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  • Definition of insanity: Doing exactly the same thing and expecting a different result.

    That's 'Why'?
  • every single reply not one of you has answered my question.

    Did it help Blackpool, do you look at Blackpool and think I hope we are in there position in a years time.

    or should we just follow Cardiff and Blackburn's example, protests, walk outs, but never actually disrupting a game and the owner like at their clubs eventually backs down

    what has protesting achieved so far, Paulie? Nothing.

    Roland's a twat, but he's not in the same league as the oystons. At least Roland tries to lie about what he's doing to the club.
  • It's no good,he just doesn't get it.
    Move on,let it go..etc
  • edited March 2016

    every single reply not one of you has answered my question.

    Did it help Blackpool, do you look at Blackpool and think I hope we are in there position in a years time.

    or should we just follow Cardiff and Blackburn's example, protests, walk outs, but never actually disrupting a game and the owner like at their clubs eventually backs down

    hahahahah, you're suggesting that the success at Cardiff and Blackburn was due to the fans not disrupting a game? And that things at Blackpool haven't changed because they disrupted a game? Jesus christ

    EDIT: Might I add that things at Cardiff and Blackburn were never as bad as they are here.
  • every single reply not one of you has answered my question.

    Did it help Blackpool, do you look at Blackpool and think I hope we are in there position in a years time.

    or should we just follow Cardiff and Blackburn's example, protests, walk outs, but never actually disrupting a game and the owner like at their clubs eventually backs down

    Paulie may I just take this opportunity to remind you that we are Charlton, not Blackpool. Different clubs owned by different people. Both clubs owners may be pricks, but that doesn't mean they are motivated by the same things.

    As Henry says, constant jabs and making the club hard to run are ways to get at Roland and will defeat him over time. We'll find his weakness through different types of action and drive him away. In year's to come you'll be thankful so you can still enjoy date day at The Valley.

    Not sure why I just bothered replying to you as I get the feeling you are with Colin on the clueless side of things, but there we go.
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  • Please tell me what disrupting the game on Sunday will do

    Just remember Blackpool did it against Huddersfield and what happened, the blackpool fans got heavily criticized for it and everyone felt sorry for the Huddersfield fans.

    did it change anything at Blackpool-no, did the owner leave afterwards-no.

    so honestly what is it going to achieve, probably going to get loads of abuse for this but I honestly don't understand it.

    me and my partner will be there after spending £45, we want to go to watch a game off football not have it abandoned because some idiots think it is at all going to bother the owner if one game gets abandoned

    What do you think we should do on Sunday then, Paulie? Nothing? Or rather nothing to stop you and your partner's enjoyment?

    I haven't heard of definite plans to stop the game anyway, but it would sure as hell be of interest to the media if it happened at a live Sky match.

    Moving forwards - as you have basically discounted the effects of a protest to stop the game, is there anything you can think of that CARD should be doing, or do you thin k we should just suck it up from RD & Co whilst accepting there is bugger all we can do about it?

    I'd be interested in your thoughts.
  • edited March 2016

    Helps to make the club unmanagable.

    If othing is done, there won't be a CAFC for you and the new piece to watch.

    You've got to think longterm.

    Long term haha if we was mid table chasing top half none of this would be happening, fans are fickle and need to support the team, do you honestly think disrupting a game is going to help the team in anyway

    This argument keeps cropping up. The way I see it, there are roughly three groups of supporters:

    1. A small number that hated RD from the outset because he was a bit too different, too Belgian, too 'modern football' - or whatever. These conservative types were desperate to be the droopy-faced victims of a despotic foreign tyrant. I assume this is who your comment is aimed at.

    2. A small number of fans that still think everything is ok (like you), in spite of the fact that we are so visibily fucked.

    3. The majority of level-headed fans that started off with an open mind, but have watched the club implode under a clueless, hopeless regime - and are now protesting as a result. The league position and this viewpoint go hand in hand, as it is the clearest indication of failure you could get.

    NB. I love it when those from group 1 dish out the smug "I knew all along" type comments. Yeah, course you did, lol.
  • Helps to make the club unmanagable.

    If nothing is done, there won't be a CAFC for you and the new piece to watch.

    You've got to think longterm.

    again did it help blackpool, look where they are now
    Fylde coast, lovely on a day like this (shame about Blackpool though).

    Blackpool are completely different though, the Oystons bring odious to a whole new level and allegedly (as m'learned friends might advise I write) have plundered the club's Premiership monies for their own use. There might even be a suspicion that they dare not sell/leave, because then someone, including potentially HMRC, might be able to have a good look at the books, though I couldn't possibly comment.

    I detest Duchatelet, but might happily wish him on some of my worst enemies... The Oystons are utterly beyond the pale.
  • Please tell me what disrupting the game on Sunday will do

    Just remember Blackpool did it against Huddersfield and what happened, the blackpool fans got heavily criticized for it and everyone felt sorry for the Huddersfield fans.

    did it change anything at Blackpool-no, did the owner leave afterwards-no.

    so honestly what is it going to achieve, probably going to get loads of abuse for this but I honestly don't understand it.

    me and my partner will be there after spending £45, we want to go to watch a game off football not have it abandoned because some idiots think it is at all going to bother the owner if one game gets abandoned

    Let's just not do anything then and rot this club into the ground, that way tickets will be a lot cheaper than £45 in the national league for you and your Mrs.
    You got a crystal ball have you, and can see the club rotting in the ground.

    all these comments are ridiculous.

    no one knows what the future holds and as I said if we was top half none of this would be happening.

    when RD came in he was shit and didn't know what he was doing
    last season we was the last team to lose a match and people on here starting saying maybe he does have a master plan, maybe it will work.
    oh shit a dodgy season and he is the worst person on the earth again.

    as I said forget the owners they come and go, support the team that will always be here, people saying the club is a risk. what a load of rubbish, what does he have to gain if the club is liquated or put into administration.
    Do you think we will be competitive in League One then? My crystal tells me we may have a few bang average seasons in there at best before even more decline.
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  • The "idiots" as you so nicely dismiss them will also have paid to go to the game.

    Not heard what CARD or any other groups or individuals have planned as they don't release that news until 12.00 am on the day so I'll wait till then before condemning them or calling them "idiots"

    As for what a disruption or abandonment might achieve

    Pressure on KM
    Questioning from the media and other fans and more awareness of the issues
    A big fine to damage KMs budget
    increased police and stewarding costs at this game and all future games
    Embarrassment for KM in front of the media and the Boro directors
    More press attention in Belgium
    Encouragement to Charlton fans that we can act and don't have to "just accept" what Roland does

    Any thing else I've missed.

    media questioning- achieves nothing
    increased police and stewards and a fine (sorry but people worried about ruining the club surely being in debt has more chance of losing the club)
    embarrassment- means nothing to them
    press attention in Belgium- who cares we are in England

    sorry but none of these are reason why RD would change what he is doing or sell the club
    With all due respect Paulie, just because you don't understand (and I get the sense you have no interest in really understanding) that doesn't mean that HI's reasons are incorrect.

    Are you happy with how things are? What do you suggest to change things? Sitting behind your keyboard telling people who may or may not be doing something, fighting to change things at our club, and insulting them because you don't have the nous to grasp why they are, doesn't make you right.

    Don't pretend you know me and don't for one second question what I understand.

    yes its tough, we are not the only club to have had tough times because of an owner, but disrupting a game is senseless, it will achieve nothing

    I don't pretend I know you. Although I've seen your postings on here over the last couple of years so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to establish you're not the sharpest tool in the box. The fact that you cannot grasp people's responses and state they haven't replied sufficiently just serves to prove that point. I was trying to be tactful, but I guess direct is probably more suitable.
    Probably more sharper than you
    Oh, come off it...

    You've made it too obvious that you're on a wind up there.

    Lovely stuff. You do give me a giggle Pauline...
  • The "idiots" as you so nicely dismiss them will also have paid to go to the game.

    Not heard what CARD or any other groups or individuals have planned as they don't release that news until 12.00 am on the day so I'll wait till then before condemning them or calling them "idiots"

    As for what a disruption or abandonment might achieve

    Pressure on KM
    Questioning from the media and other fans and more awareness of the issues
    A big fine to damage KMs budget
    increased police and stewarding costs at this game and all future games
    Embarrassment for KM in front of the media and the Boro directors
    More press attention in Belgium
    Encouragement to Charlton fans that we can act and don't have to "just accept" what Roland does

    Any thing else I've missed.

    media questioning- achieves nothing
    increased police and stewards and a fine (sorry but people worried about ruining the club surely being in debt has more chance of losing the club)
    embarrassment- means nothing to them
    press attention in Belgium- who cares we are in England

    sorry but none of these are reason why RD would change what he is doing or sell the club
    With all due respect Paulie, just because you don't understand (and I get the sense you have no interest in really understanding) that doesn't mean that HI's reasons are incorrect.

    Are you happy with how things are? What do you suggest to change things? Sitting behind your keyboard telling people who may or may not be doing something, fighting to change things at our club, and insulting them because you don't have the nous to grasp why they are, doesn't make you right.

    Don't pretend you know me and don't for one second question what I understand.

    yes its tough, we are not the only club to have had tough times because of an owner, but disrupting a game is senseless, it will achieve nothing

    I don't pretend I know you. Although I've seen your postings on here over the last couple of years so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to establish you're not the sharpest tool in the box. The fact that you cannot grasp people's responses and state they haven't replied sufficiently just serves to prove that point. I was trying to be tactful, but I guess direct is probably more suitable.
    Probably more sharper than you
    Please tell me this is your attempt at humour, and not how you actually think that sentence should be constructed?
  • The "idiots" as you so nicely dismiss them will also have paid to go to the game.

    Not heard what CARD or any other groups or individuals have planned as they don't release that news until 12.00 am on the day so I'll wait till then before condemning them or calling them "idiots"

    As for what a disruption or abandonment might achieve

    Pressure on KM
    Questioning from the media and other fans and more awareness of the issues
    A big fine to damage KMs budget
    increased police and stewarding costs at this game and all future games
    Embarrassment for KM in front of the media and the Boro directors
    More press attention in Belgium
    Encouragement to Charlton fans that we can act and don't have to "just accept" what Roland does

    Any thing else I've missed.

    media questioning- achieves nothing
    increased police and stewards and a fine (sorry but people worried about ruining the club surely being in debt has more chance of losing the club)
    embarrassment- means nothing to them
    press attention in Belgium- who cares we are in England

    sorry but none of these are reason why RD would change what he is doing or sell the club
    With all due respect Paulie, just because you don't understand (and I get the sense you have no interest in really understanding) that doesn't mean that HI's reasons are incorrect.

    Are you happy with how things are? What do you suggest to change things? Sitting behind your keyboard telling people who may or may not be doing something, fighting to change things at our club, and insulting them because you don't have the nous to grasp why they are, doesn't make you right.

    Don't pretend you know me and don't for one second question what I understand.

    yes its tough, we are not the only club to have had tough times because of an owner, but disrupting a game is senseless, it will achieve nothing

    I don't pretend I know you. Although I've seen your postings on here over the last couple of years so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to establish you're not the sharpest tool in the box. The fact that you cannot grasp people's responses and state they haven't replied sufficiently just serves to prove that point. I was trying to be tactful, but I guess direct is probably more suitable.
    Probably more sharper than you
    More sharper?
  • The "idiots" as you so nicely dismiss them will also have paid to go to the game.

    Not heard what CARD or any other groups or individuals have planned as they don't release that news until 12.00 am on the day so I'll wait till then before condemning them or calling them "idiots"

    As for what a disruption or abandonment might achieve

    Pressure on KM
    Questioning from the media and other fans and more awareness of the issues
    A big fine to damage KMs budget
    increased police and stewarding costs at this game and all future games
    Embarrassment for KM in front of the media and the Boro directors
    More press attention in Belgium
    Encouragement to Charlton fans that we can act and don't have to "just accept" what Roland does

    Any thing else I've missed.

    media questioning- achieves nothing
    increased police and stewards and a fine (sorry but people worried about ruining the club surely being in debt has more chance of losing the club)
    embarrassment- means nothing to them
    press attention in Belgium- who cares we are in England

    sorry but none of these are reason why RD would change what he is doing or sell the club
    With all due respect Paulie, just because you don't understand (and I get the sense you have no interest in really understanding) that doesn't mean that HI's reasons are incorrect.

    Are you happy with how things are? What do you suggest to change things? Sitting behind your keyboard telling people who may or may not be doing something, fighting to change things at our club, and insulting them because you don't have the nous to grasp why they are, doesn't make you right.

    Don't pretend you know me and don't for one second question what I understand.

    yes its tough, we are not the only club to have had tough times because of an owner, but disrupting a game is senseless, it will achieve nothing

    I don't pretend I know you. Although I've seen your postings on here over the last couple of years so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to establish you're not the sharpest tool in the box. The fact that you cannot grasp people's responses and state they haven't replied sufficiently just serves to prove that point. I was trying to be tactful, but I guess direct is probably more suitable.
    Probably more sharper than you
    Oh dear :)
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Roland Out Forever!