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Will Trump become President?

It now seems possible that a man with the most comic haircut in history could become leader of the most powerful country in the world. I'm unclear what his views are given that he constantly contradicts himself and he has the debating skills of a 14 year old who has just learnt how to wind people up.
What fascinates me the most is how the hell he will conduct American foreign policy - combination of him, Putin, Islamic State and the clown in North Korea should be fun.



  • Surely they can't let that moron run the US?
  • Nah he won't win.
  • He won't win as he will not get the black/Hispanic vote. However the fact he has some support should not be underestimated. You have already seen some of the Republicans hardening their views to appeal to his core vote and that is worrying
  • Do you think he'll be an improvement on Sir Maurice, then? I thought he had the job for life.
  • No.

    Rubio is my bet.
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  • Obama is the best president the US have had in many years. Will be sad to see him move on.

    I agree although the previous post Clinton administration was not great competition.

    Get the feeling many Americans don't share this outsider's view though. Would be interested to know what the US posters think of Obama.

    If Trump gets in it will be a tragedy for a great country and humanity in general.
  • Maybe. At least he doesn't sidestep the important issues or try to be everybody's friend like the current nonce.

    As if there was something mature and statesmenlike in running a campaign based on controversial soundbites, while sticking two fingers up at everyone apart from hard line loopers like himself.
  • Would love to have seen what Obama could have achieved had he not been hit by the financial collapse that meant fire fighting instead of building.

    Haven't yet seen a single candidate who is anywhere near his league.
  • Trump can't get the Latin or black vote nor the educated Americans on the east and west coasts. That will stop him getting into The White House even if he should win the Republican nomination which I just don't think he will either.
  • Obama is the best president the US have had in many years. Will be sad to see him move on.

    I agree although the previous post Clinton administration was not great competition.

    Get the feeling many Americans don't share this outsider's view though. Would be interested to know what the US posters think of Obama.

    If Trump gets in it will be a tragedy for a great country and humanity in general.
    I live in the US and my leanings are towards the Democratic side of things so, like most democrats, I like Obama. However, Republicans, in general, hate him, so it's split down party lines.

    Many of his policies have been vetoed by the Republicans who have majority control over Congress. This was put in by the constitution to maintain checks and balances but, in this case, it has just hampered progress. That is what he has been dealing with (being a black democrat is a double whammy).
  • Obama is everything you should want in a President - very smart, calm, warm, witty.

    He has done a lot of good things, and he represents our country very well in most situations.

    I voted for him in 2008 knowing that I disagreed with various policies of his, but that he was a smart, articulate, and principled individual. I abstained from voting for president in 2012 (keep in mind I live in California so my vote for president doesn't matter) because I disagreed with the continued drone strikes in sovereign nations, the fact that Government surveillance of US citizens clearly hadn't been scaled back or brought into the light, and most importantly, because his health care reforms expanded our broken, for-profit healthcare system, and I fear may have set us back a decade or two from reaching a single-payer system.
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  • I think he might be even more half baked than RD which is a remarkable if rather dubious achievement.
    Please don't vote him in US of A, otherwise we will send you Katrien.
  • Trump will win the Republican nomination. What concerns me is that his campaign can't implode. Everyone knows what he is like. He says ridiculous things and it is accepted.
    Republican politicians might not like him but the voters seem to.
    If he goes up against Clinton then she will win. Clinton is the safe option. However if Sanders gets the Democratic nomination then anything could happen. Americans in general do not like a leftie and he's as far left as you will find in mainstream American politics. I could see Trump edging that election.

    Hope I am wrong.
  • Clinton has the democratic nomination sewn up.
  • johnny73 said:

    Trump will win the Republican nomination. What concerns me is that his campaign can't implode. Everyone knows what he is like. He says ridiculous things and it is accepted.
    Republican politicians might not like him but the voters seem to.
    If he goes up against Clinton then she will win. Clinton is the safe option. However if Sanders gets the Democratic nomination then anything could happen. Americans in general do not like a leftie and he's as far left as you will find in mainstream American politics. I could see Trump edging that election.

    Hope I am wrong.

    I don't agree. Remember it's not the popular vote in America, it's the electoral congress. Trump would need to turn Florida and Ohio red (or Pennsylvania or a combination of other states, but FL/OH are most likely), and would need to hold on to all other red states Romney won in 2012. I think Sanders would resonate with unions in Ohio, and with young people in Florida, and Trump would drive away Christians in Ohio and anyone with even a hint of a tan in Florida.
  • SDAddick said:

    johnny73 said:

    Trump will win the Republican nomination. What concerns me is that his campaign can't implode. Everyone knows what he is like. He says ridiculous things and it is accepted.
    Republican politicians might not like him but the voters seem to.
    If he goes up against Clinton then she will win. Clinton is the safe option. However if Sanders gets the Democratic nomination then anything could happen. Americans in general do not like a leftie and he's as far left as you will find in mainstream American politics. I could see Trump edging that election.

    Hope I am wrong.

    I don't agree. Remember it's not the popular vote in America, it's the electoral congress. Trump would need to turn Florida and Ohio red (or Pennsylvania or a combination of other states, but FL/OH are most likely), and would need to hold on to all other red states Romney won in 2012. I think Sanders would resonate with unions in Ohio, and with young people in Florida, and Trump would drive away Christians in Ohio and anyone with even a hint of a tan in Florida.
    Hope you are right. We shall see. If I was an American then Sanders would get my vote.
  • \
    Right now its impossible for any relatively sane, sober Republican like Jon Huntsman, Jon Kasich or even Chris Christie to win the GOP nomination because the Tea Party crowd are running the joint and they only want the certified nutters like Trump or the execrable Ted Cruz.

    To be fair the Democratic choice is hardly great either, an uninspiring Hillary Clinton who campaigns with all the aplomb of a tax inspector or the utterly unelectable Bernie Sanders whose policies are hopelessly impractical in the American context.

    If Hillary doesn't get into gear soon I think we may see another big beast emerge into the race on the Democratic side, there is no way Sanders will be allowed to be the nominee.

    John Kasich isn't all that sane, he's just made to look sane by his surroundings.

    As for someone else emerging from the Democrats, Joe Biden aside, there just isn't anyone who could step in and change the race. Joe Biden has left it too late and, coming toward the end of a long and relatively successful political career, wouldn't chance it now.

    My disappointment with the Democrats is that the young, progressive leaders like Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren clearly got the message to steer clear because this one is earmarked for the Clintons. The two of them can point to accomplishments over the last decade that I think would make many wonder what of substance a current Senator, and former Senator and Secretary of State have contributed.
  • limeygent said:

    This thread is worse for my blood pressure than last Saturday's match thread, going to stay off it.

  • limeygent on these threads comes off like I would if I played the 'I live in SE7, my CAFC opinions are more valid than most of yours' card

    which I *should*, really ;-)
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