You apologised for someone swearing at her because of the shit job she's doing running the club into the ground and disrespecting the fans.
It defies belief it really does. Acting like that gives her basis to think 'it's only 2% everyone else is fine'
Oh do fuck off. He said "I apologise that people said that to you". Very much the politician's "sorry-not-sorry" apology i.e. "Sorry I made you feel that way" without actually being sorry at all.
And it's fair enough, I don't want to hear people in the crowds shouting about her getting raped (one bloke who I didn't clock, one time, by the way).
I wonder how the hell our club was saved in the way it was with some of the fans we have, some people literally don't see the problem.. It's not results related, it's not manager related, it's not player related. It's the bigger picture, it's the whole ownership, it's the lies, it's the divide it has created amongst our fans, it's the embarrassment we are being put through and then we get the blame for it or WE have to do the rallying of the players, or WE are embarrassing. We're being taken for a ride, a sick social experiment ride; and I'm done with it.
It's never good to start intimidating a woman though mate is it,
Shows a lack class and belittles the objective. There will be no steam roller effect to win this,
It's not a 15 min pavement dance with amother set of lads, needs to be more structured and planned, Right now people should be actively looking for consortiums to offer a solution financially as an alternative and to tempt roly to sell up, but right now it was only 300 it was well advertised the weather wasn't shit and still only a small % turned up of the Greater fan Base, more attended a meeting in a hall on a non match day that to me shows the biggest issue to overcome, not km and Rd but there is more issues becoming one to resolve first
Also a bloke on twitter saying the press tweets really don't reflect what happened. I've definitely been guilty of getting too worked up this evening, but think we probably need to calm down and wait for the video as others have suggested.
You apologised for someone swearing at her because of the shit job she's doing running the club into the ground and disrespecting the fans.
It defies belief it really does. Acting like that gives her basis to think 'it's only 2% everyone else is fine'
Oh do fuck off. He said "I apologise that people said that to you". Very much the politician's "sorry-not-sorry" apology i.e. "Sorry I made you feel that way" without actually being sorry at all.
And it's fair enough, I don't want to hear people in the crowds shouting about her getting raped (one bloke who I didn't clock, one time, by the way).
The thing is she has been so closed off and insular (ignoring emails as one example) and outright lied to us for long enough. The one I don't think she can really ever recover from is the porker about having 20 something people spoken to before appointing Guy Luzon. I don't think anyone expects to be told the inner workings of the day to day running of things but her lack of awareness is astonishing. Football is a passionate thing. When you treat people like morons you will eventually get called a wanker from time to time.
"the job is the job, but you remain a human being, and deserve respect for that".
I really wish you hadn't said that.
I said it personally one to one after the meeting, and I mean it. Indeed my line was more that what actions you take and such like is one thing, but I am sorry that she has been personally attacked, because actually I am. It wasn't said publically, although earlier I did say publically that any personal abuse was wrong, and that I felt sorry about it, and that 99% of Charlton fans do not want this personal stuff to happen....or words to that effect. Now I accept that many will think I shouldn't have said any of that stuff, she ought to be tough enough, heat and kitchens and so on, but I simply wanted to say it and I did. I don't think I have been treacherous in saying what I did, but in the moment as it were I said such stuff and I can't change it now.
So it seems that the News Shopper failed completely to tweet an accurate picture of the Q&A. It has now created an article based around people's predictable fury at what the NS did tweet.
But then again, someone from the club invited them....
Ok so whoever said they were ashamed of charlton fans protesting. I hope I never need to rely on you in a tight spot
And asking Jackson about his goal... There is nothing I can say about that without using vulgarity. Extreme vulgarity.
This is why other clubs take the piss out of us and while some of you might enjoy being called anoraks or trainspotters and be proud of smiling happily as the remaining entrails of our club are sucked out by these worms.
Never be afraid to ask questions, it separates us from the animals and brings people like Miere to account. I'm actually ashamed whoever asked them questions didn't know the mood and desire for answers or at the very least to make the patsies wriggle and draw information out of then like puss from a wound.
There are plenty of opportunities to be matey with players at supporters group meetings. This was nothing of the sort and those in attendance had a duty to not be sycophantic. Scabs
Ive never met you Carter, but if I do I owe you a beer for that post. Excellent! I just read through tonight's meeting thread and I am appalled at that piece of (edited) CEOs thoughts of us as fans of our great club, it's not a fucking political game you (edited), its OUR football club, why spin JJ into the equation? The CEO just has no idea why we protested on Saturday, Instead of saying she understands she attacks us. I am equally appalled at some of the fans questions and applauding her at the end, what the fuck were you thinking about? Can't you see what is happening here? Really? Richard Murray, you have no credibility here any more, all you have done for our club has been eroded in less then 2 short years, just go away. It's obvious to a blind and deaf bloke that they already have KF shoehorned into the managers chair, they do not give a flying fuck about us as fans, not a toss. Carters post is THE warning, sit up, then stand up, then walk out at home to Ipswich. All of us, every bloody fan!
And it's fair enough, I don't want to hear people in the crowds shouting about her getting raped (one bloke who I didn't clock, one time, by the way).
I don't think you'll get permission for a plane.
We would need to raise it with Sky Sports as the TV coverage is key.
Shows a lack class and belittles the objective. There will be no steam roller effect to win this,
It's not a 15 min pavement dance with amother set of lads, needs to be more structured and planned, Right now people should be actively looking for consortiums to offer a solution financially as an alternative and to tempt roly to sell up, but right now it was only 300 it was well advertised the weather wasn't shit and still only a small % turned up of the Greater fan Base, more attended a meeting in a hall on a non match day that to me shows the biggest issue to overcome, not km and Rd but there is more issues becoming one to resolve first
Are we sure we can't do it? Is it worth a call?
Now I accept that many will think I shouldn't have said any of that stuff, she ought to be tough enough, heat and kitchens and so on, but I simply wanted to say it and I did.
I don't think I have been treacherous in saying what I did, but in the moment as it were I said such stuff and I can't change it now.
But then again, someone from the club invited them....
Colin. Where does the 300 figure come from ?
The movies?
Thought your funeral idea was better and more doable. You given up on that?
The movies?
300 one week 400 the next. 600 then 700 that's how it's done. It takes time. 3 of us will be there for the Leeds game.
I just read through tonight's meeting thread and I am appalled at that piece of (edited) CEOs thoughts of us as fans of our great club, it's not a fucking political game you (edited), its OUR football club, why spin JJ into the equation? The CEO just has no idea why we protested on Saturday, Instead of saying she understands she attacks us.
I am equally appalled at some of the fans questions and applauding her at the end, what the fuck were you thinking about? Can't you see what is happening here? Really?
Richard Murray, you have no credibility here any more, all you have done for our club has been eroded in less then 2 short years, just go away.
It's obvious to a blind and deaf bloke that they already have KF shoehorned into the managers chair, they do not give a flying fuck about us as fans, not a toss.
Carters post is THE warning, sit up, then stand up, then walk out at home to Ipswich.
All of us, every bloody fan!