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Savings and Investments thread



  • edited May 2023
    meldrew66 said:
    £550 here (best ever month by miles) : 1 x £500, 2 x £25. Nothing for Margaret.
    Surprise, surprise: Back down to Earth with £0 this month. Margaret won 1 x £100 + 1 x £25
  • Both my wife and I won 1x £100, 1x £50 and 1x £25 so £175 each, youngest £25, father in law to follow.
  • £75 this month just as I was thinking they had lost my numbers 
  • 5 month in a row of sweet FA
  • I feel for the person in Kent who has a holding of £2 bought in 1957, just won £5k......... Few people with £100 holding won £50k. Never give up!
  • Rob7Lee said:
    I feel for the person in Kent who has a holding of £2 bought in 1957, just won £5k......... Few people with £100 holding won £50k. Never give up!
    Bugger I got £3 worth brought around then, so it can’t be me.
  • edited May 2023
    £150 today (1 x £100 & 1 x £50). 

    Just checked back and that’s £1,050 over the last 7 draws, including today.
  • After 3 consecutive monthly wins.
    Nil this month 
  • TelMc32 said:
    £150 today (1 x £100 & 1 x £50). 

    Just checked back and that £1,050 over the last 7 draws, including today.
    That's really good, my wife's leading the household with £1550, I've only managed £450.

    £375 for the father in law.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Nothing for me. 2nd time in 4 months. Bugger.
  • £25 each for me and the wife, £50 for my Mum.
  • A 1x£100 for me, £50 and 3x£25 for jnr and zilch for Mrs Chaz. 
  • £200 best yet 
  • 3x£25 + 1x£100 = £175 hurrah!
  • £50 for me after £250 last month 
  • Nil points for Fanny but £100 for Mr F.
  • Sponsored links:

  • £100.£25 for me
  • Rob7Lee said:
    TelMc32 said:
    £150 today (1 x £100 & 1 x £50). 

    Just checked back and that £1,050 over the last 7 draws, including today.
    That's really good, my wife's leading the household with £1550, I've only managed £450.

    £375 for the father in law.
    It was really boosted by the £325 last month, which is a lot more than I usually get. 

    I’ve also taken Barclays up on their Rainy Day Saver which is paying 5% on balances up to £5K. 
  • £250 for me. Makes up for two consecutive blanks.
  • £975 for me for last 7 draws.
  • edited May 2023
    This thread has definitely got me interested in putting a chunk of my savings into Premium Bonds.

    One thing I’m unsure of though, and I hope someone can clarify - how accessible is the money once you’ve put it in?

    For example, if I put 50k this month could I then just take the 50k back out in a few months time if I decide to use it for something else? Are there any penalties/restrictions?
  • cafctom said:
    This thread has definitely got me interested in putting a chunk of my savings into Premium Bonds.

    One thing I’m unsure of though, and I hope someone can clarify - how accessible is the money once you’ve put it in?

    For example, if I put 50k this month could I then just take the 50k back out in a few months time if I decide to use it for something else? Are there any penalties/restrictions?

    You have immediate penalty free access to the funds, Tom.
  • As bob says, immediate and penalty free.

    You just have to remember you have to have deposited the money for one whole calendar month before you are entered into a draw.

    i.e. deposit today and the next draw you will be in will be the beginning of July. So always best to do towards the end of the month,
  • Rob7Lee said:
    As bob says, immediate and penalty free.

    You just have to remember you have to have deposited the money for one whole calendar month before you are entered into a draw.

    i.e. deposit today and the next draw you will be in will be the beginning of July. So always best to do towards the end of the month,
    Also, if you do make a withdrawal, you get asked, if you want it immediately or after the next draw.
  • Thanks all, very helpful. 
  • Blimey x 2. Having got easily my best taking last month of £500, I fully expected zero this month as a punishment, but I got £275, which I’m pretty sure would have been my best ever had it not been for last month’s bumper. 

    I’m hoping for a 4% return this year, which would make it comfortably better than any UK instant access account I hold, and this certainly looks achievable now. Looking at the frequency and size of wins for fellow Lifers on this thread you can easily see the effect of NS&I increasing the effective % rate of the prize bond pool.
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