how long until we can start buying the shirts? I'm off to Majorca in just over three weeks and would have liked to have bought one by then. Any chance?
No is the honest answer. I'm aiming for late July but it is dependent on actulal orders as opposed to expression s of interest.
That's a shame. I'll just have to be patient then. I assume as I emailed my interest, I will get an email with a link to the site I can buy them?
Problem I've had is that of the 525 emails I sent last night 111 have been returned as spam mail. I will send the remaining 111 individually but I wonder how many will end up in people's junk mail. We may have to send future updates via FB CL Twitter etc as it just takes so much time and I cannot be sure that you will all definetly find your emails. I will work it out though.
Google in their infinite wisdom have decided that at least 106 of my sent emails are I now have to send each of those out individually.....bear with me.
I guess I must be one of those @TEL as I didn't receive your e-mail?
I will post up the contents of the email here tonight.
Might I kindly suggest SurveyMonkey or similar, to save aggro for orders in the future. I've also heard of ThunderBird used as a tool to email mass numbers of people.
how long until we can start buying the shirts? I'm off to Majorca in just over three weeks and would have liked to have bought one by then. Any chance?
No is the honest answer. I'm aiming for late July but it is dependent on actulal orders as opposed to expression s of interest.
That's a shame. I'll just have to be patient then. I assume as I emailed my interest, I will get an email with a link to the site I can buy them?
Problem I've had is that of the 525 emails I sent last night 111 have been returned as spam mail. I will send the remaining 111 individually but I wonder how many will end up in people's junk mail. We may have to send future updates via FB CL Twitter etc as it just takes so much time and I cannot be sure that you will all definetly find your emails. I will work it out though.
hope they do a baby version.
Oh wait we don't have all that political bollocks do we