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Sponsors Event 24 March - CARD call for pickets at Sparrows Lane and Valley



  • I have promised myself a few beers the day the Belgians f*** off.

    I think certain parts of South London/Kent will be drunk dry the day they go :)
  • WSS said:

    That's brilliant.

    Love it. The mobile billboard is excellent - perhaps Roland was being prescient about billboard investment!

    Woke up this morning to discover the accounts of the sponsor protest. Have e-mailed the club requesting an answer as to why they excluded Data Techniques from the event - I want to hear it from them - or rather I expect to hear some lame holding excuse whilst they think of something else to say or ignore it until I go away.

    To any remaining few who think these actions are damaging to the club I would say think again and look at the evidence which has now accumulated. The responsibility for this situation lies squarely with Roland D and his disastrous train-crash wreck of a CEO Katrien Meire who has single-handedly overseen the collapse of almost every functioning area of the club apart from sofa bookings and has embarrassed both the club and herself in the eyes of the football fraternity with her crass comments.

    The fans simply cannot stand by meekly and let this happen. Mis-management at that level should be rightly exposed and potential sponsors should be made aware of it.
    Agree. That picture is brilliant. Someone needs to do a bit of trimming and zooming in so you can clearly see it's the traing ground on the sign then send it to the press saying that the van blocked the entrance. They would love that.
  • Just sent this to: (who employ me!!)

    As a senior lecturer at the university, I have always been proud of the connections that the university maintains with our local community. In particular, as I work in Primary Education, I am always extremely proud when I visit schools and see some of our former students really making a positive difference to the education of the young. I am fully aware of the strong connection between the university and such an important area of the local and wider community.

    However, as a Charlton supporter for 47 years, I really have to highlight how the shirt sponsorship has become an area that is not a positive connection and is now an embarrassment due to the continuing mistreatment of the fans that the current regime is inflicting. Every week something else unfolds which really highlights how the current owners view the supporters of the club. They have ridiculed our rich history which is so insulting to fans who have physically dug up the pitch at the Valley following the formation of a political party to ensure the team returned to its spiritual home – the Valley. They view us as customers and feel our emotional support is ‘weird’….This is hardly representative of a regime that understands the passion that is in the heart of long-standing and dedicated supporters.

    The club has become a footballer-farm….The business model seems to be to develop players and sell them on and what is happening on the pitch to a once-great club seems to be secondary to the farming of players. I say ‘seems to be’ as really we do not know as the owner really does not communicate in any shape or form with the loyal fan base. It is also evident from former coaches that there is interference into team selection – something which seems very strange and not conducive to the best team being selected.

    The unhappiness of the current owners is so widespread now across all groups of supporters. It is clear from press reports that the current workings at the club are being questioned at all levels, with our local MP also getting involved.

    I am sure you are aware of all of the above, but just wanted to give you an ‘employee’s view’.

    Thank you for reading.

    Heather Ross


    This is great work in exposing this regime to the shirt sponsors.

    You may be aware that we have written to KM's former University in Belgium to challenge them on the recent award which they made to her. This particular challenge was mounted not so much on her mis-management record as CEO but on her openly public statement regarding her views on the history of the Club and the point to the governors of the University there was as follows:

    Katrien Meire's comment that she doesn't care about the history of Charlton FC is unbecoming of an academic who has received five years educational training at KU Leuven. Was she equally dismissive of the near 600 year history of the University which nurtured her? The fact that she recognises in the interview given to L’Echo that what she is about to say shouldn’t actually be voiced, even if she believes it, only serves to heighten the impact of the insult and is grossly disrespectful to the Club which employs her and to the many thousands of the Club’s fans who hold its history very dear. Charlton Athletic FC is a treasured part of the fabric of the community in South-East London and has been so for over 100 years. Katrien Meire however saw fit to dismiss this with one calculated, single, unforgiving sentence.

    Following your contact with Greenwich Uni we will see to it that a full copy of the letter to KU Leuven is made available to the Governing body at Greenwich Uni so that they may decide whether they wish to be associated with a person who quite frankly will be happy to take their sponsorship but 'doesn't care' seemingly about much else least of all the people who, like yourself have supported the club for decades nor Charlton FCs part in the history of the area.
  • WSS said:

    That's brilliant.

    Love it. The mobile billboard is excellent - perhaps Roland was being prescient about billboard investment!

    Woke up this morning to discover the accounts of the sponsor protest. Have e-mailed the club requesting an answer as to why they excluded Data Techniques from the event - I want to hear it from them - or rather I expect to hear some lame holding excuse whilst they think of something else to say or ignore it until I go away.

    To any remaining few who think these actions are damaging to the club I would say think again and look at the evidence which has now accumulated. The responsibility for this situation lies squarely with Roland D and his disastrous train-crash wreck of a CEO Katrien Meire who has single-handedly overseen the collapse of almost every functioning area of the club apart from sofa bookings and has embarrassed both the club and herself in the eyes of the football fraternity with her crass comments.

    The fans simply cannot stand by meekly and let this happen. Mis-management at that level should be rightly exposed and potential sponsors should be made aware of it.
    Well said
  • Once all this is done and dusted, will there be postcards of the latest round of billboards?!
  • Off_it said:

    So who is this fella then and what exactly was he supposed to be doing? Filming who? For what purpose?
  • Great work Coyote and Heather keep the faith they will be gone by Christmas or sooner if we're lucky!
  • Do any of the sponsors want to sponsor CARD? - even a piddling amount would create great publicity!

    Superb idea
  • Sponsored links:

  • edited March 2016
    sarge1g said:

    Davo 55, See in the News Shopper that Guy Luzon is still living in London and looking for work. Can we send him an invite to join us at the next protest event ?

    In that interview yesterday he said he would never, ever say anything bad about RD - i would imagine he's just waiting for his next network job while his visa runs down.
  • jams said:

    Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be for the club if we could get Andrews Sykes on the alternative kit next year?

    I honestly don't think they'd understand.
    They don't do being embarrassed really do they?
  • Off_it said:

    So who is this fella then and what exactly was he supposed to be doing? Filming who? For what purpose?

    Something I'd like to know too Off_it #curious
  • Sam lloyd said:

    Off_it said:

    So who is this fella then and what exactly was he supposed to be doing? Filming who? For what purpose?

    Something I'd like to know too Off_it #curious
    Looks like Steve adamson - "visual audio assistant at Charlton"
  • Trouble is, will RD ever hear anything about this? I am sure KM will not mention it to him
  • Charlton supporting member of staff ordered to go out and film the protests by his bosses.

    I don't know Steve but doubt he was very keen and most likely had a lot of other more productive things to do but when you've got Tony the Bully and/or Katrien the Incompetent ordering you around what choice, other than give up his job, does he have?

    Steve is not the enemy here.

    Instructions came from Keohane. Don't think any filming was done as wiser counsels prevailed.
    Sounds like typical Keohane tactics. I can guess who the wiser counsel by the gates was.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Charlton supporting member of staff ordered to go out and film the protests by his bosses.

    I don't know Steve but doubt he was very keen and most likely had a lot of other more productive things to do but when you've got Tony the Bully and/or Katrien the Incompetent ordering you around what choice, other than give up his job, does he have?

    Steve is not the enemy here.

    At the Boro protest in front of the entrance post-match there was presumably the same guy filming from a position behind the barriers. He seemed embarrassed more than anything. There was also a young guy dressed in full official steward uniform with an expensive-looking camera taking shots of the front rows of protesters. When I took out a camera and started taking pictures back of him he looked positively scared.

    This is simply the stuff of paranoia isn't it? What on earth are they going to do with the footage/photos? Are they going to try to match the images and photos to names on the Clubs database?
    If so, when the helicopter arrives at The Valley to evacuate Meire will Tony K be left behind to erase any material collected on the fans which might contravene the Data Protection Act?

    This just gets more surreal by the hour.
    The senior figures at the club have spiralled out of control and we seem to be witnessing a cataclysmic collapse of management with Katrien Meire somehow seeming not to grasp the seriousness of the situation with what must be damaging projected forecasts in turnover next season and what could be an exodus of some if not all sponsors
    and the response is to use resources to set up a project to identify and record the activities of protesters.

    Unbelievable..just....bloody, bloody unbelievable........................!
    Unfortunately, with Daisy Nightmeire, Tony no-Cojones and Sycophant Mandy, it's very believable
  • stonemuse said:

    Charlton supporting member of staff ordered to go out and film the protests by his bosses.

    I don't know Steve but doubt he was very keen and most likely had a lot of other more productive things to do but when you've got Tony the Bully and/or Katrien the Incompetent ordering you around what choice, other than give up his job, does he have?

    Steve is not the enemy here.

    Instructions came from Keohane. Don't think any filming was done as wiser counsels prevailed.
    Sounds like typical Keohane tactics. I can guess who the wiser counsel by the gates was.
    Indeed ...another reason to hope he stays
    Anyone care to share the secret identity?
  • ross1 said:

    Trouble is, will RD ever hear anything about this? I am sure KM will not mention it to him

    No, but she will have to explain the drop off in commercial income
  • edited March 2016
    At the Boro after game protest a chap was taken inside for refusing to hand over his phone/camera. I don't know if he's ever been seen again.
  • Just sent this to: (who employ me!!)

    As a senior lecturer at the university, I have always been proud of the connections that the university maintains with our local community. In particular, as I work in Primary Education, I am always extremely proud when I visit schools and see some of our former students really making a positive difference to the education of the young. I am fully aware of the strong connection between the university and such an important area of the local and wider community.

    However, as a Charlton supporter for 47 years, I really have to highlight how the shirt sponsorship has become an area that is not a positive connection and is now an embarrassment due to the continuing mistreatment of the fans that the current regime is inflicting. Every week something else unfolds which really highlights how the current owners view the supporters of the club. They have ridiculed our rich history which is so insulting to fans who have physically dug up the pitch at the Valley following the formation of a political party to ensure the team returned to its spiritual home – the Valley. They view us as customers and feel our emotional support is ‘weird’….This is hardly representative of a regime that understands the passion that is in the heart of long-standing and dedicated supporters.

    The club has become a footballer-farm….The business model seems to be to develop players and sell them on and what is happening on the pitch to a once-great club seems to be secondary to the farming of players. I say ‘seems to be’ as really we do not know as the owner really does not communicate in any shape or form with the loyal fan base. It is also evident from former coaches that there is interference into team selection – something which seems very strange and not conducive to the best team being selected.

    The unhappiness of the current owners is so widespread now across all groups of supporters. It is clear from press reports that the current workings at the club are being questioned at all levels, with our local MP also getting involved.

    I am sure you are aware of all of the above, but just wanted to give you an ‘employee’s view’.

    Thank you for reading.

    Heather Ross


    This is great work in exposing this regime to the shirt sponsors.

    You may be aware that we have written to KM's former University in Belgium to challenge them on the recent award which they made to her. This particular challenge was mounted not so much on her mis-management record as CEO but on her openly public statement regarding her views on the history of the Club and the point to the governors of the University there was as follows:

    Katrien Meire's comment that she doesn't care about the history of Charlton FC is unbecoming of an academic who has received five years educational training at KU Leuven. Was she equally dismissive of the near 600 year history of the University which nurtured her? The fact that she recognises in the interview given to L’Echo that what she is about to say shouldn’t actually be voiced, even if she believes it, only serves to heighten the impact of the insult and is grossly disrespectful to the Club which employs her and to the many thousands of the Club’s fans who hold its history very dear. Charlton Athletic FC is a treasured part of the fabric of the community in South-East London and has been so for over 100 years. Katrien Meire however saw fit to dismiss this with one calculated, single, unforgiving sentence.

    Following your contact with Greenwich Uni we will see to it that a full copy of the letter to KU Leuven is made available to the Governing body at Greenwich Uni so that they may decide whether they wish to be associated with a person who quite frankly will be happy to take their sponsorship but 'doesn't care' seemingly about much else least of all the people who, like yourself have supported the club for decades nor Charlton FCs part in the history of the area.
    Yep -saw all that news about her award....please ensure it is sent to the university.. Keep up the good work everyone
  • Photos from Sparrows Lane.... The poster, and KM driving throughin photos 4/5, a decent crowd down there . Well done everyone, more later

    I must say that my opinion of KM has risen slightly.

    A woman driving a Nissan that isn't a micra and appears undented.

    I'm not sure, but this might be a world record.
    Was going to give a rude response to this, but looked at my car....Fair point.....
  • Davo55 said:

    I had a nice message this morning from a CL regular who liked our £20 poster so much that they just put that amount in the Protest Fund and said...

    ......"a score for a score"!

    I love it. What a great idea. If anyone else is so moved....... :smile:

    Protest Fund
    Sort code 20-68-04
    Account number 50661678

    £20 from me too....Keep up the pressure....
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Roland Out Forever!