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Energy Bills



  • edited August 2022
    "Eating wise, I'm scared to use my cooker. It's electric and obviously if you put something in the oven it uses more [energy] so I try to stick to ready meals in the microwave or do salads..."

    This woman's situation really strikes a chord and there are many like her out there. We've long known that my brother-in-law won't use the oven in his rented property because he is worried about the cost. We're talking years here, not stopping using it recently. As a result it's effected his diet because, like the lady in the story, he eats cheap, microwaved crap or whatever they're going to throw away at his employers at the end of the day (usually involving chips, pasties, etc.).

    We found out very recently that he'd also turned off his fridge for the same reasons. He doesn't own a tv or car as he can't afford to run them and, frankly, he has a lifestyle that none of us on here would envy. We've done what we can over the years to help him but things are coming to a head with the predicted rises in energy costs. If/when his landlord sticks up the rent as a result, he's simply not going to have it.

    It's very well for Liz Truss to tour around the country insulting President Macron for the entertainment of the morons that are going to inflict her on the country. But the reality is people need help now and they need to see a way through this situation.

    My wife's beside herself worrying about what her brother is going to do over the winter, and ultimately, whether he might just decide not to carry on at all. I think she's right to be concerned and that there will be many others considering the same course.

    These are real people facing dreadful decisions and once again this government is letting them down.

  • We would be entering the marching in the streets territory with the promise of further increases on top of that. There is no way the Government can just blindly let this happen without trying to do something about it.

    Inflation and the wider economy has to be considered so just targeting help for the very poor, whilst welcome, will not prevent a massive recession which will plunge us further into despair with our businesses failing and things getting worse and our inability to get out of the mess spiraling out of control.
  • Sack all politicians and put the monarch in charge. Least we would only pay for one person and not ripped of by thousands of greedy politicians save a fortune and couldn’t be much worse. 
  • edited August 2022
    Truss is playing to her audience by saying I am a true Tory and we cut taxes. Sunak is saying, I am too but that isn't always possible in a time of crisis. The problem is that her audience does not include conservative voters being pushed away by the party. The ones who do not hero worship Johnson and are not ultra nationalist. They have a name, One Nation Conservatives. I like neither Truss nor Sunak but one has a more honest position than the other in relation to the economy. Truss is going to take the ship which is the Conservative party down with her. The problem is that we are on it too.
  • Ten quid a day. How are people supposed to find that?
  • edited August 2022
    Stop going football, stop eating out, stop going out full stop! So what are the businesses that rely on them doing that going to do and of course this all generates tax revenues.

    Then the cap rises further.
  • Stop going football, stop eating out, stop going out full stop! So what are the businesses that rely on them doing that going to do and of course this all generates tax revenues.

    Then the cap rises further.
    And that's why there will be help for everyone.

  • But it should have been announced already because this has started. I think there will be something but many don't and a lot of them are terrified.
  • If shell  and bp are making billions out of this how much money is Russia making out of it. 
    Americans seem to want Trump back because they think he won’t just sit there like Biden while Russia and China take over the world 
    I’m looking for a nice cave to live in. 
    Is chiselhurst caves still open. 
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  • If shell  and bp are making billions out of this how much money is Russia making out of it. 
    Americans seem to want Trump back because they think he won’t just sit there like Biden while Russia and China take over the world 
    I’m looking for a nice cave to live in. 
    Is chiselhurst caves still open. 
    Last time I went Chislehurst caves in august it was freezing.
  • I felt quite smug when I managed to fix my tariff in April for a year for not much more a month than I was paying last year, plus I have about £250 credit, plus the £400 to add to that from October.

    However, I'm starting to brick it now thinking what it will be like when my tariff ends in April. Especially as it is only me at home, so only my income to rely on.
  • clb74 said:
    If shell  and bp are making billions out of this how much money is Russia making out of it. 
    Americans seem to want Trump back because they think he won’t just sit there like Biden while Russia and China take over the world 
    I’m looking for a nice cave to live in. 
    Is chiselhurst caves still open. 
    Last time I went Chislehurst caves in august it was freezing.
    Our houses will be just as cold this winter!
  • edited August 2022

    As Europe's energy costs skyrocket, Russia is burning off large amounts of natural gas, according to analysis shared with BBC News.

    Experts say the gas would previously have been exported to Germany.

    They say the plant near the border with Finland, is burning an estimated $10m (£8.4m) worth of gas every day.

  • Wonder if the Russians are still upset that McDonald’s and all the other shops that shut and the banks we stopped trading with. Ruining there economy. Russia has put the world in a siege. 
    We are the ones who’s economy is ruined. 

  • Wonder if the Russians are still upset that McDonald’s and all the other shops that shut and the banks we stopped trading with. Ruining there economy. Russia has put the world in a siege. 
    We are the ones who’s economy is ruined. 

    russian economy is fucked. It's on life support with the price of gas and oil. Next year or two and we manage to sort our supplies out properly their economy is fucked.
  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

  • That’s our media and government lying Russia economy is fucked if it’s that fucked they wouldn’t be burning 10 million worth of gas would they. 

    I think nut nut would.
  • From the BBC:

    Although today’s news is a major concern for billpayers, it isn’t particularly unexpected.

    What will be a huge shock is the forecasts from energy consultancy firm Cornwall Insight about bills next year.

    Today's announcement covers October to December, but the firm suggests a typical annual bill could hit nearly £5,400 in January, and £6,600 in April. That would be a £550-a-month bill.

    Many people’s biggest bill is their mortgage, which typically is £700 a month.

    But some caution should be placed on these numbers. While Cornwall Insight’s predictions have been accurate, there is still a considerable amount of time to go before these bills are set.

    As we know, wholesale energy price and global events can change quickly.

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  • No government minister available for media interviews today. People worried sick and looking for help and reassurance and they're awol. They knew this was being announced today weeks ago so it's inexcusable.

    Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to defend this lot?
    Enough people buy in to the bollocks they spout to vote them in time and time again. There will be tory supporters blaming the EU and Jeremy Corbyn for the energy crisis. 
  •  The more I hear from her (Truss) the more I think she completely lacks empathy to the point of some personality disorder.  

    It speaks volumes that Tories would still prefer Johnson to either her or Sunak. What exactly do we have governing us for the next two years ffs. 
    That was Thatcher.

    But today's news:
    1. The typical household energy bill will hit £3,549 a year from 1 October, regulator Ofgem announces
    2. The cap is currently £1,971 for the average household and limits how much providers can charge customers in England, Scotland and Wales
    The Government has to act.
    But you know they will protect their own interest before that of the people.

  • If Russia has any sort of strategy for the war, it's to do as much damage to western economies as possible, in the hope that voters will demand that sanctions are lifted and gas purchases resume. That would then allow them to get the technology they need to build more weapons, without which they have little chance of success. In some countries that may work - there are some governments which aren't enthusiastic about support for Ukraine, and there are signs that Italy may elect a government of parties which don't want to support sanctions. But in most countries, the signs are that while voters may revolt over lack of government support over energy prices, that won't extend to demanding that we stop arming Ukraine or that we start selling technology to Russia.

    Any sensible UK government would currently be planning major financial help this coming winter, and a huge programme of building wind and solar power capacity so we're in a better pace next winter. So far, there's little evidence of that, and Sunak and Truss if anything seem to be sympathetic to nimbys who oppose new solar power because the solar panels don't look very pretty. Perhaps today's announcement will get through to them that this is a serious crisis. Perhaps pigs may fly...

    1. The price of electricity will rise on average from 28p per kWh to 52p in October-December and gas will go up from 7p to 15p per kwh

  • bobmunro said:
    Oggy Red said:
     The more I hear from her (Truss) the more I think she completely lacks empathy to the point of some personality disorder.  

    It speaks volumes that Tories would still prefer Johnson to either her or Sunak. What exactly do we have governing us for the next two years ffs. 
    That was Thatcher.

    But today's news:
    1. The typical household energy bill will hit £3,549 a year from 1 October, regulator Ofgem announces
    2. The cap is currently £1,971 for the average household and limits how much providers can charge customers in England, Scotland and Wales
    The Government has to act.
    But you know they will protect their own interest before that of the people.

    They will act - against their principles but they will have no choice. If they don't then the poll tax riots will look like a picnic in the park by comparison.

    They must spend OUR money to support those in greatest need, not tax cuts for all.
    Tax cuts are not the solution. NI and PAYE will have no benefit to those most in need. Having said that there is an awful lot of households with previously no call on the public purse that are just as in danger here. The energy cap being frozen is the easiest and logical answer. Anything else will be more difficult to administer. Freezing the cap at £1971 might just mean that Sunaks existing intervention might suffice. I still can’t believe that Truss won’t be forced into helping over and above those ludicrous NI and I come tax cuts. 
  • edited August 2022
    If Russia has any sort of strategy for the war, it's to do as much damage to western economies as possible, in the hope that voters will demand that sanctions are lifted and gas purchases resume. That would then allow them to get the technology they need to build more weapons, without which they have little chance of success. In some countries that may work - there are some governments which aren't enthusiastic about support for Ukraine, and there are signs that Italy may elect a government of parties which don't want to support sanctions. But in most countries, the signs are that while voters may revolt over lack of government support over energy prices, that won't extend to demanding that we stop arming Ukraine or that we start selling technology to Russia.

    Any sensible UK government would currently be planning major financial help this coming winter, and a huge programme of building wind and solar power capacity so we're in a better pace next winter. So far, there's little evidence of that, and Sunak and Truss if anything seem to be sympathetic to nimbys who oppose new solar power because the solar panels don't look very pretty. Perhaps today's announcement will get through to them that this is a serious crisis. Perhaps pigs may fly...
    It’s been a tough schooling but it looks like Europe including the U.K. has woken up to the need for energy self sufficiency and non reliance of anything from Russia. Putin has been building this crisis for decades. He’s sucked Europe in and now pulled the rug. We’ve all been nieve and greedy and we’re paying the price. I suspect we’re in for a long recession with unprecedented in our lifetimes, real hardship. What plays out over the next few years might change the landscape forever.
  • They'll act and there will be a raft of measures I suspect once a new PM is in situ.

    I can see a mixture of price freezes, cash handouts against bills like they have currently proposed and Income tax cuts and personal allowance increases (although the latter less likely in my view as more difficult to back track on/undo in the future).

    I'm fairly sure tax cuts will be part of Truss's solution, not so sure about Sunak though.

    Then you get onto business's who aren't party to the price capping, they will need some assistance as well.

    It should also be a wake up call for more sustainable power generation, they really need to start subsidising solar much much more for homeowners so that becomes much more of the norm. I did get a verbal quote for my house, was in the region of £18k, they estimated it'd save about £700 a year so maybe double that currently, but even still that's a long pay back time.
  • edited August 2022
    If the basic full state pension exceeds the tax threshold I suspect even someone as thick as Truss and her likely chancellor Kwarteng won’t miss that one. 
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