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The Takeover Thread - Duchatelet Finally Sells (Jan 2020)



  • 1564, William Shakespeare born.

    All the world’s a stage, and all the Charlton Life men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man Richard Murray, in his time plays many parts.

    As You Like it

    Roland Duchatelet and Richard Murray if you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

    The Merchant of Venice

    The web of our Charlton life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together.

    All's well That Ends Well (let's bloody hope so)

    Now is the winter of our discontent.

    Richard III
    Or, in the window of the camping smr hop having a sale, Now is the winter of our discount tents.
    Or, in a marquee for dancing, with one Mr Edmonds serving the wine, Noel is the vintner of our disco tent
  • edited March 2019
    Jordan speculated on Talk Sport that the value was 20 to 30m, but then clarified the next day, saying he had spoken to a few people, and thought it was nearer 50m. What is your information/guess on the figure Airman? I would be interested to know, as well as your confidence in it.
  • Given that the club can only be worth what people are prepared to pay for it - it seems its value is around £30m. My instinct would be lower, but there do seem to be buyers at that price. There can only be one reason for Roland thinking it is worth so much more than he paid for it and that is real estate values have risen. But surely real estate is irrelevant in our case unless there is a way for it to be realised.
  • 1568, Mary, Queen of Scots flees to England.
  • As Bob says at £30m with clean title or roll over the ex directors loans and £23m and they’ll be a buyer at around that figure. I personally would go above £20m but that’s immaterial as right now I couldn’t go above £200k :smiley:

    The only way I can see much more than that is if a billionaire is desperate to buy Charlton. The fact ones not appeared in the last 18 months indicates there’s not one.
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  • 1568, Mary, Queen of Scots flees to England.
    Wonder if she pissed in the fountains in Trafalgar Square, or swung from the crossbar at the olde Wembley.
    Were all part of Mary's army, we all going tae Wembley
  • David White is an Ex director and said he has never met the owner, so unlike Richard Murray isn't in the inner loop.

    Bob Whitehand is an ex PLC vice Chairman and isn't in the inner loop.

    White and Whitehand can have their opinions BUT only Murray and LDT are in the inner loop and they are struggling to understand the ramblings of Duchatelet.

    At least the standard story is pro active in trying to get Roland to reveal WTF or how much he wants.

    There was me thinking that once Katrien Meire left we had about a year left of RD tenure.

    He has. More than £30 mill.

    I believe it was the seller that pushed this out there. Not the other way round.
    Don't think that's the case at all.
    Without knowing who 'the bidder' is, how can you possibly know it wasn't RD playing smoke and mirrors, again?
    Roland “playing smoke and mirrors” - have you listened to the guy and read the nonsense he puts out? There are a lot of assumptions made about his responsibility for past stories but, including Jim White in January, they are wrong.

    Roland doesn’t want to sell at £30m. If he did he’d be gone already. He has no interest in the discussion about his valuation being exposed, and he certainly doesn’t need to plant a story in the Standard to deter protests, which we are repeatedly told he doesn’t care about anyway. What protests?

    The journalists at the Standard are not idiots and they are not in his pocket either. They know who their source is and on this one I trust them. Much easier for Roland to use the FF if he wants to control the message. The story will be there for a reason but it’s not Roland behind the mirror, whoever it is.

    On that basis I conclude that whoever is behind the bid has gone public with £30 million on the basis that they know it will be rejected but with the intent of flushing Roland out of his tower and commit to a price he does want. It’s unlikely to get us any closer to a sale but will show Duchatelet up for the mad deluded fruitlob he is.
    The Sprat to catch the Mackerel eh? 
  • edited March 2019
    What is puzzling is why the Aussies haven't walked away. And if they have, why it took them so long to do so. Logic would say, they are not far from the price agreement wise but haven't got the money. If they thought Roland was asking too much, why wouldn't they walk away sooner? There is a lot about all of this that doesn't make sense. Is there presence more helpful to Roland than us? I don't know. There seems to be more questions than answers.
  • What is puzzling is why the Aussies haven't walked away. And if they have, why it took them so long to do so. Logic would say, they are not far from the price agreement wise but haven't got the money. If they thought Roland was asking too much, why wouldn't they walk away sooner? There is a lot about all of this that doesn't make sense. Is there presence more helpful to Roland than us? I don't know. There seems to be more questions than answers.
    They haven't walked away Mutters. Been over this before a few times recently, but it's obvious why they haven't walked away. Not saying it might not be a bad tactic to get him to lower his price, but it might look a bit obvious, and he'd probably call their bluff.
  • When you walk away, you can always walk back. Sorry James, I might have missed it. Can you tell me the obvious reason.
  • J BLOCK said:
    Journalist, genuinely in the know 
    His spellchecker ain't working, should be nothing straight forward with twat owner!
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  • 1568 pages and counting.
    The only thing stopping someone buying this club is that Shitweasel is asking far to much.
    He really is a deluded old fool and the longer he owns us the more money he will lose.
    Any sane person worth the best part of a Billion would accept a bid of around 30 million and walk away and enjoy the rest of their life .
    There lies the problem .He ain't sane.
    God knows how this will end up or how much longer we have to put up with the prick.
    I just hope he doesn't try and screw us out of spite and that he goes soon and we can look forward to being a normal football club once again. 
    Mate, he currently is screwing us out of spite, has been for as long as I care to remember now, and will continue to do so.
  • 1568 pages and counting.
    The only thing stopping someone buying this club is that Shitweasel is asking far to much.
    He really is a deluded old fool and the longer he owns us the more money he will lose.
    Any sane person worth the best part of a Billion would accept a bid of around 30 million and walk away and enjoy the rest of their life .
    There lies the problem .He ain't sane.
    God knows how this will end up or how much longer we have to put up with the prick.
    I just hope he doesn't try and screw us out of spite and that he goes soon and we can look forward to being a normal football club once again. 
    Mate, he currently is screwing us out of spite, has been for as long as I care to remember now, and will continue to do so.
    Sadly I think you are right. 
  • What is puzzling is why the Aussies haven't walked away. And if they have, why it took them so long to do so. Logic would say, they are not far from the price agreement wise but haven't got the money. If they thought Roland was asking too much, why wouldn't they walk away sooner? There is a lot about all of this that doesn't make sense. Is there presence more helpful to Roland than us? I don't know. There seems to be more questions than answers.
    Let’s say they have spent £1m plus on DD, that is a lot to walk away from,especially if they think no one else is serious.  They could (and I suspect have) simply said to RD ‘our top price is £x, take it or leave it’ - he has said not now and they are stuck at an impasse.  He knows he has them as a fall back but is trying to find more, all the while losing money.  Why?  Because he is clearly mental.
    I think they’ve spent a bit more, but otherwise that’s roughly why they’re still there. No benefit in walking away. His problem, as we’ve seen, is keeping the consortium together, while Roland messes everybody about. 
  • I can't imagine an NDA preventing say, Murphy announcing to the press, our valuation is £30m. The owner wants more.
  • JamesSeed said:
    What is puzzling is why the Aussies haven't walked away. And if they have, why it took them so long to do so. Logic would say, they are not far from the price agreement wise but haven't got the money. If they thought Roland was asking too much, why wouldn't they walk away sooner? There is a lot about all of this that doesn't make sense. Is there presence more helpful to Roland than us? I don't know. There seems to be more questions than answers.
    Let’s say they have spent £1m plus on DD, that is a lot to walk away from,especially if they think no one else is serious.  They could (and I suspect have) simply said to RD ‘our top price is £x, take it or leave it’ - he has said not now and they are stuck at an impasse.  He knows he has them as a fall back but is trying to find more, all the while losing money.  Why?  Because he is clearly mental.
    I think they’ve spent a bit more, but otherwise that’s roughly why they’re still there. No benefit in walking away. His problem, as we’ve seen, is keeping the consortium together, while Roland messes everybody about. 

    Yes, I must admit I forgot about the serious amount of money they have put in. But surely there must be a point where you realise it isn't going to happen. The worry is that Roland may be using the fact they are there as a kind of insurance whilst he tries to find something better.

  • I can't imagine an NDA preventing say, Murphy announcing to the press, our valuation is £30m. The owner wants more.
    What would be the benefit to Murphy of doing that?
  • JamesSeed said:
    What is puzzling is why the Aussies haven't walked away. And if they have, why it took them so long to do so. Logic would say, they are not far from the price agreement wise but haven't got the money. If they thought Roland was asking too much, why wouldn't they walk away sooner? There is a lot about all of this that doesn't make sense. Is there presence more helpful to Roland than us? I don't know. There seems to be more questions than answers.
    Let’s say they have spent £1m plus on DD, that is a lot to walk away from,especially if they think no one else is serious.  They could (and I suspect have) simply said to RD ‘our top price is £x, take it or leave it’ - he has said not now and they are stuck at an impasse.  He knows he has them as a fall back but is trying to find more, all the while losing money.  Why?  Because he is clearly mental.
    I think they’ve spent a bit more, but otherwise that’s roughly why they’re still there. No benefit in walking away. His problem, as we’ve seen, is keeping the consortium together, while Roland messes everybody about. 

    Yes, I must admit I forgot about the serious amount of money they have put in. But surely there must be a point where you realise it isn't going to happen. The worry is that Roland may be using the fact they are there as a kind of insurance whilst he tries to find something better.

    I hope that’s not the case.
    If the Aussies pulled out I suspect Roland would just carry on being Roland. I doubt he’d suddenly accept the £30m bid. But maybe this banker will increase his offer. 
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!