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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Swisdom said:

    SE7toSG3 said:

    I would be thrilled if your source is RD NLA, I believe the man is an idiot and personally wouldnt believe a word that comes out of him.

    I think the end is nigh and once he has gone we can all just move on and get the club moving again.

    There have been many false dawns, I have fallen for 2/3 of them but this time I believe he will be gone within a week or two.

    We may all disagree with his running of our club but he is clearly not an idiot. He’s ridiculously rich so clearly has something about him.

    People say the same about Trump
  • SE7toSG3 said:

    I would be thrilled if your source is RD NLA, I believe the man is an idiot and personally wouldnt believe a word that comes out of him.

    I think the end is nigh and once he has gone we can all just move on and get the club moving again.

    There have been many false dawns, I have fallen for 2/3 of them but this time I believe he will be gone within a week or two.

    When I was in China last year I met a coach who told me all about the DJ sacking and KR suckling up to RD like a piglet

    He does stuff for a British club freelance and the Belgian fa he was working for the two shit chalets so I have been asking him to find out what he can and he has been absolutely bank on the money thus far he is now back freelancing at a football school in China for a prem club

    He was asking RD direct or his son

  • edited May 2018
    So we are not at EFL sign off stage, the fee had been agreed (or acknowledged) prior to the play-offs and is still at the same level in L1. The problem with funding could be raising the cash or be willing to part with an inflated sum.
  • edited May 2018
    Swisdom said:

    SE7toSG3 said:

    I would be thrilled if your source is RD NLA, I believe the man is an idiot and personally wouldnt believe a word that comes out of him.

    I think the end is nigh and once he has gone we can all just move on and get the club moving again.

    There have been many false dawns, I have fallen for 2/3 of them but this time I believe he will be gone within a week or two.

    We may all disagree with his running of our club but he is clearly not an idiot. He’s ridiculously rich so clearly has something about him.

    I thought that there was an old saying along the lines of ' A fool and his money' and he certainly fits the bill over the last four years allowing Nightmeire to pour it down the drain whilst spectacularly degrading our club in the process :angry: .

  • SE7toSG3 said:

    I would be thrilled if your source is RD NLA, I believe the man is an idiot and personally wouldnt believe a word that comes out of him.

    I think the end is nigh and once he has gone we can all just move on and get the club moving again.

    There have been many false dawns, I have fallen for 2/3 of them but this time I believe he will be gone within a week or two.

    When I was in China last year I met a coach who told me all about the DJ sacking and KR suckling up to RD like a piglet

    He does stuff for a British club freelance and the Belgian fa he was working for the two shit chalets so I have been asking him to find out what he can and he has been absolutely bank on the money thus far he is now back freelancing at a football school in China for a prem club

    He was asking RD direct or his son

    What is the story about the DJ @nth london addick ?
  • edited May 2018

    Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    I've never flagged anyone before, but you came close there.....

    cfgs said:

    Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    OTT is a description of his tackling style.
    Kevin Muscat made the shocking OTT tackle on Matthew Holmes 20 years ago which Graham Poll missed ! Let's hope that his successful tenure as a manager in Australia doesn't put him in the frame for any jobs which may be available in league 1.
  • Swisdom said:

    SE7toSG3 said:

    I would be thrilled if your source is RD NLA, I believe the man is an idiot and personally wouldnt believe a word that comes out of him.

    I think the end is nigh and once he has gone we can all just move on and get the club moving again.

    There have been many false dawns, I have fallen for 2/3 of them but this time I believe he will be gone within a week or two.

    We may all disagree with his running of our club but he is clearly not an idiot. He’s ridiculously rich so clearly has something about him.

    I’ve said it a good few times far as I can tell the guy is something of a sociopath, I have no idea if there are different levels of this affliction?
    It needs someone else, who really understands the subject of sociopathy, to confirm my suspicions but until someone who is familiar with the trait and can explain to me otherwise I believe I may well be right.
    Any takers?

  • His a politician they all lie and are knob heads that like talking shit. Fuck off and sell up.
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  • I'm not defending rd in any way but lets not kid ourselves that it is easy to become a billionaire and an idiot certainly cannot.If any one of us could become a billionaire then we would b able to buy the club and run it in the best way possible and wouldn't b waiting on snippets of information from others or hoping that those who are able to control their destiny and that of the things they own, will do the best for our club. Money aint important until a lack of it stops you from getting what you want.
  • and by the way - relax, its happening
  • edited May 2018

    Cant see it being announced until Muir is back in town. As long as it happens then I’ll be fine with that.

    That's right
  • So we are not at EFL sign off stage, the fee had been agreed (or acknowledged) prior to the play-offs and is still at the same level in L1. The problem with funding could be raising the cash or be willing to part with an inflated sum.

    As I read it, no.

    Deal nothing to do with which division.

    Price agreed and no problem with funding from Aussie side whatever Duchatelet says.

    EFL is final box to be ticked.

    Question now is does it wait until Muir gets back from Oz or does it leak before then?

    @Addickted with his sources at the EFL the one to watch.
    My hunch would be it could be announced earlier if the Chairman was Murphy, .
  • Mal said:

    So we are not at EFL sign off stage, the fee had been agreed (or acknowledged) prior to the play-offs and is still at the same level in L1. The problem with funding could be raising the cash or be willing to part with an inflated sum.

    As I read it, no.

    Deal nothing to do with which division.

    Price agreed and no problem with funding from Aussie side whatever Duchatelet says.

    EFL is final box to be ticked.

    Question now is does it wait until Muir gets back from Oz or does it leak before then?

    @Addickted with his sources at the EFL the one to watch.
    My hunch would be it could be announced earlier if the Chairman was Murphy, .
    Think it will be announced as soon as it is done, Muir can do the press thing when he returns.
  • There was a party at one of the clubs and RD was dancing like a drunk dad with Robbo doing the same , RD wanted certain music on the DJ a well known one out there said no and RD fired him and threw him out of the party , it Made the press out there

    My mate pulled KR up on some of the sessions he wanted to introduce and pulled them apart KR got all lemon and my pal was asked to leave the coaching two days later

    If it's the story I know about (can't surely have happened more than once, can it), the DJ was Peter Luts. St Truiden had booked Luts to do a one hour session following their match with Standard Luik. Luts reported that, “After literally one record, Mr. Duchâtelet tells me that I did not do my job well because people were not dancing” after which he was sacked. Sint Truiden deny this, stating instead that manager Peter Onkelinx stopped the DJ and that this was after five records were played.
  • Crikey, 2 @Grapevine49 posts in a week.
    I wasn't ready for this
  • Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    I've never flagged anyone before, but you came close there.....

    cfgs said:

    Kevin Muscat as tackling coach !
    Sorry that's OTT.

    OTT is a description of his tackling style.
    Kevin Muscat made the shocking OTT tackle on Matthew Holmes 20 years ago which Graham Poll missed ! Let's hope that his successful tenure as a manager in Australia doesn't put him in the frame for any jobs which may be available in league 1.
    That warrants a flag :) Geez can you imagine the melt down?
  • Enjoyed that flight of fantasy, @Grapevine49 .
    Look out @3blokes , I think you have a new rival!!!!
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  • Loving that post @Grapevine49.

    Reminds me of a deal I was working on where one of the lead money men called me at 3am....

    ‘So what’s this big issue you raised then?’’

    ‘Sorry I haven’t slept yet, can we deal with this tomorrow’

    ‘No, from my position at 10,000 feet you are holding up the deal, just sort it out.’

    ‘Can’t do that, from my position looking from 5,000 and 100,000 feet, you need a real answer and the people who can give that are in bed. I’ll try and get you one as quickly as possible, hopefully tomorrow, Saturday.’
  • Stig said:

    There was a party at one of the clubs and RD was dancing like a drunk dad with Robbo doing the same , RD wanted certain music on the DJ a well known one out there said no and RD fired him and threw him out of the party , it Made the press out there

    My mate pulled KR up on some of the sessions he wanted to introduce and pulled them apart KR got all lemon and my pal was asked to leave the coaching two days later

    If it's the story I know about (can't surely have happened more than once, can it), the DJ was Peter Luts. St Truiden had booked Luts to do a one hour session following their match with Standard Luik. Luts reported that, “After literally one record, Mr. Duchâtelet tells me that I did not do my job well because people were not dancing” after which he was sacked. Sint Truiden deny this, stating instead that manager Peter Onkelinx stopped the DJ and that this was after five records were played.
    Seriously? Says a lot about the man who claims he would have got Charlton in the Premier League! In your dreams Roland. You had your chance, you had four years' and demonstrated you don't have a clue about running a football club - either here or in Belgium. History will judge you mate and I think we all know the verdict. Just piss off and disappear.
  • edited May 2018

    His comments on the club were entirely derived from what he had been told by the club officials he employed who invariably told him what he wanted to hear or what they wanted him to hear.

    For the sale he will have given a number of parameters to the lawyers negotiating on his behalf. I doubt he has attended more than a single meeting with the Australians.

    So I can but ask exactly what funds do you expect to be disclosed?

    Using "the old house buying scenario" when did you tell any vendor how much money you had available to buy their house? Why would anyone do that? Where is there any legal requirement to do so until lodging a deposit upon the exchange of contracts?

    I believe zero meetings.

    I’ve heard (not from an Aussie) that things are still ticking over at the club, players are being looked at etc, in the background.
    Bowyer might be on holiday for all I know, but I think he’s still employed isn’t he?
  • cfgs said:

    Mal said:

    So we are not at EFL sign off stage, the fee had been agreed (or acknowledged) prior to the play-offs and is still at the same level in L1. The problem with funding could be raising the cash or be willing to part with an inflated sum.

    As I read it, no.

    Deal nothing to do with which division.

    Price agreed and no problem with funding from Aussie side whatever Duchatelet says.

    EFL is final box to be ticked.

    Question now is does it wait until Muir gets back from Oz or does it leak before then?

    @Addickted with his sources at the EFL the one to watch.
    My hunch would be it could be announced earlier if the Chairman was Murphy, .
    Think it will be announced as soon as it is done, Muir can do the press thing when he returns.
    I would of thought if - Murphy was Chairman as rumours suggest, then he would be the one to announce it, not Muir, I cant see them leaving a rudder less Club go to long without direction, I hope we soon find out.
  • edited May 2018
    Mal said:

    cfgs said:

    Mal said:

    So we are not at EFL sign off stage, the fee had been agreed (or acknowledged) prior to the play-offs and is still at the same level in L1. The problem with funding could be raising the cash or be willing to part with an inflated sum.

    As I read it, no.

    Deal nothing to do with which division.

    Price agreed and no problem with funding from Aussie side whatever Duchatelet says.

    EFL is final box to be ticked.

    Question now is does it wait until Muir gets back from Oz or does it leak before then?

    @Addickted with his sources at the EFL the one to watch.
    My hunch would be it could be announced earlier if the Chairman was Murphy, .
    Think it will be announced as soon as it is done, Muir can do the press thing when he returns.
    I would of thought if - Murphy was Chairman as rumours suggest, then he would be the one to announce it, not Muir, I cant see them leaving a rudder less Club go to long without direction, I hope we soon find out.
    Haven’t heard the Murphy would be chairman.

    I think Muir will probably announce it, as he’s the one buying the club.
  • So what’s happened to a Paul Elliott in all of this ?
  • edited May 2018
    I don't get it, why would the Douchbag hire Dustin Johnson for a post match gig at St Truiden? Damned good golfer mind you :wink:
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!