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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • Uboat said:

    Redhenry said:

    Nicholas said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    One of the parties was at the club today. This has got at least another week to run.

    Do you genuinely know who these people are RH?
    Yes he is foreign and very very wealthy.
    When you say wealthy do you mean Man city Billionaire wealthy where money doesnt matter.

    Or is he a wealthy poor millionaire who needs to watch the pennies still :)
    Closer to Man C
    Ffs. We’re Charlton. It won’t happen will it.

    Probably not, but we're stuck between a cushion and a soft place. Aussie sounds good, this other lot sound good.
    Blimey it keeps changing and I’ve been immersing myself in Aussie culture. I even tried Aussie foreplay, I should have realized it wasn’t a good idea when as soon as I uttered the words “brace yourself Sheila’ she clobbered me with her handbag. Probably didn’t help playing Waltzing Matilda as mood music. Role on the takeover
    Probably wasn't a handbag. More likely an axe handle.
  • J BLOCK said:

    Praying it’s Red Henry’s mob

    I'd hope so but infuriates me that that cnut would make money out of our club still after every fuck up he has done since day one.
  • .
    Redhenry said:

    Nicholas said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    One of the parties was at the club today. This has got at least another week to run.

    Do you genuinely know who these people are RH?
    Yes he is foreign and very very wealthy.
    When you say wealthy do you mean Man city Billionaire wealthy where money doesnt matter.

    Or is he a wealthy poor millionaire who needs to watch the pennies still :)
    Closer to Man C
    Maybe the investor thinks he is buying the Peninsular and not the club?
  • J BLOCK said:

    Praying it’s Red Henry’s mob

    I'd hope so but infuriates me that that cnut would make money out of our club still after every fuck up he has done since day one.
    He's welcome to be the richest man in the cemetery. He doesn't matter now imminently.
  • Henry likes a cryptic clue and has a Union Jack badge.
    Redhenry says close to Man City rich and foreign.

    I give you, Britain’s richest man...

    Dragging his feet because he is waiting for Kroenke to buy his Arsenal stake before he can buy us....

    2+2 = me very excited - and almost certainly wrong, but hey it is fun.

    Whatever, Nasri and Song won’t hang around for our contract offers forever even though they are Charlton fans so get it done RD.

    And to bring everyone back down to earth a little look at some of the final quotes on this old thread. @SE7toSG3 , I particularly smiled at yours on the last page!
  • Henry likes a cryptic clue and has a Union Jack badge.
    Redhenry says close to Man City rich and foreign.

    I give you, Britain’s richest man...

    Dragging his feet because he is waiting for Kroenke to buy his Arsenal stake before he can buy us....

    2+2 = me very excited - and almost certainly wrong, but hey it is fun.

    Whatever, Nasri and Song won’t hang around for our contract offers forever even though they are Charlton fans so get it done RD.

    No its the Everton owner family.
  • edited February 2018
    Usmanov would be epic.
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  • Olympic Stadium - we’re going to share with West Ham
    Understand this is a done deal with a late condition inserted by a Mr B Johnson stating ' West Ham receive 100% rights to charge a Toll on the Blackwall tunnel set at a level of their choosing, with Greenwich Council to pay for Policing, cleaning, maintenance of said tunnel. One objection raised by Mr Prague Addict.
  • Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    One of the parties was at the club today. This has got at least another week to run.

    Do you genuinely know who these people are RH?
    Yes he is foreign and very very wealthy.
    Like Roland??
  • I think we should win
  • Spoke to a u18 player yesterday who I met on the bus. Said a group of Chinese people had been shown around SL just before Christmas. Said he didn't know any more though as they're not kept informed.
  • Redskin said:

    Sorry to put a downer on all your enthusiasm but am I the only one who is still a bit apprehensive to the news announced yesterday?

    Apart form 3 or 4 tweeted messages suggesting we have a "done deal" we have nothing else to go on apart from what we have always had in this thread i.e. speculation, jokes and piss taking.

    Surely if a deal was "done" yesterday, by that I mean a hand shake between all parties then we would have heard more. As with all deals like this nobody is interested when the lawyers get the paperwork signed, all we what we want to see is the new owner with a Charlton scarf round his neck.

    I am sure a lot of us have heard of, or experienced the sale of a house falling through on the day the new buyer was supposed to move in or a business deal collapsing at the last minute.

    I get the feeling we are not as close as some people think and looking at the excitement those tweets have generated on here some people seem to be getting ahead of themselves.

    I hope I am way off the mark and scarfy is paraded soon, however as a boycotter I refuse to consider what game I will be attending next until the sale of the club is signed, sealed and the new owner has revealed him/herself.

    In any event the FL have to approve the deal. You could argue it isn't done until that has happened but what I am taking about is the point at which a buyer and seller reach agreement. We have not been here before.

    One insurance against the deal failing to reach completion is that there are clearly two potential buyers here and consequently I don't think there's much chance of both walking away/falling through.
    Fascinating: who's actually buying the club, or are you not in a position to say as usual?
    I’m not saying because I am not 100 per cent confident of the answer. The Australian camp leaks. One source yesterday was from that side. The other came from the legal process - they are consequently very well placed to know when they say it’s a “done deal”, but they have never been willing to elaborate on the identity of the interested parties.

    The coincidence of the two, entirely independent of each other, within hours, points to the Australians, but because the Aussie side have jumped the gun before I am still cautious about saying it is them. And I still believe the other party is about.
    Appreciate you posting what you know, but I might be being a bit slow here. I don’t see how you can confidently believe a deal has been ‘done’ and then at the same time believe another party could still be in play? In which case, it’s not ‘done’ and a rival bid could still be made and accepted.

    Or am I reading this incorrectly?
    From experience I trust the legal source, but I am more wary of the one from the Aussie camp. So one could be right and the other wrong. It’s less likely both are wrong.

    Ultimately, things can change. For example I think something RM said to the FF on Wednesday night was already wrong by the time he said it, but I doubt if he knew that.
    And what was that?
    It's just an internet thing
  • SE23 said:

    #cafc takeover off

  • SE23 said:

    #cafc takeover off

    I’m fed up with people on here posting as if they are in the know. Reveal your source who has confirmed the takeover is off.

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  • Glad I didn’t drink all my Smirnoff last night. No point in putting the remains on ice, might as well finish it off and keep a perpetual level of pissed-ness til it’s all (if it's ever) done and dusted. FFS!
  • Stig said:

    Ticking away the last moments of R. Duchatelet
    You fritter and waste our club in an offhand way
    We had a march and we went to the ground in your home town
    All of our demos trying to to show you the way
    Tired of watching your shit offerings, staying home is a better way
    You were young and life was long, you thought you could dance all day
    And then one day you find four years have got behind you
    No one told you the point of it, you turned our club to shit

    Love your work

  • And another summary thread.

    When will it ever end ! Arrrggghhhh

    If it gets to 600 I will..... (Leave it up to you to comment)

    We get to 1.4 million views and the we get @SE23 proposing to ban @Airman Brown

    Pleeeease end this...:-(
  • edited February 2018

    And to bring everyone back down to earth a little look at some of the final quotes on this old thread. @SE7toSG3 , I particularly smiled at yours on the last page!

    And what a complete twat I was! Its fair cop, I am a total mooncup and always will be (hangs head in shame emoji)
  • bobmunro said:

    SE23 said:

    #cafc takeover off

    I’m fed up with people on here posting as if they are in the know. Reveal your source who has confirmed the takeover is off.

    I think he was joking.
  • Whoooosh alert
  • Redhenry said:

    Nicholas said:

    Redhenry said:

    Redhenry said:

    One of the parties was at the club today. This has got at least another week to run.

    Do you genuinely know who these people are RH?
    Yes he is foreign and very very wealthy.
    When you say wealthy do you mean Man city Billionaire wealthy where money doesnt matter.

    Or is he a wealthy poor millionaire who needs to watch the pennies still :)
    Closer to Man C
    Bloody hell I wasnt expecting you to say that. I think this is a sex wee moment
  • Any buyer still hanging around at £45m must have some serious cash.
  • TEL said:

    TEL said:

    Junior red inspecting the pitch at the Valley just prior to completing the purchase

    What is it?
    a Baby ring tail Possum I found abandoned in my front yard.
    Are you trying to raise it?
  • I’m conked in a French bar can we have takeaway now
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!