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Will Trump become President?



  • So, what's the latest on Michael Bloomberg entering the race as an independent?
    It's been reported in the UK that he finds "the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to voters".
    I know independents have got nowhere fast in the past, but it's reported he's prepared to lob 1bn US at a campaign.
    So taking into account the paucity of quality candidates, would he have a chance this time? Frankly, it's probably America's best (or least worst) hope.
  • edited February 2016
    Marxism does not work because those who work hard or are innovative enough to create wealth naturally want more than those who don't. This because all people are not the same. If you have too heavy taxation then the wealth creators (business) don't bother to try and then who pays for your welfare state?

    This is not wrong, every nation that claimed to prescribe to a Marxist policy in the 20th Century has failed, and those that still pertain to have Marxist influences are only Communist by name (see China) or are slowly moving towards a more liberal, democratic, capitalist society (see Cuba). Although many models of Marxism have been fraught with the issues that come with Totalitarianism, and there may be room for a form of democratic Marxism in politics.

    Why Are there more African Americans in prison? Is it possibly because they commit per capita more crimes or are you saying that Americans are so racist that they deliberately pick on the disadvantaged Afro Americans who are innocent all the time ?

    Racial discrimination is something the USA has consistently had an issue with. Time and time again we hear about racial tensions between the police and African Americans, and yet again they are at an all time high. I don't have the statistics, but I would hazard a guess that there is a correlation between an individuals personal wealth and their chances of committing a crime, irregardless of race. It just so happens that many African Americans are lower earners than their white counterparts. America could therefore look at adopting policy that seeks to improve the wealth of it's poorest citizens to reduce crime. You could argue pursuing that kind of policy could be Marxist, or Socialist.

    Although I will agree there is one place Communism is working to some extent - North Korea. Not sure the people are that happy though!

    See my earlier point about Totalitarianism.

    We've definitely gone off topic here.
  • SDAddick said:

    I just looked up definition and sorry I had no idea that nonce means paedo. Obama for me is a Politician who has taken Political Correctness to a new level whilst trying to please and get on side with every minority , in my opinion, he has forgotten the Majority. Typical Socialist.

    Since you're on definitions, look up Socialist. I am a Marxist (left of Socialist though we share some ground), I am an opponent of Capitalism who believes in a board welfare state and a distribution of wealth through heavy taxation or other methods*.

    Barrack Obama is a Capitalist who largely believes that the market, with some guidance, will sort out what is best for society. He's had some half-hearted Keynesian moments, but they were derided by the best Keynesian economist, the Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman.

    One need only look at his healthcare plan (often derided as socialist) to see this. Instead of killing a marketplace for healthcare, he expanded it. Drastically. Instead of collective bargaining for prescription drugs he introduced tax breaks for pharma and biopharma. So what we're left with is skyrocketing premiums and increased profits within the health insurance industry. You know times are good when one of the largest insurers, Aetna, is taking over another, Humana, of whom I am a former employee. Times have never been better for these free market enterprises, whose customer case expanded under the Affordable Care Act, the cost of which they have successfully pushed on to individuals, employers, and doctors.

    It's a great system. Next time you get sick, you're more than welcome to come round to mine.

    Also, under Obama, the standard of living for African Americans has declined, while there has been a sharp increase in prison populations, specifically amongst, you guessed it, African American men. He has also deported more immigrants than any other president. Not to mention the fact that he has expanded domestic surveillance and continued drone strikes against individuals in sovereign nations, which makes him a war criminal. On the subject of which, his administration refused to prosecute their predecessors, who were, without any ambiguity, war criminals, which in my mind would make them accomplices after the fact.

    In terms of social and domestic programs, I'd say he's slightly to the right of Richard Nixon.

    Honestly, he's the best president of my life so far (born in '86), but that really doesn't take much.

    *The aforementioned "other method" of wealth redistribution
    I agree that beyond his personal symbolism Obama has been poor but then again compared to his predecessor he is like FDR and Lincoln rolled into one. You're description of the healthcare situation was very interesting it sounds like pork barrel politics trumped idealism very early in Barack's presidency.
  • Why Are there more African Americans in prison? Is it possibly because they commit per capita more crimes or are you saying that Americans are so racist that they deliberately pick on the disadvantaged Afro Americans who are innocent all the time ?

    Racial discrimination is something the USA has consistently had an issue with. Time and time again we hear about racial tensions between the police and African Americans, and yet again they are at an all time high. I don't have the statistics, but I would hazard a guess that there is a correlation between an individuals personal wealth and their chances of committing a crime, irregardless of race. It just so happens that many African Americans are lower earners than their white counterparts. America could therefore look at adopting policy that seeks to improve the wealth of it's poorest citizens to reduce crime. You could argue pursuing that kind of policy could be Marxist, or Socialist.

    What would be interesting would be to have a statistical analysis/comparison of low income white people to see if they commit as much crime as their Afro American counterparts. I have no idea what the results might be.
  • Why Are there more African Americans in prison? Is it possibly because they commit per capita more crimes or are you saying that Americans are so racist that they deliberately pick on the disadvantaged Afro Americans who are innocent all the time ?

    This would be far too obvious and politically incorrect to say for anyone in this day and age, let a lone Obama.
  • Leuth said:

    Yeah, it's genetic. They're simply inherent criminals. Cretin.

    I've scrolled back 3 pages now and up to this post I can't see the word genetic anywhere, that's strange..
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  • Leuth said:

    Yeah, it's genetic. They're simply inherent criminals. Cretin.

    Most of the people in U.S. jails, irrespective of race, have already passed through the criminal justice system at least once. Most, if not convicted of a violent crime are released on probation wherever possible, the judges bending over backwards to avoid incarceration for a first offence. Those in jail are therefore most often, the repeat offenders.
  • What causes crime?
  • Trump's popularity for the most part, is a direct consequence of him be able to fund his own campaign. He doesn't have to say what he is expected to say by campaign contributors because he doesn't have any. He says what a lot of people are thinking, the way they are thinking it.
  • Leuth said:

    What causes crime?

    People make a bad choice.
  • limeygent said:

    Leuth said:

    Yeah, it's genetic. They're simply inherent criminals. Cretin.

    Most of the people in U.S. jails, irrespective of race, have already passed through the criminal justice system at least once. Most, if not convicted of a violent crime are released on probation wherever possible, the judges bending over backwards to avoid incarceration for a first offence. Those in jail are therefore most often, the repeat offenders.
    Allen Stanford is an exception I think :P

  • limeygent said:

    Trump's popularity for the most part, is a direct consequence of him be able to fund his own campaign. He doesn't have to say what he is expected to say by campaign contributors because he doesn't have any. He says what a lot of people are thinking, the way they are thinking it.

    Completely disagree with the first point, his ability to fund his campaign is nowhere near as significant as his popularity. Jeb! has a LOT of money given his political family and their friends, but he is struggling terribly.

    You're absolutely right when you say he says what a lot of people are thinking. There is a minority in America who are THAT sexist, racist, and homophobic (homophobia is so blasé in the Republican field that Trump had to one-up it). I have a lot of friends here in California who are shocked and horrified by the things Trump says and his popularity, but frankly, I'm surprised they're surprised.

    I would argue that the American dream is being able to ascend the social class ladder by one-to-two rungs, and to transform yourself from the marginalized to the marginalizer. A theme throughout our history has been set of immigrants come, they are persecuted, they work to overcome persecution, new set of immigrants come, old immigrants now have people below them to persecute. Islamaphobia is simply the latest trend. Before that (and still to some extent) it was hispanics, and you can go back to times when it was Jews, Irish, Italians, Poles, Russians, etc. etc. etc. And those examples are just amongst caucasians.

    For more on America's institutionalized racism: The Case for Reparations. I highly recommend this, it is an incredibly insightful look into the continuing institutionalized racism in America:
  • Oh brother...
  • SDAddick said:

    limeygent said:

    Trump's popularity for the most part, is a direct consequence of him be able to fund his own campaign. He doesn't have to say what he is expected to say by campaign contributors because he doesn't have any. He says what a lot of people are thinking, the way they are thinking it.

    You're absolutely right when you say he says what a lot of people are thinking. There is a minority in America who are THAT sexist, racist, and homophobic (homophobia is so blasé in the Republican field that Trump had to one-up it). I have a lot of friends here in California who are shocked and horrified by the things Trump says and his popularity, but frankly, I'm surprised they're surprised.

    (Hand over face).
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  • It Doesn't matter who wins, it'll all end in tears.
  • Surely they can't let that moron run the US?

    I hope so. Then the UK might have to reconsider it's ass kissing.
  • edited February 2016

    Maybe. At least he doesn't sidestep the important issues or try to be everybody's friend like the current nonce.

    When you say "nonce" do you mean Obama is a child sex offender?

    Or is that your "go to" insult?

    Mine is "knob" by the way.

  • edited February 2016

    Maybe. At least he doesn't sidestep the important issues or try to be everybody's friend like the current nonce.

    When you say "nonce" do you mean Obama is a child sex offender?

    Or is that your "go to" insult?

    Mine is "knob" by the way.

    If you scroll back I've Already said I didn't know nonce meant paedo. Yes it was my "go to" insult but now I know the definition I will only use it when appropriate. I will now have to choose another word to express my distaste which doesn't offend anyone, after all we've all seen the horrific consequences of offending people who take offence. By the way in this PC world we live in is anyone actually allowed to call a knob a knob if they are one? sorry if I have offended anyone with that word !
  • Maybe. At least he doesn't sidestep the important issues or try to be everybody's friend like the current nonce.

    When you say "nonce" do you mean Obama is a child sex offender?

    Or is that your "go to" insult?

    Mine is "knob" by the way.

    Dinlow or String are mine, but Nonce is a solid choice.

  • If you scroll back I've Already said I didn't know nonce meant paedo. Yes it was my "go to" insult but now I know the definition I will only use it when appropriate. I will now have to choose another word to express my distaste which doesn't offend anyone, after all we've all seen the horrific consequences of offending people who take offence. By the way in this PC world we live in is anyone actually allowed to call a knob a knob if they are one? sorry if I have offended anyone with that word !

    I liked your post because to be fair, you corrected yourself earlier, I didn't know what it meant either, and would have been happy to drop it.

    As for the "PC World" comment (that used to be a rubbish computer store in the states btw). Genuinely, in the last 15 years I have never heard anyone say, "that is not politically correct" to call someone else's expressions out, I have only heard it in opposition, "I am not politically correct."

    So if we're going to extract meaning from this, I think this is a good example. Our politically correct world was asking why you were calling Obama a pedophile, which is a pretty serious accusation. Or, if you're the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the equivalent to calling someone gay.

    You have every right to call him what you wish, I believe I called (or insinuated) he was a war criminal in an earlier post, but seemingly what we're asking is, back up your barb. In this case, it was a mistake, but I hope you take the point.
  • As if Trump would be making any important decisions if he got into power anyway.
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