Slightly playing devil's advocate, was Bowyer after too much money? Not good to reveal such details in the statement, but if it's true that means that Bowyer was offered 50% more than Powell had been on for example
Lee has been offered a one-year extension to his contract at a level which is approximately three times what he had since his last increase when he became permanent manager in September. It is six times what he earned when he started as assistant manager in 2017 and 50% more than what any Charlton manager previously had (excluding the Premier League years).
You are presuming he’s telling the truth . He has a history of lying through his green mangled old teeth.
Slightly playing devil's advocate, was Bowyer after too much money? Not good to reveal such details in the statement, but if it's true that means that Bowyer was offered 50% more than Powell had been on for example
Lee has been offered a one-year extension to his contract at a level which is approximately three times what he had since his last increase when he became permanent manager in September. It is six times what he earned when he started as assistant manager in 2017 and 50% more than what any Charlton manager previously had (excluding the Premier League years).
Sorry mate, but if you feel any need to play Devil's advocate you clearly have no concept of what a tosser Roland is! How much evidence do you F-ing need FFS!
No surprise. As much as it pains me to say it, if Jacko, Gallen and Marshall are reading this, walk away, go and manage somewhere you can do your jobs. You have done a fantastic job, given the circumstances you have had to work in, you have quite frankly performed miracles. I honestly believe no Charlton fan would begrudge you walking.
Roland, just fuck off, fuck right off. You are a delusional crackpot with absolutely no human traits. You do not understand the business you bought into and I for one hope you get your arse handed to you financially and loose a fucking fortune.
“If the agent helps make the manager more money, it may result in the manager to have a more positive attitude towards players proposed by the same agent, a conflict of interest. Obviously, Lee is above such things, but it is nevertheless not a healthy situation. “
Regardless of the last sentence, this is an absolutely outrageous thing to say, can’t believe more haven’t picked up on these words.
I hate this man. LB has no choice now other than to go, which I am sure he will do with the dignity he has displayed during his time at CAFC. Dignity is not a word Duchatelet understands. He is a disgrace to his country. I hope misfortune now haunts him for the rest of his life.
once again everyone's fault but his. By releasing information about by how much Bow's salary has increased and in what percentages he has surely released information that should be private and has thrown Lee under the bus. Funny how he can hid behind NDA's but release such info. Hate is a strong word and one I'd never use lightly but I really hate him. Surely now even those who have been sticking up for him will see what a total and complete utter shitweasel he is.
Slightly playing devil's advocate, was Bowyer after too much money? Not good to reveal such details in the statement, but if it's true that means that Bowyer was offered 50% more than Powell had been on for example
Lee has been offered a one-year extension to his contract at a level which is approximately three times what he had since his last increase when he became permanent manager in September. It is six times what he earned when he started as assistant manager in 2017 and 50% more than what any Charlton manager previously had (excluding the Premier League years).
You are presuming he’s telling the truth . He has a historic lying through his green mangled old teeth.
Slightly playing devil's advocate, was Bowyer after too much money? Not good to reveal such details in the statement, but if it's true that means that Bowyer was offered 50% more than Powell had been on for example
Lee has been offered a one-year extension to his contract at a level which is approximately three times what he had since his last increase when he became permanent manager in September. It is six times what he earned when he started as assistant manager in 2017 and 50% more than what any Charlton manager previously had (excluding the Premier League years).
Sorry mate, but if you feel any need to play Devil's advocate you clearly have no concept of what a tosser Roland is! How much evidence do you F-ing need FFS!
Makes me almost wish we hadn’t won the play off final. To experience that, to have, for a brief moment, positivity and hope for the future is proving too much to bear. I know we all know what Roland is like and to get our hopes up a waste of time but we could almost kid ourselves. This deliberate kick in the bollocks is out of pure spite and nothing else.
Think back to what Taylor said a few weeks ago. This is a disaster.
Lyle Taylor has said there would be “a revolt” at the club if Bowyer does not stay as manager. Taylor said: “He has to stay. It is that simple. If he does not stay then I do not know what will happen. No ifs, no buts, no maybes, he has to stay.
“I do not know what the situation is, I do not know the owner and have never spoken to him. But the manager has to stay. There will be a revolt if he did not stay for reasons that were out of his control. We will find out soon enough.”
Another element may have influenced as well. Unlike previous contract discussions, Lee wanted an agent to handle it. We reluctantly accepted. However, involving a player agent in a manager’s contract discussion is not healthy. If the agent helps make the manager more money, it may result in the manager to have a more positive attitude towards players proposed by the same agent, a conflict of interest. Obviously, Lee is above such things, but it is nevertheless not a healthy situation.
Obviously Lee is above such things, but it is nevertheless not a healthy situation.
So Lee's stuff is being handled by an agent, but there might be a conspiracy against Roland says Roland, but then again Lee wouldn't do such a thing. Really really snide stuff alluded to there. Roland is not nice deluded, but vengeful and snide deluded.
Slightly playing devil's advocate, was Bowyer after too much money? Not good to reveal such details in the statement, but if it's true that means that Bowyer was offered 50% more than Powell had been on for example
Lee has been offered a one-year extension to his contract at a level which is approximately three times what he had since his last increase when he became permanent manager in September. It is six times what he earned when he started as assistant manager in 2017 and 50% more than what any Charlton manager previously had (excluding the Premier League years).
No - he was offered a one year deal after gaining promotion where multitudes of Roland’s inepts failed. Even if he had asked for £1M a year, on a one year deal, he would have been justified.
Phantom takeover in that the Belgian lunatic moves the goalposts if anyone looks like getting close.
The Club is dead.
Regardless of the last sentence, this is an absolutely outrageous thing to say, can’t believe more haven’t picked up on these words.
Dignity is not a word Duchatelet understands. He is a disgrace to his country. I hope misfortune now haunts him for the rest of his life.
Thank you Lee for arguably my favourite season ever as a Charlton fan, won't forget it in a hurry.
That is officially my lot. Not even the aways now. I'll also be happy to join the protests in Belgium provided I can get the time off for work.
Think back to what Taylor said a few weeks ago. This is a disaster.
Lyle Taylor has said there would be “a revolt” at the club if Bowyer does not stay as manager. Taylor said: “He has to stay. It is that simple. If he does not stay then I do not know what will happen. No ifs, no buts, no maybes, he has to stay.
“I do not know what the situation is, I do not know the owner and have never spoken to him. But the manager has to stay. There will be a revolt if he did not stay for reasons that were out of his control. We will find out soon enough.”
Another element may have influenced as well. Unlike previous contract discussions, Lee wanted an agent to handle it. We reluctantly accepted. However, involving a player agent in a manager’s contract discussion is not healthy. If the agent helps make the manager more money, it may result in the manager to have a more positive attitude towards players proposed by the same agent, a conflict of interest. Obviously, Lee is above such things, but it is nevertheless not a healthy situation.
Obviously Lee is above such things, but it is nevertheless not a healthy situation.
So Lee's stuff is being handled by an agent, but there might be a conspiracy against Roland says Roland, but then again Lee wouldn't do such a thing.
Really really snide stuff alluded to there.
Roland is not nice deluded, but vengeful and snide deluded.
Thanks Roland.
maybe this is another {...} moment and Lee might sign?
we can hope...
looks like it, wish I'd copied and pasted it now.
Shocking situation.
Oh God I hate Douchbag.