what a piss take. Do you get taxed on your 8p too. 
  • Can anyone explain to me why all these people want to come to our country when we get ripped off all the time. 
  • Meanwhile.........."BP's profits tripled to $8.5bn (£6.9bn) between April and June 2022. The second quarter also included a record $11.5bn profit for Shell".

    Beyond a joke really.
  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

    Yeah mate, its the west that's lying and not the heavily corrupt and autocratic russian state.
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  • Oggy Red said:
     The more I hear from her (Truss) the more I think she completely lacks empathy to the point of some personality disorder.  

    It speaks volumes that Tories would still prefer Johnson to either her or Sunak. What exactly do we have governing us for the next two years ffs. 
    That was Thatcher.

    But today's news:
    1. The typical household energy bill will hit £3,549 a year from 1 October, regulator Ofgem announces
    2. The cap is currently £1,971 for the average household and limits how much providers can charge customers in England, Scotland and Wales
    The Government has to act.
    But you know they will protect their own interest before that of the people.

    rumours flying round the prices will go up to £5,000/year from january. We're absolutely cooked if the government doesn't do anything.
  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

    Yeah mate, its the west that's lying and not the heavily corrupt and autocratic russian state.
    Do your seriously think our politicians aren’t lying too. They all lie it’s there job. 
  • Oh and the state owned bbc don’t lie too 
  • arny23394 said:
    AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    Because of idiots like you.
    Haha a very grown up comment.

    Mate I will leave it at that other than to say I'm far from an idiot. Have a nice day 
  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

    Yeah mate, its the west that's lying and not the heavily corrupt and autocratic russian state.
    Do your seriously think our politicians aren’t lying too. They all lie it’s there job. 
    Oh and the state owned bbc don’t lie too 
    whataboutism, its all the conspiracists and useful idiots have. 
  • Your straight of the banana boat mate open your eyes 
  • Your straight of the banana boat mate open your eyes 
    ok, i'll bite. What evidence do you have to suggest that the russian economy isn't in the shitter? 
  • Whatever help is announced it’s going to have to have an outcome of prices for energy not going above the current level of cap at £1971. With food and inflation people won’t stand for some half arsed compromise solution where people are expected to meet the energy cost increases half way. That’s my likely outcome scenario. 
    When you say they won’t stand for it, what do you think will happen when the necessary solutions are not forthcoming? 
    It’s hard to say but I think people will be willing to take to the streets. Daft as it sounds it’s actually quite hard to imagine a cold house while we sit here in August. A family with no way of keeping their kids warm and or tummies full will be a very angry one. 
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