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TalkSPORT live now!! (And again Charlton interview 11.45)



  • Well said davo55. Jim White clearly sided with your arguments rather than the Text Wonder.
  • edited November 2016
    Davo55 said:

    Thanks for the feedback people. Was angry with RDs texts and hoping that didn't show too much.

    You were very articulate mate, didn't detect any anger just passion and well reasoned points of view. Held it together far better than I would have done. :wink:

    Many have already said it, but we are indebted to you and your merry band of travellers for taking our cause to Douchbag's back yard, so thanks once again, safe travelling today and on the way home.
    PS please pass on my kind regards to Henners and Fanny.
  • A great piece. The contrast between Roland's ramblings and Alan's powerful, measured and entirely reasonable call could hardly be more stark.

    Duchatelet has been smoked out from his lair and the cracks are now really beginning to show.
  • We're in his head lads, keep up the good work.
  • What is Driesen on about now!!! Idiot should learn to keep his mouth shut!
  • edited November 2016
    "whatever we do or say the core actors within that group will always criticise."

    To be fair, this is spot on.

    If he turned things around and got us promoted twice, he still wouldn't be accepted.

    Mainly because he has outrightly treated us like a joke.
  • The thing is, if we actually believed there was a realistic chance of him turning things around and getting us promoted then CARD wouldn't exist. That is the problem, he quite clearly hasn't got a clue and promotion isn't an aim or a hope, more a pipe dream for which he doesn't appear to have the requisite skills, knowledge or desire to achieve.
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  • Just caught up with the interview and you were eloquent and calm, Davo55. I feel RD has given me an idea for the next protest... a masked ball with all the 98% of protestors playing their role!
    What an idiotic accusation to make (actors) and as others have said, he has no idea what this club is about.
  • His perception of these events are well and truly baffling, but I still believe that the priority should definitely be shifting Katrien on at the moment. After all, she is the one controlling his perception of the situation.

    What's most enlightening is that Roland definitely understands that Katrien is a major component of our anger too. He acknowledged this when he claimed that the fans were sexist, but he also visited London to defend Katrien back in March or so.

    Our biggest issue is that if he genuinely believes her version of events, despite understanding she is core to our frustrations, then we are not getting through to him, and there's only one individual that the "sexism" narrative suits. So is she seriously censoring what he hears, and if so, does this suggest that even Roland would think this nonsense has gone too far? After all, if his support was as unconditional as it appears, then surely she would have no reason for secrets?

    Today he states that (a) he's got better things to do, (b) people will protest regardless of valid reasons, and (c) KM should be the main point of contact. Ultimately it's (c) that is most disturbing: he thinks that the target (as per his own perception, I may add) of our anger is the most suitable person to be in control. Not to mention that despite being the only person able to reign her in, he genuinely sees no obligation to do so and has "other things to do"...
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Roland Out Forever!