I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
There will be no official statement on the OS or twitter. The best they will do is a couple of lines in the programme.
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Are any of them brave enough to say "look, Roland, that stupid statement you made us put out has lead to our Head of Comms resigning, please butt out in future" No, of course not because Cajones and Nightmeire were putting pressure on her to publish it.
So they continue their "if we say nothing it will go away" ostrich tactics
Only there is a fans forum meeting in April and someone is bound to ask "Why did Mel Baroni leave?" KM won't give a straight answer or hide behind "confidential" or similar.
But we all remember how Katrien heralded Mel's arrival well in advance as proof of positive change. That one back fired a bit then.
Might have missed it in the 1000's of posts over this week but perhaps CARD should acknowledge it and also that another long serving member of staff has jacked it in, in John Little?
A nice bunch of flowers from the kitty for Mel might pay dividends in terms of getting the full sp on what's happening...
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
There will be no official statement on the OS or twitter. The best they will do is a couple of lines in the programme.
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Are any of them brave enough to say "look, Roland, that stupid statement you made us put out has lead to our Head of Comms resigning, please butt out in future" No, of course not because Cajones and Nightmeire were putting pressure on her to publish it.
So they continue their "if we say nothing it will go away" ostrich tactics
Only there is a fans forum meeting in April and someone is bound to ask "Why did Mel Baroni leave?" KM won't give a straight answer or hide behind "confidential" or similar.
But we all remember how Katrien heralded Mel's arrival well in advance as proof of positive change. That one back fired a bit then.
Might have missed it in the 1000's of posts over this week but perhaps CARD should acknowledge it and also that another long serving member of staff has jacked it in, in John Little?
A nice bunch of flowers from the kitty for Mel might pay dividends in terms of getting the full sp on what's happening...
Might take more than a bunch of tulips for Mel to spill the beans. Her leaving after what seems like 5 mins speaks volumes anyway I think mate.
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
There will be no official statement on the OS or twitter. The best they will do is a couple of lines in the programme.
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Are any of them brave enough to say "look, Roland, that stupid statement you made us put out has lead to our Head of Comms resigning, please butt out in future" No, of course not because Cajones and Nightmeire were putting pressure on her to publish it.
So they continue their "if we say nothing it will go away" ostrich tactics
Only there is a fans forum meeting in April and someone is bound to ask "Why did Mel Baroni leave?" KM won't give a straight answer or hide behind "confidential" or similar.
But we all remember how Katrien heralded Mel's arrival well in advance as proof of positive change. That one back fired a bit then.
Might have missed it in the 1000's of posts over this week but perhaps CARD should acknowledge it and also that another long serving member of staff has jacked it in, in John Little?
A nice bunch of flowers from the kitty for Mel might pay dividends in terms of getting the full sp on what's happening...
Might take more than a bunch of tulips for Mel to spill the beans. Her leaving after what seems like 5 mins speaks volumes anyway I think mate.
Agreed but it doesn't hurt to keep people onside if you can and tbf she has been right royally stitched up by our crazy regime.
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
There will be no official statement on the OS or twitter. The best they will do is a couple of lines in the programme.
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Are any of them brave enough to say "look, Roland, that stupid statement you made us put out has lead to our Head of Comms resigning, please butt out in future" No, of course not because Cajones and Nightmeire were putting pressure on her to publish it.
So they continue their "if we say nothing it will go away" ostrich tactics
Only there is a fans forum meeting in April and someone is bound to ask "Why did Mel Baroni leave?" KM won't give a straight answer or hide behind "confidential" or similar.
But we all remember how Katrien heralded Mel's arrival well in advance as proof of positive change. That one back fired a bit then.
Might have missed it in the 1000's of posts over this week but perhaps CARD should acknowledge it and also that another long serving member of staff has jacked it in, in John Little?
A nice bunch of flowers from the kitty for Mel might pay dividends in terms of getting the full sp on what's happening...
Might take more than a bunch of tulips for Mel to spill the beans. Her leaving after what seems like 5 mins speaks volumes anyway I think mate.
Agreed but it doesn't hurt to keep people onside if you can and tbf she has been right royally stitched up by our crazy regime.
That's true. She was really hung out to dry. Makes everybodies dislike for them even stronger (obviously apart from the sympathisers).
If KM had an ounce of sense, which I doubt, then she would resigns herself. How on earth can you make decisions on which staff you employ, to then seeing you and Mel being undermined by a lunatic owner. KM do the correct thing and go!
What an immensely sad and difficult set of circumstances for a young professional to have to manage.
Unless we are very lucky or run our own business we all face the prospect of such issues at some time in our working life.
I am sure she will have been hugely disappointed to have been faced with such flagrant disrespect so soon after stepping up to take on what should been an exciting role at such a challenging time. It seems to me the modern working environment becomes ever more feudal as time passes.
From the comments expressed and the manner of her departure the young woman appears to have managed the situation with considerable skill and integrity. Sadly the latter rarely pays the bills and we can but hope she is able to find a similar opportunity in a more conducive environment as quickly as possible.
She will know and we have to respect she will need to keep her own counsel on the reasons for her departure. She has no need to comment further. After waiting two months for her arrival her departure after 46 days requires explanation from any entirely different source.
In terms of compensation none of us are privy to the financial terms of her departure nor should we be.
Pursuing financial redress through employment and/or contract law is invariably a double edged sword particularly when so early in a career. Any case to answer would revolve around any breach of the terms of her recruitment and any specific written or verbal agreement in relation to the roles & responsibilities she was "contracted" to undertake.
If such contract has been unreasonably breached then an aspect of "constructive dismissal" does come into play. Exactly what compensation you would likely receive has then to be weighed against the significant disruption such a process can have on getting on with ones' life.
For now she is indeed deserving of great credit and our very best wishes for her future career.
not a troll btw but does anyone actually know for fact why she left? I mean it's pretty likely it is to do with Rolands statement but I cant see on this thread if she has said that.
Louis... So Mel, why did you leave Charlton Mel... Do you seriously need to ask this question. Louis... Nope but I've gotta fill the News Shopper with some story!!
Louis... So Mel, why did you leave Charlton Mel... Do you seriously need to ask this question. Louis... Nope but I've gotta fill the News Shopper with some story!!
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Is Roland really that distanced from the club that he only receives information through the OS and Twitter?
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Is Roland really that distanced from the club that he only receives information through the OS and Twitter?
No, but the other information he gets via KM.
So bad news stories tend to only go on twitter eg the Graham Moore mix up but not on the OS.
Appears that certain messages are not relaid to Roland to protect those at the top in SE7
Hence why, IMHO, Roland was so incensed by the pictures he saw on TV during the Boro game and made his statement. In my opinion KM had been saying it was just 2% and nothing to worry about. Then he sees it is most of the crowd.
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Is Roland really that distanced from the club that he only receives information through the OS and Twitter?
No, but the other information he gets via KM.
So bad news stories tend to only go on twitter eg the Graham Moore mix up but not on the OS.
Appears that certain messages are not relaid to Roland to protect those at the top in SE7
Hence why, IMHO, Roland was so incensed by the pictures he saw on TV during the Boro game and made his statement. In my opinion KM had been saying it was just 2% and nothing to worry about. Then he sees it is most of the crowd.
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Is Roland really that distanced from the club that he only receives information through the OS and Twitter?
No, but the other information he gets via KM.
So bad news stories tend to only go on twitter eg the Graham Moore mix up but not on the OS.
Appears that certain messages are not relaid to Roland to protect those at the top in SE7
Hence why, IMHO, Roland was so incensed by the pictures he saw on TV during the Boro game and made his statement. In my opinion KM had been saying it was just 2% and nothing to worry about. Then he sees it is most of the crowd.
not a troll btw but does anyone actually know for fact why she left? I mean it's pretty likely it is to do with Rolands statement but I cant see on this thread if she has said that.
Fair question. I recruited to a post some years back. The successful candidate was well experienced in our field, we were apparently paying a good slice more than she'd been earning, with our prospects and plans at the time there was the very real likelihood of advancement, increasing earnings and no glass ceiling. She was the standout candidate in every way. She served her notice at her then current employers and joined us about 3 weeks after we offered her the job. We wrote to her soon to be ex-employer for the necessary reference to confirm all the usual but hadn't heard back before she joined. She duly turned up for her first week, most of which time was getting to know people, visiting our half dozen or so operating sites and promptly resigned at the start of her second week. Turns out she'd been trying to negotiate a better deal at her existing job and her boss hadn't taken her seriously. When he found out for sure that she'd called his bluff and actually left he caved in and offered her smthn close to what she'd requested. She went back whence she'd come. Can't get my head around how awkward that woulda been. There's nowt stranger than folk. She essentially had a week's unpaid leave cos our Chief Accountant and head of HR were raging that they'd been used in this way and flat refused to pay her for her week's attendance. She didn't sue, unsurprisingly.
My money's still on MB smelling the coffee and getting the H out of Dodge but we won't know for sure until there's smthn from the H's M
In post for only 46 days would make it very hard for Roly n Kat to successfully impose any gagging orders. In any case the truth of what goes on at the Valley these days never takes long to filter out, endemic dissatisfaction will do that to a business.
Turned out later we'd dodged a bullet with our 'now you see me, now you don't' recruitee/time waster. Colleague at one of our other sites knew her and her employers quite well and assured us she was a massive P in the A with a talent for disruption. Which I'm sure Mel B certainly isn't.
I have read most of the posts on this thread so I'm sorry if I've missed this but there seems to be no announcement on the club website. Ignoring the irony that I don't know who would announce the exit of the Comms Manager on account for the fact that we, suddenly, have no Comms Manager, has anyone seen an official statement from the club of Mel herself?
If so can someone share a link please?
They know any statement on the OS or twitter would alert Roland as well as the wider media and just embarrass them even more, if that is possible.
Is Roland really that distanced from the club that he only receives information through the OS and Twitter?
No, but the other information he gets via KM.
So bad news stories tend to only go on twitter eg the Graham Moore mix up but not on the OS.
Appears that certain messages are not relaid to Roland to protect those at the top in SE7
Hence why, IMHO, Roland was so incensed by the pictures he saw on TV during the Boro game and made his statement. In my opinion KM had been saying it was just 2% and nothing to worry about. Then he sees it is most of the crowd.
I might buy this theory if his statement wasn't so glowing about her. My theory is that he is more interested in her development than the club's.
A nice bunch of flowers from the kitty for Mel might pay dividends in terms of getting the full sp on what's happening...
KM do the correct thing and go!
Unless we are very lucky or run our own business we all face the prospect of such issues at some time in our working life.
I am sure she will have been hugely disappointed to have been faced with such flagrant disrespect so soon after stepping up to take on what should been an exciting role at such a challenging time. It seems to me the modern working environment becomes ever more feudal as time passes.
From the comments expressed and the manner of her departure the young woman appears to have managed the situation with considerable skill and integrity. Sadly the latter rarely pays the bills and we can but hope she is able to find a similar opportunity in a more conducive environment as quickly as possible.
She will know and we have to respect she will need to keep her own counsel on the reasons for her departure. She has no need to comment further. After waiting two months for her arrival her departure after 46 days requires explanation from any entirely different source.
In terms of compensation none of us are privy to the financial terms of her departure nor should we be.
Pursuing financial redress through employment and/or contract law is invariably a double edged sword particularly when so early in a career. Any case to answer would revolve around any breach of the terms of her recruitment and any specific written or verbal agreement in relation to the roles & responsibilities she was "contracted" to undertake.
If such contract has been unreasonably breached then an aspect of "constructive dismissal" does come into play. Exactly what compensation you would likely receive has then to be weighed against the significant disruption such a process can have on getting on with ones' life.
For now she is indeed deserving of great credit and our very best wishes for her future career.
Car crash!
Mel... Do you seriously need to ask this question.
Louis... Nope but I've gotta fill the News Shopper with some story!!
I'm South London Press now.
And I normally only do match reports!
So bad news stories tend to only go on twitter eg the Graham Moore mix up but not on the OS.
Appears that certain messages are not relaid to Roland to protect those at the top in SE7
Hence why, IMHO, Roland was so incensed by the pictures he saw on TV during the Boro game and made his statement. In my opinion KM had been saying it was just 2% and nothing to worry about. Then he sees it is most of the crowd.
I recruited to a post some years back. The successful candidate was well experienced in our field, we were apparently paying a good slice more than she'd been earning, with our prospects and plans at the time there was the very real likelihood of advancement, increasing earnings and no glass ceiling. She was the standout candidate in every way. She served her notice at her then current employers and joined us about 3 weeks after we offered her the job. We wrote to her soon to be ex-employer for the necessary reference to confirm all the usual but hadn't heard back before she joined. She duly turned up for her first week, most of which time was getting to know people, visiting our half dozen or so operating sites and promptly resigned at the start of her second week. Turns out she'd been trying to negotiate a better deal at her existing job and her boss hadn't taken her seriously. When he found out for sure that she'd called his bluff and actually left he caved in and offered her smthn close to what she'd requested. She went back whence she'd come. Can't get my head around how awkward that woulda been. There's nowt stranger than folk. She essentially had a week's unpaid leave cos our Chief Accountant and head of HR were raging that they'd been used in this way and flat refused to pay her for her week's attendance. She didn't sue, unsurprisingly.
My money's still on MB smelling the coffee and getting the H out of Dodge but we won't know for sure until there's smthn from the H's M
In post for only 46 days would make it very hard for Roly n Kat to successfully impose any gagging orders. In any case the truth of what goes on at the Valley these days never takes long to filter out, endemic dissatisfaction will do that to a business.
Turned out later we'd dodged a bullet with our 'now you see me, now you don't' recruitee/time waster. Colleague at one of our other sites knew her and her employers quite well and assured us she was a massive P in the A with a talent for disruption. Which I'm sure Mel B certainly isn't.