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Didn't take long - Marseille ain't changed.



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    edited June 2016

    How to insult a nation..........

    A Russian minister said yesterday that '.....the problem is that the French police are more use to dealing with men at gay parades rather than normal blokes'.

    Bearing in mind the Russians were in three quarter length combats and gum shields, he's better off looking closer to home
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    How to insult a nation..........

    A Russian minister said yesterday that '.....the problem is that the French police are more use to dealing with men at gay parades rather than normal blokes'.

    What chance have you got FFS
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    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    I'd argue it looks more like homo erotic than aggressive masculinity.
    I'd argue that it looks more like gay porn
    I wouldn't know mate.
    You one of those actors that never watch their own work?
    Makes my eyes water just looking at it.
  • Options

    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    I'd argue it looks more like homo erotic than aggressive masculinity.
    I'd argue that it looks more like gay porn
    I wouldn't know mate.
    Prefer the real thing

    ; )
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    So what happens if Russia are knocked out at the group stage and decide to kick off in the stadium after the Wales game? Will the ban be carried over to Euro 2020?
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    So what happens if Russia are knocked out at the group stage and decide to kick off in the stadium after the Wales game? Will the ban be carried over to Euro 2020?

    No... They'll be out of Euro 2016 so the sentence will have been served so far as UEFA are concerned.

    They dont have the brain power to think beyond a month
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    Just a friendly reminder that Russia are due to host the World Cup in 2018.

    Good luck to any fans planning on travelling...
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    How to insult a nation..........

    A Russian minister said yesterday that '.....the problem is that the French police are more use to dealing with men at gay parades rather than normal blokes'.

    Not a million miles away from when in 2010 a US General blamed open homosexuality in the Dutch army for their failure to stop the Srebrenica genocide.
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    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Make you right, was out in Crete a few years ago at an all inclusive, the way the Russians treated the staff defied belief, clicking in there fingers at them, never once saying please, thank you, talked to them like they was dirt, actually would snear at them and God forbid they got an order or something wrong, they'd actually shout at them and shit. I try not to generalise but they all came across as complete scum. Was talking to a waitress about it and she said they're all like it, but she loved the Brits because we were always so polite. Germans and French weren't bad either she said. Saw some fat russian get sparked out one night by a big lump of a northerner after the Russian said something derogatory about the northerners wife. Had to laugh.
    Well done MF. That really made me chuckle.
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    edited June 2016
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    Meanwhile my assistant's husband, who bought my 4 tickets for Czechs v Spain, arrived back late last night and the brief report was

    - fantastic experience
    - Czechs and Spanish mixing happily
    - great atmosphere in Bordeaux fanzone for Slovakia - Wales
    - French people wonderful to them; having a ten year old in Czech colours seems to especially charm them.

    Assistant pissed off though. They drove there, and he never filled the car with Bordeaux wine.

    But I think fans are mixing well in most parts of the country - here's a picture from a bar directly outside the stadium in St Etienne last night - you can see Icelandic, Portugese, Belgium, England and both Irelands shirts mixing with one another and no problems.

    Re the stuff in Marseille I think the article from the Irish paper sums up the reaction of the police and the locals well. Even if the English aren't technically breaking laws when they take over pubs and town squares they need to think about their history and what people associate with large groups of England fans who have been on the piss all day. It's a shame that current day England fans are having to pay for the sins of their forefathers but that's the way it is.

    The Russians looked clearly state trained/sanctioned and in some ways I hope there is just enough trouble in Lille for them to be kicked out without anyone getting hurt because we really can't be having this.
  • Options

    Meanwhile my assistant's husband, who bought my 4 tickets for Czechs v Spain, arrived back late last night and the brief report was

    - fantastic experience
    - Czechs and Spanish mixing happily
    - great atmosphere in Bordeaux fanzone for Slovakia - Wales
    - French people wonderful to them; having a ten year old in Czech colours seems to especially charm them.

    Assistant pissed off though. They drove there, and he never filled the car with Bordeaux wine.

    But I think fans are mixing well in most parts of the country - here's a picture from a bar directly outside the stadium in St Etienne last night - you can see Icelandic, Portugese, Belgium, England and both Irelands shirts mixing with one another and no problems.

    Re the stuff in Marseille I think the article from the Irish paper sums up the reaction of the police and the locals well. Even if the English aren't technically breaking laws when they take over pubs and town squares they need to think about their history and what people associate with large groups of England fans who have been on the piss all day. It's a shame that current day England fans are having to pay for the sins of their forefathers but that's the way it is.

    The Russians looked clearly state trained/sanctioned and in some ways I hope there is just enough trouble in Lille for them to be kicked out without anyone getting hurt because we really can't be having this.
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    se9addick said:

    Meanwhile my assistant's husband, who bought my 4 tickets for Czechs v Spain, arrived back late last night and the brief report was

    - fantastic experience
    - Czechs and Spanish mixing happily
    - great atmosphere in Bordeaux fanzone for Slovakia - Wales
    - French people wonderful to them; having a ten year old in Czech colours seems to especially charm them.

    Assistant pissed off though. They drove there, and he never filled the car with Bordeaux wine.

    But I think fans are mixing well in most parts of the country - here's a picture from a bar directly outside the stadium in St Etienne last night - you can see Icelandic, Portugese, Belgium, England and both Irelands shirts mixing with one another and no problems.

    Re the stuff in Marseille I think the article from the Irish paper sums up the reaction of the police and the locals well. Even if the English aren't technically breaking laws when they take over pubs and town squares they need to think about their history and what people associate with large groups of England fans who have been on the piss all day. It's a shame that current day England fans are having to pay for the sins of their forefathers but that's the way it is.

    The Russians looked clearly state trained/sanctioned and in some ways I hope there is just enough trouble in Lille for them to be kicked out without anyone getting hurt because we really can't be having this.
    Where's that photo taken, Starbucks?
  • Options
    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    ...why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    Wearing denim shorts.
  • Options
    edited June 2016

    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    Godstone said:

    Dave2l said:

    This Russian hooliganism invasion is disgusting.

    Shocking that MP's over there are encouraging violent criminal acts too. What does this say for the future of Russia and the strange fact that they have obviously strongly just majorly got into something and pointing out we are the trend setters of 30 years ago.

    Brits in football related violence have obviously been idiots over the years, with the bad high reputation for provoking football fights but these Russians are freaks, like they specifically stay in shape, work out go to the gym for the specific purpose to beat up football fans they don't know.

    Its even weirder that these Russian thugs are not even under the influence of alcohol (not that its a good enough excuse anyway)

    Have to say that Russian MPs encouraging this reminds me of the rise of the Nazis with the help of the 'Brownshirts', who were paramilitary thugs.

    Dictators love the supposed physical supremacy of their people which is why the USSR and East Germany drugged their athletes and why the modern Russian regime encourage this kind of aggressive masculinity (just as Putin likes to ride on a horse bare-chested).
    I'd argue it looks more like homo erotic than aggressive masculinity.
    Funny you say that. Reading a book about his life at the moment, and it seems very much as though he had no interest in women whatsoever - preferring the company of his male school friends. Initially he only got married as it improved his career prospects in the KGB.

    However, I would never suggest such a thing to the blokes face..
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    Not for on here @DaveMehmet but nothing too bad. We parted company and didn't see them again.
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    I thing I've noticed about this thread is the word minority isn''t being used. Surely when ever one set of fans kick off then like England or Millwall, the word minority is used all the time, surely this is a minority of Russian fans? Why is nobody mentioning the word minority?

    Personally after a trip to Minehead butlins when I was a young whipper snapper, I found the Welsh to be very rude but luckily Simon Church came into my life and completely changed my opinion of them all.
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    Ogilvy & Mather came up with a novel solution to stop football violence for what was normally the most violent match in Brazil.

    Imagine shipping the Russian version over to France!
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    Curb_It said:

    I must admit I have found the ones on holiday very abrupt and unfriendly... and witnessed some poor behaviour when dealing with the staff. I know I am generalising but it's what I have witnessed.

    One thing that stands out though, when Ian was talking to another English (northern) bloke, he pointed out to Ian that all these rather large, gruff, unattractive Russian blokes all seemed to have skinny blond wives. And they did. Mind you the gobby northerner (yes another generalisation) didn't need to follow that comment up with... "how have they done that? I mean look at us, we're fit and look what we've ended up with?!"

    Anyway I digress, just to lighten the subject.

    Stay safe out there everyone.

    Sorry B, that's made me laugh more than anything on here for a long time. What did Ian say?
    Difficult to speak, whilst in a headlock.
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    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Make you right, was out in Crete a few years ago at an all inclusive, the way the Russians treated the staff defied belief, clicking in there fingers at them, never once saying please, thank you, talked to them like they was dirt, actually would snear at them and God forbid they got an order or something wrong, they'd actually shout at them and shit. I try not to generalise but they all came across as complete scum. Was talking to a waitress about it and she said they're all like it, but she loved the Brits because we were always so polite. Germans and French weren't bad either she said. Saw some fat russian get sparked out one night by a big lump of a northerner after the Russian said something derogatory about the northerners wife. Had to laugh.
    Well done MF. That really made me chuckle.
    Ha, yeah, what I meant was I'll try not to tar the whole country with the same brush, but all the ones I met personally were complete scum.
  • Options

    se9addick said:

    Meanwhile my assistant's husband, who bought my 4 tickets for Czechs v Spain, arrived back late last night and the brief report was

    - fantastic experience
    - Czechs and Spanish mixing happily
    - great atmosphere in Bordeaux fanzone for Slovakia - Wales
    - French people wonderful to them; having a ten year old in Czech colours seems to especially charm them.

    Assistant pissed off though. They drove there, and he never filled the car with Bordeaux wine.

    But I think fans are mixing well in most parts of the country - here's a picture from a bar directly outside the stadium in St Etienne last night - you can see Icelandic, Portugese, Belgium, England and both Irelands shirts mixing with one another and no problems.

    Re the stuff in Marseille I think the article from the Irish paper sums up the reaction of the police and the locals well. Even if the English aren't technically breaking laws when they take over pubs and town squares they need to think about their history and what people associate with large groups of England fans who have been on the piss all day. It's a shame that current day England fans are having to pay for the sins of their forefathers but that's the way it is.

    The Russians looked clearly state trained/sanctioned and in some ways I hope there is just enough trouble in Lille for them to be kicked out without anyone getting hurt because we really can't be having this.
    Where's that photo taken, Starbucks?
    Looks more like your local brasserie where you go 3 times a week

  • Options

    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Said all along , with my limited contact with Russians on holiday they were the most ignorant rude bellends you could ever meet
    sad robot filth , with even less personality than myself

    Make you right, was out in Crete a few years ago at an all inclusive, the way the Russians treated the staff defied belief, clicking in there fingers at them, never once saying please, thank you, talked to them like they was dirt, actually would snear at them and God forbid they got an order or something wrong, they'd actually shout at them and shit. I try not to generalise but they all came across as complete scum. Was talking to a waitress about it and she said they're all like it, but she loved the Brits because we were always so polite. Germans and French weren't bad either she said. Saw some fat russian get sparked out one night by a big lump of a northerner after the Russian said something derogatory about the northerners wife. Had to laugh.
    Well done MF. That really made me chuckle.
    Ha, yeah, what I meant was I'll try not to tar the whole country with the same brush, but all the ones I met personally were complete scum.
    I think we all knew what you were trying to say mate.
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