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Energy Bills



  • Eh. Why wouldn’t we do both? 

    My point remains that all parties could demonstrate a small level of empathy by restricting expenses but they won’t. 

    As others have suggested sadly none of our parties seem capable of working collaboratively to devise a solution to this and garner cross party support just point score with each other instead. 
  • edited August 2022
    Eh. Why wouldn’t we do both? 

    My point remains that all parties could demonstrate a small level of empathy by restricting expenses but they won’t. 

    As others have suggested sadly none of our parties seem capable of working collaboratively to devise a solution to this and garner cross party support just point score with each other instead. 
    If the expenses are legitimate under the system then I personally have no issue. I’d rather pay those legitimate expenses and have them working effectively. We don’t want those lazy MP’s and there are some, sitting at home or carrying out tasks associated with their second jobs which many have. We need an effective functioning place of government. 
  • Eh. Why wouldn’t we do both? 

    My point remains that all parties could demonstrate a small level of empathy by restricting expenses but they won’t. 

    As others have suggested sadly none of our parties seem capable of working collaboratively to devise a solution to this and garner cross party support just point score with each other instead. 
    If the expenses are legitimate under the system then I personally have no issue. I’d rather pay those legitimate expenses and have them working effectively. We don’t want those lazy MP’s and there are some, sitting at home or carrying out tasks associated with their second jobs which many have. We need an effective functioning place of government. 
    What on earth has given you any indication that they are "working effectively"? 
  • clb74 said:
    Rizzo said:
    clb74 said:
    I still think the price cap will be frozen at the current level. It is just suicide for the Government to not do anything when both opposition parties have set out plans how they would do it and indeed how it could be done.
    The government are taking the piss.
    Coming to the end of August and there are no plans as to deal with the energy crisis if there is no bail out.
    Myself I will be having the heating on when I want even if I cant afford the heating.
    I would then pay that off to what I could afford a month.
    There are though tens if not hundreds of thousands of people out there that if they cant afford it wont put the heating on.
    Plans should be put in place for people to go for some warmth when they need it.
    Complete joke and why I will never vote for a main political again in my life.
    It's not 'main political (I assume) parties' though, is it? It's just the fucking tories. Labour and the Lib Dems have both put out plans to tackle the crisis. 
    Green party Rizzo.
    Labour and lib dems can put out what ever plans they want, but there not the ones making the decisions.
    I'd happily have a pound bet that the main parties in the past have put forward proposals for them not to materialise.
    It’s easy politicking though for opposition parties. Tories are on the ropes over this crisis and it’s a no win situation for them really. Inflation running in the teens this and the majority at best of next year. Labour or Lib Dems saying they would do x or y is a free hit and what they have said is exactly what people worried about their bills want to hear. A free hit with no consequences. 
    Easiest job in the world - be the opposition party. 
  • edited August 2022
    Not really as if this Government gets it wrong the opposition parties get just as much stick from some. 
  • Rizzo said:
    Eh. Why wouldn’t we do both? 

    My point remains that all parties could demonstrate a small level of empathy by restricting expenses but they won’t. 

    As others have suggested sadly none of our parties seem capable of working collaboratively to devise a solution to this and garner cross party support just point score with each other instead. 
    If the expenses are legitimate under the system then I personally have no issue. I’d rather pay those legitimate expenses and have them working effectively. We don’t want those lazy MP’s and there are some, sitting at home or carrying out tasks associated with their second jobs which many have. We need an effective functioning place of government. 
    What on earth has given you any indication that they are "working effectively"? 
    MP’s mostly do a good hardworking job and don’t abuse their positions. There are always exceptions. The government is quite a different thing. That’s in my view due to the conservatives being hijacked at cabinet level by English nationalists and also due to a very low level of ability by those in office.
  • Price cap announced tomorrow, should be an interesting day!
  • Price cap announced tomorrow, should be an interesting day!
    Replace the word cap with

    A fucking big increase. 

    Time for the government to stop playing silly bollox and step in.
  • Price cap announced tomorrow, should be an interesting day!
    Replace the word cap with

    A fucking big increase. 

    Time for the government to stop playing silly bollox and step in.
    They will but won’t do it yet for reasons that are entirely for the benefit of the Tory party and new Prime Minister rather than for the benefit of the country in general. Despite what’s being said that we have a functioning government. We clearly don’t because the strategy yet to be announced is totally dependent on which of the two candidates is victorious. An absolute scandal. 
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  • Not read the whole thread so not sure if it's been mentioned already, but our energy firm (SES) have a function on their site where it shows how much you're paying a month and what the balance is likely to be at the end of the year, if you continue paying that amount per month. You can adjust the monthly payments up and down and the end balance changes with it. I've just had two confirmation emails today, confirm they've knocked the monthly payments down, saving about £40 a month (electric and gas).

    It all helps at the moment
  • What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
  • AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    100 % this . You know there is no help coming over the hill. I tried to fix my prices and got offered £500 a month , current bill £150, and the only guarentee is that the government doesn’t give a monkeys about us. I am a lifetime Tory supporter . No more 
  • AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    Out of interest you say “I’m a Tory”, do you mean that you vote/have always voted Tory or that being a Tory is part of your identity in the same way that you’re Charlton (or something like that)?

    I’ve voted for Labour most times I’ve had the chance, and I likely will again in the next election, but I don’t really feel a deep affinity for any political party. If someone else better represented my views I’d give them my vote without a second though. 
  • AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    100 % this . You know there is no help coming over the hill. I tried to fix my prices and got offered £500 a month , current bill £150, and the only guarentee is that the government doesn’t give a monkeys about us. I am a lifetime Tory supporter . No more 
    There are plenty like us who won't vote for the Tories again. We need a General Electio  to get rid of them. I dread to think what is going to happen if Liz Truss becomes PM. Tax reductions won't be sufficient, even if my whole tax and NI were to be wiped out,  it wouldn't cover the increases being suggested.
  • edited August 2022
    There was a point in her life when Liz Truss was more a lefty than me. She wanted rid of the Royal Family. Mussolini was a socialist before he became a fascist so it can happen. Whatever, I still think the Government will have to help with the bills and if they do it kicking and screaming it won't do them any favours. If they do nothing, they are finished.
  • AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    100 % this . You know there is no help coming over the hill. I tried to fix my prices and got offered £500 a month , current bill £150, and the only guarentee is that the government doesn’t give a monkeys about us. I am a lifetime Tory supporter . No more 
    There are plenty like us who won't vote for the Tories again. We need a General Electio  to get rid of them. I dread to think what is going to happen if Liz Truss becomes PM. Tax reductions won't be sufficient, even if my whole tax and NI were to be wiped out,  it wouldn't cover the increases being suggested.
    Completely . I just cannot believe what little clue they have. They just seem unable to see or completely ignore the big picture in anything they do. Truss was the one encouraging our men to go out and fight in Ukraine , when it was against the law , and couldn’t tell the difference between the black and Baltic Sea , plus spent  some 500k chartering a jumbo for her flight to OZ. Unbelievable that she is going to be PM. 
  • There was a point in her life when Liz Truss was more a lefty than me. She wanted rid of the Royal Family. Mussolini was a socialist before he became a fascist so it can happen. Whatever, I still think the Government will have to help with the bills and if they do it kicking and screaming it won't do them any favours. If they do nothing, they are finished.
    I think they are finished anyway. There is no chance they will look after the people that need help the most . The country just needs someone to lead them , if Starmer is cute about this he will walk it at a GE
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  • edited August 2022
    Just found this and it is why I can't see there not being a freeze on the price cap.
  • AndyG said:
    What I find astounding is how we can be in a situation where our political leaders (of all persuasions) are of such low calibre. There is something really wrong with the political landscape in this country and something needs to be done to attract much higher calibre of politicians. How the f##k have we ended up in a situation where "thick Truss" is likely to be our Prime Minister? Devoid of any reasonable intellect and the personality of a kipper.
    God knows how much damage this lot will do over the next couple of years ! And I'm a Tory I'm ashamed to say
    Because of idiots like you.
  • Just found this and it is why I can't see there not being a freeze on the price cap.
    To me that would be the right thing to do. However  I think she won’t want to be seen to be coping Labour with her first big call. 
  • They will see the popularity of the policy with even their own voters. As you saw in the clip, it is significant. They can't ignore that and the pressure will be even higher after the new cap is announced. What they will probably be working on is a different way to find the money to distance it from Labour.
  • following on from the Windfall Tax - won’t that prove that Labour is getting the Big decisions right ? That’s why i don’t think she will do it. Thinking of herself before the country 
  • Mrkinski said:
    i really don’t think they understand (or care about) what is about to hit thousands, if not millions, of people and businesses with this cost of living / energy emergency. 

    The Gov’t will not last two years. When parents can’t feed their families or keep them warm in winter, when our local shops and chippies / curry houses and small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy, cannot keep going because of the huge energy costs when they leave their fixed term deals and when our high streets become ghost towns with empty shops (and no rent for landlords) and unemployment soars along with inflation, if this lot are still sitting on their hands then not only will they be unelectable for a generation, but I think there will be mass civil disorder and civil disobedience on a scale not seen in our lifetime.

    Happy sod, aren’t I 🤣

    I think widespread strikes are just the tip of the iceberg unless they do something meaningful, and soon. Reversing the NI change will not benefit anyone on less than £36K a year, so if truss the idiot does that she will be hurting the poorest (and the NHS) and benefitting the middle classes (term used loosely). But she's so bloody thick she'll have to present it as a policy that's been misinterpreted, which seems to be her get-out when the penny drops that her ideas are utterly stupid. Sunak the wannabe yank has more intelligence but zero empathy, so we are screwed either way.
    I'm thinking of buying a dinghy and sailing into the channel and back just so I can get picked up and deported to Rwanda, which is rapidly becoming a more appealing option.
  • The fact that Truss is so monumentally stupid that she cannot even grasp the fact that tax cuts don't benefit people whose incomes are so low that they don't pay tax gives me absolutely zero hope for the next two years when the morons in the tory party inevitably vote her in as PM. 
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