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Will Trump become President?



  • Oh, and that "Trump supporter getting a beating" video has been partly debunked.
  • Fiiish said:
    Deleted her twitter account ... I wonder why!
  • stonemuse said:

    Fiiish said:
    Deleted her twitter account ... I wonder why!
    Probably couldn't handle the deluge of praise and support from similarly minded liberals and well-wishers. Couldn't possibly be anything else.
  • edited November 2016
    Every time you post someone who you think is threatening whites, males, or conservatives I will post attacks in the name of Trump. Spoiler, my list is a lot longer.

    Edit: I changed my mind and decided to do 2:1
  • SDAddick said:

    Every time you post someone who you think is threatening whites, males, or conservatives I will post attacks in the name of Trump. Spoiler, my list is a lot longer.

    Edit: I changed my mind and decided to do 2:1

    If this is in response to what I posted then it's a false equivalence. A British journalist called for the assassination of Trump. I posted it without comment or agenda, except perhaps to expose how OTT the reaction in the media has been.

    The dice has been cast, now we wait until January and see what happens.
  • edited November 2016
    Fiiish said:

    SDAddick said:

    Every time you post someone who you think is threatening whites, males, or conservatives I will post attacks in the name of Trump. Spoiler, my list is a lot longer.

    Edit: I changed my mind and decided to do 2:1

    If this is in response to what I posted then it's a false equivalence. A British journalist called for the assassination of Trump. I posted it without comment or agenda, except perhaps to expose how OTT the reaction in the media has been.

    The dice has been cast, now we wait until January and see what happens.
    I may have targeted you, specifically, unfairly. My larger point is that there have been a lot on here who have only been happy to chime in and condemn things when it is being perceived as "liberal attacks." Absolutely, the calling for assassinations is disgusting and wrong and potentially illegal. But I'm tired of being one of the only ones to condemn all hate language and not just that targeting those I agree with.
  • SDAddick said:

    Fiiish said:

    SDAddick said:

    Every time you post someone who you think is threatening whites, males, or conservatives I will post attacks in the name of Trump. Spoiler, my list is a lot longer.

    Edit: I changed my mind and decided to do 2:1

    If this is in response to what I posted then it's a false equivalence. A British journalist called for the assassination of Trump. I posted it without comment or agenda, except perhaps to expose how OTT the reaction in the media has been.

    The dice has been cast, now we wait until January and see what happens.
    I may have targeted you, specifically, unfairly. My larger point is that there have been a lot on here who have only been happy to chime in and condemn things when it is being perceived as "liberal attacks." Absolutely, the calling for assassinations is disgusting and wrong and potentially illegal. But I'm tired of being one of the only ones to condemn all hate language and not just that targeting those I agree with.
    Well for the record I didn't want Trump to win but there we go.
  • edited November 2016
    Fiiish said:

    SDAddick said:

    Fiiish said:

    SDAddick said:

    Every time you post someone who you think is threatening whites, males, or conservatives I will post attacks in the name of Trump. Spoiler, my list is a lot longer.

    Edit: I changed my mind and decided to do 2:1

    If this is in response to what I posted then it's a false equivalence. A British journalist called for the assassination of Trump. I posted it without comment or agenda, except perhaps to expose how OTT the reaction in the media has been.

    The dice has been cast, now we wait until January and see what happens.
    I may have targeted you, specifically, unfairly. My larger point is that there have been a lot on here who have only been happy to chime in and condemn things when it is being perceived as "liberal attacks." Absolutely, the calling for assassinations is disgusting and wrong and potentially illegal. But I'm tired of being one of the only ones to condemn all hate language and not just that targeting those I agree with.
    Well for the record I didn't want Trump to win but there we go.
    I know, and you've said as much. I'm sorry for using your post to further something that frustrates me. More than anything else, I really don't want hate speech or threats to be a "left/right" issue when surely it's something we can all point at and say "that's not alright." I'll modify my post to be more clear.
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  • edited November 2016
    Apologies if anyone has already posted this but I love this guys analysis.

    Edit - Just noticed this thread has been sunk. I think that's a shame I enjoyed it.
  • SDAddick said:
    I'd put good money on that 1st one being a lie.

    Also it doesn't make it okay ffs. Just cos your list is longer, it's all shite that shouldn't be happening
  • Apologies if anyone has already posted this but I love this guys analysis.

    Edit - Just noticed this thread has been sunk. I think that's a shame I enjoyed it.

    There's definitely some truth in this, particularly the notion that Hillary Clinton represents leftism somehow. But there is also SO much over-simplification and generalization. There is one thing in particular that I want to pull up though, "they chose Hillary." The reason why Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee is that vastly more people voted for her in the primaries than they did Sanders. Now, the primary system is deeply, deeply flawed, and I certainly would have preferred Sanders, but he didn't win the primary.
  • edited November 2016

    Well isn't this just so f*cking hilarious. Looks like some of you should have studied the evidence about the Clinton Foundation that I posted earlier (and was subsequently proved to be true by Wikileaks), instead you continued to believe the crooked, biased leftist media, the crooked, biased Polls and your Twitter feeds, where the likes of Leuth seems to get all his information lol.
    The game is now up for you Marxists and leftists. You have infected academia, the media and the Hollywood set. Your social engineering ideals have brought the Western World and western culture to the edge of destruction. Your brand of PC, Identity politics has caused terrible devision, animosity, and left huge numbers of people afraid to even open their mouths for fear of being labelled "racist, xenophobic, homophobic" etc, simply because they want secure borders, safety for their families, jobs, or even because they simply believe in the traditional definition of marriage.
    Well, the silent majority has now spoken. First with Brexit, now Trump, and next watch for France and Germany to go exactly the same way.
    Seriously though, how out of is the media these day's? How out of touch is CL?Where are all the conservatives? (Too frightened to speak out probably for fear of being labelled a Jimmy Savile sympathiser or a bigot, as I have been on this thread!) The mainstream media and Charlton Life are certainly not representative of the majority are they ( Trump is winning the popular vote as well BTW). 65 pages here of overwhelmingly anti Trump sentiment, and yet the majority of Americans voted for him, very strange!
    Suck it up all you Lefties, this is where the kick back begins, you got so far but ultimately you failed, just as socialism always fails, but not before it has caused immeasurable damage. Mwahahhahaaahaah!

    OK my last word on this, specifically on the "crooked, biased Polls" bit - now that the dust has settled. Context: I'm not a political opinion poller, but I'm close enough to that world.

    Were the polls "crooked"? Nope. Flawed in some respects, but the polls by republican polling organisations were off by a similar margin...

    ..which in the end was not by much, 1 or 2 points. Now in a close race, that makes all the difference, but the likely outcome now (they are still counting) is that Trump will not win the popular vote...just as the polls predicted.

    The vagaries of the electoralk college means that he did enough to sneak over the line (Hillary would've been happy winning that way too of course), but crucially, the Trump campaign threw resources at states that the polls indicated he was unlikely to win (e.g. Wisconsin). Why? because his more detailed private polling showed him opportunities when you scratched below the surface.

    The polls were got it wrong for Brexit, but for the 2015 general election, once again the parties' private polling (both Lab & Con) were more accurate than the public ones. (Lab knew the game was up, they later admitted) .The public pollsters are asked to provide simple, cheap & up-to-date polls for their media clients...and that approach (which would be considered "quick & dirty" for a lot of normal market research) is struggling to cope with a more complex world.

    So no silent majority yet then, thus far in the US neither the majority not especially silent :-)

    Right, let's think about football.
    At the time I wrote that, he was winning the popular vote, but I accept that she has now moved ahead. The EC voting system was written into the constitution for a very good reason, so that the 6 major cities couldn't dictate to the rest of the country, the rust belt of America. Similar to Brexit, Hillary did very well with the "latte set" in the major cities, who have done very nicely since the GFC, but not with everyday Americans, who have been struggling terribly.
    Pollsters and the media got it terribly wrong, they are now admitting as much, and are still scratching their heads trying to work out what went wrong. For me, it was quite obvious. They all got caught up in their own self perpetuating, groupthink, bullshit.
    It's the consequence of a media that places more emphasis in what is trending on Twitter, than on great, forensic, investigative journalism. It's a consequence of employing journalists who have come through a college system that seems to be totally hung up on social justice, gender pronouns, safe space, globalisation, identity politics of the left.
    What has emerged is a hatred of the middle aged white male, of Christianity and faiths in general. The exclusion being Islam, which is very odd considering how badly women are treated in Muslim nations, and how despicably they treat their gay people. But these facts are conveniently ignored by the left, when it suits!
    The Milo Yiannopoulos dangerous faggot tour has exposed just how leftist Universities in the US have become, he is doing a magnificent job and making major inroads into changing that culture. He's gay, and I love him, which is strange for a supposedly "bigoted, homophobe" such as myself!
    People such as myself had a very strong feeling that Trump would win. I sold down 2/3 of my US stock portfolio on the Monday night in anticipation of it (shame it bounced back so quickly). My mate in Melbourne (Charlton fan) put a 100 dollars on him and won back 450.
    We recently went on a cruise together where he wore his Trump cap throughout. Not a single dissenting comment, but loads of complimentary remarks, from a captive audience of 3000 plus people.
    What I was reading in the media, about 5/6 anti Trump articles every day for a year, was not reflective of what I was experiencing. This is what made people so angry and furthered the Trump cause so much. People could clearly see that the media were trying to tell them who to vote for. That isn't their job. They should have spent their time investigating the Clinton Foundation frauds, and reporting on them, rather than leaving it to a few independent journalists, and Wikileaks to make the exposures.
    Instead they spent their time digging for dirt on Trump and doing everything in their power to try to destroy him.
    People saw through it. And they could see the hypocrisy of calling out Trump for lewd, misogynistic language against women, when Hillary could share a stage with a rapper singing lyrics such as "n*gg*r" this, "mother fu**er" that, yet nothing was said. Where was the outrage from the media and the left? Nowhere. That standard only applied to Trump.
  • Hey @SDAddick, you pressed the wrong button mate, I think you were looking for the lol or the flaggy!

  • People saw through it. And they could see the hypocrisy of calling out Trump for lewd, misogynistic language against women, when Hillary could share a stage with a rapper singing lyrics such as "n*gg*r" this, "mother fu**er" that, yet nothing was said. Where was the outrage from the media and the left? Nowhere. That standard only applied to Trump.

    If by "lewd misogynistic language" you're referring to the pussy grabbing thing, the objection was not about the language. It was about the fact he was freely admitting to committing sexual assault.
  • edited November 2016
    aliwibble said:

    People saw through it. And they could see the hypocrisy of calling out Trump for lewd, misogynistic language against women, when Hillary could share a stage with a rapper singing lyrics such as "n*gg*r" this, "mother fu**er" that, yet nothing was said. Where was the outrage from the media and the left? Nowhere. That standard only applied to Trump.

    If by "lewd misogynistic language" you're referring to the pussy grabbing thing, the objection was not about the language. It was about the fact he was freely admitting to committing sexual assault.
    There are plenty of men who brag about their sexual encounters with beautiful women, it's what some blokes do, privately in the company of other blokes. It doesn't mean he actually did it !
    Have you ever heard the way women talk about their men at Ann Summers parties, or what they get up to on hen nights?
  • edited November 2016
    Jdredsox said:

    Not been on for a little bit.

    @queensland_addick I agree that you shouldn't have been referred to as mein fuhrer, no one should be sinking to the level of name calling. However, I do feel that some of your "mwahahaha" post are deliberately antagonistic.

    Additionally that video of the black youths attacking a man because "you voted trump" is disgusting and I hope that they face the deserved justice for that crime. That makes them no better than the people committing hate crimes on the other side.

    And there have been hate crimes on the other side. I saw someone say that it could be lefty activists doing it to stoke further hate, and while I accept that there is a small chance that this is true I think it is much more likely that it was a genuine hate crime. I lived in America and I know that there are deep divisions that were running under the surface before. These have been magnified during this election campaign. There are groups, however small and they are not in the majority, who will feel that their views are empowered by this election.

    I think it was Hassan Minhaj on the daily show who said it best on the daily show yesterday (left/liberal leaning for sure) -

    "You personally may not be a racist, sexist, xenophobe, but that comes with the package. So if you take that deal what you're telling me is 'hey, I don't hate you, I just don't care about you'."

    I have no problem with people putting themselves first, we all do. But to laugh in their faces or tell them just to get over it is wrong. They have genuine concerns that need to be addressed, just because they aren't your concerns does not devalue them and we all have to listen to each other if we want to make progress.

    @Jredsox, If you think I am going to sit back and accept accusations of condoning sexual assault, of being a Jimmy Saville sympathiser, of being a Nazi, of being to the right of Mussolini, amongst other things (no retractions, no apologies) without then revelling in the sweetest of victories, then you are sadly mistaken.
  • edited November 2016

    Hey @SDAddick, you pressed the wrong button mate, I think you were looking for the lol or the flaggy!

    Nope, you put forward a coherent and not overly smug account. There are factual inaccuracies, like what you said about the Electoral College. There are sweeping generalizations that mimics the right wing portions of the American press about things you surely have no experience with (American Universities, for example). But you at least said "here is what I think" largely without deprecating other groups and I appreciate that. This thread is being sunk for what I can only imagine are any number of reasons, but these would be the kinds of things we could work on having dialogue on.
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  • SDAddick said:

    aliwibble said:

    People saw through it. And they could see the hypocrisy of calling out Trump for lewd, misogynistic language against women, when Hillary could share a stage with a rapper singing lyrics such as "n*gg*r" this, "mother fu**er" that, yet nothing was said. Where was the outrage from the media and the left? Nowhere. That standard only applied to Trump.

    If by "lewd misogynistic language" you're referring to the pussy grabbing thing, the objection was not about the language. It was about the fact he was freely admitting to committing sexual assault.
    There are plenty of men who brag about their sexual encounters with beautiful women, it's what some blokes do, privately in the company of other blokes. It doesn't mean he actually did it !
    Have you ever heard the way women talk about their men at Ann Summers parties, or what they get up to on hen nights?
    There are 11 women who came forward and said he sexually assaulted them. His ex-wife, under oath with the threat of perjury, said that he raped her.
    “During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” the Ivana Trump statement said. “[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a ‘rape,’ but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense.”
  • SDAddick said:

    Hey @SDAddick, you pressed the wrong button mate, I think you were looking for the lol or the flaggy!

    Nope, you put forward a coherent and not overly smug account. There are factual inaccuracies, like what you said about the Electoral College. There are sweeping generalizations that mimics the right wing portions of the American press about things you surely have no experience with (American Universities, for example). But you at least said "here is what I think" largely without deprecating other groups and I appreciate that. This thread is being sunk for what I can only imagine are any number of reasons, but these would be the kinds of things we could work on having dialogue on.
    Condescending post of the year!
  • SDAddick said:

    Apologies if anyone has already posted this but I love this guys analysis.

    Edit - Just noticed this thread has been sunk. I think that's a shame I enjoyed it.

    There's definitely some truth in this, particularly the notion that Hillary Clinton represents leftism somehow. But there is also SO much over-simplification and generalization. There is one thing in particular that I want to pull up though, "they chose Hillary." The reason why Hillary Clinton was the Democratic nominee is that vastly more people voted for her in the primaries than they did Sanders. Now, the primary system is deeply, deeply flawed, and I certainly would have preferred Sanders, but he didn't win the primary.
    It might have helped Bernie if Hillary hadn't cheated in the debates by being fed the questions in advance by Donna Brazile via CNN (Clinton News Network)
  • edited November 2016
    Bernie wouldn't have won. there is mistrust of the left's ability to run an economy. At the moment at least. The conventional right/left is no longer relevant. Some of Trumps protectionist policies are as left as you get - others are firmly to the right. I always see the right as the dark side of the force. It is easier to appeal to hatred and anger and blame somebody. Usually the wrong people are blamed but ignorance is so useful when you want to manipulate people.

    But the biggest asset is things being bad. What have people got to lose by voting Trump when they haven't got much anyway. If we continue to create or increase the numbers of people who haven't got anything to lose there will be worse than Trump to come. But those that gain from the current system won't want to give up anything to find a fairer balance. The cheap labour of desperate people is an important commodity after all. Where it all ends up is anybody's guess but it doesn't feel good.

    For me the changes have to be global. I don't hold out much hope.
  • When Trump came out and said that he thought the protests against him were 'unfair' it reminded me a bit of old KM. he had an opportunity to go one up early on in terms of PR. If he'd have said they every right, free speech is part of our constitution blah blah, it would've taken the sting out then imo and given him the chance to look quite statesman like

    I just don't get why people can't rise above it, it plays better for them that way
  • So hatred and bigotry isn't just one sided then?

    Surprised there hasn't been more condemnation on here from those that are usually very shouty about these s
    aliwibble said:

    Oh, and that "Trump supporter getting a beating" video has been partly debunked.

    No shit?
  • Is he saying that an election process, in which he won, was rigged? Also, hasnt he been saying how potential recounts should not happen?

    The bloke is insane. I honestly can't believe he's going to be President.

  • Worryingly, down the line, I can see Trump using the fact that Mexico won't pay for the wall as a way to stir up racial tensions in the USA.
  • Just got back from the States and it is a fascinating time to be there. New York is obviously very different to the rest of the country but everyone I spoke to there sounded like they are preparing for the apocalypse at the moment.

    I was also very interested in how the Russia hacking election story is playing out in the media. This seems to have far more chance of damaging Trump than any of his other controversies.
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