Yep, will be out in February. Includes both Sunderland’s losses at Wembley and they haven’t been filming a third series.
I won't deny I'm looking forward to this, but it does seem unspeakably cruel of Netflix to dish it out to Sunderland so much.
It's not so much that Netflix are "dishing" it out on Sunderland, it's because the guys who produce it are die hard sunderland fans. Guess they couldn't bare the thought of seeing a potential 3rd unsuccessful season
Didn't know that. In that case I've got to admire that (based on the first series) it is so unflinching and doesn't look for excuses. I like people from the North-East. The people I stay with in the Eltham Air BnB are the best people, and are Sunderland diehards, the guy in his late 60s is a season ticket holder, and goes to lots of away games too. He said he could hardly bear to watch the first series, so I guess he will swerve this one completely.
Yeah, my best mate from uni was a sunderland fan so he's pretty clued up about it all, he was actually on the 1st series! Pretty sure it was when they had an away game Friday night so the producers filmed in a pub in Sunderland showing the match, he still thought they'd stay up at that point, bless him.
He even made me watch the 1st season with him
I can confirm he didn't speak to me for two weeks after the play off final dont think he's going to be watching the second season but I sure will be hahah
I look forward to their managers face around 5 minutes into the final, then again on 94 minutes. When your opposition scores all the goals for both sides to make the game interesting, you're definitely shite.
I dunno. We were alright in 2002-3 when we did them 3-1 at the SoL and they scored all four goals.
Where have you seen that it will be released early Feb? Netflix normally advertise well in advance of it being released and I haven't seen anything about it at all on their twitter page.
Where have you seen that it will be released early Feb? Netflix normally advertise well in advance of it being released and I haven't seen anything about it at all on their twitter page.
Someone from the production company behind it said that a few months back. Could still be later though. Netflix tend to go big a month or so before something drops.
Where have you seen that it will be released early Feb? Netflix normally advertise well in advance of it being released and I haven't seen anything about it at all on their twitter page.
One of the producers has said February looks most likely.
Also this series will only be 6 episodes rather than 8 which the first series had.
Had completely forgotten they also lost the Checkatrade final at Wembley last season, so it's a double dose of misery for their fans!
Just finished watching series 1 and I thought it was excellent. Maybe second only to the Bobby Robson More than a Manager biopic. They really get the fans club relationship and how it is abused in modern football. We should all relate to that.
I recall a workmate who was a Sunderland fan many moons ago. It was in our Selhurst days and we met up before our 'home' game with them for a drink or two, then went to our separate ends for the match with the arrangement to meet up for some more drinks afterwards. He was giving it large before the game and after we won 2-1, he didn't show up afterwards. I recall having a few celebratory games of Yie Ar Kung Fu on the arcade cabinet instead.
Looking forward to this series, really enjoyed the first one. I just hope no one posts any spoilers, I don't want to know what happens at the end before watching it.
This is one of the best series on Netflix. I can’t wait for the second series. to be fair the Sunderland fans are real football fans who show loyalty and passion for their team. i witnessed this at Wembley last season. it would be good to see them promoted this season.
This is one of the best series on Netflix. I can’t wait for the second series. to be fair the Sunderland fans are real football fans who show loyalty and passion for their team. i witnessed this at Wembley last season. it would be good to see them promoted this season.
Only so we can get promoted at Wembley next season
This is one of the best series on Netflix. I can’t wait for the second series. to be fair the Sunderland fans are real football fans who show loyalty and passion for their team. i witnessed this at Wembley last season. it would be good to see them promoted this season.
Only so we can get promoted at Wembley next season
How can we play @ Wembley next season when we're going up as Champions?
He even made me watch the 1st season with him
I can confirm he didn't speak to me for two weeks after the play off final
When your opposition scores all the goals for both sides to make the game interesting, you're definitely shite.
Where have you seen that it will be released early Feb? Netflix normally advertise well in advance of it being released and I haven't seen anything about it at all on their twitter page.
Also this series will only be 6 episodes rather than 8 which the first series had.
Had completely forgotten they also lost the Checkatrade final at Wembley last season, so it's a double dose of misery for their fans!
Cant wait for series 2.
Spoiler alert!
to be fair the Sunderland fans are real football fans who show loyalty and passion for their team.
i witnessed this at Wembley last season.
it would be good to see them promoted this season.
why don’t Netflix come and film us - Actually I know that answer 😀