Wilbraham throws back to Henderson, and RH side of his area clears it away.
Beyond Reza, Jacko wins from SMith's header, Cousins wide right to Solly, touches to Reza but Smith cuts out, Reza wins back and Makienok back to him edge of area but Flint clears.
Up to Bryan, follows Baker, Elliott Bennett - in his path but we clear for their throw.
Baker forward to take it halfway in our half, RH side, down the line for Kodjia, Cousins heads first,... Pack turns to Smith, big cross field to Freeman, fox across, back to Ayling, back to Pack, Flint after pressure from Reza.
Chips it looking for Bennett, Fox but Smith wins it, back to Pack, switches to Bryan, Solly closes and gets there first, lines it to Lookman and back again, ball to Cousins, Lookman 1-2 - reverse leaves Cousins short but he's... working, penalised for a tussle.
sarr boots it out for a throw. city attack us long diagonal for them works, fox on back foot, we crowd defence, they switch it about, sustain the pressure, but solly there, helped by lookman cousins and lookman again and ends with cousins fouling ref calls over jacko and cousins for a chat
Lined, pack to WIlbraham to CKodjia - Smith right Ayling, then Freeman but no, ball it out... we cleared but only to Smith, right to Ayling, Lookman tracks back but Ayling again, some gets a foot on it, 1-2... Reza forces them back, Fox cuts out - battle with Freeman, Vaz Te clears only for their throw. Foul throw apparently.
But city again, attack us, and they sustain a half defended situation, lookman having to come back to help city look to attack wide, and vaz te hooks it out throw in is a mess and a foul throw our throw yay
We have a throw in our half, LH side, Fox to Makienok, under pressure from Ayling - Lennon gets there first... corner of the area for them, Kodjia on Sarr from RFreeman's cross but no... Bryan on our right, Solly can only give away a corner. Their ball.
Smith clears, Flint from Jacko... our throw halfway LH side though. Fox into JJ, comes back, SMith's road there but ball cut out by Lennon from Flint, we head up, Lookman picks up their header... Smith away from Reza though, Bennett lines to Kodjia, RH side and cuts in, beats the man, Wilbraham somehow misses it from Kodjia's great turning of Lennon.
Hendo GK up to... Bookman squirted to him and Smith, no, continues, ball forward is panicked, Ghoochannejhad down the right, Sarr... nope, apparently it's their FK for something.
Beyond Reza, Jacko wins from SMith's header, Cousins wide right to Solly, touches to Reza but Smith cuts out, Reza wins back and Makienok back to him edge of area but Flint clears.
Up to Bryan, follows Baker, Elliott Bennett - in his path but we clear for their throw.
Chips it looking for Bennett, Fox but Smith wins it, back to Pack, switches to Bryan, Solly closes and gets there first, lines it to Lookman and back again, ball to Cousins, Lookman 1-2 - reverse leaves Cousins short but he's... working, penalised for a tussle.
city attack us
long diagonal for them works, fox on back foot, we crowd defence, they switch it about, sustain the pressure, but solly there, helped by lookman
cousins and lookman again
and ends with cousins fouling
ref calls over jacko and cousins for a chat
city look to attack wide, and vaz te hooks it out
throw in is a mess and a foul throw
our throw
get a cross from the situation, and win a corner.
on the city right, danger
and Wilbraham hits it over from a good opportunity
came from a run directly at lennon
last warning for sarr but not a booking
foul against kodjer who is a danger here